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Test Coverage
<h5>2.27.0 RC-2 [2022-02-20]</h5>
+ index.html in /preloads (mamba)

<h5>2.27.0 RC-1 [2021-08-09]</h5>
+ fixed bug for default sender mail address, if there are no departments (goffy)
+ fixed bug with missing contact_skype in database (goffy)
+ fixed bug with missing additional infos in sended mail (alian/goffy)
+ fixed bug with missing contact_uid when sending (goffy)
+ added module preference for display/hide breadcrumbs (goffy)
+ added new block for showing contact info together with map (goffy)
+ added namespaces (mamba)
+ added BlocksAdmin (mamba)
+ various cosmetics (mamba)

<h5>2.26 RC-1 [2017-08-09]</h5>
+ fixed ContactConfigurator (aerograf/mamba)
+ updated pre_update functions (mamba)
+ fixed anonymous access (aerograf/mamba)
+ short array syntax (mamba)

<h5>2.25 Final [2017-08-04]</h5>
+ added missing $moduleDirName in header.php (mamba)
+ rename Help file extensions to .tpl (mamba)

<h5>2.25 RC 1 [2017-06-30]</h5>
- Updates for PayPal changes (zyspec)
- added Contributing.md (mamba)
- moved functions to Utility class (mamba)
- added option to save to DB and/or email (mamba)
- added install checks for PHP 5.5 and XOOPS 2.5.8 (mamba)
- started conversion to XMF (mamba)
    - Xmf\Request
    - updated addInfoBoxLine entries (mamba)
    - displayNavigation(basename(__FILE__))  (mamba)
    - changed to ->displayButton('left') (mamba)

<h5>2.25 beta 2 [NOT RELEASED]</h5>
- removed @version (mamba)
- code cosmetics, PSR-2 (mamba)
- addNavigation(basename(__FILE__))  (mamba)
- dirname(__FILE__) to __DIR__ (mamba)
- replaced < b /> with < b > (mamba)
- Unnecessary double quotes (mamba)
- reference mismatch (mamba)
- Hardening to type safe (mamba)
- update Help (mamba)
- changed _handler to Handler (mamba)
- renamed templates from .html to .tpl (mamba)
- moved /images to /assets (mamba)
- renamed $admin_class to $adminObject (mamba)
- removed /admin/header.php (mamba)
- removed /admin/footer.php (mamba)
- replaced $xoopsTpl with $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl'] (mamba)
- added type annotations for Handlers (mamba)
- added few PhpDocs  (mamba)
- replaced calls to contactCleanVars with XoopsRequest (mamba)
- changed $moduleHandler->getByDirname to static call $moduleHandler::getByDirname (mamba)
- updated deprecated HTML to CSS (mamba)
- removed exit(); redirect_header has it already (mamba)
- renamed /admin/contact.php to main.php (mamba)
- renamed contact_slogo.png to logoModule.png (mamba)
- updated min XOOPS (2.5.8), admin (1.2),and PHP (5.5) (mamba)
- added info about reCaptcha testing key (mamba)
- replaced "or die" with "|| exit" (mamba)
- removed "Version" in changelog (mamba)
- added strict boolean comparison (mamba)

<h5>2.25 beta 1 [NOT RELEASED]</h5>
- fixed notices php7 (goffy)
- updated for xoops 2.5.8 (goffy)

<h5>2.24 beta 1 [NOT RELEASED]</h5>
- fixed bug in template 'contact_index.html' (goffy)

<h5>2.23 beta 1 [NOT RELEASED]</h5>
- created new module preference 'contact_default' (goffy)
- added new blocks (goffy)
  -- block for contact form alone
  -- block for map alone
  -- block for contact form with map together

<h5>2.22 beta 1 [NOT RELEASED]</h5>
- fixed: various cleaning the code (goffy)

<h5>2.21 beta 1 [NOT RELEASED]</h5>
- fixed: deleted old module preferences (goffy)
- created new module preferences for (goffy, bleek)
  -- reCaptcha
  -- standard email adress
- fixed: various cleaning the code (goffy)
- restructured module preferences (goffy)
- added detail help files (en, de) with with detailed instruction for recaptcha and google maps iframe (goffy)
- added new function to send a confirmation mail to contacting person (goffy)

<h5>2.2 beta 1 [NOT RELEASED]</h5>
- fixed: every Submitter was Admin (mamba)
- fixed: department selection was showing email as well (mamba)
- fixed: with reply, the email was always from the admin, even if there could more admins (mamba)
- added Prefix for Emails Subject, if Department is used: so it can show '[Contact Department]: ' (mamba)

<h5>2.1 [2015-01-01]</h5>
- fixed: bug in contact_index.html <{if $comapny}> (goffy)
- template contact_index.html: replaced coded language word by language vars (goffy)
- fixed: mix in module option form_skype/form_icq - splitted to two options (goffy)
- fixed: bug, when there is no department used (goffy)

<h5>2.0 [?]</h5>
- added bootstrap to contact_index.html (bleek)

<h5>1.81 [2013-02-24]</h5>
- Rebuild Module (Voltan)
- English corrections (Cesag)
- fixed: bug when sending UTF-8 emails (cesag/mamba)
- PSR-2 code reformatting (mamba)
- making Captcha optional for Anonymous/Registered users (mamba)
- Fixed an error when sending anonymous (mamba)
- Fixed an error when sending Captcha (Montuy337513 alias black_beard)
- Fixed bug with $_POST table (Montuy337513 alias black_beard)

<h5>1.80 [2012-1-19]</h5>
- Rebuild Module (Voltan)

<h5>1.71 [2011-12-12]</h5>
- converted to XOOPS Standard Module GUI (Mamba)
- included ModuleAdmin class from (Mage)

<h5>1.70 [11-08-2010]</h5>
- added 2.4.x compatibilty (Trabis)
- added php5.3 compatibilty (Trabis)
- added error checking while sending emails (Trabis)