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import type {
  Map, MapEventOf, MapEventType,
} from 'mapbox-gl'
import { GeolocateControl, NavigationControl } from 'mapbox-gl'

import type { MapSetting } from '../Settings/index.ts'

export interface MapSettingsConfig {
  debugLayerName?: string
  map: Map
  requestLocation?: boolean
  settings: MapSetting
  zoom?: number

 * Utility class to handle changes in settings
 * Methods are pure functions dedicated to map manipulation
export class MapSettings {
  static geoLocateControl: GeolocateControl | undefined
  static mapListeners = {
    logData: (ev?: MapEventOf<MapEventType>, map?: Map) => {
      const target = map || ev?.target
      if (target) {
        console.log('zoom', target.getZoom())
        console.log('center', target.getCenter())

  static navControl: NavigationControl | undefined
  static requestLocation: boolean | undefined

  static toggleControls(value: boolean | undefined, map: Map, zoom?: number, requestLocation?: boolean) {
    if (value) {
      MapSettings.addControls(map, zoom, requestLocation)
    } else {

    return this

  static toggleDebugLayer(value: boolean | undefined, map: Map, layerName: string) {
    const debugLayer = map.getLayer(layerName)
    if (debugLayer) {
      if (value) {
        map.setLayoutProperty(layerName, 'visibility', 'visible')
      } else {
        map.setLayoutProperty(layerName, 'visibility', 'none')

    return this

  static toggleDebugLogging(value: boolean | undefined, map: Map) {
    const debugEvents: MapEventType[] = ['resize', 'zoomend', 'dragend']
    if (value) {
      // initial values
      this.mapListeners.logData(undefined, map)
      for (const event of debugEvents) map.on(event, this.mapListeners.logData)
    } else {
      for (const event of debugEvents) map.off(event, this.mapListeners.logData)

  static toggleScrollToZoom(value: boolean | undefined, map: Map) {
    if (value) {
    } else {

    return this

  static updateSettings(config: MapSettingsConfig) {
    const {
      settings, map, zoom, requestLocation, debugLayerName = '',
    } = config
    const {
      scrollToZoom, enableControls, debugLayer, debugLogging,
    } = settings

    MapSettings.toggleControls(enableControls?.value, map, zoom, requestLocation)
      .toggleScrollToZoom(scrollToZoom?.value, map)
      .toggleDebugLayer(debugLayer?.value, map, debugLayerName)
      .toggleDebugLogging(debugLogging.value, map)

  // Needs to be static so we ensure controls are only instantiated once
  private static addControls(map: Map, zoom?: number, requestLocation?: boolean) {
    const geolocateControl = new GeolocateControl({
      fitBoundsOptions: { zoom: zoom || 2 },
      positionOptions: { enableHighAccuracy: true },
      trackUserLocation: true,

    const navControl = new NavigationControl({ showCompass: false })

    this.geoLocateControl = this.geoLocateControl || geolocateControl
    this.navControl = this.navControl || navControl

    if (!map.hasControl(this.geoLocateControl) && requestLocation) {

    if (!map.hasControl(this.navControl)) {
      map.addControl(this.navControl, 'top-left')

    return this

  private static removeControls(map: Map) {
    if (this.geoLocateControl && map.hasControl(this.geoLocateControl) && this.requestLocation) {

    if (this.navControl && map.hasControl(this.navControl)) {

    return this