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Description : This module converts Partitions into Verigraph structures.
Maintainer  : Andrei Costa <>
module Data.TypedGraph.Partition.ToVerigraph
  ( mountTypedGraphMorphisms
  ) where

{-Converts from GraphPartition to Verigraph structures-}
-- TODO: break this module in two, one for graphs and other for typed graphs?
import qualified Data.Graphs                     as G
import qualified Data.Graphs.Morphism            as GM
import           Data.TypedGraph                 as TG
import qualified Data.TypedGraph.Morphism        as TGM
import           Data.TypedGraph.Partition.Types as GP
import           Data.TypedGraph.Partition.Util  as GP

-- | For two typed graphs and a EpiPair (in Generator format) it returns
-- a pair of TypedGraphMorphism to the epi graph in the verigraph format.
mountTypedGraphMorphisms :: TypedGraph a b -> TypedGraph a b -> GP.GraphPartition -> (TGM.TypedGraphMorphism a b, TGM.TypedGraphMorphism a b)
mountTypedGraphMorphisms tg1 tg2 graphPartition = (mountTGM True tg1, mountTGM False tg2)
    typeGraph = TG.typeGraph tg1
    typedGraph = mountTypedGraph graphPartition typeGraph
    mountTGM side match = TGM.buildTypedGraphMorphism match typedGraph (mountMapping side graphPartition match)

mountGraph :: GP.GraphPartition -> G.Graph (Maybe a) (Maybe b)
mountGraph (nodes,edges) = nodes' edges'
    nodes' = map (\(n:_) -> GP.nodeId n) nodes
    edges' = map (\(e:_) -> (GP.edgeId e, nodeSrc e, nodeTgt e)) edges
    nodeSrc e = GP.nodeId $ GP.getNode (nodeNameAndSource (GP.source e)) nodes
    nodeTgt e = GP.nodeId $ GP.getNode (nodeNameAndSource ( e)) nodes

mountTypedGraph :: GP.GraphPartition -> G.Graph (Maybe a) (Maybe b) -> TypedGraph a b
mountTypedGraph graphPartition typeGraph = GM.buildGraphMorphism graph typeGraph nodes edges
    nodes = map (\(n:_) -> (GP.nodeId n, GP.nodeType n)) (fst graphPartition)
    edges = map (\(e:_) -> (GP.edgeId e, GP.edgeType e)) (snd graphPartition)
    graph = mountGraph graphPartition

mountMapping :: Bool -> GP.GraphPartition -> GM.GraphMorphism (Maybe a) (Maybe b) -> GM.GraphMorphism (Maybe a) (Maybe b)
mountMapping side g@(nodes,edges) m = GM.buildGraphMorphism (GM.domainGraph m) (mountGraph g) nods edgs
    nods = map (\(G.NodeId n) -> (n, nodeId n)) (G.nodeIds (GM.domainGraph m))
    nodeId n = GP.nodeId $ head $ getListContainingNode (side,n) nodes
    edgs = map (\(G.EdgeId e) -> (e, edgeId e)) (G.edgeIds (GM.domainGraph m))
    edgeId e = GP.edgeId $ head $ getListContainingEdge (side,e) edges