import {
} from '@nestjs/common';
import { NJRS_REQUEST } from 'nj-request-scope';
import { User } from 'modules/users/user.entity';
import { ROLES } from 'modules/authorization/roles/roles.enum';
import { Role } from 'modules/authorization/roles/role.entity';
import { RequestWithAuthenticatedUser } from 'app.controller';
import { BaseEntity, DataSource, Repository } from 'typeorm';
import { PERMISSIONS } from 'modules/authorization/permissions/permissions.enum';
import { Permission } from 'modules/authorization/permissions/permissions.entity';
* @description: Singleton injectable service that will hold the current async context's request, using
* https://github.com/kugacz/nj-request-scope
* So we can said request's user and perform auth magic with it
// TODO: This is a first version to comply minimal requirements. We need to validate based on permissions
export class AccessControl {
logger: Logger = new Logger(AccessControl.name);
private readonly request: RequestWithAuthenticatedUser,
private readonly dataSource: DataSource,
) {}
static createRolesFromEnum(roles: ROLES[]): Role[] {
return roles.map((role: ROLES) => ({ name: role } as Role));
* @description: We can use this to build more complex or more module / entity specific layers of authorisation
getUser(): User {
return this.request.user;
getUserRoles(): Role[] {
return this.request.user.roles;
canUser(permissionsToCheck: PERMISSIONS[]): any {
if (!this.request.user.roles.length) {
throw new UnauthorizedException(
`User with Id: ${this.getUserId()} has no assigned roles`,
const allowedActions: PERMISSIONS[] = this.request.user.roles
.map((role: Role): Permission[] => role.permissions)
.reduce((acc: any[], cur: any): Permission[] => acc.concat(cur), [])
.map((permission: Permission) => permission.action as PERMISSIONS);
if (
allowedActions.some((action: PERMISSIONS) =>
) {
const forbiddenMessage: string = `User with Id: ${this.getUserId()} has no ${permissionsToCheck.join(
', ',
)} assigned`;
throw new ForbiddenException(forbiddenMessage);
isUserAdmin(): boolean {
return this.request.user.roles.some(
(role: Role) => role.name === ROLES.ADMIN,
getUserId(): string {
return this.request.user.id;
getBaseRepositoryFor(entity: typeof BaseEntity): Repository<any> {
return this.dataSource.getRepository(entity);