The core wrapper assembles the submodules of ImputeFormer imputation model
and takes over the forward progress of the algorithm.
# Created by Tong Nie <> and Wenjie Du <>
# License: BSD-3-Clause
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from ...nn.modules.imputeformer import (
from ...nn.modules.saits import SaitsLoss
class _ImputeFormer(nn.Module):
Spatiotemporal Imputation Transformer induced by low-rank factorization, KDD'24.
This is a simplified implementation under the SAITS framework (ORT+MIT).
The timestamp encoding is also removed for ease of implementation.
def __init__(
n_steps: int,
n_features: int,
n_layers: int,
d_input_embed: int,
d_learnable_embed: int,
d_proj: int,
d_ffn: int,
n_temporal_heads: int,
dropout: float = 0.0,
input_dim: int = 1,
output_dim: int = 1,
ORT_weight: float = 1,
MIT_weight: float = 1,
self.n_nodes = n_features
self.in_steps = n_steps
self.out_steps = n_steps
self.input_dim = input_dim
self.output_dim = output_dim
self.input_embedding_dim = d_input_embed
self.learnable_embedding_dim = d_learnable_embed
self.model_dim = d_input_embed + d_learnable_embed
self.n_temporal_heads = n_temporal_heads
self.num_layers = n_layers
self.input_proj = nn.Linear(input_dim, self.input_embedding_dim)
self.d_proj = d_proj
self.d_ffn = d_ffn
self.learnable_embedding = nn.init.xavier_uniform_(
nn.Parameter(torch.empty(self.in_steps, self.n_nodes, self.learnable_embedding_dim))
self.readout = MLP(self.model_dim, self.model_dim, output_dim, n_layers=2)
self.attn_layers_t = nn.ModuleList(
for _ in range(self.num_layers)
self.attn_layers_s = nn.ModuleList(
for _ in range(self.num_layers)
# apply SAITS loss function to Transformer on the imputation task
self.saits_loss_func = SaitsLoss(ORT_weight, MIT_weight)
def forward(self, inputs: dict, training: bool = True) -> dict:
x, missing_mask = inputs["X"], inputs["missing_mask"]
# x: (batch_size, in_steps, num_nodes)
# Note that ImputeFormer is designed for Spatial-Temporal data that has the format [B, S, N, C],
# where N is the number of nodes and C is an additional feature dimension,
# We simply add an extra axis here for implementation.
x = x.unsqueeze(-1) # [b s n c]
missing_mask = missing_mask.unsqueeze(-1) # [b s n c]
batch_size = x.shape[0]
# Whiten missing values
x = x * missing_mask
x = self.input_proj(x) # (batch_size, in_steps, num_nodes, input_embedding_dim)
# Learnable node embedding
node_emb = self.learnable_embedding.expand(batch_size, *self.learnable_embedding.shape)
x =[x, node_emb], dim=-1) # (batch_size, in_steps, num_nodes, model_dim)
# Spatial and temporal processing with customized attention layers
x = x.permute(0, 2, 1, 3) # [b n s c]
for att_t, att_s in zip(self.attn_layers_t, self.attn_layers_s):
x = att_t(x)
x = att_s(x, self.learnable_embedding, dim=1)
# Readout
x = x.permute(0, 2, 1, 3) # [b s n c]
reconstruction = self.readout(x)
reconstruction = reconstruction.squeeze(-1) # [b s n]
missing_mask = missing_mask.squeeze(-1) # [b s n]
# Below is the SAITS processing pipeline:
# replace the observed part with values from X
imputed_data = missing_mask * inputs["X"] + (1 - missing_mask) * reconstruction
# ensemble the results as a dictionary for return
results = {
"imputed_data": imputed_data,
# if in training mode, return results with losses
if training:
X_ori, indicating_mask = inputs["X_ori"], inputs["indicating_mask"]
loss, ORT_loss, MIT_loss = self.saits_loss_func(reconstruction, X_ori, missing_mask, indicating_mask)
results["ORT_loss"] = ORT_loss
results["MIT_loss"] = MIT_loss
# `loss` is always the item for backward propagating to update the model
results["loss"] = loss
return results