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# Hexlet JS Project – JSON Difference generator
![Cover image for project](https://github.com/Vyachowski/frontend-project-46/blob/main/cover.png)
This project is centered around concepts like higher-order functions, recursion, and configuring the environment.

Чтобы читать **Readme на русском**  перейдите по [этой ссылке](https://github.com/Vyachowski/frontend-project-46/blob/main/README_ru.md)

## Description

Library and CLI application for comparing JSON structures, providing a seamless way to visualize and analyze differences.

## Getting Started

### Dependencies

* Node.js
* NPM Package Manager as a part of Node.js

### Installing

* Clone a GitHub repository via

git clone https://github.com/Vyachowski/frontend-project-46.git


git clone git@github.com:Vyachowski/frontend-project-46.git
for ssh
* Run in a root directory of the project
npm ci
* And than execute
npm link
to run project via command line easily
* After your work with a project you can perform
npm remove -g @hexlet/code
to uninstall package from the npm global dependencies

### Executing program

You can run the project with:
make gendiff [filePath1] [filePath2]



### Project demo

#### CLI of Gendiff


#### Show difference between JSON in default format


#### Show difference between JSON with options
