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# Metawiki Construction Challenges

## Bootstrap
How do we start a self-hosted metawiki? There's a minimal set of functionality
we need before we can edit from within the site itself.

The backend for this website has a `npm run load-db` command that
loads an initial set of resources (JS, HTML and so on) so users
can start editing.

## No filesystem
If all of the content is stored in a database, wiki users cannot use 
normal editors/IDEs to edit the site. We are unable to use many coding
tools (linters, code formatters, build tools) unless they can run
entirely within a browser.

No filesystem also means that a metawiki cannot use a VCS, such as git. The
backend may use a VCS internally, but users can only interact with the backend
through the browser.

## Testing from within
How do we test a metawiki whose functionality can change at any time?
One approach would be to run tests of the clientside code from within thte
wiki. This is similar to smalltalk implementations, where users can run
tests from within the smalltalk environment.

However, state is dangerous with internal testing. If a test affects the
wiki instance currently running, the user cannot trust the test results. A test
may even break the current instance.

Even if we do have internal tests, how do we measure test coverage?

## Recovering from errors
If a user makes a change that breaks the wiki, how do they recover? Even a simple
syntax error may be catastrophic.

This wiki provides a [safe mode](/safe) that cannot be edited, so will always
work regardless of how broken the wiki site may be.

## Incompatible API changes
How do users make changes to the API of a module that's used elsewhere on the
wiki? This applies to both wiki modules and third party libraries.

This becomes even more difficult when multiple users may be editing at the
same time.

## Library dependencies
How do users add library dependencies to the metawiki? What if different parts
of the wiki depend on different library versions?

This metawiki loads some libraries from bower during the bootstrap process,
but that doesn't help the long-term development of the wiki.

## Conflicting changes
How does a metawiki handle multiple people editing the same JS file? Worse,
what if two users edit different JS files that depend on each other?

## IDE functionality
How can a metawiki provide a modern IDE experience? How much JS tooling can
run in the browser unmodified? How will performance fare?

## User preferences
Should the metawiki editor provide vim or emacs keybindings? How much
editor behaviour should be shared and improved collaboratively, and how
much should be personalizable?

## Upgrading
The source code for this metawiki is
[available on GitHub](https://github.com/Wilfred/metawiki). If the original
metawiki developer releases a new version on GitHub, how do existing deployments

Is it even possible? Each deployment is effectively a fork.

## Evaluating / live reloading
For editing markdown, live reloading is fairly safe. Can we safely live reload

For evaluating JS, how do we handle caching? If multiple modules depend on
(say) JQuery, we only want to load it once, but we want to ensure that
any changes to our JS can be reloaded without caching.

## Minification / concatenation
A metawiki has no build step. Should we minify? Should the backend provide
this? What if the metawiki has an editing bug and users can only see minified
content when debugging?

Currently, this demo instance just gzips JS but serves it unmodified.

## Security
This is a big topic, see the [security page](#page/Security).