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 * Editable - a tiny jQuery plugin to turn blocks of text into inputs
 * To use:
 * - Build a normal Rails form, adding the class '.rails_editable' to the <form> tag.
 * - Add the blocks of text you want to be editable, each having an associated input field as a sibling.
 * - Each pair of a text block and input should be wrapped in a element with the class '.rails_editable-field'.
 * - Blocks of text should have the class .rails_editable-content
 * - Inputs should have the class .rails_editable-input (they are hidden via CSS, otherwise use the inline style 'display:none').
 * - Add an edit button somewhere within the form with the class '.rails_editable-edit'.
 * - When the Edit button is clicked:
 *   - The class '.rails_editable-editing' is added to '.rails_editable'
 *   - The script will prevent the form from being submitted, so you can use a <button> element.
 *   - The inputs are supplied with the content of the associated text blocks, and the text blocks are hidden.
 *   - Textareas will have the same size as the corresponding text block
 *   - Cancel and Save buttons are appended to the parent. Construct your markup accordingly.
 *   - Cancel will revert back to showing the text blocks and hide the inputs.
 *   - Save will submit the form as a normal submit button would.
 * - Events, fired on the parent .rails_editable
 *   - editable:edit - when the edit button is clicked, after DOM is updated
 *   - editable:cancel - when the cancel button is clicked
 *   - editable:save - when the save button is clicked
 *   - editable:read - when reverting back to the initial read-only view, either via Cancel or Save buttons
 * To make an .rails_editable area be in "edit mode" when the script is loaded, append .rails_editable-editing
$(() => {
  const readMode = ($parent) => {
    $parent.find('.rails_editable-cancel, .rails_editable-save').remove();

  const editMode = (e) => {
    const $parent = $('.rails_editable');
    $parent.find('#disclaimer').css({ display: 'unset' });
    $parent.find('#profile_left #user_image').css({ height: '150px' });
      <button class='rails_editable rails_editable-cancel button'>${I18n.t('editable.cancel')}</button>
      <button class='rails_editable rails_editable-save button dark'>${I18n.t('')}</button>

    $.each($parent.find('.rails_editable-field'), (_i, field) => {
      const $content = $(field).find('.rails_editable-content');
      const $input = $(field).find('.rails_editable-input');
      const text = $content.text().trim();
      if ($input.prop('type') === 'textarea') {

    $parent.find('.rails_editable-cancel').on('click', () => {
      $parent.find('#disclaimer').css({ display: 'none' });
      $parent.find('#profile_left #user_image').css({ height: 'unset' });
      $parent.trigger('editable:cancel');, $parent);

    $parent.find('.rails_editable-save').on('click', () => {


  $('.rails_editable-edit').on('click', editMode);

  // if rails_editable-editing is present, enable edit mode on that element
  $.each($('.rails_editable-editing'), (_i, field) => {