import { Injectable, Logger } from '@nestjs/common';
import { AuthenticationService } from 'modules/authentication/authentication.service';
import { Socket } from 'socket.io';
import { WsException } from '@nestjs/websockets';
import { DataSource } from 'typeorm';
import { User } from 'modules/users/user.entity';
* @description As of today, NestJS doesnt treat websockets as first class citizens, meaning that the useful
* guard decorators that we have for HTTPS request wont work for webscokets gatewau, so we need to implement something hand crafter
* but trying to follow the same pattern as the HTTP guards.
* @note: Chek https://github.com/nestjs/nest/issues/882
export class WsAuthGuard {
logger: Logger = new Logger(WsAuthGuard.name);
private readonly auth: AuthenticationService,
private readonly datasource: DataSource,
) {}
async verifyUser(client: Socket): Promise<User> {
const { token } = client.handshake?.auth;
if (!token) {
throw new WsException('Unauthorized');
try {
const { sub } = this.auth.verifyToken(token as string);
const user: User = await this.datasource
.findOneOrFail({ where: { email: sub } });
return user;
} catch (e) {
throw new WsException('Unauthorized');