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<img href=""><img src="" alt="Material Demo"/></a>

# Gatsby Theme Material

[`gatsby-theme-material`]( is a [Material Design]( oriented blog theme for [GatsbyJS]( equipped with advanced features such as SEO, image optimization, PWA capabilities and infinite scrolling feeds.

The theme uses [`gatsby-theme-advanced`]( under the hood.

## Previews

![Material Preview](./docs/material-demo.png)

[Material Demo](

Visit [`gatsby-theme-material`]( for details regarding on how it was built using [`gatsby-theme-advanced`](

## Features

- Gatsby v4 support
- First class TypeScript support (for query data and components exposed by the theme)
- [Material UI V5]( components
- [Emotion]( used for styling
- Posts in MDX
  - Code syntax highlighting
  - Embed videos
  - Embed iframes
- Infinite Scrolling
- React Query for client side API calls
- Tags
  - Separate page for posts under each tag
- Categories
  - Separate page for posts under each category
- Social features
  - Twitter tweet button
  - Facebook share/share count
  - Reddit share/share count
  - LinkedIn share button
- Author section
- Related posts computation and display based on category/tag match ranking
- [Disqus]( support via [`gatsby-theme-advanced`](
- [gatsby-plugin-image]( for optimized image generation
- Inline SVG imports
- High configurability
- Separate components for everything:
  - Gatsby Link utilities
  - SEO
  - Disqus
- PWA features
  - Offline support
  - Web App Manifest support
  - Loading progress for slow networks
  - [Google gtag.js]( support
  - Sitemap generation
  - General description tags
  - [Google Structured Data](
  - [OpenGraph Tags (Facebook/Google+/Pinterest)](
  - [Twitter Tags (Twitter Cards)](
- RSS feeds

## Usage

Install the theme via:

npm install gatsby-theme-material


yarn add gatsby-theme-material

Take a look at [`Gatsby Material Starter`]( which can help you to kickstart your development process.

To configure the theme, consult the [Configuration](#configuration) section.

Make sure you are familiar with [GatsbyJS]( documentation for themes, in particular:

- [What Are Gatsby Themes?](
- [Using a Gatsby Theme](
- [Using Multiple Gatsby Themes]( for combining this theme with others
- [Shadowing in Gatsby Themes]( for customizing this theme

## Configuration

To configure the theme edit your `gatsby-config.js`:

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      resolve: `gatsby-theme-material`,
      options: {
        basePath: `/blog`,

Available options are:

const config: SiteConfig = {
  // Website configuration
  website: {
    title: "Gatsby Material Starter", // Homepage title
    titleShort: "Material Blog", // Short site title for homescreen (PWA). Preferably should be under 12 characters to prevent truncation
    name: "Gatsby Material Starter", // Website name used for homescreen (PWA) and SEO
    description: "A GatsbyJS starter equipped with material design.", // Website description used for RSS feeds/meta description tag
    language: "en", // Sets the global HTML lang attribute
    logoUrl: "/logos/logo-1024.png", // Logo used for SEO
    fbAppId: "APP_ID", // FB Application ID for using app insights
    twitterName: "Vagr9K", // Twitter handle of the website
    url: "", // Domain of your website without the pathPrefix
    rss: "/rss.xml", // Path to the RSS file
    rssTitle: "Gatsby Material Starter RSS Feed", // Title of the RSS feed

    googleAnalyticsId: "UA-VALIDID", // GA tracking ID
    copyright: "© Copyright 2021 | Advanced User", // Copyright string for the footer of the website and RSS feed.

    themeColor: "#D83850", // Used for setting manifest and progress theme colors.
    backgroundColor: "#F7F7F7", // Used for setting manifest background color.

  // User configuration
  user: {
    id: "MaterialUser", // Unique identifier of the user on the website. Used for OpenGraph SEO tags
    firstName: "Material", // Used for SEO
    lastName: "User", // Used for SEO
    twitterName: "Vagr9K", // Twitter username used for SEO
    linkedIn: "your-linkedin", // Used for contact information
    github: "vagr9k", // Used for contact information
    email: "", // Used for contact information and displayed in the RSS feed
    location: "User Location", // User location used for SEO
    about: "A full-stack web developer looking for a challenge!", // User information used for the author section
    avatar: "", // User avatar used for the author section

  // Organization information used for SEO
  organization: {
    name: "Organization Name",
    description: "Organization description",
    logoUrl: "/logos/logo-512.png",
    url: "", // URL of the organization website

  // Gatsby Configuration
  pathPrefix: "/", // Prefixes all links. For cases when deployed to

  contentDir: undefined, // Directory for MDX posts. Defaults to "content".
  assetDir: undefined, // Asset directory. Defaults to "static".

  embeddedImageWidth: 768, // MDX embedded image width. Used by gatsby-plugin-image for optimization
  embeddedVideoWidth: 920, // MDX embedded video width in pixels

  iconPath: undefined, // Icon used for manifest icon creation.
  iconList: [], // Icons used for the web manifest. Can be used to override iconPath for a more pixel perfect control.
  iconCachePaths: undefined, // Glob pattern path for the icons to be cached by the gatsby-plugin-offline

  basePath: undefined, // Base path for mounting pages. Allows for multiple themes to be used in a single website.

## Demo

[Source Code](

[Live Preview](

# Author

Ruben Harutyunyan ([@Vagr9K](