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import { assertEx } from '@xylabs/assert'
import { delay } from '@xylabs/delay'
import { forget } from '@xylabs/forget'
import { GeoJson } from '@xyo-network/sdk-geo'
import type { Feature, Polygon } from 'geojson'
import type {
  GeoJSONSource, GeoJSONSourceSpecification, Map, MapOptions,
} from 'mapbox-gl'
import { LngLatBounds } from 'mapbox-gl'

import type { MapLayer } from '../Layers/index.ts'
import type { MapBaseConfig } from './MapBase.ts'
import { MapBase } from './MapBase.ts'

export class MapHeat extends MapBase<Polygon> {
  static animationStarted = false

  config: MapBaseConfig<Polygon>
  constructor(config: MapBaseConfig<Polygon>) {
    this.config = config

  static initialMapPositioning(options: MapOptions['fitBoundsOptions'], map: Map, features?: Feature<Polygon>[], initialBounds?: LngLatBounds) {
    if (!features) {

    let bounds: LngLatBounds

    if (initialBounds) {
      bounds = initialBounds
    } else {
      bounds = new LngLatBounds()

      // eslint-disable-next-line unicorn/no-array-for-each
      features.forEach((feature: Feature<Polygon>) => {
        for (const coordinates of feature.geometry.coordinates) {
          for (const position of coordinates) {
            bounds.extend(position as [number, number])

    map.fitBounds(bounds, options)
    return this

  static async initializeAnimatedHeatMapSource(
    layers: MapLayer[],
    featureSet: Feature<Polygon>[][],
    map: Map,
    startColor?: string,
    endColor?: string,
  ) {
    this.animationStarted = true
    let layerTick = 0
    let sourceTick = 0

    const sources = featureSet.map((feature) => {
      const featuresCollection = GeoJson.featureCollection(feature)
      return GeoJson.featuresSource(featuresCollection)
    this.updateLayer(map, layers[0], sources[0])
    this.updateLayer(map, layers[1], sources[1])

    for (const layer of layers) {
      map.setPaintProperty(layer.id, 'fill-opacity', 0)

    const frameLength = 3000
    const initialPad = 0.5
    const factor = 10
    const steps = 30
    const stepLength = frameLength / steps
    const lowUsageColor = startColor ?? '#FFB3B3'
    const highUsageColor = endColor ?? '#FF0000'

    // Max density at i=0, min density at i=steps
    const dynamicFillColor = (factor: number, initialPad: number, i: number): DataDrivenPropertyValueSpecification<string> => {
      const sinFade = Math.sin(((i / steps) * Math.PI) / 2)
      const cosFade = Math.cos(((i / steps) * Math.PI) / 2)
      // we want the divisor to always be at least 1x the desired factor but will go up to
      // 2x factor to account for combinative effect of the overlay of two layers at once
      const divisor = factor + factor * sinFade
      const offset = initialPad * cosFade
      return [
        ['+', ['/', ['number', ['get', 'value']], divisor], offset],
        ['interpolate', ['linear'], ['var', 'density'], 0, lowUsageColor, 0.5, highUsageColor],

    const fadedIn: boolean[] = layers.map(_ => false)

    const fadeIn = async (id: string, index: number) => {
      for (let i = steps; i >= 1; i--) {
        map.setPaintProperty(id, 'fill-color', dynamicFillColor(factor, initialPad, i * (180 / stepLength)))
        await delay(stepLength)
      fadedIn[index] = true

    const fadeOut = async (id: string, index: number) => {
      for (let i = 1; i <= steps; i++) {
        map.setPaintProperty(id, 'fill-color', dynamicFillColor(factor, initialPad, i * (180 / stepLength)))
        await delay(stepLength)
      fadedIn[index] = false

    let started = false
    const startAnimation = async () => {
      assertEx(!started, () => 'Animation Already Started')
      started = true
      while (this.animationStarted) {
        const upLayer = layerTick % layers.length
        const downLayer = (layerTick + 1) % layers.length

        const incomingSource = sourceTick % featureSet.length
        const outgoingSource = (sourceTick + 1) % featureSet.length

        // console.log('incoming / outgoing source', incomingSource, outgoingSource)

        // console.log(`animate: [${upLayer}, ${downLayer}]`)
        if (fadedIn[upLayer]) {
          this.updateLayer(map, layers[upLayer], sources[incomingSource])
          forget(fadeOut(layers[upLayer].id, upLayer))
        if (!fadedIn[downLayer]) {
          this.updateLayer(map, layers[downLayer], sources[outgoingSource])
          forget(fadeIn(layers[downLayer].id, downLayer))
        while ((fadedIn[upLayer] || !fadedIn[downLayer]) && this.animationStarted) {
          // console.log(`checking: [${fadedIn[upLayer]}, ${!fadedIn[downLayer]}]`)
          await delay(1000)

        // console.log(`this.layerTick: ${layerTick}`)
        // console.log(`this.sourceTick: ${sourceTick}`)

    await startAnimation()

  private static updateLayer(map: Map, layer: MapLayer, source: GeoJSONSourceSpecification) {
    const existingSource = map.getSource(layer.source as string) as GeoJSONSource
    if (existingSource && source.data) {
      existingSource.setData(source.data as GeoJSON.Feature<GeoJSON.Geometry> | GeoJSON.FeatureCollection<GeoJSON.Geometry>)
    } else if (source) {
      map.addSource(layer.source as string, source)
    layer.update(map, true)

  // Build layers each with the same features
  initializeHeatMapSource(layers: MapLayer[]) {
    const getSource = (_: number) => {
      const featuresCollection = GeoJson.featureCollection(this.config.features)
      return GeoJson.featuresSource(featuresCollection)

    for (const [index, layer] of layers.entries()) {
      const existingSource = this.config.map.getSource(layer.source as string) as GeoJSONSource
      const source = getSource(index)
      if (existingSource) {
        existingSource.setData(assertEx(source.data) as GeoJSON.Feature<GeoJSON.Geometry> | GeoJSON.FeatureCollection<GeoJSON.Geometry>)
      } else {
        this.config.map.addSource(layer.source as string, source)
      layer.update(this.config.map, true)

    return this