import {
} from '@nestjs/common';
import { JwtService } from '@nestjs/jwt';
import { User } from 'modules/users/user.entity';
import { UsersService } from 'modules/users/users.service';
import { compare, hash } from 'bcrypt';
import { IssuedAuthnToken } from 'modules/authentication/issued-authn-token';
import { ApiEventsService } from 'modules/api-events/api-events.service';
import { API_EVENT_KINDS } from 'modules/api-events/api-event.entity';
import { v4 } from 'uuid';
import * as ApiEventsUserData from 'modules/api-events/dto/apiEvents.user.data.dto';
import { UserRepository } from 'modules/users/user.repository';
import { ApiProperty } from '@nestjs/swagger';
import { ApiEventByTopicAndKind } from 'modules/api-events/api-event.topic+kind.entity';
import ms = require('ms');
import { AuthorizationService } from 'modules/authorization/authorization.service';
import { ROLES } from 'modules/authorization/roles/roles.enum';
import { Role } from 'modules/authorization/roles/role.entity';
import { CreateUserDTO } from 'modules/users/dto/create.user.dto';
import { AppConfig } from 'utils/app.config';
import { PasswordMailService } from 'modules/authentication/password-mail.service';
import { getSecretByTokenType } from 'modules/authentication/utils/authentication.utils';
const DEFAULT_USER_NAME: string = 'User';
export enum TOKEN_TYPE {
GENERAL = 'general',
ACCOUNT_ACTIVATION = 'account-activation',
PASSWORD_RESET = 'password-reset',
* Access token for the app: key user data and access token
export class AccessToken {
* Whitelisted user metadata
user: Partial<User>;
* Signed JWT
accessToken: string;
* JWT payload (decoded)
export interface JwtDataPayload {
* Username (user email address).
sub: string;
* Unique id of the JWT token.
* This is used to check tokens presented to the API against revoked tokens.
tokenId: string;
* Type of issues token to determine the secret used to sign the token
tokenType: TOKEN_TYPE;
* Issued At: epoch timestamp in seconds, UTC.
iat: number;
* Expiration time: epoch timestamp in seconds, UTC.
exp: number;
export class AuthenticationService {
private readonly logger: Logger = new Logger(AuthenticationService.name);
private readonly apiEventsService: ApiEventsService,
@Inject(forwardRef(() => UsersService))
private readonly usersService: UsersService,
private readonly jwtService: JwtService,
private readonly authorizationService: AuthorizationService,
private readonly passwordMail: PasswordMailService,
private userRepository: UserRepository,
) {}
* Validate that an active user matching the `email` provided exists, and that
* the password provided compares with the hashed password stored for the
* user.
* @debt Use a named interface for the parameter types.
async validateUser({
}: {
email: string;
password: string;
}): Promise<User | null> {
const user: User | null = await this.userRepository.findByEmail(email);
const isUserActive: boolean = (user &&
user.isActive &&
!user.isDeleted) as boolean;
if (
user &&
isUserActive &&
(await compare(
await hash(password, user.salt),
await hash(user.password, user.salt),
) {
return user;
return null;
* Create a new user from the signup data provided.
* @todo Allow to set all of a user's data on signup, if needed.
* @todo Implement email verification.
async createUser(dto: CreateUserDTO): Promise<Partial<User>> {
const user: User = new User();
user.fname = dto.fname ?? DEFAULT_USER_NAME;
user.lname = dto.lname;
user.title = dto.title;
const salt: string = await this.authorizationService.generateSalt();
user.salt = salt;
user.password = await this.authorizationService.assignPassword(
user.roles = this.authorizationService.assignRoles(dto.roles);
user.email = dto.email;
user.isActive = !AppConfig.getBoolean('auth.requireUserAccountActivation');
await this.checkEmail(user.email);
const newUser: Omit<User, 'password' | 'salt' | 'isActive' | 'isDeleted'> =
await this.userRepository.save(user),
if (!newUser) {
throw new InternalServerErrorException('Error while creating a new user');
await this.apiEventsService.create({
topic: newUser.id,
kind: API_EVENT_KINDS.user__signedUp__v1alpha1,
const validationToken: string = v4();
await this.apiEventsService.create({
topic: newUser.id,
kind: API_EVENT_KINDS.user__accountActivationTokenGenerated__v1alpha1,
data: {
validationToken: validationToken,
Date.now() +
) /** @debt The TTL of validation tokens should be set via config. */,
sub: newUser.email,
await this.sendUserActivationEmail(newUser.email);
* This is a small aid to help with manual QA :).
if (process.env['NODE_ENV'] === 'development') {
`An account was created for ${newUser.email}. Please validate the account via GET /auth/validate-account/${newUser.id}/${validationToken}.`,
return this.userRepository.findOneOrFail({ where: { id: newUser.id } });
* Validate a user activation token.
* We avoid possible double-spending of an activation token by deleting the
* actual token issuance event after it has been validated.
async validateActivationToken(
token: Pick<
'validationToken' | 'sub'
password: string,
): Promise<true | never> {
const invalidOrExpiredActivationTokenMessage: string =
'Invalid or expired activation token.';
const event: ApiEventByTopicAndKind | undefined =
await this.apiEventsService.getLatestEventForTopic({
topic: token.sub,
kind: API_EVENT_KINDS.user__accountActivationTokenGenerated__v1alpha1,
if (!event) {
throw new BadRequestException(invalidOrExpiredActivationTokenMessage);
const exp: Date = new Date(event?.data?.exp as number);
if (
new Date() < exp &&
event?.topic === token.sub &&
event?.data?.validationToken === token.validationToken
) {
await this.apiEventsService.create({
topic: event.topic,
kind: API_EVENT_KINDS.user__accountActivationSucceeded__v1alpha1,
const salt: string = await this.authorizationService.generateSalt();
const hashedPassword: string =
await this.authorizationService.assignPassword(salt, password);
await this.userRepository.update(
{ id: event.topic },
{ isActive: true, salt, password: hashedPassword },
await this.apiEventsService.purgeAll({
topic: event.topic,
kind: API_EVENT_KINDS.user__accountActivationTokenGenerated__v1alpha1,
return true;
await this.apiEventsService.create({
topic: event.topic,
kind: API_EVENT_KINDS.user__accountActivationFailed__v1alpha1,
throw new BadRequestException(invalidOrExpiredActivationTokenMessage);
async validateAccount(password: string, user: User): Promise<any> {
const salt: string = await this.authorizationService.generateSalt();
const hashedPassword: string =
await this.authorizationService.assignPassword(salt, password);
await this.userRepository.update(
{ id: user.id },
{ isActive: true, salt, password: hashedPassword },
const updatedUser: User = await this.userRepository.findOneOrFail({
where: { id: user.id },
return UsersService.getSanitizedUserMetadata(updatedUser);
* Issue a signed JTW token, logging its issuance.
async login(user: User): Promise<AccessToken> {
* Before actually issuing the token, we prepare the data we need to log the
* soon-to-be-issued token: its expiration timestamp (calculated from the
* validity interval configured), and -below- the id assigned to the log
* entry of the token being issued.
const tokenExpiresIn: string = AppConfig.get('auth.jwt.expiresIn');
// This should always be set (either via config or falling back to the
// default provided to `AppConfig.get()`), but I don't know how to express
// this without multiple dispatch, so we add this check to please the type
// checker.
if (!tokenExpiresIn) {
throw new InternalServerErrorException(
'Error while issuing JWT token: invalid `expiresIn` property value.',
const tokenExpiresAt: any = Date.now() + ms(tokenExpiresIn);
* Here we actually log the (imminent) issuance of the token.
const issuedTokenModel: IssuedAuthnToken = new IssuedAuthnToken();
issuedTokenModel.exp = new Date(tokenExpiresAt);
issuedTokenModel.userId = user.id as string;
* And finally we use the db-generated unique id of the token issuance log
* record to compose the payload of the actual token. This `tokenId` is then
* used in the JwtStrategy to check that the token being presented by an API
* client was not revoked.
return {
user: UsersService.getSanitizedUserMetadata(user),
accessToken: this.signToken(user.email, {
expiresIn: AppConfig.get('auth.jwt.expiresIn'),
private async checkEmail(email: string): Promise<void> {
const user: User | null = await this.userRepository.findByEmail(email);
if (user && !user.isDeleted) {
throw new ConflictException('Email already exists.');
updateRoles(rolesEnum: ROLES[]): Role[] {
return this.authorizationService.assignRoles(rolesEnum);
verifyToken(token: string): JwtDataPayload {
try {
return this.jwtService.verify(token);
} catch (e) {
throw new BadRequestException('Invalid token');
email: string,
options?: { expiresIn?: string; tokenType?: TOKEN_TYPE },
): string {
const secret: string = getSecretByTokenType(options?.tokenType);
return this.jwtService.sign(
{ sub: email, tokenId: v4(), tokenType: options?.tokenType },
expiresIn: options?.expiresIn ?? AppConfig.get('auth.jwt.expiresIn'),
async sendPasswordRecoverEmail(email: string): Promise<void> {
const token: string = this.signToken(email);
return this.passwordMail.sendPasswordRecoveryEmail(email, token);
async sendUserActivationEmail(email: string): Promise<void> {
const token: string = this.signToken(email);
return this.passwordMail.sendUserActivationEmail(email, token);