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import { fromURL, CalendarResponse, CalendarComponent, VEvent } from 'node-ical';
import { UserInputError } from 'apollo-server-express';
import { ObjectID } from 'mongodb';
import { EventUpdateInput, EventDbObject, CompanyDbObject } from '../generated/graphql';
import { Models } from '../models';
import { EventUpdate } from '../../client/routes/events/ManageEventTypes';
import logger from '../logger';

const POINTS_REGEX = /Points:?[\s\n]+?([0-9]*)/;

// Simplified VEvent type because it was overly obtuse and dramatically hindered mocks for testing
export type SimplifiedVEvent = Pick<
    'summary' | 'start' | 'end' | 'location' | 'description' | 'uid'

const filterByCalType = (
    objNames: (keyof CalendarResponse)[],
    cal: CalendarResponse,
    type: string
): string[] => {
    return objNames.filter(obj => cal[obj].type === type).map(key => `${key}`);

const filterCalByObjectNames = (
    objNames: (keyof CalendarResponse)[],
    cal: CalendarResponse
): CalendarComponent[] => {
    return => cal[key]);

export const transformCalEventToDBUpdate = (event: SimplifiedVEvent): EventUpdate => {
    if (!event.start && !event.end) {
        throw new TypeError('Calendar event did not contain start or end timestamp');
    // Either start or end may be undefined, but not both due to guard above.
    // Fall back to whatever is defined if one is missing.
    // This may happen if the event has exactly 0 duration in Google Calendar.
    const parsedStart = event.start ?? (event.end as Date);
    const parsedEnd = event.end ?? (event.start as Date);
    let parsedScore = 0;
    if (POINTS_REGEX.test(event.description)) {
        const result = POINTS_REGEX.exec(event.description);
        try {
            parsedScore = parseInt((result ?? [])[1], 10);
        } catch (e) {
                `No point value found for event ${event} or could not parse ${(result ?? [])[1]} as int`
    const parsedType = /\[(.*?)\]/.exec(event.description); // Looks for a **single** [Event Type] tag in name
    return {
        name: event.summary,
        startTimestamp: parsedStart.toISOString(),
        duration: Math.floor((parsedEnd.getTime() - parsedStart.getTime()) / (1000 * 60)),
        description: event.description.replace(/\s*\[(.*?)\]\s*/, ''), // Removes the [Event Type] tag in name
        location: event.location,
        eventType: parsedType != null ? parsedType[1] : '',
        eventScore: parsedScore,
        gcalID: event.uid,
    } as EventUpdate;

export async function pullCalendar(calendarID: string | undefined): Promise<EventUpdate[] | null> {
    if (calendarID) {
        const url = `${calendarID}/public/basic.ics`;
        const cal = await fromURL(url).catch(err => {
            throw new Error(`Could not fetch calendar at URL: ${url}; Error: ${err.message}`);
        const calKeys = Object.keys(cal);
        const eventsKeys = filterByCalType(calKeys, cal, EVENTTYPE);
        const eventsObjects = filterCalByObjectNames(eventsKeys, cal) as VEvent[];
        if (eventsObjects.length === 0) return null;
        const eventsTransformed = VEvent) =>
        return eventsTransformed;
    throw new UserInputError('Calendar ID undefined or null');

 * @param eventInput Object using EventUpdateInput Input type to define what needs to be updated
 * @returns Event
export async function addOrUpdateEvent(
    eventInput: EventUpdateInput,
    models: Models
): Promise<EventDbObject> {
    if (! && !eventInput.gcalID)
        throw new Error('Event update request must contain either its database ID or GCal uid');
    // Create a temp db object using input to keep param header clean (Can't pass in EventDbObject)
    const eventDiffObj = {
        _id: ? new ObjectID( : new ObjectID(), // Use ID to search if requested update contains it, else assume no ID
        attendees: [],
        checkins: [],
        warnRepeatedCheckins: false,
        startTimestamp: new Date(eventInput.startTimestamp),
        duration: eventInput.duration,
        description: eventInput.description,
        location: eventInput.location,
        eventScore: eventInput.eventScore,
        eventType: eventInput.eventType,
        gcalID: eventInput.gcalID,
    } as EventDbObject;
    const { value, lastErrorObject, ok } = await models.Events.findOneAndUpdate(
        eventDiffObj.gcalID ? { gcalID: eventDiffObj.gcalID } : { _id: eventDiffObj._id },
            $set: {
                startTimestamp: eventDiffObj.startTimestamp,
                duration: eventDiffObj.duration,
                description: eventDiffObj.description,
                location: eventDiffObj.location,
                eventType: eventDiffObj.eventType,
                eventScore: eventDiffObj.eventScore,
            $setOnInsert: {
                attendees: [],
                checkins: [],
                warnRepeatedCheckins: true,
            returnOriginal: false,
            upsert: true,

    if (!value || !ok)
        throw new Error(
            `Event ${} <${value}> unsuccessful: ${JSON.stringify(lastErrorObject)}`
    return value;

 * Remove all events from DB that are not in param list eventIDS
 * @param eventIDs list of object event IDs
export async function removeAbsentEvents(eventIDs: ObjectID[], models: Models): Promise<number> {
    const ret = await models.Events.deleteMany({
        $and: [
                _id: {
                    $nin: eventIDs,
            { eventType: { $ne: 'Booth' } },
    if (ret.deletedCount === undefined)
        throw new Error(`Could not remove multiple events: ${eventIDs}}`);
    return ret.deletedCount;

export async function getCompanyEvents(
    companyID: ObjectID,
    models: Models
): Promise<EventDbObject[]> {
    const company = await models.Companies.findOne({ _id: companyID });
    if (company) {
        const events = await models.Events.find({ owner: company }).toArray();
        return events;
    throw new Error('Company not found in database');

export async function checkIdentityForEvent(
    eventID: string,
    companyID: ObjectID,
    models: Models
): Promise<boolean> {
    const companyEvents = await getCompanyEvents(companyID, models);
    const eventIDs = => event._id);
    return eventIDs.some(id => id.equals(eventID));

async function unassignEventFromCompany(
    eventID: string,
    models: Models
): Promise<CompanyDbObject | null> {
    const owningCompany = await models.Companies.findOne({ eventsOwned: eventID });
    if (owningCompany) {
        const companyRet = await models.Companies.updateOne(
            { _id: owningCompany._id },
                $pull: {
                    eventsOwned: eventID,
        if (!companyRet.result.ok)
            throw new Error(`Could not remove event from company ${owningCompany._id.toHexString()}`);
        return owningCompany;
    return null;

export async function assignEventToCompany(
    eventID: string,
    companyID: string,
    models: Models
): Promise<EventDbObject> {
    const eventObjID = new ObjectID(eventID);
    const companyObjID = new ObjectID(companyID);
    const company = await models.Companies.findOne({ _id: companyObjID });
    const event = await models.Events.findOne({ _id: eventObjID });
    if (event && company) {
        const eventRet = await models.Events.findOneAndUpdate(
            { _id: eventObjID },
                $set: {
                    owner: company,
            { returnOriginal: false }
        if (!eventRet.ok || !eventRet.value)
            throw new Error(`Assigning event ${eventID} to company ${companyID} unsuccessful`);
        await unassignEventFromCompany(eventID, models);
        const companyRet = await models.Companies.findOneAndUpdate(
            { _id: companyObjID },
                $addToSet: {
                    eventsOwned: eventObjID.toHexString(),
            { returnOriginal: false }
        if (!companyRet.ok || !companyRet.value)
            throw new Error(`Assigning company ${companyID} with event ${eventID} unsuccessful`);
        return eventRet.value;
    throw new Error('Company or event not found in database');