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import AutoComplete from '../components/Input/AutoCompleteTextInput';
import TextInput from '../components/Input/TextInput';
import { FileInput } from '../components/Input/FileInput';
import { Checkbox, CheckboxSansTitleCase } from '../components/Input/Checkbox';
import { ShirtSlider, Slider } from '../components/Input/Slider';
import Calendar from '../components/Input/Calendar';
import { Gender, ShirtSize } from '../generated/graphql';
import { Boolean } from '../components/Input/Boolean';

export const questions = [
        category: 'demographicInfo',
        fields: [
                Component: TextInput,
                fieldName: 'firstName',
                placeholder: 'John',
                title: 'First Name',
                Component: TextInput,
                fieldName: 'preferredName',
                optional: true,
                placeholder: 'Jane',
                title: 'Preferred Name',
                Component: TextInput,
                fieldName: 'lastName',
                placeholder: 'Smith',
                title: 'Last Name',
                Component: Slider,
                fieldName: 'gender',
                optional: true,
                options: [Gender.Female, Gender.Male, Gender.Other, Gender.PreferNotToSay],
                other: true,
                sortOrder: 5,
                title: 'Gender',
            // {
            //     Component: Checkbox,
            //     fieldName: 'dietaryRestrictions',
            //     optional: true,
            //     options: [
            //         DietaryRestriction.GlutenFree,
            //         DietaryRestriction.Vegetarian,
            //         DietaryRestriction.Vegan,
            //         DietaryRestriction.LactoseAllergy,
            //         DietaryRestriction.NutAllergy,
            //         DietaryRestriction.Halal,
            //         DietaryRestriction.Kosher,
            //     ],
            //     sortOrder: 6,
            //     title: 'Dietary Restrictions',
            // },
                Component: TextInput,
                fieldName: 'phoneNumber',
                placeholder: '(615) 555-1234',
                sortOrder: 3,
                title: 'Phone Number',
                type: 'tel',
                validation: '^(\\(?\\+?[0-9]*\\)?)?[0-9_\\- \\(\\)]*$',
                Component: Calendar,
                fieldName: 'dateOfBirth',
                placeholder: '01/01/2000',
                title: 'Date of Birth',
                Component: AutoComplete,
                fieldName: 'school',
                note: 'If not found, please type the name.',
                options: import('./data/institutions.json'),
                title: 'School',
                Component: AutoComplete,
                fieldName: 'major',
                options: import('./data/majors.json'),
                placeholder: 'If not found, please type the name.',
                title: 'What is your major area of study?',
                Component: Slider,
                default: '2025',
                fieldName: 'gradYear',
                options: ['2022', '2023', '2024', '2025', 'Other'],
                other: true,
                title: 'Graduation Year',
                type: 'number',
                Component: Checkbox,
                default: '',
                fieldName: 'race',
                note: 'Choose all that apply.',
                options: [
                    'American Indian or Alaskan Native',
                    'Black or African American',
                    'White or Caucasian',
                    'Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander',
                    'Prefer not to answer',
                title: 'What is your race/ethnicity?',
        title: 'Demographic Information',
        category: 'application',
        fields: [
                Component: Checkbox,
                default: '',
                fieldName: 'motivation',
                note: 'Choose all that apply.',
                options: [
                    'Get an intro to coding',
                    'Create a project',
                    'Have some fun with other people in the tech community',
                    'Internship opportunities',
                    'Other Reason',
                title: 'What do you hope to gain from VandyHacks?',
            // {
            //     Component: TextInput,
            //     fieldName: 'favArtPiece',
            //     note:
            //         "This year's theme revolves around creativity and art. Put in your favorite work of art and you may see it used in our decor!",
            //     title: 'Favorite work of art',
            // },
            // {
            //     Component: TextArea,
            //     fieldName: 'essay1',
            //     note:
            //         'Please write between 50 and 200 words. Your response will help us find creative, diverse attendees!',
            //     title: 'What do you find beautiful?',
            // },
            // {
            //     Component: Boolean,
            //     fieldName: 'volunteer',
            //     title: 'Would you like to be contacted about volunteering at the event?',
            // },
                Component: Boolean,
                fieldName: 'lightningTalk',
                    "Have something you'd really like to share at our event? Give a short five-minute talk!",
                Component: FileInput,
                fieldName: 'resume',
                note: '(pdf only) Your resume will be shared with sponsors',
                title: 'Resume',
                Component: CheckboxSansTitleCase,
                fieldName: 'codeOfConduct',
                options: [
                    'I have read and agree to the <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="">MLH Code of Conduct</a>',
                title: 'Code of Conduct',
                Component: CheckboxSansTitleCase,
                fieldName: 'hackathonWaiver',
                options: [
                    'I have read and agree to the <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href=""> VandyHacks VIII Waiver</a>',
                title: 'Hackathon Waiver',
                Component: CheckboxSansTitleCase,
                fieldName: 'infoSharingConsent',
                options: [
                    'I authorize you to share my application/registration information for event administration, ranking, MLH administration, pre- and post-event informational emails, and occasional emails about hackathons in line with the MLH Privacy Policy. I further agree to the terms of both the <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="">MLH Contest Terms and Conditions</a> and the <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="">MLH Privacy Policy</a>.',
                title: 'Information sharing consent',
        title: 'Hacker Application',
        category: 'Shipping',
        fields: [
                Component: TextInput,
                fieldName: 'address1',
                title: 'Address Line 1',
                    'We use your address to ship swag. This is optional. Currently, we can only ship inside the US.',
                optional: true,
                placeholder: `The Wond'ry`,
                Component: TextInput,
                fieldName: 'address2',
                title: 'Address Line 2',
                optional: true,
                placeholder: '2414 Highland Avenue',
                Component: TextInput,
                fieldName: 'city',
                title: 'City',
                optional: true,
                placeholder: 'Nashville',
                Component: AutoComplete,
                fieldName: 'state',
                placeholder: 'Tennessee',
                note: 'If not found, please type the abbreviation.',
                optional: true,
                options: import('./data/states.json'),
                title: 'State',
                Component: TextInput,
                placeholder: '37235',
                fieldName: 'zip',
                optional: true,
                title: 'Zip',
                Component: ShirtSlider,
                fieldName: 'shirtSize',
                optional: true,
                options: [ShirtSize.Xs, ShirtSize.S, ShirtSize.M, ShirtSize.L, ShirtSize.Xl, ShirtSize.Xxl],
                other: true,
                sortOrder: 4,
                title: 'T-Shirt Size',
        title: 'Shipping',
    // {
    //     category: 'travel',
    //     fields: [
    //         {
    //             Component: Boolean,
    //             fieldName: 'reimbursementRequired',
    //             note: "Answering 'Yes' here does not guarantee any reimbursement",
    //             optional: true,
    //             title: 'Do you require travel reimbursement to get to VandyHacks?',
    //         },
    //         {
    //             Component: Boolean,
    //             fieldName: 'travelInfoSharingConsent',
    //             note: 'Information will be shared to facilitate carpooling',
    //             optional: true,
    //             title: 'May we share your name and email with others coming from your school/city?',
    //         },
    //         {
    //             Component: Slider,
    //             fieldName: 'transportationMode',
    //             optional: true,
    //             options: ['Car', 'Bus', 'Plane', 'Blimp'],
    //             title: 'How do you plan on getting to VandyHacks?',
    //         },
    //         {
    //             Component: Boolean,
    //             fieldName: 'travelAdmissionConsent',
    //             note: "Please acknowledge this by clicking 'Yes'",
    //             optional: true,
    //             title:
    //                 'If you are purchasing a non-refundable ticket for long distance travel, we can offer guaranteed admission if you email along with a request and a receipt for your travel.',
    //         },
    //     ],
    //     title: 'Travel Reimbursement',
    // },

export const requiredFields = [
    // 'shirtSize',
    // 'essay1',
    // 'volunteer',

export default questions;