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Test Coverage
//  XYFinderDevice.swift
//  XYBleSdk
//  Created by Darren Sutherland on 9/7/18.
//  Copyright © 2018 XY - The Findables Company. All rights reserved.

import Foundation
import CoreLocation
import CoreBluetooth

// A device from the XY family, has an iBeacon and other XY-specific identifiers
public protocol XYFinderDevice: XYBluetoothDevice {
    var connectableServices: [CBUUID] { get }
    var location: XYLocationCoordinate2D { get }
    var batteryLevel: Int { get }
    var firmware: String { get }
    var isRegistered: Bool { get }

    // Handlers for button press subscriptions
    @discardableResult func subscribeToButtonPress() -> XYBluetoothResult
    @discardableResult func unsubscribeToButtonPress(for referenceKey: UUID?) -> XYBluetoothResult

    // Handle location updates
    func updateLocation(_ newLocation: XYLocationCoordinate2D)

    // Updates to battery level
    func updateBatteryLevel(_ newLevel: Int)

    // Updates the state of the device's isRegistered flag
    // I'm unsure as to what this is used for
    func getRegistrationFlag()

    // TODO make this an internal protocol or something...
    func startMonitorTimer()
    func cancelMonitorTimer()

    // Convenience methods for common operations
    func find(_ song: XYFinderSong) -> XYBluetoothResult
    func stayAwake() -> XYBluetoothResult
    func isAwake() -> XYBluetoothResult
    func fallAsleep() -> XYBluetoothResult
    func lock() -> XYBluetoothResult
    func unlock() -> XYBluetoothResult
    func version() -> XYBluetoothResult

// MARK: Default handler to report the button press should the finder subscribe to the notification
extension XYFinderDeviceBase: XYBluetoothDeviceNotifyDelegate {
    public func update(for serviceCharacteristic: XYServiceCharacteristic, value: XYBluetoothResult) {
            // Validate the proper services and the value from the notification, then report
            serviceCharacteristic.characteristicUuid == XYFinderPrimaryService.buttonState.characteristicUuid ||
            serviceCharacteristic.characteristicUuid == ControlService.button.characteristicUuid,
            let rawValue = value.asByteArray
        else { return }

       let data = Data(_: rawValue)
       if let value = (data.withUnsafeBytes { $0.load(as: Int?.self) }) {
            let buttonPressed = XYButtonType2.init(rawValue: value)!

            if !self.handlingButtonPress {
                self.handlingButtonPress = true
                DispatchQueue.main.async { [weak self] in
                    guard let self = self else {return}
                  XYFinderDeviceEventManager.report(events: [.buttonPressed(device: self, type: buttonPressed)])

                XYSmartScan.queue.asyncAfter(deadline: DispatchTime.now() + TimeInterval(3.0)) {
                    self.handlingButtonPress = false