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Test Coverage
// Test data

const absolutePath1 = '__fixtures__/file1';
const absolutePath2 = '__fixtures__/file2';
const fileContentRead = `{
  "host": "hexlet.io",
  "timeout": 50,
  "proxy": "",
  "follow": false
const fileContentPlain1 = {
  host: 'hexlet.io', timeout: 50, proxy: '', follow: false,

const fileContentPlain2 = {
  host: 'hexlet.io', timeout: 20, verbose: true,

const fileContentNested1 = {
  common: {
    setting1: 'Value 1',
    setting2: 200,
    setting3: true,
    setting6: {
      key: 'value',
      doge: {
        wow: '',
  group1: {
    baz: 'bas',
    foo: 'bar',
    nest: {
      key: 'value',
  group2: {
    abc: 12345,
    deep: {
      id: 45,

const fileContentNested2 = {
  common: {
    follow: false,
    setting1: 'Value 1',
    setting3: null,
    setting4: 'blah blah',
    setting5: {
      key5: 'value5',
    setting6: {
      key: 'value',
      ops: 'vops',
      doge: {
        wow: 'so much',
  group1: {
    foo: 'bar',
    baz: 'bars',
    nest: 'str',
  group3: {
    deep: {
      id: {
        number: 45,
    fee: 100500,

const difference = {
  common: {
    follow: { changes: 'added', value: false }, setting1: { changes: 'not changed', value: 'Value 1' }, setting2: { changes: 'removed', value: 200 }, setting3: { changes: 'updated', updatedValue: null, value: true }, setting4: { changes: 'added', value: 'blah blah' }, setting5: { changes: 'added', value: { key5: 'value5' } }, setting6: { doge: { wow: { changes: 'updated', updatedValue: 'so much', value: '' } }, key: { changes: 'not changed', value: 'value' }, ops: { changes: 'added', value: 'vops' } },
  group1: { baz: { changes: 'updated', updatedValue: 'bars', value: 'bas' }, foo: { changes: 'not changed', value: 'bar' }, nest: { changes: 'updated', updatedValue: 'str', value: { key: 'value' } } },
  group2: { changes: 'removed', value: { abc: 12345, deep: { id: 45 } } },
  group3: { changes: 'added', value: { deep: { id: { number: 45 } }, fee: 100500 } },

const astExample = [{
  children: [{ key: 'follow', modifiedValue: false, type: 'added' }, { key: 'setting1', originalValue: 'Value 1', type: 'unchanged' }, { key: 'setting2', originalValue: 200, type: 'removed' }, {
    key: 'setting3', modifiedValue: null, originalValue: true, type: 'updated',
  }, { key: 'setting4', modifiedValue: 'blah blah', type: 'added' }, { key: 'setting5', modifiedValue: { key5: 'value5' }, type: 'added' }, {
    children: [{
      children: [{
        key: 'wow', modifiedValue: 'so much', originalValue: '', type: 'updated',
      key: 'doge',
      type: 'nested',
    }, { key: 'key', originalValue: 'value', type: 'unchanged' }, { key: 'ops', modifiedValue: 'vops', type: 'added' }],
    key: 'setting6',
    type: 'nested',
  key: 'common',
  type: 'nested',
}, {
  children: [{
    key: 'baz', modifiedValue: 'bars', originalValue: 'bas', type: 'updated',
  }, { key: 'foo', originalValue: 'bar', type: 'unchanged' }, {
    key: 'nest', modifiedValue: 'str', originalValue: { key: 'value' }, type: 'updated',
  key: 'group1',
  type: 'nested',
}, { key: 'group2', originalValue: { abc: 12345, deep: { id: 45 } }, type: 'removed' }, { key: 'group3', modifiedValue: { deep: { id: { number: 45 } }, fee: 100500 }, type: 'added' }];

const stylishFormattedDifference = `{
    common: {
      + follow: false
        setting1: Value 1
      - setting2: 200
      - setting3: true
      + setting3: null
      + setting4: blah blah
      + setting5: {
            key5: value5
        setting6: {
            doge: {
              - wow: 
              + wow: so much
            key: value
          + ops: vops
    group1: {
      - baz: bas
      + baz: bars
        foo: bar
      - nest: {
            key: value
      + nest: str
  - group2: {
        abc: 12345
        deep: {
            id: 45
  + group3: {
        deep: {
            id: {
                number: 45
        fee: 100500

const plainFormattedDifference = `Property 'common.follow' was added with value: false
Property 'common.setting2' was removed
Property 'common.setting3' was updated. From true to null
Property 'common.setting4' was added with value: 'blah blah'
Property 'common.setting5' was added with value: [complex value]
Property 'common.setting6.doge.wow' was updated. From '' to 'so much'
Property 'common.setting6.ops' was added with value: 'vops'
Property 'group1.baz' was updated. From 'bas' to 'bars'
Property 'group1.nest' was updated. From [complex value] to 'str'
Property 'group2' was removed
Property 'group3' was added with value: [complex value]`;

export {