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type t<'index, 'value> = list<'value>

let traverseResultM = (list, f) => {
  // define the monadic functions
  let \">>=" = (x, f) => Result.bind(x, f)

  let retn = Result.succeed

  // define a "cons" function
  let cons = (head, tail) => list{head, ...tail}

  ->Belt.List.reduce(retn(list{}), (newListResult, value) =>
    \">>="(f(value), h => \">>="(newListResult, newList => retn(cons(h, newList))))
  ->Result.mapSuccess(newList => newList->Belt.List.reverse)

let traverseReduceResultM = (list: list<'a>, param: 'b, f: ('b, 'a) => Result.t2<'b>): Result.t2<
> => {
  // define the monadic functions
  let \">>=" = (x, f) => Result.bind(x, f)

  let retn = Result.succeed

  list->Belt.List.reduce(retn(param), (paramResult, value) =>
    \">>="(paramResult, param => f(param, value))

let traverseReduceResultMi = (
  list: list<'a>,
  param: 'b,
  f: ('b, (int, 'a)) => Result.t2<'b>,
): Result.t2<'b> => {
  // define the monadic functions
  let \">>=" = (x, f) => Result.bind(x, f)

  let retn = Result.succeed

    list->Belt.List.reduce(retn((0, param)), (resultData, value) =>
      \">>="(resultData, ((index, param)) =>
        \">>="(f(param, (index, value)), param => retn((index->succ, param)))
    ((_, param)) => retn(param),

let _id = value => value

let rec sequenceResultM = list => traverseResultM(list, _id)

let ignoreTraverseResultValue = traverseResult => traverseResult->Result.mapSuccess(_ => ())

let range = (start, end_) => Belt.List.makeBy(end_ - start, i => i + start)

let map = (list, func) => Belt.List.map(list, func)

let mapi = (list, func) => Belt.List.mapWithIndex(list, func)

let _eq = (source, target) => source === target

let includes = (list, value) => list->Belt.List.has(value, _eq)

let getBy = Belt.List.getBy

let reduce = Belt.List.reduce

let reducei = Belt.List.reduceWithIndex

let forEach = Belt.List.forEach

let forEachi = Belt.List.forEachWithIndex

let push = (list, value) => list->Belt.List.concat(list{value})

let toArray = Belt.List.toArray

let fromArray = Belt.List.fromArray

let remove = (list, value) => list->Belt.List.filter(v => v !== value)

let filter = Belt.List.filter

let length = Belt.List.length

let head = Belt.List.head

let nth = Belt.List.get

let getLast = list => list->nth(length(list) - 1)

let removeDuplicateItemsU = (list, buildKeyFunc) => {
  let arr = list->toArray

  let resultArr = []
  let map = MutableHashMap.createEmpty()
  for i in 0 to Js.Array.length(arr) - 1 {
    let item = Array.unsafe_get(arr, i)
    let key = buildKeyFunc(item)
    switch MutableHashMap.get(map, key) {
    | None =>
      Js.Array.push(item, resultArr) -> ignore
      MutableHashMap.set(map, key, item) -> ignore
    | Some(_) => ()

let removeDuplicateItems = list => removeDuplicateItemsU(list, Js.Int.toString)

let reverse = Belt.List.reverse

let zip = Belt.List.zip

let zipBy = Belt.List.zipBy