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Test Coverage
# Snyk (https://snyk.io) policy file, patches or ignores known vulnerabilities.
version: v1.14.0
# ignores vulnerabilities until expiry date; change duration by modifying expiry date
    - aurelia-form-validation > aurelia-validation > typedoc > shelljs:
        reason: None given
        expires: '2017-06-22T13:20:39.668Z'
    - aurelia-validation > typedoc > shelljs:
        reason: None given
        expires: '2017-07-07T10:34:15.083Z'
    - jquery > shelljs:
        reason: None given
        expires: '2018-02-19T02:24:07.190Z'
    - aurelia-pal-nodejs > jsdom > tough-cookie:
        reason: None given
        expires: '2017-10-21T17:53:55.521Z'
    - snyk > request > tough-cookie:
        reason: None given
        expires: '2017-10-21T17:53:55.521Z'
    - wait-on > request > tough-cookie:
        reason: None given
        expires: '2017-10-21T17:53:55.521Z'
    - aurelia-pal-nodejs > jsdom > request > tough-cookie:
        reason: None given
        expires: '2017-10-21T17:53:55.521Z'
    - webpack > watchpack > chokidar > fsevents > node-pre-gyp > request > tough-cookie:
        reason: None given
        expires: '2017-10-21T17:53:55.521Z'
    - pushstate-server > serve-static > send > fresh:
        reason: None given
        expires: '2017-12-18T20:09:03.236Z'
    - jquery:
        reason: None given
        expires: '2017-12-18T20:09:03.237Z'
    - pushstate-server > connect-static-file > send > mime:
        reason: None given
        expires: '2017-12-18T20:09:03.237Z'
    - pushstate-server > serve-static > send > mime:
        reason: None given
        expires: '2017-12-18T20:09:03.237Z'
    - aurelia-pal-nodejs > jsdom > content-type-parser:
        reason: None given
        expires: '2018-02-19T02:24:07.190Z'
    - jsdom > content-type-parser:
        reason: None given
        expires: '2018-02-27T21:24:13.095Z'
    - aurelia-pal-nodejs > jsdom > content-type-parser:
        reason: None given
        expires: '2018-03-22T01:37:45.450Z'
    - jsdom > content-type-parser:
        reason: None given
        expires: '2018-03-31T00:27:56.825Z'
    - jquery > npm > request > tunnel-agent:
        reason: None given
        expires: '2018-02-19T02:24:07.190Z'
    - webpack > watchpack > chokidar > fsevents > node-pre-gyp > hawk > hoek:
        reason: None given
        expires: '2018-03-20T22:05:07.572Z'
    - webpack > watchpack > chokidar > fsevents > node-pre-gyp > hawk > boom > hoek:
        reason: None given
        expires: '2018-03-20T22:05:07.572Z'
    - webpack > watchpack > chokidar > fsevents > node-pre-gyp > hawk > cryptiles > boom > hoek:
        reason: None given
        expires: '2018-03-20T22:05:07.574Z'
    - webpack > watchpack > chokidar > fsevents > node-pre-gyp > request > hawk > cryptiles > boom > hoek:
        reason: None given
        expires: '2018-03-20T22:05:07.574Z'
    - webpack > watchpack > chokidar > fsevents > node-pre-gyp > request > hawk > boom > hoek:
        reason: None given
        expires: '2018-03-20T22:05:07.574Z'
    - webpack > watchpack > chokidar > fsevents > node-pre-gyp > hawk > sntp > hoek:
        reason: None given
        expires: '2018-03-20T22:05:07.574Z'
    - webpack > watchpack > chokidar > fsevents > node-pre-gyp > request > hawk > sntp > hoek:
        reason: None given
        expires: '2018-03-20T22:05:07.574Z'
    - webpack > watchpack > chokidar > fsevents > node-pre-gyp > request > hawk > hoek:
        reason: None given
        expires: '2018-03-20T22:05:07.574Z'
    - webpack > watchpack > chokidar > anymatch > micromatch > braces:
        reason: None given
        expires: '2018-03-22T01:37:45.449Z'
    - jsdom > nwmatcher:
        reason: None given
        expires: '2018-04-04T18:08:03.406Z'
    - aurelia-pal-nodejs > jsdom > nwmatcher:
        reason: None given
        expires: '2018-04-04T18:08:03.406Z'
# patches apply the minimum changes required to fix a vulnerability
    - aurelia-form-validation > aurelia-validation > typedoc > marked:
        patched: '2017-05-23T13:20:39.729Z'
    - aurelia-validation > typedoc > marked:
        patched: '2017-05-24T11:10:44.677Z'
    - aurelia-validation > typedoc > marked:
        patched: '2017-06-06T19:59:59.148Z'
    - aurelia-validation > typedoc > marked:
        patched: '2017-06-07T10:34:15.088Z'
    - aurelia-validation > typedoc > marked:
        patched: '2017-06-09T13:13:42.883Z'
    - aurelia-validation > typedoc > marked:
        patched: '2017-06-26T14:55:05.860Z'
    - pushstate-server > compression > debug > ms:
        patched: '2017-05-23T13:20:39.729Z'
    - pushstate-server > connect-static-file > send > debug > ms:
        patched: '2017-05-23T13:20:39.729Z'
    - pushstate-server > connect-static-file > send > ms:
        patched: '2017-05-23T13:20:39.729Z'
    - pushstate-server > connect > debug > ms:
        patched: '2017-05-23T13:20:39.729Z'
    - pushstate-server > connect > finalhandler > debug > ms:
        patched: '2017-05-23T13:20:39.729Z'
    - pushstate-server > serve-static > send > debug > ms:
        patched: '2017-05-23T13:20:39.729Z'
    - pushstate-server > serve-static > send > ms:
        patched: '2017-05-23T13:20:39.729Z'
    - pushstate-server > compression > debug > ms:
        patched: '2017-06-06T19:59:59.148Z'
    - pushstate-server > connect-static-file > send > debug > ms:
        patched: '2017-06-06T19:59:59.148Z'
    - pushstate-server > connect-static-file > send > ms:
        patched: '2017-06-06T19:59:59.148Z'
    - pushstate-server > connect > debug > ms:
        patched: '2017-06-06T19:59:59.148Z'
    - pushstate-server > connect > finalhandler > debug > ms:
        patched: '2017-06-06T19:59:59.148Z'
    - pushstate-server > serve-static > send > debug > ms:
        patched: '2017-06-06T19:59:59.148Z'
    - pushstate-server > serve-static > send > ms:
        patched: '2017-06-06T19:59:59.148Z'
    - pushstate-server > compression > debug > ms:
        patched: '2017-06-07T10:34:15.088Z'
    - pushstate-server > connect-static-file > send > debug > ms:
        patched: '2017-06-07T10:34:15.088Z'
    - pushstate-server > connect-static-file > send > ms:
        patched: '2017-06-07T10:34:15.088Z'
    - pushstate-server > connect > debug > ms:
        patched: '2017-06-07T10:34:15.088Z'
    - pushstate-server > connect > finalhandler > debug > ms:
        patched: '2017-06-07T10:34:15.088Z'
    - pushstate-server > serve-static > send > debug > ms:
        patched: '2017-06-07T10:34:15.088Z'
    - pushstate-server > serve-static > send > ms:
        patched: '2017-06-07T10:34:15.088Z'
    - pushstate-server > compression > debug > ms:
        patched: '2017-06-09T13:13:42.883Z'
    - pushstate-server > connect-static-file > send > debug > ms:
        patched: '2017-06-09T13:13:42.883Z'
    - pushstate-server > connect-static-file > send > ms:
        patched: '2017-06-09T13:13:42.883Z'
    - pushstate-server > connect > debug > ms:
        patched: '2017-06-09T13:13:42.883Z'
    - pushstate-server > connect > finalhandler > debug > ms:
        patched: '2017-06-09T13:13:42.883Z'
    - pushstate-server > serve-static > send > debug > ms:
        patched: '2017-06-09T13:13:42.883Z'
    - pushstate-server > serve-static > send > ms:
        patched: '2017-06-09T13:13:42.883Z'
    - pushstate-server > compression > debug > ms:
        patched: '2017-06-26T14:55:05.860Z'
    - pushstate-server > connect-static-file > send > debug > ms:
        patched: '2017-06-26T14:55:05.860Z'
    - pushstate-server > connect-static-file > send > ms:
        patched: '2017-06-26T14:55:05.860Z'
    - pushstate-server > connect > debug > ms:
        patched: '2017-06-26T14:55:05.860Z'
    - pushstate-server > connect > finalhandler > debug > ms:
        patched: '2017-06-26T14:55:05.860Z'
    - pushstate-server > serve-static > send > debug > ms:
        patched: '2017-06-26T14:55:05.860Z'
    - pushstate-server > serve-static > send > ms:
        patched: '2017-06-26T14:55:05.860Z'
    - pushstate-server > compression > debug:
        patched: '2017-09-29T05:25:16.929Z'
    - pushstate-server > connect > debug:
        patched: '2017-09-29T05:25:16.929Z'
    - pushstate-server > connect > finalhandler > debug:
        patched: '2017-09-29T05:25:16.929Z'
    - pushstate-server > serve-static > send > debug:
        patched: '2017-09-29T05:25:16.929Z'
    - aurelia-cli > npm > cli-table2 > lodash:
        patched: '2018-08-09T22:41:01.549Z'
    - nps-utils > concurrently > tree-kill:
        patched: '2019-12-11T22:32:06.634Z'
    - snyk > snyk-sbt-plugin > tree-kill:
        patched: '2019-12-11T22:32:06.634Z'