import { delay } from '@xylabs/delay'
import { HttpBridge, HttpBridgeConfigSchema } from '@xyo-network/bridge-http'
import type { NodeInstance } from '@xyo-network/node-model'
import { isNodeModule } from '@xyo-network/node-model'
import { printError, printLine } from '../print/index.js'
const nodeConnectionErrorMsg = 'Error connecting to Node'
export const connect = async (attempts = 60, interval = 500): Promise<NodeInstance> => {
// TODO: Configurable via config or dynamically determined
const apiDomain = process.env.API_DOMAIN || 'http://localhost:8080'
const apiConfig = { apiDomain }
printLine(`Connecting to Node at: ${apiDomain}`)
let count = 0
do {
try {
const bridge = await HttpBridge.create({ config: { nodeUrl: `${apiConfig.apiDomain}`, schema: HttpBridgeConfigSchema } })
await bridge.start()
printLine(`Connected Bridge at: ${apiDomain}`)
printLine(`Local (Bridge) Address: 0x${bridge.address}`)
// printLine(`Remote (Root) Address: 0x${await bridge.getRootAddress()}`)
// we are assuming the root here is a node module, but will check it
const nodeModule = undefined // asNodeInstance(
// (await bridge.targetResolve(await bridge.getRootAddress(), { address: [await bridge.getRootAddress()] })).pop(),
// 'Connected to root module that was not a node',
// )
if (!nodeModule) {
throw new Error(`Tried to connect to a remote module that was not found [${apiDomain}]`)
if (!nodeModule || !isNodeModule(nodeModule)) {
throw new Error(`Tried to connect to a remote module that is not a node [${apiDomain}]`)
return nodeModule
} catch {
await delay(interval)
} while (count < attempts)
throw new Error(nodeConnectionErrorMsg)