import { Injectable, Logger, NotFoundException } from '@nestjs/common';
import { DataSource, Repository, SelectQueryBuilder } from 'typeorm';
import { GeoRegion } from 'modules/geo-regions/geo-region.entity';
import { FeatureCollection, Feature } from 'geojson';
import {
} from 'modules/geo-regions/dto/get-features-geojson.dto';
import { SourcingLocation } from 'modules/sourcing-locations/sourcing-location.entity';
import { BaseQueryBuilder } from 'utils/base.query-builder';
import { Supplier } from '../suppliers/supplier.entity';
export class GeoFeaturesService extends Repository<GeoRegion> {
logger: Logger = new Logger(GeoFeaturesService.name);
constructor(private dataSource: DataSource) {
super(GeoRegion, dataSource.createEntityManager());
async getGeoFeatures(
dto: GetFeaturesGeoJsonDto | GetEUDRFeaturesGeoJSONDto,
): Promise<Feature[] | FeatureCollection> {
const queryBuilder: SelectQueryBuilder<GeoRegion> =
queryBuilder.innerJoin(SourcingLocation, 'sl', 'sl.geoRegionId = gr.id');
queryBuilder.innerJoin(Supplier, 's', 's.id = sl."producerId"');
const filteredQueryBuilder: SelectQueryBuilder<GeoRegion> =
BaseQueryBuilder.addFilters(queryBuilder, dto);
if (dto?.collection) {
return this.selectAsFeatureCollection(filteredQueryBuilder);
return this.selectAsFeatures(filteredQueryBuilder);
private async selectAsFeatures(
queryBuilder: SelectQueryBuilder<GeoRegion>,
): Promise<Feature[]> {
'type', 'Feature',
'geometry', ST_AsGeoJSON(gr.theGeom)::json,
'properties', json_build_object(${this.injectMetaDataQuery()})
const result: Feature[] | undefined = await queryBuilder.getRawMany();
if (!result.length) {
throw new NotFoundException(`Could not retrieve geo features`);
return result;
private async selectAsFeatureCollection(
queryBuilder: SelectQueryBuilder<GeoRegion>,
): Promise<FeatureCollection> {
'type', 'FeatureCollection',
'features', json_agg(
'type', 'Feature',
'geometry', ST_AsGeoJSON(gr.theGeom)::json,
'properties', json_build_object(${this.injectMetaDataQuery()})
const result: FeatureCollection | undefined =
await queryBuilder.getRawOne<FeatureCollection>();
if (!result) {
throw new NotFoundException(`Could not retrieve geo features`);
return result;
* @description: The Baseline Volume is the purchase volume of a supplier for a specific year (2020) which is the cut-off date for the EUDR
* This is very specific to EUDR and not a dynamic thing, so for now we will be hardcoding it
private injectMetaDataQuery(): string {
const baselineVolumeYear: number = 2020;
return `
'id', gr.id,
'supplierName', s.name,
'plotName', gr.name,
'baselineVolume', (
SELECT SUM(sr.tonnage)
FROM sourcing_records sr
WHERE sr."sourcingLocationId" = sl.id
AND sr.year = ${baselineVolumeYear}