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Test Coverage
 * You may not change or alter any portion of this comment or credits
 * of supporting developers from this source code or any supporting source code
 * which is considered copyrighted (c) material of the original comment or credit authors.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of

 * @copyright   {@link http://xoops.org/ XOOPS Project}
 * @license     {@link http://www.fsf.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU public license}
 * @package
 * @since
 * @author       XOOPS Development Team,
 * @author       GIJ=CHECKMATE (PEAK Corp. http://www.peak.ne.jp/)

if (!class_exists('PatTemplate')) {

     * Variable prefix
     * @access   public
     * @const    patTEMPLATE_TAG_START
    define('patTEMPLATE_TAG_START', '{');

     * Variable sufix
     * @const    patTEMPLATE_TAG_END
     * @access   public
    define('patTEMPLATE_TAG_END', '}');

     * Template type Standard
     * Template type OddEven
     * @const patTEMPLATE_TYPE_ODDEVEN
     * Template type Condition
     * Template type SimpleCondition

     * Easy-to-use but powerful template engine
     * Features include: several templates in one file, automatic repetitions, global variables,
     * alternating lists, conditions, and much more
     * @package      PatTemplate
     * @access       public
     * @author       Stephan Schmidt <schst@php-tools.de>
    class PatTemplate
         * Constructor
         * Create new PatTemplate object
         * You can choose between two outputs you want tp generate: html (default) or tex (LaTex).
         * When "tex" is used the PatTemplate markings used for variables are changed as LaTex makes use of the default PatTemplate markings.
         * You can also change the markings later by calling setTags();
         * @access   public
         * @param string $type type of output you want to generate.
        public function __construct($type = 'html')
            //  Directory, where Templates are stored
            $this->basedir = '';

            //  counter for template iterations
            $this->iteration = array();

            //  Filenames of the templates
            $this->filenames = array();

            //  HTML/Text of unparsed templates
            $this->plain_templates = array();

            //  HTML/Text of parsed templates
            $this->parsed_templates = array();

            //  Amount and names of all templates
            $this->cnt_templates = 0;
            $this->templates     = array();

            //  These vars will be set for all added Templates
            $this->subtemplates = array();

            $this->variables = array();
            $this->globals   = array();

            $this->attributes = array();
            $this->whitespace = array();
            //  Does one of the templates contain other templates
            $this->uses_dependencies = false;
            $this->dependencies = [];

            // Set template tags

         * Set template type
         * select a predefined template type
         * @param string $type predefined template type, like "html" or "tex"
         * @access  public
        public function setType($type = '')
            switch ($type) {
                case 'tex':
                    $this->setTags('<{', '}>');

                case 'html':
                    $this->setTags(patTEMPLATE_TAG_START, patTEMPLATE_TAG_END);

         * Set template tags
         * Sets the start and end tags of template variables
         * @param string $start start tag
         * @param string $end   end tag
         * @access  public
        public function setTags($start = patTEMPLATE_TAG_START, $end = patTEMPLATE_TAG_END)
            $this->tag_start = $start;
            $this->tag_end   = $end;

            $this->regex_get_all_vars = '/' . $start . '([^a-z{}]+)' . $end . '/';

         * Set template directory
         * Sets the directory where the template are stored.
         * By default the engine looks in the directory where the original file is stored.
         * @param string $basedir directory of the templates
         * @access   public
        public function setBasedir($basedir)
            $this->basedir = $basedir;

         * Check if a template exists
         * @param  string $name name of the template
         * @return bool
         * @access   public
        public function exists($name)
            $name = strtoupper($name);

            for ($i = 0; $i < $this->cnt_templates; ++$i) {
                if ($this->templates[$i] == $name) {
                    return true;

            return false;

         * Add a template
         * Adds a plain text/html to the template engine.
         * The file has to be in the directory that has been set using setBaseDir
         * @param string $name     name of the template
         * @param string $filename filename of the sourcetemplate
         * @access     public
         * @deprecated 2.4 2001/11/05
         * @see        setBaseDir(), addTemplates()
        public function addTemplate($name, $filename)
            $this->createTemplate($name, array(
                'type'     => 'file',
                'filename' => $filename
            //  Store the filename
            $this->filenames[$name] = $filename;

         * Adds several templates
         * Adds several templates to the template engine using an associative array.
         * Names of the templates are stored in the keys, filenames are the values.
         * The templates have to be in the directory set by setBaseDir().
         * @param array $templates associative Array with name/filename pairs
         * @access     public
         * @deprecated 2.4 2001/11/05
         * @see        setBaseDir(), addTemplate()
        public function addTemplates($templates)
            //            while (list($name, $file) = each($templates)) {
            foreach ($templates as $name => $file) {
                $this->addTemplate($name, $file);

         * creates a new template
         * creates all needed variables
         * @param string $name   name of the template
         * @param array  $source data regarding the source of the template
         * @access   private
        public function createTemplate($name, $source)
            $name = strtoupper($name);

            //  Store the name of the template in index table
            $this->templates[$this->cnt_templates] = $name;

            //  Store the source
            $this->source[$name] = $source;

            //  Init vars for the new Templates

            //  Store all attributes in Array
            $this->attributes[$name] = array(
                'loop'       => 1,
                'visibility' => 'visible',
                'unusedvars' => 'strip',
                'type'       => 'STANDARD'
            $this->iteration[$name]  = 0;

            //  No vars are set for this template
            $this->variables[$name] = array();
            //  No subtemplates have been specified
            $this->cnt_subtemplates[$name] = 0;

            $this->varsConverted[$name] = false;

         * Sets the type of the Template
         * Template types can be STANDARD, CONDITION or ODDEVEN
         * The type of the template can also be set using setAttribute()
         * @param string $template name of the template
         * @param string $type     type of the template
         * @access   private
         * @see      setAttribute()
        public function setTemplateType($template, $type)
            $template = strtoupper($template);

            $this->setAttribute($template, 'type', $type);

         * Sets the conditionvar of a condtion Template
         * The type of the template has to be condition
         * @param string $template     name of the template
         * @param string $conditionvar name of the conditionvariable
         * @access   private
         * @see      setTemplateType()
        public function setConditionVar($template, $conditionvar)
            $template     = strtoupper($template);
            $conditionvar = strtoupper($conditionvar);

            $this->conditionvars[$template] = $conditionvar;

         * Sets an attribute of a template
         * supported attributes: visibilty, loop, parse, unusedvars
         * @param string $template  name of the template
         * @param string $attribute name of the attribute
         * @param mixed  $value     value of the attribute
         * @access   public
         * @see      setAttributes(),getAttribute(), clearAttribute()
        public function setAttribute($template, $attribute, $value)
            $template  = strtoupper($template);
            $attribute = strtolower($attribute);

            $this->attributes[$template][$attribute] = $value;

         * Sets several attribute of a template
         * $attributes has to be a assotiative arrays containing attribute/value pairs
         * supported attributes: visibilty, loop, parse, unusedvars
         * @param string $template   name of the template
         * @param array  $attributes attribute/value pairs
         * @access   public
         * @see      setAttribute(), getAttribute(), clearAttribute()
         * @return bool
        public function setAttributes($template, $attributes)
            if (!is_array($attributes)) {
                return false;

            $template = strtoupper($template);

//            while (list($attribute, $value) = each($attributes)) {
            foreach ($attributes as $attribute => $value) {
                $attribute                               = strtolower($attribute);
                $this->attributes[$template][$attribute] = $value;
            return true;

         * Gets an attribute of a template
         * supported attributes: visibilty, loop, parse, unusedvars
         * @param  string $template  name of the template
         * @param  string $attribute name of the attribute
         * @return mixed  value of the attribute
         * @access   public
         * @see      setAttribute(), setAttributes(), clearAttribute()

        public function getAttribute($template, $attribute)
            $template  = strtoupper($template);
            $attribute = strtolower($attribute);

            return $this->attributes[$template][$attribute];

         * Clears an attribute of a template
         * supported attributes: visibilty, loop, parse, unusedvars
         * @param string $template  name of the template
         * @param string $attribute name of the attribute
         * @access   public
         * @see      setAttribute(), setAttributes(), getAttribute()
        public function clearAttribute($template, $attribute)
            $template  = strtoupper($template);
            $attribute = strtolower($attribute);


         * Adds a subtemplate for a condition or oddeven template
         * template type has to be condition or oddeven
         * @param string $template  name of the template
         * @param string $condition condition for this subtemplate
         * @access   private
         * @see      setTemplateType()
        public function addSubTemplate($template, $condition)
            $template = strtoupper($template);

            $this->subtemplates[$template][$condition]                                   = '';
            $this->subtemplate_conditions[$template][$this->cnt_subtemplates[$template]] = $condition;


         * Parses several templates from one patTemplate file
         * Templates can be seperated using Tags
         * The file has to be located in the directory that has been set using setBaseDir.
         * @param string $file filename
         * @access   public
         * @see      setBasedir()
        public function readTemplatesFromFile($file)
            //  Tag depth
            $this->depth = -1;
            //  Names, extracted from the Tags
            $this->template_names = array();
            //  All HTML code, that is found between the tags
            $this->template_data = array();
            //  Attributes, extracted from tags
            $this->template_types = array();

            $this->last_opened = array();
            $this->last_keep   = array();
            $this->whitespace  = array();


            $open_tag = array_pop($this->last_opened);
            if ($open_tag !== null) {
                die("Error in template '" . $file . "': &lt;/" . $open_tag . '&gt; still open at end of file.');

         *   parse a template file and call the appropriate handlers
         * @access private
         * @param string $fname filename of the template
        public function createParser($fname)
            //  Store filename of the first file that has to be opened
            //  If basedir is set, prepend basedir
            $pname = $this->basedir !== '' ? $this->basedir . '/' . $fname : $fname;

            //  open file for reading
            $fp = fopen($pname, 'r');

            //  couldn't open the file => exit
            if (!$fp) {
                die("Couldn't open file '" . $fname . "' for reading!");

            //  Read line for line from the template

            //  current linenumber in file, used for error messages
            $lineno = 1;

            //  read until end of file
            while (!feof($fp)) {
                //  Read one line
                $line = fgets($fp, 4096);

                //  check, wether leading and trailing whitepaces should be stripped
                switch ($this->whitespace[count($this->whitespace) - 1]) {
                    case    'trim':
                        $line = trim($line);
                    case    'ltrim':
                        $line = ltrim($line);
                    case    'rtrim':
                        $line = rtrim($line);

                //  ========= [ OPEN TAG ] =========

                //  check for any <patTemplate:...> Tag by using RegExp
                if (preg_match('/<patTemplate:([[:alnum:]]+)[[:space:]]*(.*)>/i', $line, $regs)) {
                    //  Get Tag name and attributes
                    $tagname    = strtolower($regs[1]);
                    $attributes = $this->parseAttributes($regs[2]);

                    if ($attributes['keep'] > 0) {
                        //  create new attribute
                        $newkeep = $attributes['keep'] > 1 ? ' keep="' . ($attributes['keep'] - 1) . '"' : '';

                        //  replace old attribute with new attribute
                        $newline = str_replace(' keep="' . $attributes['keep'] . '"', $newkeep, $line);

                        //  use this line as data
                        $this->dataHandler($fname, $newline, $lineno);

                        //  if the tag was not empty keep the closing tag, too
                        if (substr($regs[2], -1) !== '/') {
                            $this->last_keep[] = true;
                    } else {
                        $this->last_keep[] = false;

                        //  handle start Element
                        $this->startElementHandler($fname, $tagname, $attributes, $line, $lineno);

                        if (substr($regs[2], -1) === '/') {
                            $this->endElementHandler($fname, $tagname, $line, $lineno);
                        } //  Store the name of the last opened tag
                        else {
                            $this->last_opened[] = $tagname;

                //  ========= [ CLOSING TAG ] =========

                //  Check if a closing <patTemplate:...> Tag has been found
                elseif (preg_match("/<\/patTemplate:([[:alnum:]]+)>/i", $line, $regs)) {
                    //  Yes => get the tagname
                    $tagname = strtolower($regs[1]);

                    $keep = array_pop($this->last_keep);
                    if (!$keep) {
                        $last_opened = array_pop($this->last_opened);
                        if ($last_opened === null) {
                            die("Error in template '" . $fname . "': no opening tag found for &lt;/" . $tagname . '&gt; in line ' . $lineno);

                        if ($tagname != $last_opened) {
                            die("Error in template '" . $fname . "': closing &lt;/" . $tagname . '&gt; does not match opened &lt;' . $last_opened . '&gt; in line ' . $lineno);

                        $this->endElementHandler($fname, $tagname, $line, $lineno);
                    } else {
                        $this->dataHandler($fname, $line, $lineno);

                //  ========= [ CDATA SECTION ] =========

                //  No tag found => store the line
                else {
                    $this->dataHandler($fname, $line, $lineno);

                //  goto next line

         *   handle a <patTemplate:...> start tag in template parser
         * @access private
         * @param string  $fname      name of the file where the tag was found (kind of parser id)
         * @param string  $tagname    name of the start tag that was found
         * @param array   $attributes all attributes that were found
         * @param string  $line       the complete line containing the tag
         * @param integer $lineno     lineno in the parse file (can be used for error messages
        public function startElementHandler($fname, $tagname, $attributes, $line, $lineno)
            //  check for whitespace attribute
            if ($attributes['whitespace']) {
                array_push($this->whitespace, strtolower($attributes['whitespace']));
            } //  use whitepspace mode from last opened template
            else {
                array_push($this->whitespace, $this->whitespace[count($this->whitespace) - 1]);

            switch ($tagname) {
                //  Beginning of a template found
                case 'tmpl':
                    //  parse all attributes from a string into an associative array

                    //  Check for name of template, which is a necessary attribute
                    if (!$tmpl_name = strtoupper($attributes['name'])) {
                        die("Error in template '" . $fname . "': missing name for template in line " . $lineno);


                    //  Increment Tag Depth

                    //  Start with a blank template
                    $this->template_data[$this->depth] = '';

                    //  and store the name
                    $this->template_names[$this->depth] = $tmpl_name;

                    //  Check, if attribute "type" was found
                    if ($tmpl_type = strtoupper($attributes['type'])) {
                        $this->template_types[$this->depth] = $tmpl_type;
                        $attributes['type']                   = $tmpl_type;
                    } //  No type found => this is a boring standard template
                    else {
                        $attributes['type']                   = 'STANDARD';
                        $this->template_types[$this->depth] = 'STANDARD';

                    //  Check for src attribute => external file
                    if ($attributes['src']) {
                        //  Store the filename of the external file
                        $filename = $attributes['src'];

                        //  Has the external file to be parsed
                        if ($attributes[parse] === 'on') {
                        } //  No parsing, just take the whole content of the file
                        else {
                            //  Filename including full path
                            $external = $this->basedir !== '' ? $this->basedir . '/' . $filename : $filename;

                            //  Open the file and read all the content
                            if (!$tmp = @implode('', @file($external))) {
                                die("Couldn't open file '" . $external . "' for reading in template " . $fname . ' line ' . $lineno);

                            $this->template_data[$this->depth] .= $tmp;

                        //  Delete the src attribute, it hasn't to be stored
                    } //  No external file => the template is part of teh current file
                    else {
                        $filename = '[part of ' . $fname . ']';

                    //  add the template
                    $this->addTemplate($this->template_names[$this->depth], $filename);

                    //  Set all remaining attributes
                    $this->setAttributes($this->template_names[$this->depth], $attributes);

                    switch ($this->template_types[$this->depth]) {
                        //  Template type is "ODDEVEN", it contains two alternating subtemplates
                        case 'ODDEVEN':
                            $this->setConditionVar($this->template_names[$depth], 'PAT_ROW_VAR mod 2');

                        //  Template is a condition Tenplate => it needs a condition var
                        case 'CONDITION':
                            //  none found => there is an error
                            if (!$conditionvar = $attributes['conditionvar']) {
                                die("Error in template '" . $fname . "': missing conditionvar for template in line " . $lineno);

                            //  conditionvar was found => store it
                            $this->setConditionVar($this->template_names[$this->depth], $conditionvar);

                        //  Template is a simple condition Tenplate => it needs required vars
                        case 'SIMPLECONDITION':
                            //  none found => there is an error
                            if ($requiredvars = $attributes['requiredvars']) {
                                $this->setAttribute($this->template_names[$this->depth], 'requiredvars', explode(',', $requiredvars));
                            } else {
                                die("Error in template '" . $fname . "': missing requiredvars attribute for simple condition template in line " . $lineno);



                    //  if the template isn't the root( depth=0 ) template, a placeholder has
                    //  to be put into the parent template
                    if ($this->depth > 0) {
                        //  Is there a placeholder attribute?
                        if ($placeholder = strtoupper($attributes['placeholder'])) {
                            //  placeholder="none" found => DO NOT PUT A PLACEHOLDER IN THE PARENT TEMPLATE!
                            if ($placeholder !== 'NONE') {
                                $this->template_data[$this->depth - 1] .= $this->tag_start . $placeholder . $this->tag_end;
                        } //  No placeholder attribute found => standard placeholder
                        else {
                            $this->template_data[$this->depth - 1] .= $this->tag_start . 'TMPL:' . $this->template_names[$this->depth] . $this->tag_end . "\n";
                            //  Tell the parent template, that it has to parse the child template, before parsing
                            //  itself
                            $this->addDependency($this->template_names[$this->depth - 1], $this->template_names[$this->depth]);

                //  Found the beginning of a subtemplate
                case 'sub':
                    //  A subtemplate needs to have a "condition" attribute
                    $condition = $attributes['condition'];

                    //  None found => error
                    if (isset($condition) == 0) {
                        die("Error in template '" . $fname . "': missing condition attribute for template in line " . $lineno);

                    //  Everything is ok => add the subtemplate and store the condition
                    $this->addSubTemplate($this->template_names[$this->depth], $condition);

                    //  Store the current condition
                    $this->template_condition[$this->depth] = $condition;

                //  Found a link template
                case 'link':
                    $src = strtoupper($attributes['src']);

                    if (!$src) {
                        die("Error in template '" . $fname . "': missing src attribute for link in line " . $lineno);

                    //  put a placeholder into the current template
                    if ($this->depth >= 0) {
                        $this->template_data[$this->depth] .= $this->tag_start . 'TMPL:' . $src . $this->tag_end . "\n";
                        //  Tell the parent template, that it has to parse the child template, before parsing
                        //  itself
                        $this->addDependency($this->template_names[$this->depth], $src);

                //  No valid Tag found =>
                    die("Error in template '" . $fname . "': unkown Tag in line " . $lineno);

         *   handle a </patTemplate:...> end tag in template parser
         * @access private
         * @param string $fname   name of the file where the tag was found (kind of parser id)
         * @param string $tagname name of the start tag that was found
         * @param string $line    the complete line containing the tag
        public function endElementHandler($fname, $tagname, $line)

            switch ($tagname) {
                //  End of a template found
                case 'tmpl':
                    //  If the current template is a standard template, store all content
                    //  found between <patTemplate> Tags
                    if ($this->template_types[$this->depth] === 'STANDARD'
                        || $this->template_types[$this->depth] === 'SIMPLECONDITION'
                    ) {
                        $this->setPlainContent($this->template_names[$this->depth], $this->template_data[$this->depth]);

                    //  Decrease Tagdepth


                //  End of a subtemplate found
                case 'sub':
                    //  Store alle content found between :sub Tags
                    $this->setPlainContent($this->template_names[$this->depth], $this->template_data[$this->depth], $this->template_condition[$this->depth]);

                    //  clear all Data, to store the data of the next subtemplate
                    $this->template_data[$this->depth] = '';

                //  End of a link found
                case 'link':
                    //  Just ignore this tag...

                //  No kown tag found
                    die("Error in template '" . $fname . "': unkown closing tag in line " . $lineno);

         *   handle a CDATA in template parser
         * @access private
         * @param string $fname name of the file where the tag was found (kind of parser id)
         * @param string $data  all cdata that was found
        public function dataHandler($fname, $data)
            $this->template_data[$this->depth] .= $data;

         * Adds a variable to a template
         * Each Template can have an unlimited amount of its own variables
         * @param string $template name of the template
         * @param string $name     name of the variables
         * @param mixed  $value    value of the variable
         * @access   public
         * @see      addVars(), addRows(), addGlobalVar(), addGlobalVars()
        public function addVar($template, $name, $value)
            $template = strtoupper($template);
            $name     = strtoupper($name);

            if (!is_array($value)) {
                $value = (string)$value;

            //  store the value and the name of the variable
            $this->variables[$template][$name] = $value;

            //  if the value is an array, the template has to be repeated
            if (is_array($value)) {
                //  Check, how often the template has to be repeated
                if ($this->getAttribute($template, 'loop') < count($value)) {
                    $this->setAttribute($template, 'loop', count($value));

         * Adds several variables to a template
         * Each Template can have an unlimited amount of its own variables
         * $variables has to be an assotiative array containing variable/value pairs
         * @param string $template  name of the template
         * @param array  $variables assotiative array of the variables
         * @param string $prefix    prefix for all variable names
         * @access   public
         * @see      addVar(), addRows(), addGlobalVar(), addGlobalVars()
         * @return bool
        public function addVars($template, $variables, $prefix = '')
            //  Are there variables?
            if (!is_array($variables)) {
                return false;

            //  Add all vars
//            while (list($name, $value) = each($variables)) {
            foreach ($variables as $name => $value) {
                if (!is_int($name)) {
                    $this->addVar($template, $prefix . $name, $value);
            return true;

         * Adds several rows of variables to a template
         * Each Template can have an unlimited amount of its own variables
         * Can be used to add a database result as variables to a template
         * @param string $template name of the template
         * @param array  $rows     array containing assotiative arrays with variable/value pairs
         * @param string $prefix   prefix for all variable names
         * @access   public
         * @see      addVar(), addVars(), addGlobalVar(), addGlobalVars()
        public function addRows($template, $rows, $prefix = '')
            //  Store the vars in this array
            $newvars = array();

            //  get amount of rows
            $cnt_rows = count($rows);

            if ($cnt_rows == 1) {
                $this->addVars($template, $rows[0], $prefix);
            } else {
                for ($i = 0; $i < $cnt_rows; ++$i) {
                    if (is_array($rows[$i])) {
                        //  Get key and value
//                        while (list($key, $value) = each($rows[$i])) {
                        foreach ($rows[$i] as $key => $value) {
                            //  check if the array key is an int value => skip it
                            if (!is_int($key)) {
                                //  prepend prefix and store the value
                                $new_vars[$prefix . $key][$i] = $value;

                //  add the vars to the template
                $this->addVars($template, $new_vars);

         * Adds a global variable
         * Global variables are valid in all templates of this object
         * @param string $name  name of the global variable
         * @param string $value value of the variable
         * @access   public
         * @see      addGlobalVars(), addVar(), addVars(), addRows()
        public function addGlobalVar($name, $value)
            $this->globals[strtoupper($name)] = (string)$value;

         * Adds several global variables
         * Global variables are valid in all templates of this object
         * $variables is an assotiative array, containing name/value pairs of the variables
         * @param array  $variables array containing the variables
         * @param string $prefix    prefix for variable names
         * @access   public
         * @see      addGlobalVar(), addVar(), addVars(), addRows()
        public function addGlobalVars($variables, $prefix = '')
            //            while (list($variable, $value) = each($variables)) {
            foreach ($variables as $variable => $value) {
                $this->globals[strtoupper($prefix . $variable)] = (string)$value;

         * Creates a dependeny between two templates
         * The Dependency tells a template, which templates have to be parsed before parsing the current template, because they are its children.
         * @param string $container the name of the template, that contains the other template
         * @param string $child     the child of the container
         * @access   private
        public function addDependency($container, $child)
            $this->dependencies[strtoupper($container)][] = strtoupper($child);
            //  This template now uses dependencies
            $this->uses_dependencies = true;

         * loads a template
         * The template has to be defined using addTemplate() or addTemplates()
         * @param string $name name of the template that has to be loaded
         * @access     private
         * @deprecated 2.4 2001/11/05
         * @see        addTemplate(), addTemplates();
         * @return bool
        public function loadTemplate($name)
            $name = strtoupper($name);

            //  prepend basedirname, if it exists
            $fname = $this->basedir !== '' ? $this->basedir . '/' . $this->source[$name][filename] : $this->source[$name][filename];

            if (stristr($fname, '[part')) {
                return true;

            if (!$this->plain_templates[$name] = @implode('', @file($fname))) {
                die("Couldn't open template '" . $name . "' (file: '" . $fname . "') for reading.");
            return false;

         * sets the content of a template
         * This function should used, if a template is added using tags instead of defining it by a filename
         * @param string $template name of the template
         * @param string $content  the content that has to be set
         * @param string $sub      condition, for the subtemplate, if any
         * @access   private
        public function setPlainContent($template, $content, $sub = '')
            $template = strtoupper($template);

            //  The content has to be set for a subtemplate
            if ($sub !== '') {
                $this->plain_templates[$template][$sub] = $content;
            } //  content is meant for a template
            else {
                $this->plain_templates[$template] = $content;

         * parses a template
         * Parses a template and stores the parsed content.
         * mode can be "w" for write (delete already parsed content) or "a" for append (appends the
         * new parsed content to the already parsed content)
         * @param string $template name of the template
         * @param string $mode     mode for the parsing
         * @access   public
         * @see      parseStandardTemplate(), parseIterativeTemplate()
        public function parseTemplate($template, $mode = 'w')
            $template                   = strtoupper($template);
            $this->iteration[$template] = 0;

            //  The template has to be repeated
            if ($this->getAttribute($template, 'loop') > 1) {
                $this->parseIterativeTemplate($template, $mode);
            } //  parse it once
            else {
                $this->parseStandardTemplate($template, $mode);

         * parses a standard template
         * Parses a template and stores the parsed content.
         * mode can be "w" for write (delete already parsed content) or "a" for append (appends the
         * new parsed content to the already parsed content)
         * @param string $name name of the template
         * @param string $mode mode for the parsing
         * @access   private
         * @see      parseTemplate(), parseIterativeTemplate()
        public function parseStandardTemplate($name, $mode = 'w')
            $name = strtoupper($name);

            //  get a copy of the plain content

            $temp = $this->getTemplateContent($name);

            $vars                                                    = $this->getVars($name);
            $vars[$this->tag_start . 'PAT_ROW_VAR' . $this->tag_end] = 1;
//            while (list($tag, $value) = each($vars)) {
            foreach ($vars as $tag => $value) {
                if (is_array($value)) {
                    $value = $value[0];
                $temp = str_replace($tag, $value, $temp);

            //  parse all global vars
            $this->parseGlobals($name, $temp);

            //  parse child templates into this template
            $this->parseDependencies($name, $temp, $mode);

            //  Strip unsused vars
            $this->stripUnusedVars($name, $temp);

            if ($mode === 'a') {
                $this->parsed_templates[$name] .= $temp;
            } elseif ($mode === 'w') {
                $this->parsed_templates[$name] = $temp;

         * parses an iterative template
         * Parses a template and stores the parsed content.
         * mode can be "w" for write (delete already parsed content) or "a" for append (appends the
         * new parsed content to the already parsed content)
         * @param string $name name of the template
         * @param string $mode mode for the parsing
         * @access   private
         * @see      parseTemplate(), parseStandardTemplate()
        public function parseIterativeTemplate($name, $mode)
            $name = strtoupper($name);

            $temp = '';

            //  repeat it template_loop[$name] times
            for ($PAT_ROW_VAR = 0; $PAT_ROW_VAR < $this->getAttribute($name, 'loop'); ++$PAT_ROW_VAR) {
                //  add the PAT_ROW_VAR variable to the template
                $this->variables[$name]['PAT_ROW_VAR'][$PAT_ROW_VAR] = $PAT_ROW_VAR + 1;
                $this->iteration[$name]                              = $PAT_ROW_VAR;

                //  get the content to be parsed (dependent on PAT_ROW_VAR or conditionvar)
                $current = $this->getTemplateContent($name);

                $vars = $this->getVars($name);
//                while (list($tag, $value) = each($vars)) {
                foreach ($vars as $tag => $value) {
                    $current = str_replace($tag, $value, $current);

                //  and the dependent Templates
                $this->parseDependencies($name, $current, $mode);

                //  append this parsed to the repetition
                $temp .= $current;

            //  after parsing repetitions, parse the Global Vars
            $this->parseGlobals($name, $temp);

            //  Strip unsused vars
            $this->stripUnusedVars($name, $temp);

            if ($mode === 'a') {
                $this->parsed_templates[$name] .= $temp;
            } elseif ($mode === 'w') {
                $this->parsed_templates[$name] = $temp;

         *   get variables for a template
         *   if the templates uses the attribute 'varscope' these vars will be fetched, too
         * @access private
         * @param  string $template name of the template
         * @return array  $vars       array containign vars
        public function getVars($template)
            $vars = array();
            //  parse all vars
            if (is_array($this->variables[$template])) {
                //  Pointer im Array auf 0 setzen

//                while (list($variable, $value) = each($this->variables[$template])) {
                foreach ($this->variables[$template] as $variable => $value) {
                    $tag = $this->tag_start . $variable . $this->tag_end;

                    //  if the variable is an array, use the index
                    if (is_array($value)) {
                        $value = $value[$this->iteration[$template]];

                    $vars[$tag] = $value;

            if ($scope = strtoupper($this->getAttribute($template, 'varscope'))) {
                $parentVars = $this->getVars($scope);
//                while (list($var, $value) = each($parentVars)) {
                foreach ($parentVars as $var => $value) {
                    if (!$vars[$var]) {
                        $vars[$var] = $value;

            return $vars;

         * parses the global variables in a template
         * global variables are valid in all templates
         * @param string $name  name of the template
         * @param string &$temp content of the parsed Template
         * @access   private
         * @see      parseTemplate(), addGlobalVar(), addGlobalVars()
        public function parseGlobals($name, &$temp)
            $name = strtoupper($name);

            //  check, if globals exist
            if (is_array($this->globals)) {

//                while (list($variable, $value) = each($this->globals)) {
                foreach ($this->globals as $variable => $value) {
                    $tag  = $this->tag_start . $variable . $this->tag_end;
                    $temp = str_replace($tag, $value, $temp);

         * handles unset variables
         * either strips, comments, replaces or ignores them, depending on the unusedvars attribute
         * @param string $name      name of the template
         * @param string &$template content of the parsed Template
         * @access   private
         * @see      setAttribute()
        public function stripUnusedVars($name, &$template)
            switch ($this->getAttribute($name, 'unusedvars')) {
                case    'comment':
                    $template = preg_replace('/(' . $this->tag_start . '[^a-z{}]+' . $this->tag_end . ')/', "<!-- \\1 -->", $template);
                case    'strip':
                    $template = preg_replace('/(' . $this->tag_start . '[^a-z{}]+' . $this->tag_end . ')/', '', $template);
                case    'nbsp':
                    $template = preg_replace('/(' . $this->tag_start . '[^a-z{}]+' . $this->tag_end . ')/', '&nbsp;', $template);
                case    'ignore':
                    $template = preg_replace('/(' . $this->tag_start . '[^a-z{}]+' . $this->tag_end . ')/', $this->getAttribute($name, 'unusedvars'), $template);

         * parses dependencies of a template
         * parses child templates of a template and inserts their content
         * @param string $name  name of the template
         * @param string &$temp content of the parsed Template
         * @param string $mode
         * @access   private
         * @see      addDependency()
        public function parseDependencies($name, &$temp, $mode = 'w')
            $name = strtoupper($name);
            if (is_array($this->dependencies[$name])) {
                for ($i = 0, $iMax = count($this->dependencies[$name]); $i < $iMax; ++$i) {
                    $type = $this->getAttribute(strtoupper($this->dependencies[$name][$i]), 'type');

                    //  Templates placeholders have the prefix TMPL:
                    $tag = $this->tag_start . 'TMPL:' . $this->dependencies[$name][$i] . $this->tag_end;
                    //  Get the parsed child template and replace it
                    $temp = str_replace($tag, $this->getParsedTemplate($this->dependencies[$name][$i]), $temp);

                    if (($type == patTEMPLATE_TYPE_CONDITION || $type == patTEMPLATE_TYPE_SIMPLECONDITION)
                        && $mode === 'w'
                    ) {

         * returns a parsed Template
         * If the template already has been parsed, it just returns the parsed template.
         * If the template has not been loaded, it will be loaded.
         * @param  string $name name of the template
         * @return string $content    Content of the parsed template
         * @access   public
         * @see      displayParsedTemplate()
        public function getParsedTemplate($name = '')
            $name = strtoupper($name);

            //  if a name was given, parse only this template
            if ($name !== '') {
                //  check, wther template was disabled
                if ($this->getAttribute($name, 'visibility') === 'hidden') {
                    return false;

                //  check, if the template has already been parsed => just return it
                if (!empty($this->parsed_templates[$name])) {
                    return $this->parsed_templates[$name];

                //  Check, if the template has been loaded, if not, load it
                if (empty($this->plain_templates[$name])) {

                //  Template is loaded, but not parsed then parse it!

                //  And return the parsed template
                return $this->parsed_templates[$name];
            } //  No name given
            else {
                //  The template uses dependencies, then start with the root template
                if ($this->uses_dependencies) {
                    return $this->getParsedTemplate($this->templates[0]);
                } //  Only one template => parse and return it
                elseif ($this->cnt_templates == 1) {
                    return $this->getParsedTemplate($this->templates[0]);
                } //  No dependencies, but more than one => return all parsed templates in an array
                else {
                    for ($i = 0; $i < $this->cnt_templates; ++$i) {
                        $arr[$this->templates[$i]] = $this->getParsedTemplate($this->templates[$i]);

                    return $arr;

         * displays a parsed Template
         * If the template has not been loaded, it will be loaded.
         * @param string $name name of the template
         * @access   public
         * @see      getParsedTemplate()
        public function displayParsedTemplate($name = '')
            $name = strtoupper($name);

            //  if a name was given, parse and display it
            if ($name) {
                echo $this->getParsedTemplate($name);
            } //  No name was given, display them all!
            else {
                //  if the template uses dependencies, start with the root template
                if ($this->uses_dependencies) {
                    echo $this->getParsedTemplate($this->templates[0]);
                } //  Only one template => parse and return it
                elseif ($this->cnt_templates == 1) {
                    echo $this->getParsedTemplate($this->templates[0]);
                } //  parse and display them all
                else {
                    $templates = $this->getParsedTemplate();
                    for ($i = 0; $i < $this->cnt_templates; ++$i) {
                        echo $templates[$this->templates[$i]];

         * returns an unparsed Template
         * If the template has not been loaded, it will be loaded.
         * @param string $name name of the template
         * @access     private
         * @deprecated 2.4 2001/11/05
         * @return string $content Unparsed content of the template
         * @see        getPlainSubTemplate(), displayPlainTemplate()
        public function getPlainTemplate($name)
            $name = strtoupper($name);

            //  check, wether the template is already loaded
            if (empty($this->plain_templates[$name])) {

            //  return  it
            return $this->plain_templates[$name];

         * returns an unparsed Subtemplate
         * The template of the template has to be set
         * @param string $name name of the template
         * @param string $sub  condition for the subtemplate
         * @access     private
         * @deprecated 2.4 2001/11/05
         * @return string $content Unparsed content of the template
         * @see        getPlainTemplate(), displayPlainTemplate()
        public function getPlainSubTemplate($name, $sub)
            $name = strtoupper($name);

            return $this->plain_templates[$name][$sub];

         * displays an unparsed Template
         * If the template has not been loaded, it will be loaded.
         * @param string $name name of the template
         * @access     private
         * @deprecated 2.4 2001/11/05
         * @see        getPlainTemplate(), getPlainSubTemplate()
        public function displayPlainTemplate($name)
            $name = strtoupper($name);

            echo $this->getPlainTemplate($name);

         * clears a parsed Template
         * parsed Content, variables and the loop attribute are cleared
         * @param string $name name of the template
         * @access   public
        public function clearTemplate($name)
            $name = strtoupper($name);

            unset($this->parsed_templates[$name], $this->variables[$name]);
            $this->clearAttribute($name, 'loop');

         * clears all templates
         * @access   public
        public function clearAllTemplates()
            for ($i = 0, $iMax = count($this->templates); $i < $iMax; ++$i) {

         * parsed attributes from a string
         * used for parsing <patTemplate> Tags
         * @param  string $string string containing the attributes
         * @return array  $array  assotiative array, containing all attributes
         * @access   private
        public function parseAttributes($string)
            //  Check for trailing slash, if tag was an empty XML Tag
            if (substr($string, -1) === '/') {
                $string = substr($string, 0, strlen($string) - 1);

            $pairs = explode(' ', $string);
            for ($i = 0, $iMax = count($pairs); $i < $iMax; ++$i) {
                $pair = explode('=', trim(str_replace('"', '', $pairs[$i])));

                if (count($pair) == 1) {
                    $pair[1] = 'yes';

                $attributes[strtolower($pair[0])] = $pair[1];

            return $attributes;

         * returns the plain content of a template
         * return value depends on iteration value
         * @param  string $name name of the template
         * @return string $content    plain content of the template
         * @internal param int $index iteration number
         * @access   private
        public function getTemplateContent($name)
            $name  = strtoupper($name);
            $index = $this->iteration[$name];

            //  Is it a standard, oddeven or condition template
            switch ($this->getAttribute($name, 'type')) {
                case patTEMPLATE_TYPE_ODDEVEN:
                    $sub = ($index + 1) % 2 == 0 ? 'even' : 'odd';

                    return $this->plain_templates[$name][$sub];
                case patTEMPLATE_TYPE_CONDITION:
                    $conditionval = $this->getVar($name, $this->conditionvars[$name]);

                    //  check, if conditionvalue is empty
                    if (!isset($conditionval) || (is_string($conditionval) && $conditionval === '')
                        || $conditionval === false
                    ) {
                        $conditionval = 'empty';

                    //  check if condition was specified, otherwise use default
                    $condition_found = false;
                    for ($i = 0; $i < $this->cnt_subtemplates[$name]; ++$i) {
                        if ($this->subtemplate_conditions[$name][$i] == $conditionval) {
                            $condition_found = true;
                    if (!$condition_found) {
                        $conditionval = 'default';

                    return $this->plain_templates[$name][$conditionval];

                case patTEMPLATE_TYPE_SIMPLECONDITION:
                    //  get required vars
                    $requiredVars = $this->getAttribute($name, 'requiredvars');

                    //  check, if all are set
                    for ($i = 0, $iMax = count($requiredVars); $i < $iMax; ++$i) {
                        if (!$this->getVar($name, $requiredVars[$i])) {
                            return '';

                    return $this->plain_templates[$name];

                    return $this->plain_templates[$name];

         *   get the value of a variable
         * @param  string $template name of the template
         * @param  string $var      name of the variable
         * @return mixed  $value      value of the variable / false if it doesn't exist
         * @internal param int $index no of repetition
        public function getVar($template, $var)
            //  should the var from a different template be used
            if (stristr($var, '.')) {
                list($template, $var) = explode('.', $var);

            $var   = strtoupper($var);
            $index = $this->iteration[$template];
            if ($scope = $this->getAttribute($template, 'varscope')) {
                $val = $this->getVar(strtoupper($scope), $var);
            } else {
                $val = $this->variables[$template][$var];

            //  check, if global var should be used
            if (!$val && $this->getAttribute($template, 'useglobals') === 'yes') {
                $val = $this->globals[$var];

            if (is_array($val)) {
                $val = $val[$index];

            return $val;

         * displays useful information about all templates
         * returns content, variables, attributes and unused variables
         * @access   public
        public function dump()
            echo "<style type=\"text/css\">\n";
            echo ".text      {font-family: Verdana, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10px; color: #000000}\n";
            echo ".mid       {font-family: Verdana, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; color: #000000}\n";
            echo ".head      {font-family: Verdana, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; color: #000000}\n";
            echo "</style>\n";

            echo "<table border=\"1\" cellpadding=\"2\" cellspacing=\"1\" bgcolor=\"White\" >\n";

            for ($i = 0; $i < $this->cnt_templates; ++$i) {
                $name = $this->templates[$i];

                //  Template name
                echo "   <tr bgcolor=\"#EEEEEE\">\n";
                echo "       <td class=\"head\" valign=\"top\">Template</td>\n";
                echo '       <td class="head" valign="top">' . $name . "</td>\n";
                echo "   </tr>\n";

                $fname = $this->basedir !== '' ? $this->basedir . '/' . $this->filenames[$name] : $this->filenames[$name];

                //  Template file
                echo "   <tr>\n";
                echo "       <td class=\"mid\" valign=\"top\"><b>Filename</b></td>\n";
                echo '       <td class="text" valign="top">' . $fname . "</td>\n";
                echo "   </tr>\n";

                //  Template Attributes

                echo "   <tr>\n";
                echo "       <td class=\"mid\" valign=\"top\"><b>Attributes</b></td>\n";
                echo "       <td class=\"text\" valign=\"top\">\n";

                echo "           <table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"1\">\n";

                //  Display all Attributes in table
//                while (list($key, $value) = each($this->attributes[$name])) {
                foreach ($this->attributes[$name] as $key => $value) {
                    echo "               <tr>\n";
                    echo '                   <td class="text"><b>' . $key . "</b></td>\n";
                    echo "                   <td class=\"text\"> : </td>\n";
                    echo '                   <td class="text">' . $value . "</td>\n";
                    echo "               </tr>\n";
                echo "           </table>\n";

                echo "       </td>\n";
                echo "   </tr>\n";

                echo "   <tr>\n";
                echo "       <td class=\"text\" valign=\"top\" colspan=\"2\">&nbsp;</td>\n";
                echo "   </tr>\n";

                if ($this->cnt_subtemplates[$name] > 0) {
                    //  display template Data
                    echo "   <tr>\n";
                    echo "       <td class=\"mid\" valign=\"top\"><b>Template Data:</b></td>\n";
                    echo '       <td class="text" valign="top">Amount of subtemplates: ' . $this->cnt_subtemplates[$name] . "</td>\n";
                    echo "   </tr>\n";

                    //  Display all Subtemplates
                    for ($j = 0; $j < $this->cnt_subtemplates[$name]; ++$j) {
                        $condition = $this->subtemplate_conditions[$name][$j];
                        echo "               <tr bgcolor=\"#DDDDDD\">\n";
                        echo "                   <td class=\"text\"><b>Condition</b></td>\n";
                        echo '                   <td class="text">' . $condition . "</td>\n";
                        echo "               </tr>\n";

                        echo "               <tr>\n";
                        echo "                   <td class=\"text\" valign=\"top\"><b>Template Data</b></td>\n";
                        echo '                   <td class="text" valign="top"><pre>' . htmlspecialchars($this->getPlainSubTemplate($name, $condition)) . "</pre></td>\n";
                        echo "               </tr>\n";

                        //  Check for unset variables
                        preg_match_all($this->regex_get_all_vars, $this->getPlainSubTemplate($name, $condition), $matches);

                        //  Empty the array that stores the unused Vars

                        if (is_array($matches[0]) && count($matches[0]) > 0) {
                            //  Check, wether variable is unused
                            for ($k = 0, $kMax = count($matches[0]); $k <= $kMax; ++$k) {
                                if ($matches[1][$k] !== '' && !isset($this->variables[$name][$matches[1][$k]])
                                    && !isset($this->globals[$matches[1][$k]])
                                ) {
                                    $unused[] = $matches[0][$k];

                        if (is_array($unused) && count($unused) > 0) {
                            echo "   <tr>\n";
                            echo "       <td class=\"mid\" valign=\"top\"><b>Unused variables</b></td>\n";
                            echo "       <td class=\"text\" valign=\"top\">\n";

                            echo "           <table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"1\">\n";

                            //  Display all Variables in table
                            for ($k = 0, $kMax = count($unused); $k <= $kMax; ++$k) {
                                    echo "               <tr>\n";
                                    echo '                   <td class="text">' . $unused[$k] . "</td>\n";
                                    echo "               </tr>\n";
                            echo "           </table>\n";

                            echo "       </td>\n";
                            echo "   </tr>\n";

                        echo "               <tr>\n";
                        echo "                   <td class=\"text\" colspan=\"2\">&nbsp;</td>\n";
                        echo "               </tr>\n";
                } else {
                    //  display template Data
                    echo "   <tr>\n";
                    echo "       <td class=\"mid\" valign=\"top\"><b>Template Data:</b></td>\n";
                    echo "       <td class=\"text\" valign=\"top\">\n";
                    echo '           <pre>' . htmlspecialchars($this->getPlainTemplate($name)) . "</pre>\n";
                    echo "       </td>\n";
                    echo "   </tr>\n";

                    //  Check for unset variables
                    preg_match_all($this->regex_get_all_vars, $this->getPlainTemplate($name), $matches);

                    //  Empty the array that stores the unused Vars

                    if (is_array($matches[0]) && count($matches[0]) > 0) {
                        //  Check, wether variable is unused
                        for ($k = 0, $kMax = count($matches[0]); $k < $kMax; ++$k) {
                            if ($matches[1][$k] !== '' && !isset($this->variables[$name][$matches[1][$k]])
                                && !isset($this->globals[$matches[1][$k]])
                            ) {
                                $unused[] = $matches[0][$k];

                    if (is_array($unused) && count($unused) > 0) {
                        echo "   <tr>\n";
                        echo "       <td class=\"mid\" valign=\"top\"><b>Unused variables</b></td>\n";
                        echo "       <td class=\"text\" valign=\"top\">\n";

                        echo "           <table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"1\">\n";

                        //  Display all Variables in table
                        for ($k = 0, $kMax = count($unused); $k <= $kMax; ++$k) {
                                echo "               <tr>\n";
                                echo '                   <td class="text">' . $unused[$k] . "</td>\n";
                                echo "               </tr>\n";
                        echo "           </table>\n";

                        echo "       </td>\n";
                        echo "   </tr>\n";

                //  Display Variables

                if (is_array($this->variables[$name]) && count($this->variables[$name]) > 0) {

                    echo "   <tr>\n";
                    echo "       <td class=\"mid\" valign=\"top\"><b>Variables</b></td>\n";
                    echo "       <td class=\"text\" valign=\"top\">\n";

                    echo "           <table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"1\">\n";

                    //  Display all Variables in table
//                    while (list($key, $value) = each($this->variables[$name])) {
                    foreach ($this->variables[$name] as $key => $value) {
                        if (is_array($value)) {
                            $value = implode(', ', $value);

                        echo "               <tr>\n";
                        echo '                   <td class="text"><b>' . $this->tag_start . $key . $this->tag_end . "</b></td>\n";
                        echo "                   <td class=\"text\"> => </td>\n";
                        echo '                   <td class="text">' . $value . "</td>\n";
                        echo "               </tr>\n";
                    echo "           </table>\n";

                    echo "       </td>\n";
                    echo "   </tr>\n";

                echo "   <tr>\n";
                echo "       <td class=\"text\" valign=\"top\" colspan=\"2\">&nbsp;</td>\n";
                echo "   </tr>\n";
            echo '</table>';