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Test Coverage
syntax = "proto3";

option java_package = "network.xyo.ble.flutter.protobuf";

    Supplies the messages for sending a request for a gatt call and the associated response

message GattOperationList {
    // Use the device ID to allow for ease of creating operations that all should be run on the same device
    string device_id = 1;
    repeated GattOperation operations = 2;
    bool disconnect_on_completion = 3;

// Specialized calls that genericize common operations
enum DefinedOperation {
    STAY_AWAKE = 0;
    GO_TO_SLEEP = 1;
    LOCK = 2;
    UNLOCK = 3;
    SONG = 4;
    STOP_SONG = 5;
    PUBLIC_KEY = 6;

message GattCall {
    string service_uuid = 1;
    string characteristic_uuid = 2;

// An operation can either be a direct service/char uuid or a defined op
message GattOperation {
    string device_id = 1;

    oneof operation {
        DefinedOperation defined_operation = 2;
        GattCall gatt_call = 3;

    Write write_request = 4;

    bool disconnect_on_completion = 5;

    message Write {
        bytes request = 1;
        bool requires_response = 2;

message GattResponseList {
    repeated GattResponse responses = 1;

message GattResponse {
    string device_id = 1;

    oneof operation {
        DefinedOperation defined_operation = 2;
        GattCall gatt_call = 3;
    bytes response = 4;
    string error = 5;