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Thanks for reporting issues!

To make it easier to solve problems please fill out the Issue Template below.

If you simply want to ask a question remove most of the template before.

### Type of issue

I want to...

 - [ ] ...ask a question
 - [ ] a bug

If you want to report a bug:

### 1. What software version do you use?

Output of `python --version`:

(Paste output here)

Output of `pip show pip setuptools pep272-encryption`:


(Paste full output here)


### 2. What are you trying to do? What are you doing (e.g. share your code)?

### 3. What did you expect?

### 4. What happend instead (e.g. full traceback)?

(Paste full traceback here)

### 5. If possible: What are the minimal steps to reproduce?