"""Raster to h3 table converter."""
import logging
import multiprocessing
from functools import partial
from io import StringIO
from pathlib import Path
import click
import h3ronpy.raster
import pandas as pd
import psycopg
import rasterio as rio
from psycopg import sql
from rasterio import DatasetReader
from utils import DTYPES_TO_PG, get_connection_info, slugify, snakify
log = logging.getLogger("raster_to_h3")
# we don't want to see the botocore logs that somehow pop up. I have no clue where they come from
def check_srs(reference_raster: DatasetReader, raster: DatasetReader):
"""Checks that raster has same projection as reference"""
if !=
message = (
f"Raster files have different CRS: {} {} "
f"vs {} {}"
raise ValueError(message)
def check_transform(reference_raster: DatasetReader, raster: DatasetReader):
"""Checks that raster has same transform as reference"""
if reference_raster.transform != raster.transform:
message = (
f"Raster files have different Transform: {} {reference_raster.transform} "
f"vs {} {raster.transform}"
raise ValueError(message)
def raster_to_h3(reference_raster: Path, h3_resolution: int, raster_file: Path) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Convert a raser to a dataframe with h3index -> value
Uses `h3ronpy.raster.raster_to_dataframe()` which uses already multiprocessing under the hood
so there's no need to iterate over the raster windows anymore.
""""Converting {} to H3 dataframe")
with as raster:
with as ref:
check_srs(ref, raster)
check_transform(ref, raster)
h3 = h3ronpy.raster.raster_to_dataframe(,
# we need the h3 index in the hexadecimal form for the DB
h3.index = pd.Series(h3.index).apply(lambda x: hex(x)[2:])
return h3.rename(columns={"value": slugify(Path(})
def create_h3_grid_table(connection: psycopg.Connection, table: str, df: pd.DataFrame):
"""Create H3 table with schema from df"""
index = [sql.SQL("h3index h3index PRIMARY KEY")]
extra = [
sql.SQL("{} {}").format(sql.Identifier(col), sql.SQL(DTYPES_TO_PG[str(dtype)]))
for col, dtype in zip(df.columns, df.dtypes)
schema = sql.SQL(", ").join(index + extra)
with connection.cursor() as cur:
cur.execute(sql.SQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {}").format(sql.Identifier(table)))
query = sql.SQL("CREATE TABLE {} ({})").format(sql.Identifier(table), schema)"Creating table {table}")
def write_data_to_h3_grid_table(connection: psycopg.Connection, table: str, data: pd.DataFrame):
"""Copy data to table"""
with connection.cursor() as cur:"Writing H3 data to {table}")
with StringIO() as buffer:
data.to_csv(buffer, na_rep="NULL", header=False)
copy_query = sql.SQL("COPY {} FROM STDIN DELIMITER ',' CSV NULL 'NULL';").format(sql.Identifier(table))
with cur.copy(copy_query) as copy:
def clean_before_insert(connection: psycopg.Connection, table: str):
"""Delete h3_data and material_to_h3 entries that will be inserted"""
with connection.cursor() as cur:
'DELETE FROM "material_to_h3" WHERE "h3DataId" IN (SELECT id FROM "h3_data" WHERE "h3tableName" = %s);',
cur.execute('delete from "h3_data" where "h3tableName" = %s', (table,))
def insert_to_h3_master_table(
connection: psycopg.Connection, table: str, df: pd.DataFrame, h3_res: int, year: int, data_type: str, dataset: str
"""Create entry to h3_data that points to the newly created h3 table"""
with connection.cursor() as cur:"Inserting data for {table} into h3_data master table.")
for column_name in df.columns:
'INSERT INTO "h3_data" ("h3tableName", "h3columnName", "h3resolution", "year")'
"VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)",
(table, column_name, h3_res, year),
if data_type == "indicator":
update_for_indicator(cur, dataset, column_name)
elif data_type == "material_indicator":
update_for_indicator(cur, dataset, column_name)
update_for_material_indicator(cur, dataset, column_name)
except ValueError:
log.warning(f"Failed to update material_indicator for {column_name}")
elif data_type in ["production", "harvest_area"]:
update_for_material(cur, dataset, column_name, data_type)
def update_for_material_indicator(cursor: psycopg.Cursor, dataset: str, column_name: str):
"""Updates entry in material_indicator_to_h3"""
cursor.execute('select id from "indicator" where "nameCode" = %s', (dataset,))
indicator_id = cursor.fetchone()
if not indicator_id:
log.warning(f"Indicator with 'nameCode' {dataset} does not exists")
raise ValueError(f"Indicator with 'nameCode' {dataset} does not exists")
# todo: convert to script parameter or something that is not hardcoded for a specific case.
spam_id = f"spam_{column_name.split('PerTProduction')[0].lower()}" # something like 'spam_ocerwhea'
cursor.execute('select id from material where "datasetId" = %s', (spam_id,))
material_ids = cursor.fetchall()
if not material_ids:
log.warning(f"Material with 'datasetId' {spam_id} does not exists")
raise ValueError(f"Material with 'datasetId' {spam_id} does not exists")
cursor.execute('select id from h3_data where "h3columnName" = %s', (column_name,))
h3_data_id = cursor.fetchone()
if not h3_data_id:
log.warning(f"h3_data with 'h3columnName' {column_name} does not exists")
raise ValueError(f"h3_data with 'h3columnName' {column_name} does not exists")
# one spam dataset can have multiple materials, so we need to update all of them
for material_id in material_ids:
cursor.execute('delete from material_indicator_to_h3 where "materialId" = %s', (material_id[0],))
insert into material_indicator_to_h3 ("materialId", "indicatorId", "h3DataId")
values (%s, %s, %s);
(material_id[0], indicator_id[0], h3_data_id[0]),
)"Added material_indicator_to_h3 record for {column_name} of {dataset}")
def update_for_indicator(cursor: psycopg.Cursor, dataset: str, column_name: str):
"""Updates h3_data with indicatorId"""
cursor.execute('select id from "indicator" where "nameCode" = %s', (dataset,))
indicator_id = cursor.fetchone()
if not indicator_id:
log.error(f"Indicator with 'nameCode' {dataset} does not exists")
raise ValueError(f"Indicator with 'nameCode' {dataset} does not exists")
cursor.execute('update h3_data set "indicatorId" = %s where "h3columnName" = %s', (indicator_id[0], column_name))"Updated indicatorId '{indicator_id[0]}' in h3_data for {column_name}")
def update_for_material(cursor: psycopg.Cursor, dataset: str, column_name: str, data_type: str):
"""Delete and insert for material_to_h3"""
select_query = sql.SQL('SELECT id FROM "h3_data" WHERE "h3columnName" = {}').format(sql.Literal(column_name))
h3_data_id = cursor.fetchone()
if not h3_data_id:
log.error(f"Query result of {select_query.as_string(cursor)} returned nothing.")
raise ValueError(f"h3_data with 'h3columnName' {column_name} does not exists")
# FIXME: the current solution for naming a material datasets is hard to follow and easy to mess up.
dataset_id = dataset + "_" + snakify(column_name).split("_")[-2]"Updating material_to_h3 for {column_name} of {dataset_id}")
type_map = {"harvest_area": "harvest", "production": "producer"}
delete_query = sql.SQL(
'DELETE FROM "material_to_h3" WHERE "materialId" = {material_id} AND "type" = {data_type}'
insert_query = sql.SQL(
'INSERT INTO "material_to_h3" ("materialId", "h3DataId", "type") '
"VALUES ({materialid}, {h3dataid}, {datatype})"
cursor.execute('SELECT id FROM "material" WHERE "datasetId" = %s', (dataset_id,))
# cursor is going to be reused in the loop, so we need to fetch all the results before the loop
material_ids = cursor.fetchall()
for material_id in material_ids:
cursor.execute(delete_query, (material_id[0],))
cursor.execute(insert_query, (material_id[0],))"Updated materialId '{material_id[0]}' in material_to_h3 for {column_name}")
def to_the_db(df: pd.DataFrame, table: str, data_type: str, dataset: str, year: int, h3_res: int):
"""all the database insertion and manipulation happens here
This way if we need to separate db stuff from actual data processing it can be done easily
with psycopg.connect(get_connection_info()) as conn:
create_h3_grid_table(conn, table, df)
write_data_to_h3_grid_table(conn, table, df)
clean_before_insert(conn, table)
insert_to_h3_master_table(conn, table, df, h3_res, year, data_type, dataset)
@click.argument("folder", type=click.Path(exists=True, path_type=Path))
@click.argument("table", type=str)
type=click.Choice(["production", "harvest_area", "indicator", "material_indicator"], case_sensitive=True),
@click.argument("dataset", type=str)
@click.argument("year", type=int)
@click.option("--h3-res", "h3_res", type=int, default=6, help="h3 resolution to use [default=6]")
@click.option("--thread-count", "thread_count", type=int, default=4, help="Number of threads to use [default=4]")
def main(folder: Path, table: str, data_type: str, dataset: str, year: int, h3_res: int, thread_count: int):
"""Reads a folder of .tif, converts to h3 and loads into a PG table
FOLDER is the path to the folder containing the raster files to be ingested.
TABLE is the h3_grid_* style DB table name that will contain the actual H3 index and data.
DATA_TYPE type of data being ingested.
DATASET is the name of the reference in the indicator "nameCode" or material "datasetID".
For the latter case it will be constructed dynamically using DATASET + filename.split("_")[-2]
YEAR is the last year of the dataset.
# Part 1: Convert Raster to h3 index -> value map (or dataframe in this case)
raster_files = list(folder.glob("*.tif"))
partial_raster_to_h3 = partial(raster_to_h3, raster_files[0], h3_res)
with multiprocessing.Pool(thread_count) as pool:
h3s =, raster_files)"Joining H3 data of each raster into single dataframe for table {table}")
df = h3s[0]
with click.progressbar(h3s[1:], label="Joining H3 dataframes") as pbar:
for h3df in pbar:
df = df.join(h3df)
del h3df
# Part 2: Ingest h3 index into the database
to_the_db(df, table, data_type, dataset, year, h3_res)
if __name__ == "__main__":