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Test Coverage


# Created by Wenjie Du <wenjay.du@gmail.com>
# License: BSD-3-Clause

import torch
import torch.nn as nn

import torch.nn.functional as F

class BackboneFreTS(nn.Module):
    def __init__(
        n_steps: int,
        n_features: int,
        embed_size: int,
        n_pred_steps: int,
        hidden_size: int,
        channel_independence: bool = False,

        self.n_steps = n_steps
        self.n_features = n_features
        self.n_pred_steps = n_pred_steps
        self.embed_size = embed_size  # embed_size, the input is already embedded
        self.hidden_size = hidden_size  # hidden_size
        self.channel_independence = channel_independence
        self.sparsity_threshold = 0.01
        self.scale = 0.02

        # self.embeddings = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(1, self.embed_size)) # original embedding method, deprecate here
        self.r1 = nn.Parameter(self.scale * torch.randn(self.embed_size, self.embed_size))
        self.i1 = nn.Parameter(self.scale * torch.randn(self.embed_size, self.embed_size))
        self.rb1 = nn.Parameter(self.scale * torch.randn(self.embed_size))
        self.ib1 = nn.Parameter(self.scale * torch.randn(self.embed_size))
        self.r2 = nn.Parameter(self.scale * torch.randn(self.embed_size, self.embed_size))
        self.i2 = nn.Parameter(self.scale * torch.randn(self.embed_size, self.embed_size))
        self.rb2 = nn.Parameter(self.scale * torch.randn(self.embed_size))
        self.ib2 = nn.Parameter(self.scale * torch.randn(self.embed_size))

        self.fc = nn.Sequential(
            nn.Linear(self.n_steps * self.embed_size, self.hidden_size),
            nn.Linear(self.hidden_size, self.n_pred_steps),

    # # dimension extension
    # def tokenEmb(self, x):
    #     # x: [Batch, Input length, Channel]
    #     x = x.permute(0, 2, 1)
    #     x = x.unsqueeze(3)
    #     # N*T*1 x 1*D = N*T*D
    #     y = self.embeddings
    #     return x * y

    # frequency temporal learner
    def MLP_temporal(self, x, B, N, L):
        # [B, N, T, D]
        x = torch.fft.rfft(x, dim=2, norm="ortho")  # FFT on L dimension
        y = self.FreMLP(B, N, L, x, self.r2, self.i2, self.rb2, self.ib2)
        x = torch.fft.irfft(y, n=self.n_steps, dim=2, norm="ortho")
        return x

    # frequency channel learner
    def MLP_channel(self, x, B, N, L):
        # [B, N, T, D]
        x = x.permute(0, 2, 1, 3)
        # [B, T, N, D]
        x = torch.fft.rfft(x, dim=2, norm="ortho")  # FFT on N dimension
        y = self.FreMLP(B, L, N, x, self.r1, self.i1, self.rb1, self.ib1)
        x = torch.fft.irfft(y, n=self.n_features, dim=2, norm="ortho")
        x = x.permute(0, 2, 1, 3)
        # [B, N, T, D]
        return x

    # frequency-domain MLPs
    # dimension: FFT along the dimension, r: the real part of weights, i: the imaginary part of weights
    # rb: the real part of bias, ib: the imaginary part of bias
    def FreMLP(self, B, nd, dimension, x, r, i, rb, ib):
        o1_real = torch.zeros([B, nd, dimension // 2 + 1, self.embed_size], device=x.device)
        o1_imag = torch.zeros([B, nd, dimension // 2 + 1, self.embed_size], device=x.device)

        o1_real = F.relu(torch.einsum("bijd,dd->bijd", x.real, r) - torch.einsum("bijd,dd->bijd", x.imag, i) + rb)

        o1_imag = F.relu(torch.einsum("bijd,dd->bijd", x.imag, r) + torch.einsum("bijd,dd->bijd", x.real, i) + ib)

        y = torch.stack([o1_real, o1_imag], dim=-1)
        y = F.softshrink(y, lambd=self.sparsity_threshold)
        y = torch.view_as_complex(y)
        return y

    def forward(self, x):
        # x: [Batch, n_steps, embed_size]
        B, T, N = x.shape

        x = x.permute(0, 2, 1)
        x = x.unsqueeze(3)

        bias = x
        # [B, N, T, D]
        if self.channel_independence == "0":
            x = self.MLP_channel(x, B, N, T)
        # [B, N, T, D]
        x = self.MLP_temporal(x, B, N, T)
        x = x + bias
        x = self.fc(x.reshape(B, N, -1)).permute(0, 2, 1)
        return x