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Comrade Reader

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  Makes requests to API and allows
  to decode response to objects
  Written for Wolnoƛciowiec as a bridge
  between microservices and comrades who
  wants to share the anarchist events,
  articles and news.

## Instalation

composer require wolnosciowiec/comrade-reader
composer dump-autoload -o

## Example usage

Given we have an API method "/colors/by-name/{{ colorName }}" on external server that is returning:

    "success": true,
    "data": {
        "id": 1,
        "color": "Black & Red"


namespace Example;

// Color.php
class Color
    protected $id;
    protected $colorName;
    // getter, setter...

// ColorRepository.php
class ColorRepository extends AbstractApiRepository
    public function getColorByName($colorName)
        return $this->reader->request('GET', '/colors/by-name/' . $this->escape($colorName), '', 3600)

// ExampleController.php
class ExampleController extends AbstractController
    public function viewAction()
        $color = $this->getRepository()->getColorByName('Red & Black');


The result of our dump() should be an outputted object of Color type to the screen with private properties filled up.