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Test Coverage
Locality-Sensitive Hashing (LSH) Attention from https://github.com/lucidrains/reformer-pytorch

# Created by Wenjie Du <wenjay.du@gmail.com>
# License: BSD-3-Clause

from functools import partial, wraps, reduce
from operator import mul

import torch
import torch.fft
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from einops import rearrange, repeat

from .local_attention import LocalAttention, TOKEN_SELF_ATTN_VALUE

def rotate_every_two(x):
    x = rearrange(x, "... (d j) -> ... d j", j=2)
    x1, x2 = x.unbind(dim=-1)
    x = torch.stack((-x2, x1), dim=-1)
    return rearrange(x, "... d j -> ... (d j)")

def apply_rotary_pos_emb(qk, sinu_pos):
    sinu_pos = sinu_pos.type(qk.dtype)
    sinu_pos = rearrange(sinu_pos, "() n (j d) -> n j d", j=2)
    sin, cos = sinu_pos.unbind(dim=-2)
    sin, cos = map(lambda t: repeat(t, "n d -> n (d j)", j=2), (sin, cos))
    seq_len = sin.shape[0]
    qk, qk_pass = qk[:, :seq_len], qk[:, seq_len:]
    qk = (qk * cos) + (rotate_every_two(qk) * sin)
    return torch.cat((qk, qk_pass), dim=1)

def exists(val):
    return val is not None

def sort_key_val(t1, t2, dim=-1):
    values, indices = t1.sort(dim=dim)
    t2 = t2.expand_as(t1)
    return values, t2.gather(dim, indices)

def batched_index_select(values, indices):
    last_dim = values.shape[-1]
    return values.gather(1, indices[:, :, None].expand(-1, -1, last_dim))

def process_inputs_chunk(fn, chunks=1, dim=0):
    def inner_fn(*args, **kwargs):
        keys, values, len_args = kwargs.keys(), kwargs.values(), len(args)
        chunked_args = list(
            zip(*map(lambda x: x.chunk(chunks, dim=dim), list(args) + list(values)))
        all_args = map(
            lambda x: (x[:len_args], dict(zip(keys, x[len_args:]))), chunked_args
        outputs = [fn(*c_args, **c_kwargs) for c_args, c_kwargs in all_args]
        return tuple(map(lambda x: torch.cat(x, dim=dim), zip(*outputs)))

    return inner_fn

def chunked_sum(tensor, chunks=1):
    *orig_size, last_dim = tensor.shape
    tensor = tensor.reshape(-1, last_dim)
    summed_tensors = [c.sum(dim=-1) for c in tensor.chunk(chunks, dim=0)]
    return torch.cat(summed_tensors, dim=0).reshape(orig_size)

def default(val, default_val):
    return default_val if val is None else val

def cast_tuple(x):
    return x if isinstance(x, tuple) else (x,)

def max_neg_value(tensor):
    return -torch.finfo(tensor.dtype).max

def cache_fn(f):
    cache = None

    def cached_fn(*args, **kwargs):
        nonlocal cache
        if cache is not None:
            return cache
        cache = f(*args, **kwargs)
        return cache

    return cached_fn

def cache_method_decorator(cache_attr, cache_namespace, reexecute=False):
    def inner_fn(fn):
        def wrapper(
            self, *args, key_namespace=None, fetch=False, set_cache=True, **kwargs
            namespace_str = str(default(key_namespace, ""))
            _cache = getattr(self, cache_attr)
            _keyname = f"{cache_namespace}:{namespace_str}"

            if fetch:
                val = _cache[_keyname]
                if reexecute:
                    fn(self, *args, **kwargs)
                val = fn(self, *args, **kwargs)
                if set_cache:
                    setattr(self, cache_attr, {**_cache, **{_keyname: val}})
            return val

        return wrapper

    return inner_fn

def expand_dim(dim, k, t):
    t = t.unsqueeze(dim)
    expand_shape = [-1] * len(t.shape)
    expand_shape[dim] = k
    return t.expand(*expand_shape)

def merge_dims(ind_from, ind_to, tensor):
    shape = list(tensor.shape)
    arr_slice = slice(ind_from, ind_to + 1)
    shape[arr_slice] = [reduce(mul, shape[arr_slice])]
    return tensor.reshape(*shape)

def split_at_index(dim, index, t):
    pre_slices = (slice(None),) * dim
    l_ = (*pre_slices, slice(None, index))
    r_ = (*pre_slices, slice(index, None))
    return t[l_], t[r_]

class FullQKAttention(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, causal=False, dropout=0.0):
        self.causal = causal
        self.dropout = nn.Dropout(dropout)

    def forward(
        self, qk, v, query_len=None, input_mask=None, input_attn_mask=None, **kwargs
        b, seq_len, dim = qk.shape
        query_len = default(query_len, seq_len)
        t = query_len

        q = qk[:, 0:query_len]
        qk = F.normalize(qk, 2, dim=-1).type_as(q)

        dot = torch.einsum("bie,bje->bij", q, qk) * (dim**-0.5)

        # qk attention requires tokens not attend to self
        i = torch.arange(t)
        dot[:, i, i] = TOKEN_SELF_ATTN_VALUE
        masked_value = max_neg_value(dot)

        # Input mask for padding in variable lengthed sequences
        if input_mask is not None:
            mask = input_mask[:, 0:query_len, None] * input_mask[:, None, :]
            mask = F.pad(mask, (0, seq_len - mask.shape[-1]), value=True)
            dot.masked_fill_(~mask, masked_value)

        # Mask for post qk attention logits of the input sequence
        if input_attn_mask is not None:
            input_attn_mask = F.pad(
                input_attn_mask, (0, seq_len - input_attn_mask.shape[-1]), value=True
            dot.masked_fill_(~input_attn_mask, masked_value)

        if self.causal:
            i, j = torch.triu_indices(t, t, 1)
            dot[:, i, j] = masked_value

        dot = dot.softmax(dim=-1)
        dot = self.dropout(dot)

        out = torch.einsum("bij,bje->bie", dot, v)

        return out, dot, torch.empty(0)

class LSHAttention(nn.Module):
    def __init__(
        if dropout >= 1.0:
            raise ValueError("Dropout rates must be lower than 1.")

        self.dropout = nn.Dropout(dropout)
        self.dropout_for_hash = nn.Dropout(drop_for_hash_rate)

        assert rehash_each_round or allow_duplicate_attention, (
            "The setting {allow_duplicate_attention=False, rehash_each_round=False}"
            " is not implemented."

        self.causal = causal
        self.bucket_size = bucket_size

        self.n_hashes = n_hashes

        self._allow_duplicate_attention = allow_duplicate_attention
        self._attend_across_buckets = attend_across_buckets
        self._rehash_each_round = rehash_each_round
        self._random_rotations_per_head = random_rotations_per_head

        # will expend extra computation to return attention matrix
        self._return_attn = return_attn

        # cache buckets for reversible network, reported by authors to make Reformer work at depth
        self._cache = {}

    @cache_method_decorator("_cache", "buckets", reexecute=True)
    def hash_vectors(self, n_buckets, vecs):
        batch_size = vecs.shape[0]
        device = vecs.device

        # See https://arxiv.org/pdf/1509.02897.pdf
        # We sample a different random rotation for each round of hashing to
        # decrease the probability of hash misses.
        assert n_buckets % 2 == 0

        rot_size = n_buckets

        rotations_shape = (
            batch_size if self._random_rotations_per_head else 1,
            self.n_hashes if self._rehash_each_round else 1,
            rot_size // 2,

        random_rotations = torch.randn(
            rotations_shape, dtype=vecs.dtype, device=device
        ).expand(batch_size, -1, -1, -1)

        dropped_vecs = self.dropout_for_hash(vecs)
        rotated_vecs = torch.einsum("btf,bfhi->bhti", dropped_vecs, random_rotations)

        if self._rehash_each_round:
            # rotated_vectors size [batch,n_hash,seq_len,buckets]
            rotated_vecs = torch.cat([rotated_vecs, -rotated_vecs], dim=-1)
            buckets = torch.argmax(rotated_vecs, dim=-1)
            rotated_vecs = torch.cat([rotated_vecs, -rotated_vecs], dim=-1)
            # In this configuration, we map each item to the top self.n_hashes buckets
            rotated_vecs = torch.squeeze(rotated_vecs, 1)
            bucket_range = torch.arange(rotated_vecs.shape[-1], device=device)
            bucket_range = torch.reshape(bucket_range, (1, -1))
            bucket_range = bucket_range.expand_as(rotated_vecs)

            _, buckets = sort_key_val(rotated_vecs, bucket_range, dim=-1)
            # buckets size [batch size, seq_len, buckets]
            buckets = buckets[..., -self.n_hashes :].transpose(1, 2)

        # buckets is now (self.n_hashes, seq_len). Next we add offsets so that
        # bucket numbers from different hashing rounds don't overlap.
        offsets = torch.arange(self.n_hashes, device=device)
        offsets = torch.reshape(offsets * n_buckets, (1, -1, 1))
        buckets = torch.reshape(
            buckets + offsets,
        return buckets

    def forward(
        batch_size, seqlen, dim, device = *qk.shape, qk.device

        query_len = default(query_len, seqlen)
        is_reverse = kwargs.pop("_reverse", False)
        depth = kwargs.pop("_depth", None)

        assert (
            seqlen % (self.bucket_size * 2) == 0
        ), f"Sequence length ({seqlen}) needs to be divisible by target bucket size  x 2 - {self.bucket_size * 2}"

        n_buckets = seqlen // self.bucket_size
        buckets = self.hash_vectors(

        # We use the same vector as both a query and a key.
        assert int(buckets.shape[1]) == self.n_hashes * seqlen

        total_hashes = self.n_hashes

        ticker = (
            torch.arange(total_hashes * seqlen, device=device)
        buckets_and_t = seqlen * buckets + (ticker % seqlen)
        buckets_and_t = buckets_and_t.detach()

        # Hash-based sort ("s" at the start of variable names means "sorted")
        sbuckets_and_t, sticker = sort_key_val(buckets_and_t, ticker, dim=-1)
        _, undo_sort = sticker.sort(dim=-1)
        del ticker

        sbuckets_and_t = sbuckets_and_t.detach()
        sticker = sticker.detach()
        undo_sort = undo_sort.detach()

        if exists(pos_emb):
            qk = apply_rotary_pos_emb(qk, pos_emb)

        st = sticker % seqlen
        sqk = batched_index_select(qk, st)
        sv = batched_index_select(v, st)

        # Split off a "bin" axis so that attention only occurs within chunks.
        chunk_size = total_hashes * n_buckets
        bq_t = bkv_t = torch.reshape(st, (batch_size, chunk_size, -1))
        bqk = torch.reshape(sqk, (batch_size, chunk_size, -1, dim))
        bv = torch.reshape(sv, (batch_size, chunk_size, -1, dim))

        # Hashing operates on unit-length vectors. Unnormalized query vectors are
        # fine because they effectively provide a learnable temperature for the
        # attention softmax, but normalizing keys is needed so that similarity for
        # the purposes of attention correctly corresponds to hash locality.
        bq = bqk
        bk = F.normalize(bqk, p=2, dim=-1).type_as(bq)

        # Allow each chunk to attend within itself, and also one chunk back. Chunk
        # boundaries might occur in the middle of a sequence of items from the
        # same bucket, so this increases the chances of attending to relevant items.
        def look_one_back(x):
            x_extra = torch.cat([x[:, -1:, ...], x[:, :-1, ...]], dim=1)
            return torch.cat([x, x_extra], dim=2)

        bk = look_one_back(bk)
        bv = look_one_back(bv)
        bkv_t = look_one_back(bkv_t)

        # Dot-product attention.
        dots = torch.einsum("bhie,bhje->bhij", bq, bk) * (dim**-0.5)
        masked_value = max_neg_value(dots)

        # Mask for post qk attention logits of the input sequence
        if input_attn_mask is not None:
            input_attn_mask = F.pad(
                    seqlen - input_attn_mask.shape[-1],
                    seqlen - input_attn_mask.shape[-2],
            dot_attn_indices = (bq_t * seqlen)[:, :, :, None] + bkv_t[:, :, None, :]
            input_attn_mask = input_attn_mask.reshape(batch_size, -1)
            dot_attn_indices = dot_attn_indices.reshape(batch_size, -1)
            mask = input_attn_mask.gather(1, dot_attn_indices).reshape_as(dots)
            dots.masked_fill_(~mask, masked_value)
            del mask

        # Input mask for padding in variable lengthed sequences
        if input_mask is not None:
            input_mask = F.pad(
                input_mask, (0, seqlen - input_mask.shape[1]), value=True
            mq = input_mask.gather(1, st).reshape((batch_size, chunk_size, -1))
            mkv = look_one_back(mq)
            mask = mq[:, :, :, None] * mkv[:, :, None, :]
            dots.masked_fill_(~mask, masked_value)
            del mask

        # Causal masking
        if self.causal:
            mask = bq_t[:, :, :, None] < bkv_t[:, :, None, :]
            if seqlen > query_len:
                mask = mask & (bkv_t[:, :, None, :] < query_len)
            dots.masked_fill_(mask, masked_value)
            del mask

        # Mask out attention to self except when no other targets are available.
        self_mask = bq_t[:, :, :, None] == bkv_t[:, :, None, :]
        dots.masked_fill_(self_mask, TOKEN_SELF_ATTN_VALUE)
        del self_mask

        # Mask out attention to other hash buckets.
        if not self._attend_across_buckets:
            bq_buckets = bkv_buckets = torch.reshape(
                sbuckets_and_t // seqlen, (batch_size, chunk_size, -1)
            bkv_buckets = look_one_back(bkv_buckets)
            bucket_mask = bq_buckets[:, :, :, None] != bkv_buckets[:, :, None, :]
            dots.masked_fill_(bucket_mask, masked_value)
            del bucket_mask

        # Don't double-count query-key pairs across multiple rounds of hashing.
        # There are two possible strategies here. (1) The default is to count how
        # many times a query-key pair is repeated, and to lower its log-prob
        # correspondingly at each repetition. (2) When hard_k is set, the code
        # instead masks all but the first occurence of each query-key pair.
        if not self._allow_duplicate_attention:
            locs1 = undo_sort // bq_t.shape[-1]
            locs2 = (locs1 + 1) % chunk_size
            if not self._attend_across_buckets:
                locs1 = buckets * chunk_size + locs1
                locs2 = buckets * chunk_size + locs2
            locs = torch.cat(
                    torch.reshape(locs1, (batch_size, total_hashes, seqlen)),
                    torch.reshape(locs2, (batch_size, total_hashes, seqlen)),
            ).permute((0, 2, 1))

            slocs = batched_index_select(locs, st)
            b_locs = torch.reshape(
                slocs, (batch_size, chunk_size, -1, 2 * total_hashes)

            b_locs1 = b_locs[:, :, :, None, :total_hashes]

            bq_locs = b_locs1.expand(b_locs.shape[:3] + (2, total_hashes))
            bq_locs = torch.reshape(bq_locs, b_locs.shape)
            bkv_locs = look_one_back(b_locs)

            dup_counts = bq_locs[:, :, :, None, :] == bkv_locs[:, :, None, :, :]
            # for memory considerations, chunk summation of last dimension for counting duplicates
            dup_counts = chunked_sum(dup_counts, chunks=(total_hashes * batch_size))
            dup_counts = dup_counts.detach()
            assert dup_counts.shape == dots.shape
            dots = dots - torch.log(dup_counts + 1e-9)
            del dup_counts

        # Softmax.
        dots_logsumexp = torch.logsumexp(dots, dim=-1, keepdim=True)
        dots = torch.exp(dots - dots_logsumexp).type_as(dots)
        dropped_dots = self.dropout(dots)

        bo = torch.einsum("buij,buje->buie", dropped_dots, bv)
        so = torch.reshape(bo, (batch_size, -1, dim))
        slogits = torch.reshape(

        # unsort logits
        o = batched_index_select(so, undo_sort)
        logits = slogits.gather(1, undo_sort)

        o = torch.reshape(o, (batch_size, total_hashes, seqlen, dim))
        logits = torch.reshape(logits, (batch_size, total_hashes, seqlen, 1))

        if query_len != seqlen:
            query_slice = (slice(None), slice(None), slice(0, query_len))
            o, logits = o[query_slice], logits[query_slice]

        probs = torch.exp(logits - torch.logsumexp(logits, dim=1, keepdim=True))
        out = torch.sum(o * probs, dim=1)

        attn = torch.empty(0, device=device)

        # return unsorted attention weights
        if self._return_attn:
            attn_unsort = (bq_t * seqlen)[:, :, :, None] + bkv_t[:, :, None, :]
            attn_unsort = attn_unsort.view(batch_size * total_hashes, -1).long()
            unsorted_dots = torch.zeros(
                batch_size * total_hashes, seqlen * seqlen, device=device
            unsorted_dots.scatter_add_(1, attn_unsort, dots.view_as(attn_unsort))
            del attn_unsort
            unsorted_dots = unsorted_dots.reshape(
                batch_size, total_hashes, seqlen, seqlen
            attn = torch.sum(unsorted_dots[:, :, 0:query_len, :] * probs, dim=1)

        # return output, attention matrix, and bucket distribution
        return out, attn, buckets

class LSHSelfAttention(nn.Module):
    def __init__(
        assert (
            dim_head or (dim % heads) == 0
        ), "dimensions must be divisible by number of heads"
        assert (
            n_local_attn_heads < heads
        ), "local attention heads must be less than number of heads"

        dim_head = default(dim_head, dim // heads)
        dim_heads = dim_head * heads

        self.dim = dim
        self.heads = heads
        self.dim_head = dim_head
        self.attn_chunks = default(attn_chunks, 1)

        self.v_head_repeats = heads if one_value_head else 1
        v_dim = dim_heads // self.v_head_repeats

        self.toqk = nn.Linear(dim, dim_heads, bias=False)
        self.tov = nn.Linear(dim, v_dim, bias=False)
        self.to_out = nn.Linear(dim_heads, dim)

        self.bucket_size = bucket_size
        self.lsh_attn = LSHAttention(
        self.full_attn = FullQKAttention(causal=causal, dropout=dropout)
        self.post_attn_dropout = nn.Dropout(post_attn_dropout)

        self.use_full_attn = use_full_attn
        self.full_attn_thres = default(full_attn_thres, bucket_size)

        self.num_mem_kv = num_mem_kv
        self.mem_kv = (
            nn.Parameter(torch.randn(1, num_mem_kv, dim, requires_grad=True))
            if num_mem_kv > 0
            else None

        self.n_local_attn_heads = n_local_attn_heads
        self.local_attn = LocalAttention(
            window_size=bucket_size * 2,
            look_forward=(1 if not causal else 0),

        self.callback = None

    def forward(
        device, dtype = x.device, x.dtype
        b, t, e, h, m, l_h = (

        mem_kv = default(self.mem_kv, torch.empty(b, 0, e, dtype=dtype, device=device))
        mem = mem_kv.expand(b, m, -1)

        keys = default(keys, torch.empty(b, 0, e, dtype=dtype, device=device))
        c = keys.shape[1]

        kv_len = t + m + c
        use_full_attn = self.use_full_attn or kv_len <= self.full_attn_thres

        x = torch.cat((x, mem, keys), dim=1)
        qk = self.toqk(x)
        v = self.tov(x)
        v = v.repeat(1, 1, self.v_head_repeats)

        def merge_heads(v):
            return v.view(b, kv_len, h, -1).transpose(1, 2)

        def split_heads(v):
            return v.view(b, h, t, -1).transpose(1, 2).contiguous()

        merge_batch_and_heads = partial(merge_dims, 0, 1)

        qk, v = map(merge_heads, (qk, v))

        has_local = l_h > 0
        lsh_h = h - l_h

        split_index_fn = partial(split_at_index, 1, l_h)
        (lqk, qk), (lv, v) = map(split_index_fn, (qk, v))
        lqk, qk, lv, v = map(merge_batch_and_heads, (lqk, qk, lv, v))

        masks = {}
        if input_mask is not None or context_mask is not None:
            default_mask = torch.tensor([True], device=device)
            i_mask = default(input_mask, default_mask.expand(b, t))
            m_mask = default_mask.expand(b, m)
            c_mask = default(context_mask, default_mask.expand(b, c))
            mask = torch.cat((i_mask, m_mask, c_mask), dim=1)
            mask = merge_batch_and_heads(expand_dim(1, lsh_h, mask))
            masks["input_mask"] = mask

        if input_attn_mask is not None:
            input_attn_mask = merge_batch_and_heads(
                expand_dim(1, lsh_h, input_attn_mask)
            masks["input_attn_mask"] = input_attn_mask

        attn_fn = self.lsh_attn if not use_full_attn else self.full_attn
        partial_attn_fn = partial(attn_fn, query_len=t, pos_emb=pos_emb, **kwargs)
        attn_fn_in_chunks = process_inputs_chunk(
            partial_attn_fn, chunks=self.attn_chunks

        out, attn, buckets = attn_fn_in_chunks(qk, v, **masks)

        if self.callback is not None:
            self.callback(attn.reshape(b, lsh_h, t, -1), buckets.reshape(b, lsh_h, -1))

        if has_local:
            lqk, lv = lqk[:, :t], lv[:, :t]
            local_out = self.local_attn(lqk, lqk, lv, input_mask=input_mask)
            local_out = local_out.reshape(b, l_h, t, -1)
            out = out.reshape(b, lsh_h, t, -1)
            out = torch.cat((local_out, out), dim=1)

        out = split_heads(out).view(b, t, -1)
        out = self.to_out(out)
        return self.post_attn_dropout(out)