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Test Coverage
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
module GrLang.CompilerSpec where

import           Control.Arrow                  ((&&&))
import           Control.Monad
import           Control.Monad.Except           (ExceptT)
import           Control.Monad.Trans
import           Data.Functor.Identity
import           Data.Map                       (Map)
import qualified Data.Map                       as Map
import           Data.String
import           Data.Text                      (Text)
import           Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc      (Pretty (..))
import           System.FilePath
import           Test.Hspec
import           Test.HUnit
import           Test.QuickCheck
import           Test.QuickCheck.Monadic

import           Abstract.Category
import           Abstract.Category.FindMorphism
import           Base.Annotation                (Annotated (..), Located)
import qualified Base.Annotation                as Ann
import           Base.Isomorphic
import           Base.Valid
import           Category.TypedGraph            ()
import qualified Data.DList                     as DList
import qualified Data.Graphs                    as TypeGraph
import           Data.TypedGraph
import qualified Data.TypedGraph.Morphism       as TGraph
import           GrLang.AST
import           GrLang.Compiler
import           GrLang.Monad                   hiding (GrLangState (..))
import qualified GrLang.Monad                   as GrLang
import           GrLang.TestUtils
import           GrLang.Value
import           Rewriting.DPO.TypedGraph
import qualified Util.Map                       as Map

loc :: a -> Located a
loc = A Nothing

instance IsString a => IsString (Located a) where
  fromString = loc . fromString

instance IsString a => IsString (Maybe a) where
  fromString = Just . fromString

instance IsString Metadata where
  fromString s = Metadata (fromString s) Nothing

compileSuccess :: FilePath -> IO (TypeGraph, Map Text (Located Value))
compileSuccess = runSuccess . ioCompile

compileFailure :: FilePath -> IO Error
compileFailure = runFailure . ioCompile

shouldProduceNumberOfErrors :: FilePath -> Int -> Expectation
shouldProduceNumberOfErrors path expected = do
  errors <- compileFailure path
  let obtained = length (DList.toList errors)
  unless (obtained == expected) . assertFailure $
    "Expected " ++ show expected ++ " errors but got only " ++ show obtained ++ ":\n" ++ show (prettyError errors)

ioCompile :: MonadIO m => FilePath -> ExceptT Error (GrLangT m) (TypeGraph, Map Text (Located Value))
ioCompile path = do
  compileFile $ "tests/GrLang/CompilerSpec" </> path
  (,) <$> getTypeGraph <*> getValueContext

spec :: Spec
spec = do
  let vcsTypes = makeTypeGraph ["Revision", "Deps"] [("MDeps", "Revision", "Deps"), ("Dep", "Deps", "Revision")]

  describe "normalizeTypeGraph" $ do
    let tgraphs =
          [ vcsTypes
          , TypeGraph.fromNodesAndEdges
              [ Node 0 "N", Node 1 "N" ]
              [ Edge 0 0 1 "E", Edge 1 0 1 "E" ]
    let ensureNotRepeated :: Show a => Map (Maybe Text) [a] -> Expectation
        ensureNotRepeated namesToIds
          | Prelude.null repeatedNames = return ()
          | otherwise = expectationFailure $ "Repeated names: " ++ show repeatedNames
            repeatedNames = filter ((>1) . length . snd) namesToIds'
            namesToIds' = [ (name, ids) | (Just name, ids) <- Map.toList namesToIds ]
    it "produces output equivalent to input" .
      forM_ tgraphs $ \tg -> normalizeTypeGraph tg `shouldBe` tg
    it "produces output without repeated names" .
      forM_ tgraphs $ \tg -> do
        let tg' = normalizeTypeGraph tg
        let nodeIdToName = map (nodeId &&& nodeExactName) (TypeGraph.nodes tg')
        ensureNotRepeated (Map.inverse nodeIdToName)
        let edgeIdToName = map (edgeId &&& edgeExactName) (TypeGraph.edges tg')
        ensureNotRepeated (Map.inverse edgeIdToName)
    it "doesn't change already normalized values" .
      forM_ tgraphs $ \tg -> do
        let tg' = normalizeTypeGraph tg
        let tg'' = normalizeTypeGraph tg'
        map nodeExactName (TypeGraph.nodes tg'') `shouldBe` map nodeExactName (TypeGraph.nodes tg')
        map edgeExactName (TypeGraph.edges tg'') `shouldBe` map edgeExactName (TypeGraph.edges tg')

  it "compiles a type graph" $ do
    (compiledTGraph, _) <- compileSuccess "vcs-types.grl"
    compiledTGraph `shouldBe` vcsTypes

  describe "compileGraph" $ do
    it "always compiles the result of generation" .
      property . monadic runIdentity $ do
        let tgraph = makeTypeGraph
              ["Revision", "Deps"]
              [ ("MDeps", "Revision", "Deps")
              , ("Dep", "Deps", "Revision")
              , ("Foo", "Revision", "Revision") ]
        -- TODO: replace explicit test cases with pseudo-random generation
        let testCases = map normalizeGraph
              [ fromNodesAndEdges tgraph
                [ (Node 0 "r1", 1), (Node 1 "r2", 1)
                , (Node 2 "d1", 2), (Node 3 "d2", 2)
                , (Node 4 "r3", 1) ]
                [ (Edge 0 0 2 . Just $ Metadata Nothing Nothing, 1)
                , (Edge 1 1 3 . Just $ Metadata Nothing Nothing, 1)
                , (Edge 2 2 1 "d12", 2)
                , (Edge 3 3 4 . Just $ Metadata Nothing Nothing, 2)
                , (Edge 4 0 0 "f1", 3)
                , (Edge 5 0 0 "f2", 3)
                , (Edge 6 0 0 "f3", 3) ]
              , fromNodesAndEdges tgraph
                [ (Node 0 "n1", 1)
                , (Node 1 "n2", 2) ]
                [ (Edge 0 0 1 "e1", 1)
                , (Edge 1 1 0 "e2", 2) ]
              , fromNodesAndEdges tgraph
                [ (Node 0 "n", 1)
                , (Node 1 "n", 2) ]
                [ (Edge 0 0 1 "e", 1)
                , (Edge 1 0 1 "e", 1)]
        graph <- pick (elements testCases)
        testRoundTrip generateGraph compileGraph validate typeGraph tgraph graph

    it "compiles a graph" $ do
      (tgraph, values) <- compileSuccess "case1.grl"
      Map.keys values `shouldBe` ["g"]
      let VGraph g = Ann.drop (values Map.! "g")
      g `shouldBe` fromNodesAndEdges tgraph
          [ (Node 0 "r1", 1), (Node 1 "r2", 1)
          , (Node 2 "d1", 2), (Node 3 "d2", 2)
          , (Node 4 "r3", 1) ]
          [ (Edge 0 0 2 . Just $ Metadata Nothing Nothing, 1)
          , (Edge 1 1 3 . Just $ Metadata Nothing Nothing, 1)
          , (Edge 2 2 1 "d12", 2)
          , (Edge 3 3 4 . Just $ Metadata Nothing Nothing, 2)
          , (Edge 4 0 0 "f1", 3)
          , (Edge 5 0 0 "f2", 3)
          , (Edge 6 0 0 "f3", 3)

    it "allows declaration of new types after graphs" $ do
      (tgraph, values) <- compileSuccess "case2.grl"
      Map.keys values `shouldBe` ["g"]
      let VGraph g = Ann.drop $ values Map.! "g"
      typeGraph g `shouldBe` tgraph
      validate g `shouldBe` IsValid

    it "has access to elements of transitive imports" $ do
      (tgraph, values) <- compileSuccess "case3/main.grl"
      Map.keys values `shouldBe` ["g"]
      let VGraph g = Ann.drop $ values Map.! "g"
      g `shouldBe` fromNodesAndEdges tgraph
        [ (Node 0 "n1", 1)
        , (Node 1 "n2", 1) ]
        [ (Edge 0 0 1 "e1", 1)
        , (Edge 1 0 1 "e2", 1) ]

    it "resolves imported modules relative to the current module's parent" $ do
      (tgraph, values) <- compileSuccess "case4/main.grl"
      Map.keys values `shouldBe` ["g"]
      let VGraph g = Ann.drop $ values Map.! "g"
      g `shouldBe` fromNodesAndEdges tgraph
        [ (Node 0 "n1", 1)
        , (Node 1 "n2", 1) ]
        [ (Edge 0 0 1 "e1", 1)
        , (Edge 1 0 1 "e2", 1) ]

    it "imports each module only once" $ do
      (tgraph, values) <- compileSuccess "case5/main.grl"
      Map.keys values `shouldBe` ["g"]
      let VGraph g = Ann.drop $ values Map.! "g"
      g `shouldBe` fromNodesAndEdges tgraph
        [ (Node 0 "n1", 1)
        , (Node 1 "n2", 1) ]
        [ (Edge 0 0 1 "e1", 1)
        , (Edge 1 0 1 "e2", 1) ]

    it "hides elements that weren't explicitly imported by the current module" $ do
      _ <- compileFailure "case6/main.grl"
      return ()

    it "fails when source or target of edges have invalid types" $
      "case7.grl" `shouldProduceNumberOfErrors` 2

  describe "compileMorphism" $ do

    it "always compiles the result of generation" .
      property . monadic runIdentity $ do
        let tgraph = makeTypeGraph
              ["M", "N"]
              [("MM", "M", "M"), ("MN", "M", "N")]
        -- TODO: replace explicit test cases with pseudo-random generation
        let g1 = parseGraph tgraph
                  " m1 m2 : M; n1 n2: N \
                  \ m1 -m12:MM-> m2; m2 -m22:MM-> m2 \
                  \ m1 -n11:MN-> n1; m2 -n22:MN-> n2 "
        let g2 = parseGraph tgraph
                  " m1 m2 m3 m4 : M \
                  \ n1 n2 n3 n4 : N \
                  \ m1 -m11:MM-> m1; m1 -m12:MM-> m2; m1 -m13:MM-> m3; m1 -n11:MN-> n1 \
                  \ m2 -m22:MM-> m2; m2 -m23:MM-> m3; m2 -n22:MN-> n2; m2 -n12:MN-> n3 \
                  \ m3 -m33:MM-> m3; m3 -m34:MM-> m4; m3 -n34:MN-> n4 \
                  \ m4 -m44:MM-> m4; m4 -m41:MM-> m1; m4 -n44:MN-> n4"
        let testCases = findAllMorphisms g1 g2 :: [GrMorphism] -- This should generate around 14 morphisms
        morph <- pick (elements testCases)
        testRoundTrip generateMorphism (compileMorphism Nothing g1 g2) validate (typeGraph . domain) tgraph morph

    it "compiles a morphism" $ do
      (_, values) <- compileSuccess "case25.grl"
      Map.keys values `shouldBe` ["f", "g", "h"]
      let VMorph f = Ann.drop $ values Map.! "f"
          VGraph g = Ann.drop $ values Map.! "g"
          VGraph h = Ann.drop $ values Map.! "h"
      validate f `shouldBe` IsValid
      domain f `shouldBe` g
      codomain f `shouldBe` h
      TGraph.applyNodeId f 0 `shouldBe` Just 0
      TGraph.applyNodeId f 1 `shouldBe` Just 1
      TGraph.applyEdgeId f 0 `shouldBe` Just 0
      TGraph.applyEdgeId f 1 `shouldBe` Just 0

    it "fails when the named domain or codomain is unknown" $
      "case27.grl" `shouldProduceNumberOfErrors` 2

    it "fails when a domain or codomain is missing" $
      "case28.grl" `shouldProduceNumberOfErrors` 2

    it "fails when the mapping doesn't preserve types" $
      "case30.grl" `shouldProduceNumberOfErrors` 4

    it "fails when the mapping doesn't preserve incidence" $
      "case32.grl" `shouldProduceNumberOfErrors` 3

    it "fails when the mapping involves unknown elements" $
      "case31.grl" `shouldProduceNumberOfErrors` 4

    it "fails when the mapping isn't total" $
       "case33.grl" `shouldProduceNumberOfErrors` 2

  describe "compileRule" $ do

    it "always compiles the result of generation" .
      property . monadic runIdentity $ do
        let tgraph = makeTypeGraph ["N"] [("E","N","N")]
        -- TODO: replace explicit test cases with pseudo-random generation
        let testCases =
              [ [ DeclMatch [DeclNodes ["n1"] "N"]
                , DeclMatch [DeclEdges "n1" [(AnonymousEdge, "E")] "n1"]
                , DeclMatch [DeclNodes ["n2"] "N", DeclEdges "n1" [(AnonymousEdge, "E")] "n2"]
              , [ DeclMatch [DeclNodes ["n1"] "N"]
                , DeclForbid Nothing [DeclNodes ["n3"] "N"]
                , DeclForbid "nodeAndEdge" [DeclNodes ["n2"] "N", DeclEdges "n1" [(AnonymousEdge, "E")] "n2"]
              , [ DeclCreate [DeclNodes ["n1"] "N"]
                , DeclCreate [DeclEdges "n1" [(AnonymousEdge, "E")] "n1"]
                , DeclCreate [DeclNodes ["n2"] "N", DeclEdges "n1" [(AnonymousEdge, "E")] "n2"]
              , [ DeclMatch [DeclNodes ["n1"] "N"]
                , DeclMatch [DeclEdges "n1" [(AnonymousEdge, "E")] "n1"]
                , DeclMatch [DeclNodes ["n2", "n3"] "N", DeclEdges "n1" [(AnonymousEdge, "E")] "n2"]
                , DeclDelete ["n1", "n3"] WithMatchedEdges
                , DeclDelete ["n2"] Isolated
              , [ DeclMatch [DeclNodes ["n1"] "N"]
                , DeclMatch [DeclEdges "n1" [(AnonymousEdge, "E")] "n1"]
                , DeclMatch [DeclNodes ["n2"] "N", DeclEdges "n1" [(AnonymousEdge, "E")] "n2"]
                , DeclClone "n1" ["n1'"]
                , DeclClone "n2" ["n3", "n4", "n5"]
              , [ DeclMatch [DeclNodes ["n1"] "N"]
                  , DeclClone "n1" ["n1'"]
              , [ DeclMatch [DeclNodes ["n1","n2","n3","n4","n5"] "N"]
                , DeclJoin ["n1", "n2"] "n"
                , DeclJoin ["n3", "n4", "n5"] Nothing
        decls <- pick (elements testCases)
        let Right rule = evalGrLang (initState tgraph) (compileRule decls)
        testRoundTrip generateRule compileRule validateRule (typeGraph . leftObject) tgraph rule

    it "compiles a no-op rule" $ do
      (tgraph, values) <- compileSuccess "case8.grl"
      Map.keys values `shouldBe` ["r"]
      let VRule r = Ann.drop $ values Map.! "r"
      assertValidRule r
      assertEqual "LHS"
        (fromNodesAndEdges tgraph
          [ (Node 0 "r1", 1)
          , (Node 1 "r2", 1)
          , (Node 2 "d1", 2)
          , (Node 3 "d2", 2) ]
          [ (Edge 0 0 2 "r1", 1)
          , (Edge 1 1 3 "r2", 1) ])
        (leftObject r)
      assertBool "lhs morphism is iso" (isIsomorphism $ leftMorphism r)
      assertBool "rhs morphism is iso" (isIsomorphism $ rightMorphism r)
      assertEqual "NACs" [] (nacs r)

    it "compiles a rule with deletion" $ do
      (tgraph, values) <- compileSuccess "case9.grl"
      Map.keys values `shouldBe` ["r"]
      let VRule r = Ann.drop $ values Map.! "r"
      assertValidRule r
      assertEqual "LHS"
        (fromNodesAndEdges tgraph
          [ (Node 0 "r1", 1)
          , (Node 1 "r2", 1)
          , (Node 2 "d1", 2)
          , (Node 3 "d2", 2) ]
          [ (Edge 0 0 2 "r1", 1)
          , (Edge 1 1 3 "r2", 1) ])
        (leftObject r)
      assertEqual "RHS"
        (fromNodesAndEdges tgraph
          [ (Node 0 "r1", 1)
          , (Node 1 "r2", 1)
          , (Node 3 "d2", 2) ]
          [ ])
        (rightObject r)
      assertBool "lhs morphism is mono" (isMonic $ leftMorphism r)
      assertBool "lhs morphism is not iso" (not . isIsomorphism $ leftMorphism r)
      assertBool "rhs morphism is iso" (isIsomorphism $ rightMorphism r)
      assertEqual "NACs" [] (nacs r)

    it "compiles a rule with creation" $ do
      (tgraph, values) <- compileSuccess "case10.grl"
      Map.keys values `shouldBe` ["commit"]
      let VRule r = Ann.drop $ values Map.! "commit"
      assertValidRule r
      assertEqual "LHS"
        (fromNodesAndEdges tgraph
          [ (Node 0 "r1", 1)
          , (Node 1 "d1", 2) ]
          [ (Edge 0 0 1 . Just $ Metadata Nothing Nothing, 1) ])
        (leftObject r)
      assertEqual "RHS"
        (fromNodesAndEdges tgraph
          [ (Node 0 "r1", 1)
          , (Node 1 "d1", 2)
          , (Node 2 "r2", 1)
          , (Node 3 "d2", 2) ]
          [ (Edge 0 0 1 . Just $ Metadata Nothing Nothing, 1)
          , (Edge 1 2 3 . Just $ Metadata Nothing Nothing, 1)
          , (Edge 2 3 0 . Just $ Metadata Nothing Nothing, 2) ])
        (rightObject r)
      assertBool "lhs morphism is iso" (isIsomorphism $ leftMorphism r)
      assertBool "rhs morphism is monic" (isMonic $ rightMorphism r)
      assertBool "rhs morphism is not iso" (not . isIsomorphism $ rightMorphism r)
      assertEqual "NACs" [] (nacs r)

    it "compiles a rule with creation and cloning" $ do
      (tgraph, values) <- compileSuccess "case11.grl"
      Map.keys values `shouldBe` ["commit"]
      let VRule r = Ann.drop $ values Map.! "commit"
      assertValidRule r
      assertEqual "LHS"
        (fromNodesAndEdges tgraph
          [ (Node 0 "r1", 1)
          , (Node 1 "d1", 2) ]
          [ (Edge 0 0 1 . Just $ Metadata Nothing Nothing, 1) ])
        (leftObject r)
      assertEqual "RHS"
        (fromNodesAndEdges tgraph
          [ (Node 0 "r1", 1)
          , (Node 1 "d1", 2)
          , (Node 3 "r2", 1)
          , (Node 2 "d2", 2) ]
          [ (Edge 0 0 1 . Just $ Metadata Nothing Nothing, 1)
          , (Edge 1 3 2 . Just $ Metadata Nothing Nothing, 1)
          , (Edge 2 2 0 . Just $ Metadata Nothing Nothing, 2) ])
        (rightObject r)
      assertEqual "LHS morphism applied to d2" (Just 1) (TGraph.applyNodeId (leftMorphism r) 2)

      assertBool "lhs morphism is epic" (isEpic $ leftMorphism r)
      assertBool "lhs morphism is not monic" (not . isMonic $ leftMorphism r)
      assertBool "rhs morphism is monic" (isMonic $ rightMorphism r)
      assertBool "rhs morphism is not iso" (not . isIsomorphism $ rightMorphism r)
      assertEqual "NACs" [] (nacs r)

    it "compiles a rule with joining" $ do
      (tgraph, values) <- compileSuccess "case19.grl"
      Map.keys values `shouldBe` ["merge"]
      let VRule r = Ann.drop $ values Map.! "merge"
      assertValidRule r
      assertEqual "LHS"
        (fromNodesAndEdges tgraph
          [ (Node 0 "r1", 1)
          , (Node 1 "r2", 1)
          , (Node 2 "d1", 2)
          , (Node 3 "d2", 2) ]
          [ (Edge 0 0 2 . Just $ Metadata Nothing Nothing, 1)
          , (Edge 1 1 3 . Just $ Metadata Nothing Nothing, 1) ])
        (leftObject r)
      assertEqual "interface"
        (fromNodesAndEdges tgraph
          [ (Node 0 "r1", 1)
          , (Node 1 "r2", 1)
          , (Node 2 "d1", 2)
          , (Node 3 "d2", 2)
          , (Node 4 "d1'", 2)
          , (Node 5 "d2'", 2)]
          [ (Edge 0 0 2 . Just $ Metadata Nothing Nothing, 1)
          , (Edge 1 1 3 . Just $ Metadata Nothing Nothing, 1) ])
        (interfaceObject r)
      assertEqual "RHS"
        (fromNodesAndEdges tgraph
          [ (Node 0 "r1", 1)
          , (Node 1 "r2", 1)
          , (Node 2 "d1", 2)
          , (Node 3 "d2", 2)
          , (Node 6 "d3", 2)
          , (Node 7 "r3", 1)]
          [ (Edge 0 0 2 . Just $ Metadata Nothing Nothing, 1)
          , (Edge 1 1 3 . Just $ Metadata Nothing Nothing, 1)
          , (Edge 2 7 6 . Just $ Metadata Nothing Nothing, 1)
          , (Edge 3 6 0 . Just $ Metadata Nothing Nothing, 2)
          , (Edge 4 6 1 . Just $ Metadata Nothing Nothing, 2) ])
        (rightObject r)
      assertEqual "LHS morphism applied to d1'" (Just 2) (TGraph.applyNodeId (leftMorphism r) 4)
      assertEqual "LHS morphism applied to d2'" (Just 3) (TGraph.applyNodeId (leftMorphism r) 5)
      assertEqual "RHS morphism applied to d1'" (Just 6) (TGraph.applyNodeId (rightMorphism r) 4)
      assertEqual "RHS morphism applied to d2'" (Just 6) (TGraph.applyNodeId (rightMorphism r) 5)

      assertBool "lhs morphism is not monic" (not . isMonic $ leftMorphism r)
      assertBool "lhs morphism is epic" (isEpic $ leftMorphism r)
      assertBool "rhs morphism is not monic" (not . isMonic $ rightMorphism r)
      assertBool "rhs morphism is not epic" (not . isEpic $ rightMorphism r)

    it "compiles a no-op rule with NACs" $ do
      (tgraph, values) <- compileSuccess "case12.grl"
      Map.keys values `shouldBe` ["rebaseStart"]
      let VRule r = Ann.drop $ values Map.! "rebaseStart"
      assertValidRule r
      assertEqual "LHS"
        (fromNodesAndEdges tgraph
          [ (Node 0 "r1", 1)
          , (Node 1 "r2", 1)
          , (Node 2 "rRoot", 1)
          , (Node 3 "d1", 2)
          , (Node 4 "d2", 2)
          , (Node 5 "dRoot", 2) ]
          [ (Edge 0 0 3 . Just $ Metadata Nothing Nothing, 1)
          , (Edge 1 1 4 . Just $ Metadata Nothing Nothing, 1)
          , (Edge 2 2 5 . Just $ Metadata Nothing Nothing, 1)
          , (Edge 3 3 2 . Just $ Metadata Nothing Nothing, 2)
          , (Edge 4 4 2 . Just $ Metadata Nothing Nothing, 2) ])
        (leftObject r)
      assertBool "lhs morphism is iso" (isIsomorphism $ leftMorphism r)
      assertBool "rhs morphism is iso" (isIsomorphism $ rightMorphism r)
      assertEqual "number of NACs" 2 (length $ nacs r)
      let [n1, n2] = nacs r
      assertEqual "NAC 1"
        (fromNodesAndEdges tgraph
          [ (Node 0 "r1", 1)
          , (Node 1 "r2", 1)
          , (Node 2 "rRoot", 1)
          , (Node 3 "d1", 2)
          , (Node 4 "d2", 2)
          , (Node 5 "dRoot", 2)
          , (Node 6 "rRoot'", 1)
          , (Node 7 "dRoot'", 2) ]
          [ (Edge 0 0 3 . Just $ Metadata Nothing Nothing, 1)
          , (Edge 1 1 4 . Just $ Metadata Nothing Nothing, 1)
          , (Edge 2 2 5 . Just $ Metadata Nothing Nothing, 1)
          , (Edge 3 3 2 . Just $ Metadata Nothing Nothing, 2)
          , (Edge 4 4 2 . Just $ Metadata Nothing Nothing, 2)
          , (Edge 5 6 7 . Just $ Metadata Nothing Nothing, 1)
          , (Edge 6 3 6 . Just $ Metadata Nothing Nothing, 2)
          , (Edge 7 4 6 . Just $ Metadata Nothing Nothing, 2)
          , (Edge 8 7 2 . Just $ Metadata Nothing Nothing, 2) ])
        (codomain n1)
      assertEqual "NAC 2"
        (fromNodesAndEdges tgraph
          [ (Node 0 "r1", 1)
          , (Node 1 "r2", 1)
          , (Node 2 "rRoot", 1)
          , (Node 3 "d1", 2)
          , (Node 4 "d2", 2)
          , (Node 5 "dRoot", 2)
          , (Node 6 "d3", 2) ]
          [ (Edge 0 0 3 . Just $ Metadata Nothing Nothing, 1)
          , (Edge 1 1 4 . Just $ Metadata Nothing Nothing, 1)
          , (Edge 2 2 5 . Just $ Metadata Nothing Nothing, 1)
          , (Edge 3 3 2 . Just $ Metadata Nothing Nothing, 2)
          , (Edge 4 4 2 . Just $ Metadata Nothing Nothing, 2)
          , (Edge 5 6 0 . Just $ Metadata Nothing Nothing, 2) ])
        (codomain n2)

    it "fails when deleting unknown elements" $
      "case13.grl" `shouldProduceNumberOfErrors` 1

    it "fails when cloning unknown elements" $
      "case14.grl" `shouldProduceNumberOfErrors` 1

    it "fails when joining unknown elements" $
      "case23.grl" `shouldProduceNumberOfErrors` 1

    it "fails when create has a name clash" $
      "case15.grl" `shouldProduceNumberOfErrors` 3

    it "fails when clone has a name clash" $
      "case16.grl" `shouldProduceNumberOfErrors` 3

    it "fails when join has a name clash" $
      "case24.grl" `shouldProduceNumberOfErrors` 1

    it "fails when deleting leaves dangling edges" $
      "case17.grl" `shouldProduceNumberOfErrors` 2

    it "fails when source or target of created edge have invalid type" $
      "case18.grl" `shouldProduceNumberOfErrors` 2

    it "fails when joining nodes of different types" $
      "case20.grl" `shouldProduceNumberOfErrors` 1

    it "fails when joining edges of different types, sources or targets" $
      "case21.grl" `shouldProduceNumberOfErrors` 3

    it "fails when joining a node with an edge" $
      "case22.grl" `shouldProduceNumberOfErrors` 1

testRoundTrip :: (Iso val, Valid val, Show val, Pretty ast, Show ast, Monad m) =>
                  (val -> ast)
                  -> (ast -> ExceptT Error (GrLangT Identity) val)
                  -> (val -> ValidationResult)
                  -> (val -> TypeGraph)
                  -> TypeGraph
                  -> val
                  -> PropertyM m ()
testRoundTrip generate compile validateValue getTypeGraph tgraph value = do
  let generated = generate value
  monitor (counterexample . show . pretty $ generated)
  monitor (counterexample . show $ value)
  case validateValue value of
    IsInvalid errors -> stop . counterexample "Invalid value!" $ counterexample (show errors) False
    IsValid -> return ()
  let recompiled = evalGrLang (initState tgraph) (lift (GrLang.unsafeMakeVisible "<test>") >> compile generated)
  case recompiled of
    Left error -> stop .
      counterexample "Cannot compile generated value!" $
      counterexample (show . prettyError $ error) False
    Right result -> do
      when (getTypeGraph result /= tgraph) . stop .
        counterexample "Invalid parsed type graph!" $
        counterexample (show (getTypeGraph result, tgraph)) False
      stop $ case validateValue result of
        IsInvalid errors ->
          counterexample "Compilation created invalid value!" $
          counterexample (show errors) False
        IsValid -> --counterexample (show . pretty $ generate result) .
          counterexample (show value) .
          counterexample "Result not isomorphic to value!" $ result ~= value

-- TODO: make a proper SqPO.Production type with its own validation
validateRule :: (Eq (Obj morph), Category morph, Valid morph) => Production morph -> ValidationResult
validateRule (Production l r nacs) = mconcat $
  [ withContext "left morphism" (validate l)
  , withContext "right morphism" (validate r)
  , ensure (domain l == domain r) "The domains of the left and right morphisms aren't the same"
  ] ++ zipWith validateNac nacs ([1..] :: [Int])
    validateNac nac index =
        [ withContext ("NAC #" ++ show index) (validate nac)
        , ensure (codomain l == domain nac) ("The domain of NAC #" ++ show index ++ " is not the left side of the production")

assertValidRule :: (Category mor, Valid mor, Valid (Obj mor), Eq (Obj mor)) => Production mor -> IO ()
assertValidRule rule =
  assertEqual "rule validation" IsValid (validateRule rule)