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    <title>WiCHacks - March 2-3, 2024 - RIT Women in Computing</title>
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    <meta name="description" content="Women and gender-minorities 24-hour hackathon @ RIT returning March 2-3, 2024!">
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            <div class="landingpg hackdate"><span>March 2-3, 2024</span></div>
            <div class="landingpg homelogo">
                <img alt="wichacks logo" src="assets/media/wichacks-logo.png">
            <div class="landingpg info">Thank you for participating in WiCHacks 2024! Explore all the amazing projects
                at our Devpost!</div>
            <!-- <div class="landingpg button"><a target="_blank"
                    href="https://wichacks-23.devpost.com/project-gallery">Devpost</a></div> -->
            <!-- <div class="landingpg button"><a target="_blank" href="https://apply.wichacks.io/">Apply Here!</a></div>
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            <div class="landingpg button"><a target="_blank" href="https://wichacks-24.devpost.com/">Devpost</a></div>
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    <!--About Section-->
    <section id="about">
        <div class="aboutsec abttxt">
            <div class="abtheading">about</div>
            <p>The Women in Computing Hackathon (WiCHacks) mission is to <b>enhance opportunities for students who
                    as women or gender minorities in the tech industry</b> and all students who support them, regardless
                gender or sex. WiCHacks values <b>diversity and inclusion</b> as essential to our mission and welcomes
                in support of moving this mission forward, including those of other genders or sex, to sign up for the
                hackathon. Hosted by Women in Computing (WiC) at Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT), the hackathon
                is a 24-hour, collaborative programming event in which participants create an app, website, game, or
                other piece of software throughout the event!
            <p class="blockqt"><b>This event is open to all skill levels:</b> from students who haven't programmed at
                to the best programmers out there, it will be a great day to learn, invent, and create the future!</p>

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            <img width="100%" height="auto" src="assets\media\2024Directors.jpg">

                More Coverage:
                <a target="_blank"
                    Spectrum News
                <a target="_blank"
                    Ithacan</a> - <a target="_blank"
                - <a target="_blank"

    <!--FAQ Section-->
    <section id="faq">
        <div class="faqheading">FAQs</div>

        <button class="accordion">Why do we do it?</button>
        <div class="panel">
            <p>Historically, women and gender minorities are underrepresented in the tech world. The Women in Computing
                Hackathon (WiCHacks) goal is to create a safe and welcoming environment for students who identify as
                women or gender-minorities in the tech industry, including those of other genders or sex who support
                them. When we create room for others, we foster a culture of dynamic inclusion, ensuring that everyone
                has a seat at the table. Throughout WiCHacks, our students can build amazing projects together!</p>

        <button class="accordion"> Who can participate in Women in Computing events?</button>
        <div class="panel">
            <p>Any undergraduate or graduate college student, who supports the mission of WiCHacks can participate! As a
                reminder, The
                Women in Computing Hackathon (WiCHacks) mission is to enhance opportunities for students who identify as
                women or gender
                minorities in the tech industry and all students who support them.</p>
                Please note that while the event is open to both RIT and non-RIT community members, due to the size of
                the hackerspace,
                attendance will be limited. As a result, priority for attendance will be given to RIT community members.
                community members will be asked to fill out a registration form and may be contacted for additional

        <button class="accordion">Can I still participate if I haven't been to a hackathon or a lot of coding
        <div class="panel">
            <p>Yes! Anyone with any amount of coding experience can participate in this hackathon.</p>

        <button class="accordion">Who can be a volunteer?</button>
        <div class="panel">
            <p>Anyone who is a student at Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT). Not a student at RIT but associated
                with a surrounding university? Please reach out to us at <a
        <button class="accordion">What do I need for the event?</button>
        <div class="panel">
        <p>Reliable internet would make your experience better. Also, access to Discord.</p>

        <button class="accordion">Can I use past projects? </button>
        <div class="panel">
            <p>The submission of past projects is not allowed, and will be disqualified from the Hackathon.</p>

        <button class="accordion">I don't have a group. </button>
        <div class="panel">
            <p>Do not fret! We will have many bonding sessions so you can find your dream team.</p>
        <button class="accordion">When is the hackathon? </button>
        <div class="panel">
            <p>The hackathon is March 2nd - 3rd 2024.</p>

        <button class="accordion">Is the hackathon in person or virtual? </button>
        <div class="panel">
            <p>The hackathon will be in person only, at the RIT Henrietta Campus.</p>

        <button class="accordion">How will I be judged? </button>
        <div class="panel">
            <p>We have created a rubric for judges, you can find it <u><a style="color: #fff;"

        <p class="faqcontact">Question unanswered? Email us at <a target="_blank"


    <section id="contents">
        <div class="abtheading">
            What does WiCHacks have?
        <p>WiCHacks has a ton of things avaliable for the weekend!</p>
            <li>Tech talks!</li>
            <li>Fun events!</li>
            <li>Mentorship opportunities!</li>
            <li><a href="https://hack.mlh.io/hardware">A hardware lab, from MLH!</a> </li>
            <li>Cool prizes!</li>
            <li>Networking with sponsors!</li>

    <!--Schedule Section-->

    <section id="schedule">
        <div class="scheduleheading">schedule</div>

        <div class="timeinfo" style="font-style:italic">*All events will be for in-person hackers ONLY.</div>
        <!--Tentative Schedule-->
        <div class="eventdate">Saturday</div>
        <div class="scheduleborder">
            <div class="event"><div class="scheduledot">•</div><b>Doors open</b></div>
            <div class="event"><div class="scheduledot">•</div><b>Opening Ceremony Begins</b></div>
            <div class="event"><div class="scheduledot">•</div><b>Lunch Time</b></div>
            <div class="event"><div class="scheduledot">•</div><b>Tech Talks</b></div>
            <div class="event"><div class="scheduledot">•</div><b>Dinner Time</b></div>
            <div class="event"><div class="scheduledot">•</div><b>Mini Events</b></div>

        <div style="padding-top:1em" class="eventdate">Sunday</div>
        <div class="scheduleborder">
            <div class="event"><div class="scheduledot">•</div><b>Breakfast Time</b></div>
            <div class="event"><div class="scheduledot">•</div><b>Lunch Time</b></div>
            <div class="event"><div class="scheduledot">•</div><b>Hacking Ends</b></div>
            <div class="event"><div class="scheduledot">•</div><b>Judging</b></div>
            <div class="event"><div class="scheduledot">•</div><b>Closing Ceremony</b><br>Winners Announced</div>

        <!--2024 Schedule-->
        <!-- <div class="timeinfo">All times listed are in EST. If you have any questions, please contact us at <a target="_blank" href="mailto:wichacks@rit.edu">wichacks@rit.edu</a>.</div>
        <div class="timeinfo">For a more detailed overview of the event, view our <a target="_blank" href="https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZtuNsWo61i025IWzNCLd0Yoj9GvhLmcAUje01hybPE4/edit?usp=sharing">EVENT GUIDE</a>.</div> -->
        <!-- <div class="timeinfo" style="font-style:italic">*All events will be for in-person hackers ONLY.</div>

        <div class="eventdate">Saturday March 2nd</div>
        <div class="scheduleborder">
            <div class="event over"><div class="scheduledot">•</div><b>10:00 AM - Doors open</b></div>
            <div class="event over"><div class="scheduledot">•</div><b>12:00 PM - Opening Ceremony Begins</b></div>
            <div class="event over"><div class="scheduledot">•</div><b>12:30 PM - Hacking Begins</b></div>
            <div class="event over"><div class="scheduledot">•</div><b>12:30 PM - Team Formation Begins</b></div>
            <div class="event over"><div class="scheduledot">•</div><b>1:00 PM - Lunch Time</b></div>

            <div class="event over"><div class="scheduledot">•</div><b>2:00 PM - Tech Talks</b>
            <br>2:00 PM - 2:30 PM | <b>Constellation Brands:</b> Speedy Styling with Tailwind CSS
            <br>2:30 PM - 3:00 PM | <b>Dick's Sporting Goods:</b> Brainstorming Your Project
            <br>2:50 PM - 3:20 PM | <b>COMS:</b> Devpost How To
            <br>3:00 PM - 4:00 PM | <b>MLH:</b> GitHub CoPilot
            <br>3:30 PM - 3:50 PM | <b>Waygate:</b> Introduction to Computer Vision: 3D Measurement
            <br>4:00 PM - 4:45 PM | <b>Constellation Brands Symposium:</b> Hacky Snack Necklaces & Affirmation Wall
            <br>4:00 PM - 4:30 PM | <b>Women in Engineering:</b> Me and my pi... The relationship between me and the RaspberryPi 4
            <br>4:15 PM - 4:30 PM | <b>M&T Tech:</b> Transition into Professional Life
            <br>4:45 PM - 5:15 PM | <b>Imaging Science Club:</b> Talking the Talk: The Art of Technical Presentations
            <br>5:00 PM - 5:30 PM | <b>Wegmans Symposium:</b> A Game You Feel Good About
            <br>5:30 PM - 6:00 PM | <b>Waygate Symposium:</b> Kazoo Battle Royale
            <div class="event over "><div class="scheduledot">•</div><b>6:00 PM - Dinner Time</b></div>
            <div class="event over "><div class="scheduledot">•</div><b>7:00 PM - Round Table with Dick's Sporting Goods WIT Team</b></div>
            <div class="event over "><div class="scheduledot">•</div><b>8:00 PM - MLH !Light</b></div>
            <div class="event over "><div class="scheduledot">•</div><b>9:00 PM - Games fit for a Hacker</b></div>
            <div class="event over "><div class="scheduledot">•</div><b>10:00 PM - "Midnight" Snack</b></div>
            <div class="event over "><div class="scheduledot">•</div><b>11:00 PM - Cup Stack Competition</b></div>


        <div style="padding-top:1em" class="eventdate">Sunday March 3rd</div>

        <div class="scheduleborder">
            <div class="event over "><div class="scheduledot">•</div><b>2:00 AM - Late Night Limbo</b></div>
            <div class="event over "><div class="scheduledot">•</div><b>8:00 AM - Breakfast Time</b></div>
            <div class="event over ">
                <div class="scheduledot">•</div><b>10:00 AM - How to Craft your Pitch with Startup Grind</b>
            <div class="event over "><div class="scheduledot">•</div><b>10:45 AM - Devpost Submission Deadline</b></div>
            <div class="event over "><div class="scheduledot">•</div><b>12:00 PM - Lunch Time</b></div>
            <div class="event over "><div class="scheduledot">•</div><b>12:00 PM - Hacking Ends</b></div>
            <div class="event over "><div class="scheduledot">•</div><b>12:45 PM - Judging Begins</b></div>
            <div class="event over "><div class="scheduledot">•</div><b>2:45 PM - Judging Ends</b></div>
            <div class="event over "><div class="scheduledot">•</div><b>3:00 PM - Closing Ceremony</b><br>Winners Announced</div>
        </div> -->


    <!--Sponsors Section-->
    <section id="sponsors">
        <!--Remove and update sponsors here-->
        <div class="sponheading">2024 Sponsors</div>

        <div class="sponlogo">

            <div class="sponlogoimg large"><a target="_blank" href="https://www.cbrands.com/"><img alt="constellation"
            <div class="sponlogoimg medium"><a target="_blank"
                    href="https://www.bakerhughes.com/waygate-technologies"><img style="width:225px;" alt="Waygate"
            <div class="sponlogoimg medium"><a target="_blank" href="https://www.wegmans.com"><img style="width:225px;"
                        alt="carrier" src="assets/logos/2024Logos/wegmanslogo.jpg"></a></div>
            <div class="sponlogoimg medium"><img alt="m&t" src="assets/logos/2024Logos/M&TTech.png"></a>
            <div class="sponlogoimg medium"><img alt="CSL" src="assets/logos/2024Logos/csl-logo.png"></div>
            <div class="sponlogoimg small"><img alt="GEICO" src="assets/logos/2024Logos/GEICO Careers_stacked_blue.png">
            <!-- Bronze -->
            <div class="sponlogoimg small"><img style="width:200px" alt="Calero"
            <div class="sponlogoimg small"><img style="width:200px" alt="Fidelity"
            <div class="sponlogoimg small"><img style="width:200px" alt="Johnson & Johnson"
            <div class="sponlogoimg small"><img style="width:200px" alt="Mindex"

            <div class="sponlogoimg small"><img alt="MLH" src="assets/logos/2024Logos/mlh-logo-color.svg"></div>
            <div class="sponlogoimg small"><img alt="GitHub" src="assets/logos/2024Logos/github-logo.svg"></div>
            <div class="sponlogoimg small"><img alt="Stand Out Stickers"


        <div class="sponsorinfo">
            <p><b>Is your company interested in sponsoring WiCHacks?</b>
                <!-- Change date and sponsorship packet link here -->
                <br />
                We would love to talk to you! Please email <a target="_blank"
                    href="mailto:wichacks@rit.edu">wichacks@rit.edu</a> for more information, or view our
                <a target="_blank" href="assets/documents/2024 WiCHacksSponsorLetter.pdf">2024 information packet</a>!


    <!-- <section id="directorGridOuter">
        <div class="directorGridHeading">
            <p>Meet Our Directors!</p>
        <div class="directorGrid">
            <img src="assets/directors/Ananya Director Post.png" alt="Head Director" class="directorImage">
            <img src="assets/directors/Aby Director Post.png" alt="Logistics" class="directorImage">
            <img src="assets/directors/Annie Director Post.png" alt="Logistics" class="directorImage">
            <img src="assets/directors/Su Director Post.png" alt="Sponsorship" class="directorImage">
            <img src="assets/directors/Allison Director Post.png" alt="Travel and Judging" class="directorImage">
            <img src="assets/directors/Isabella Director Post.png" alt="Marketing" class="directorImage">
 </section> -->
        <!-- <div><a target="_blank" href="https://mule.to/p3lg"><img alt="stickermule logo" style="width:300px"
                    src="assets/media/stickermule.png"></a></div> -->
        <!-- <p><img alt="coderit logo" style="width:175px" src="assets/sponsors/coderit.png"><br>WiCHacks is supported by <a target="_blank" href="https://coderit.org/">CodeRIT</a></p> -->
        <p><a href="http://wic.rit.edu/" target="_blank">Organized by Women in Computing</a> – Source on <a
                target="_blank" href="https://github.com/women-in-Computing-at-RIT/wichacks.io">GitHub</a> – <a
                target="_blank" href="assets/documents/mlh code of conduct.pdf">MLH Code of Conduct</a><br>
            Find us on <a href="https://www.facebook.com/wic.hacks.rit/" target="_blank">Facebook</a>, <a
                target="_blank" href="https://twitter.com/wichacks?lang=en">Twitter</a>, and <a target="_blank"
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