# Created by Jun Wang <> and Wenjie Du <>
# License: BSD-3-Clause
import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
def rbf_kernel(T, length_scale):
xs = torch.arange(T).float()
xs_in = torch.unsqueeze(xs, 0)
xs_out = torch.unsqueeze(xs, 1)
distance_matrix = (xs_in - xs_out) ** 2
distance_matrix_scaled = distance_matrix / length_scale**2
kernel_matrix = torch.exp(-distance_matrix_scaled)
return kernel_matrix
def diffusion_kernel(T, length_scale):
assert length_scale < 0.5, "length_scale has to be smaller than 0.5 for the kernel matrix to be diagonally dominant"
sigmas = torch.ones(T, T) * length_scale
sigmas_tridiag = torch.diagonal(sigmas, offset=0, dim1=-2, dim2=-1)
sigmas_tridiag += torch.diagonal(sigmas, offset=1, dim1=-2, dim2=-1)
sigmas_tridiag += torch.diagonal(sigmas, offset=-1, dim1=-2, dim2=-1)
kernel_matrix = sigmas_tridiag + torch.eye(T) * (1.0 - length_scale)
return kernel_matrix
def matern_kernel(T, length_scale):
xs = torch.arange(T).float()
xs_in = torch.unsqueeze(xs, 0)
xs_out = torch.unsqueeze(xs, 1)
distance_matrix = torch.abs(xs_in - xs_out)
distance_matrix_scaled = distance_matrix / torch.sqrt(length_scale).type(torch.float32)
kernel_matrix = torch.exp(-distance_matrix_scaled)
return kernel_matrix
def cauchy_kernel(T, sigma, length_scale):
xs = torch.arange(T).float()
xs_in = torch.unsqueeze(xs, 0)
xs_out = torch.unsqueeze(xs, 1)
distance_matrix = (xs_in - xs_out) ** 2
distance_matrix_scaled = distance_matrix / length_scale**2
kernel_matrix = sigma / (distance_matrix_scaled + 1.0)
alpha = 0.001
eye = torch.eye(kernel_matrix.shape[-1])
return kernel_matrix + alpha * eye
def make_nn(input_size, output_size, hidden_sizes):
"""This function used to creates fully connected neural network.
input_size : int,
the dimension of input embeddings
output_size : int,
the dimension of out embeddings
hidden_sizes : tuple,
the tuple of hidden layer sizes, and the tuple length sets the number of hidden layers
output: tensor
the processing embeddings
layers = []
for i in range(len(hidden_sizes)):
if i == 0:
layers.append(nn.Linear(in_features=input_size, out_features=hidden_sizes[i]))
layers.append(nn.Linear(in_features=hidden_sizes[i - 1], out_features=hidden_sizes[i]))
layers.append(nn.Linear(in_features=hidden_sizes[-1], out_features=output_size))
return nn.Sequential(*layers)
class CustomConv1d(torch.nn.Conv1d):
def __init(self, in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, padding):
super().__init__(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, padding)
def forward(self, x):
if len(x.shape) > 2:
shape = list(np.arange(len(x.shape)))
new_shape = [0, shape[-1]] + shape[1:-1]
out = super().forward(x.permute(*new_shape))
shape = list(np.arange(len(out.shape)))
new_shape = [0, shape[-1]] + shape[1:-1]
if self.kernel_size[0] % 2 == 0:
out = F.pad(out, (0, -1), "constant", 0)
return out.permute(new_shape)
return super().forward(x)
def make_cnn(input_size, output_size, hidden_sizes, kernel_size=3):
"""This function used to construct neural network consisting of
one 1d-convolutional layer that utilizes temporal dependencies,
fully connected network
input_size : int,
the dimension of input embeddings
output_size : int,
the dimension of out embeddings
hidden_sizes : tuple,
the tuple of hidden layer sizes, and the tuple length sets the number of hidden layers,
kernel_size : int
kernel size for convolutional layer
output: tensor
the processing embeddings
padding = kernel_size // 2
cnn_layer = CustomConv1d(input_size, hidden_sizes[0], kernel_size=kernel_size, padding=padding)
layers = [cnn_layer]
for i, h in zip(hidden_sizes, hidden_sizes[1:]):
layers.extend([nn.Linear(i, h), nn.ReLU()])
if isinstance(output_size, tuple):
net = nn.Sequential(*layers)
return [net] + [nn.Linear(hidden_sizes[-1], o) for o in output_size]
layers.append(nn.Linear(hidden_sizes[-1], output_size))
return nn.Sequential(*layers)
class GpvaeEncoder(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, input_size, z_size, hidden_sizes=(128, 128), window_size=24):
"""This module is an encoder with 1d-convolutional network and multivariate Normal posterior used by GP-VAE with
proposed banded covariance matrix
input_size : int,
the feature dimension of the input
z_size : int,
the feature dimension of the output latent embedding
hidden_sizes : tuple,
the tuple of the hidden layer sizes, and the tuple length sets the number of hidden layers
window_size : int
the kernel size for the Conv1D layer
self.z_size = int(z_size)
self.input_size = input_size, self.mu_layer, self.logvar_layer = make_cnn(
input_size, (z_size, z_size * 2), hidden_sizes, window_size
def forward(self, x):
mapped =
batch_size = mapped.size(0)
time_length = mapped.size(1)
num_dim = len(mapped.shape)
mu = self.mu_layer(mapped)
logvar = self.logvar_layer(mapped)
mapped_mean = torch.transpose(mu, num_dim - 1, num_dim - 2)
mapped_covar = torch.transpose(logvar, num_dim - 1, num_dim - 2)
mapped_covar = torch.sigmoid(mapped_covar)
mapped_reshaped = mapped_covar.reshape(batch_size, self.z_size, 2 * time_length)
dense_shape = [batch_size, self.z_size, time_length, time_length]
idxs_1 = np.repeat(np.arange(batch_size), self.z_size * (2 * time_length - 1))
idxs_2 = np.tile(np.repeat(np.arange(self.z_size), (2 * time_length - 1)), batch_size)
idxs_3 = np.tile(
np.concatenate([np.arange(time_length), np.arange(time_length - 1)]),
batch_size * self.z_size,
idxs_4 = np.tile(
np.concatenate([np.arange(time_length), np.arange(1, time_length)]),
batch_size * self.z_size,
idxs_all = np.stack([idxs_1, idxs_2, idxs_3, idxs_4], axis=1)
mapped_values = mapped_reshaped[:, :, :-1].reshape(-1)
prec_sparse = torch.sparse_coo_tensor(
prec_sparse = prec_sparse.coalesce()
prec_tril = prec_sparse.to_dense()
eye = (
.repeat(prec_tril.shape[0], prec_tril.shape[1], 1, 1)
prec_tril = prec_tril + eye
cov_tril = torch.linalg.solve_triangular(prec_tril, eye, upper=True)
cov_tril = torch.where(torch.isfinite(cov_tril), cov_tril, torch.zeros_like(cov_tril)).to(mapped.device)
num_dim = len(cov_tril.shape)
cov_tril_lower = torch.transpose(cov_tril, num_dim - 1, num_dim - 2)
z_dist = torch.distributions.MultivariateNormal(loc=mapped_mean, scale_tril=cov_tril_lower)
return z_dist
class GpvaeDecoder(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, input_size, output_size, hidden_sizes=(256, 256)):
"""This module is a decoder with Gaussian output distribution.
output_size : int,
the feature dimension of the output
hidden_sizes: tuple
the tuple of hidden layer sizes, and the tuple length sets the number of hidden layers.
super().__init__() = make_nn(input_size, output_size, hidden_sizes)
def forward(self, x):
mu =
var = torch.ones_like(mu)
return torch.distributions.Normal(mu, var)