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<p align="center"><i>一个使用机器学习建模部分观测时间序列(POTS)的Python算法工具库</i></p>

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⦿ `开发背景`: 由于传感器故障、通信异常以及不可预见的未知原因,在现实环境中收集的时间序列数据普遍存在缺失值,
这使得部分观测时间序列(partially-observed time series,简称为POTS)成为现实世界数据的建模中普遍存在的问题。

⦿ `应用意义`: PyPOTS(发音为"Pie Pots")是一个易上手的工具箱,工程师和研究人员可以通过PyPOTS轻松地处理POTS数据建模问题,

🤗 如果你认为PyPOTS有用,请星标🌟该项目来帮助更多人注意到PyPOTS的存在。

[**❖ 支持的算法**](#-支持的算法),
[**❖ PyPOTS生态系统**](#-pypots生态系统),
[**❖ 安装教程**](#-安装教程),
[**❖ 使用案例**](#-使用案例),
[**❖ 引用PyPOTS**](#-引用pypots),
[**❖ 贡献声明**](#-贡献声明),
[**❖ 社区组织**](#-社区组织)。

## ❖ 支持的算法


🌟 自**v0.2**版本开始, PyPOTS中所有神经网络模型都支持超参数调优。该功能基于[微软的NNI](https://github.com/microsoft/nni)

🔥 请注意: 表格中名称带有`🧑‍🔧`的模型(例如Transformer, iTransformer, Informer等)在它们的原始论文中并非作为可以处理POTS数据的算法提出,

| **类型**        | **算法**                                                                                                                           | **插补** | **预测** | **分类** | **聚类** | **异常检测** | **年份 - 刊物**        |
| LLM           | <a href="https://time-series.ai"><img src="https://time-series.ai/static/figs/robot.svg" width="26px"> Time-Series.AI</a>  [^36] |   ✅    |   ✅    |   ✅    |   ✅    |    ✅     | `Later in 2024`    |
| Neural Net    | TEFN🧑‍🔧[^39]                                                                                                                   |   ✅    |        |        |        |          | `2024 - arXiv`     |
| Neural Net    | TimeMixer[^37]                                                                                                                   |   ✅    |        |        |        |          | `2024 - ICLR`      |
| Neural Net    | iTransformer🧑‍🔧[^24]                                                                                                           |   ✅    |        |        |        |          | `2024 - ICLR`      |
| Neural Net    | ModernTCN[^38]                                                                                                                   |   ✅    |        |        |        |          | `2024 - ICLR`      |
| Neural Net    | ImputeFormer🧑‍🔧[^34]                                                                                                           |   ✅    |        |        |        |          | `2024 - KDD`       |
| Neural Net    | SAITS[^1]                                                                                                                        |   ✅    |        |        |        |          | `2023 - ESWA`      |
| Neural Net    | FreTS🧑‍🔧[^23]                                                                                                                  |   ✅    |        |        |        |          | `2023 - NeurIPS`   |
| Neural Net    | Koopa🧑‍🔧[^29]                                                                                                                  |   ✅    |        |        |        |          | `2023 - NeurIPS`   |
| Neural Net    | Crossformer🧑‍🔧[^16]                                                                                                            |   ✅    |        |        |        |          | `2023 - ICLR`      |
| Neural Net    | TimesNet[^14]                                                                                                                    |   ✅    |        |        |        |          | `2023 - ICLR`      |
| Neural Net    | PatchTST🧑‍🔧[^18]                                                                                                               |   ✅    |        |        |        |          | `2023 - ICLR`      |
| Neural Net    | ETSformer🧑‍🔧[^19]                                                                                                              |   ✅    |        |        |        |          | `2023 - ICLR`      |
| Neural Net    | MICN🧑‍🔧[^27]                                                                                                                   |   ✅    |        |        |        |          | `2023 - ICLR`      |
| Neural Net    | DLinear🧑‍🔧[^17]                                                                                                                |   ✅    |        |        |        |          | `2023 - AAAI`      |
| Neural Net    | TiDE🧑‍🔧[^28]                                                                                                                   |   ✅    |        |        |        |          | `2023 - TMLR`      |
| Neural Net    | SCINet🧑‍🔧[^30]                                                                                                                 |   ✅    |        |        |        |          | `2022 - NeurIPS`   |
| Neural Net    | Nonstationary Tr.🧑‍🔧[^25]                                                                                                      |   ✅    |        |        |        |          | `2022 - NeurIPS`   |
| Neural Net    | FiLM🧑‍🔧[^22]                                                                                                                   |   ✅    |        |        |        |          | `2022 - NeurIPS`   |
| Neural Net    | RevIN_SCINet🧑‍🔧[^31]                                                                                                           |   ✅    |        |        |        |          | `2022 - ICLR`      |
| Neural Net    | Pyraformer🧑‍🔧[^26]                                                                                                             |   ✅    |        |        |        |          | `2022 - ICLR`      |
| Neural Net    | Raindrop[^5]                                                                                                                     |        |        |   ✅    |        |          | `2022 - ICLR`      |
| Neural Net    | FEDformer🧑‍🔧[^20]                                                                                                              |   ✅    |        |        |        |          | `2022 - ICML`      |
| Neural Net    | Autoformer🧑‍🔧[^15]                                                                                                             |   ✅    |        |        |        |          | `2021 - NeurIPS`   |
| Neural Net    | CSDI[^12]                                                                                                                        |   ✅    |   ✅    |        |        |          | `2021 - NeurIPS`   |
| Neural Net    | Informer🧑‍🔧[^21]                                                                                                               |   ✅    |        |        |        |          | `2021 - AAAI`      |
| Neural Net    | US-GAN[^10]                                                                                                                      |   ✅    |        |        |        |          | `2021 - AAAI`      |
| Neural Net    | CRLI[^6]                                                                                                                         |        |        |        |   ✅    |          | `2021 - AAAI`      |
| Probabilistic | BTTF[^8]                                                                                                                         |        |   ✅    |        |        |          | `2021 - TPAMI`     |
| Neural Net    | StemGNN🧑‍🔧[^33]                                                                                                                |   ✅    |        |        |        |          | `2020 - NeurIPS`   |
| Neural Net    | Reformer🧑‍🔧[^32]                                                                                                               |   ✅    |        |        |        |          | `2020 - ICLR`      |
| Neural Net    | GP-VAE[^11]                                                                                                                      |   ✅    |        |        |        |          | `2020 - AISTATS`   |
| Neural Net    | VaDER[^7]                                                                                                                        |        |        |        |   ✅    |          | `2019 - GigaSci.`  |
| Neural Net    | M-RNN[^9]                                                                                                                        |   ✅    |        |        |        |          | `2019 - TBME`      |
| Neural Net    | BRITS[^3]                                                                                                                        |   ✅    |        |   ✅    |        |          | `2018 - NeurIPS`   |
| Neural Net    | GRU-D[^4]                                                                                                                        |   ✅    |        |   ✅    |        |          | `2018 - Sci. Rep.` |
| Neural Net    | TCN🧑‍🔧[^35]                                                                                                                    |   ✅    |        |        |        |          | `2018 - arXiv`     |
| Neural Net    | Transformer🧑‍🔧[^2]                                                                                                             |   ✅    |        |        |        |          | `2017 - NeurIPS`   |
| Naive         | Lerp[^40]                                                                                                                        |   ✅    |        |        |        |          |                    |
| Naive         | LOCF/NOCB                                                                                                                        |   ✅    |        |        |        |          |                    |
| Naive         | Mean                                                                                                                             |   ✅    |        |        |        |          |                    |
| Naive         | Median                                                                                                                           |   ✅    |        |        |        |          |                    |

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## ❖ PyPOTS生态系统


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👈 在PyPOTS中,数据可以被看作是咖啡豆,而写的携带缺失值的POTS数据则是不完整的咖啡豆。
为了让用户能够轻松使用各种开源的时间序列数据集,我们创建了开源时间序列数据集的仓库 Time Series Data Beans (TSDB)
TSDB让加载开源时序数据集变得超级简单!访问 [TSDB](https://github.com/WenjieDu/TSDB),了解更多关于TSDB的信息,目前总共支持172个开源数据集!

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完全随机缺失(missing completely at random,简称为MCAR)、随机缺失(missing at random,简称为MAR)和非随机缺失(missing not at
random,简称为MNAR )。

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👉 现在我们有了咖啡豆(beans)、磨豆机(grinder)和咖啡壶(pot),让我们坐在长凳(bench)上想想如何萃取一杯咖啡呢?

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## ❖ 安装教程

你可以参考PyPOTS文档中的 [安装说明](https://docs.pypots.com/en/latest/install.html) 以获取更详细的指南。
PyPOTS可以在 [PyPI](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pypots) 和 [Anaconda](https://anaconda.org/conda-forge/pypots) 上安装。

# 通过pip安装
pip install pypots            # 首次安装
pip install pypots --upgrade  # 更新为最新版本
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pip install https://github.com/WenjieDu/PyPOTS/archive/main.zip

# 通过conda安装
conda install -c conda-forge pypots  # 首次安装
conda update  -c conda-forge pypots  # 更新为最新版本

## ❖ 使用案例

除了[BrewPOTS](https://github.com/WenjieDu/BrewPOTS)之外, 你还可以在Google Colab
<a href="https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1HEFjylEy05-r47jRy0H9jiS_WhD0UWmQ">
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<details open>
<summary><b>点击此处查看 SAITS 模型应用于 PhysioNet2012 数据集插补任务的简单案例:</b></summary>

``` python
# 数据预处理,使用PyPOTS生态帮助完成繁琐的数据预处理
import numpy as np
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from pygrinder import mcar
from pypots.data import load_specific_dataset
data = load_specific_dataset('physionet_2012')  # PyPOTS将自动下载并加载和处理数据
X = data['X']
num_samples = len(X['RecordID'].unique())
X = X.drop(['RecordID', 'Time'], axis = 1)
X = StandardScaler().fit_transform(X.to_numpy())
X = X.reshape(num_samples, 48, -1)
X_ori = X  # keep X_ori for validation
X = mcar(X, 0.1)  # 随机掩盖观测值的10%,作为基准数据
dataset = {"X": X}  # X用于模型输入
print(X.shape)  # X的形状为(11988, 48, 37), 即11988个样本,每个样本有48个步长(time steps)和37个特征(features)

# 模型训练。PyPOTS的好戏上演了!
from pypots.imputation import SAITS
from pypots.utils.metrics import calc_mae
saits = SAITS(n_steps=48, n_features=37, n_layers=2, d_model=256, n_heads=4, d_k=64, d_v=64, d_ffn=128, dropout=0.1, epochs=10)
# 因为基准数据对模型不可知,将整个数据集作为训练集, 也可以把数据集分为训练/验证/测试集
saits.fit(dataset)  # 基于数据集训练模型
imputation = saits.impute(dataset)  # 插补数据集中原始缺失部分和我们上面人为遮蔽缺失的基准数据部分
indicating_mask = np.isnan(X) ^ np.isnan(X_ori)  # 用于计算插补误差的掩码矩阵
mae = calc_mae(imputation, np.nan_to_num(X_ori), indicating_mask)  # 计算人为遮掩部分数据的平均绝对误差MAE
saits.save("save_it_here/saits_physionet2012.pypots")  # 保存模型
saits.load("save_it_here/saits_physionet2012.pypots")  # 你随时可以重新加载保存的模型文件以进行后续的插补或训练


## ❖ 引用PyPOTS

> [!TIP]
> **[2024年6月更新]** 😎
> 第一个全面的时间序列插补基准论文[TSI-Bench: Benchmarking Time Series Imputation](https://arxiv.org/abs/2406.12747)
> 现在来了。
> 所有代码开源在[Awesome_Imputation](https://github.com/WenjieDu/Awesome_Imputation)
> 仓库中。通过近35,000个实验,我们对28种imputation方法,3种缺失模式(点,序列,块),各种缺失率,和8个真实数据集进行了全面的基准研究。
> **[2024年2月更新]** 🎉
> 我们的综述论文[Deep Learning for Multivariate Time Series Imputation: A Survey](https://arxiv.org/abs/2402.04059)
> 已在 arXiv 上发布。我们全面调研总结了最新基于深度学习的时间序列插补方法文献并对现有的方法进行分类,此外,还讨论了该领域当前的挑战和未来发展方向。

PyPOTS的论文可以[在arXiv上获取](https://arxiv.org/abs/2305.18811),其5页的短版论文已被第9届SIGKDD international workshop
Mining and Learning from Time Series ([MiLeTS'23](https://kdd-milets.github.io/milets2023/))收录,与此同时,
PyPOTS也已被纳入[PyTorch Ecosystem](https://pytorch.org/ecosystem/)。我们正在努力将其发表在更具影响力的学术刊物上,
如JMLR (track for [Machine Learning Open Source Software](https://www.jmlr.org/mloss/))。


    title = {{PyPOTS: a Python toolbox for data mining on Partially-Observed Time Series}},
    author = {Wenjie Du},
    journal = {arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.18811},
    year = {2023},

> Wenjie Du. (2023).
> PyPOTS: a Python toolbox for data mining on Partially-Observed Time Series.
> arXiv, abs/2305.18811. https://arxiv.org/abs/2305.18811

## ❖ 贡献声明



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3. 在PyPOTS发布新版本的[更新日志](https://github.com/WenjieDu/PyPOTS/releases)中被提及;


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## ❖ 社区组织


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[//]: # (Use APA reference style below)
[^1]: Du, W., Cote, D., & Liu, Y. (2023).
[SAITS: Self-Attention-based Imputation for Time Series](https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2023.119619).
*Expert systems with applications*.
[^2]: Vaswani, A., Shazeer, N.M., Parmar, N., Uszkoreit, J., Jones, L., Gomez, A.N., Kaiser, L., & Polosukhin, I. (
[Attention is All you Need](https://papers.nips.cc/paper/2017/hash/3f5ee243547dee91fbd053c1c4a845aa-Abstract.html).
*NeurIPS 2017*.
[^3]: Cao, W., Wang, D., Li, J., Zhou, H., Li, L., & Li, Y. (2018).
[BRITS: Bidirectional Recurrent Imputation for Time Series](https://papers.nips.cc/paper/2018/hash/734e6bfcd358e25ac1db0a4241b95651-Abstract.html).
*NeurIPS 2018*.
[^4]: Che, Z., Purushotham, S., Cho, K., Sontag, D.A., & Liu, Y. (2018).
[Recurrent Neural Networks for Multivariate Time Series with Missing Values](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-018-24271-9).
*Scientific Reports*.
[^5]: Zhang, X., Zeman, M., Tsiligkaridis, T., & Zitnik, M. (2022).
[Graph-Guided Network for Irregularly Sampled Multivariate Time Series](https://arxiv.org/abs/2110.05357). *ICLR 2022*.
[^6]: Ma, Q., Chen, C., Li, S., & Cottrell, G. W. (2021).
[Learning Representations for Incomplete Time Series Clustering](https://ojs.aaai.org/index.php/AAAI/article/view/17070).
*AAAI 2021*.
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[^36]: Project Gungnir, the world 1st LLM for time-series multitask modeling, will meet you soon. 🚀 Missing values and
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