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 * Module: Lexikon - glossary module
 * Version: v 1.00
 * Release Date: 8 May 2004
 * Author: hsalazar
 * Licence: GNU
define('_AM_LEXIKON_NOCOLEXISTS', 'Sorry, there are no categories defined as of yet.<br>Please contact the site administrator and tell him about this.');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_ALL', 'All');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_ALLCATS', 'All categories');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_ALLOFTHEM', '0 : All categories');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_ANDOR', 'Search scope');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_ANDORALL', 'All words (AND)');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_ANDORANY', 'Any words (OR)');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_ANDOREXACT', 'Exact match');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_ANONYMOUS', 'Anonymous');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_ASKEDBY', 'Term requested by:');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_ASKFORDEF', 'Request a definition');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_BEGINWITHLETTER', 'entries that begin with this letter.');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_BROWSECAT', 'Browse by category');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_BROWSELETTER', 'Browse by letter');
//define('_MD_LEXIKON_CATEGORY','Search in category');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_CATEGORY', "<span style='display: block;line-height:1em;'>Search in category</style>");
define('_MD_LEXIKON_CATS', 'Categories: ');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_COUNT', 'This entry has been seen individually %s times.');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_CREATE', 'Submit the entry');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_DEFINITION', '[*] Definition');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_DEFINITIONREQ', 'Definition request');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_DEFINITIONSUB', 'Definition submission');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_DEFINS', 'Definitions');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_DEFS', 'Definitions: ');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_DELTERM', 'Delete this term');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_EDITTERM', 'Edit this term');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_EMAILLEFT', 'The user left this email address: ');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_ENTRIES', ' entries.');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_ENTRIESINCAT', 'entries in this glossary.');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_ENTRY', '[*] Entry');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_ENTRYCATEGORY', 'Category: ');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_ENTRYCOUNT', 'This category has ');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_ENTRYDEFINITION', 'Definition: ');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_ENTRYREFERENCE', 'Reference: ');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_ENTRYRELATEDURL', 'Related site: ');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_ERRORSAVINGDB', 'ERROR: Database has NOT been updated due to an error!');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_GOODDAY', 'Good day, ');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_GOODDAY2', 'Good day, %s.');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_HOME', 'Home');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_INALLGLOSSARIES', 'entries in all our glossaries.');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_INTENTRY', 'Have a look at this entry at %s');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_INTENTRYFOUND', 'Here is an interesting entry I have found at %s');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_INTROREQUEST', "You didn't find the definition you were looking for? Submit the term to us by filling this form. We will look for its definition and add it to the database.");
define('_MD_LEXIKON_LOOKON', 'Search');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_MAINHEAD', 'Welcome to %s');
    'In this area of the site you will find our catalogue of glossary entries, as well as the latest entry from each of our categories. Click on a category&#8217s name to see all the entries associated with that category, or on an entry&#8217s name to read directly the entry. Depending on privileges, you can rate each entry, select notification options or leave your comments.'
define('_MD_LEXIKON_MAINNOSELECTCAT', 'You did not select a valid category');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_MAINNOTOPICS', 'There are no entries in this category');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_MESSAGESENT', 'Message to %s sent.');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_NO', 'No');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_NOENTRIESINCAT', 'There are no entries yet in this glossary.');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_NORESULTS', 'There were no matches for the search term given. Please use another word and try again.');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_NOSEARCHTERM', 'You have not declared a search term. Please do it now in the search form included in this page.');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_NOTERMSINLETTER', 'There are no entries that begin with this letter.');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_NOTIFY', 'Notify on publish?');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_NOTIFYONPUB', 'The user has asked to be notified when we do something about the definition.<br>');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_OTHER', 'Other');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_POPULARENT', 'Popular entries');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_POSTED', 'Published');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_PRINTERFRIENDLY', 'Print this entry in a printer friendly format');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_PRINTTERM', 'Print in friendly format');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_RANDOMTERM', 'Random term');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_RECEIVED', 'The entry you sent has been received. We&#8217ll look at it as soon as possible.');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_RECEIVEDANDAPPROVED', 'The entry you sent has been received. Since the auto-approve option is on, we&#8217ll publish it at once.');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_RECENTENT', 'Recent entries');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_REFERENCE', "Reference<br><span style='font-size: x-small; font-weight: normal; line-height:1em;'>(Optionally, you may give the source of your definition here.)</span>");
define('_MD_LEXIKON_REQRCVD', "Your request has been received. We'll look at it as soon as possible.");
define('_MD_LEXIKON_REQSEND', 'Request sent');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_REQTERM', '[*] Term to define');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_REQUESTDEF', 'Request a definition');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_REQUESTFORM', 'Request a definition');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_REQUESTSENT', 'Your request has been forwarded to the webmaster of %s.');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_RETURN', 'Return');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_RETURN2INDEX', 'Return to module index');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_SEARCH', 'Search!');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_SEARCHENTRY', 'Search');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_SEARCHHEAD', 'Search results');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_SECTIONNAME', 'Lexikon');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_SEEMORE', 'More definitions...');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_SENDSTORY', 'Send this entry to a friend');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_SENDTOFRIEND', 'Send this term to a friend');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_SENT', 'Submitted on: ');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_SENTCONFIRMMAIL', 'Your comments have been sent to <b>%s</b> as a confirmation email.');
    "<h4 style='margin: 0;'>Glossaries empty</h4>Sorry: We don't have any entries in our glossaries yet. You can help us by requesting some entries whose definition you'd like to know. If you're a registered user, you can also help by submitting some terms whose definition you know."
define('_MD_LEXIKON_SUB_SMNAME', 'Fill this form to send your entry');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_SUB_SNEWNAME', 'Submit an entry to %s');
    'please fill the following form to submit your new entry to our site. As you&#8217re well aware, it&#8217ll have to be validated by an administrator before it gets published. However, if the administrator has activated the auto-approve setting, your entry will be published instantly.'
define('_MD_LEXIKON_SUBMIT', 'Submit request');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_SUBMITART', 'Submit an entry');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_SUBMITENTRY', 'Submit an entry');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_SUBMITTEDBY', 'by %s, ');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_SUBMITTEDON', 'on %s');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_SUBMITTED', 'Submitted ');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_SUBMITTER', 'Submitter: ');
//define('_MD_LEXIKON_SUBMITTED','Submitted by %s, on %s.');
//define('_MD_LEXIKON_TERM','Search term');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_TERM', "<span style='display: block;line-height:1em;'>Search term</span>");
define('_MD_LEXIKON_TERMS', 'Terms');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_TERMSDEFS', 'Terms and definitions');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_THANKS1', 'Thank you for your participation!<br>');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_THANKS2', 'Thank you for requesting a definition!');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_THANKYOU', 'Thank you for taking the time to request a definition that will enrich the glossaries of %s.');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_THEREWERE', 'There were %s entries matching the search term: <b>%s</b>.');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_TIMESREAD', 'Times read');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_UNKNOWNERROR', 'ERROR.  Returning you to where you were!');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_URL', "URL<span style='font-size: x-small; font-weight: normal; line-height:1em;'><br>(Please enter a valid URL with or without the HTTP prefix.)</span>");
define('_MD_LEXIKON_USERMAIL', 'E-mail');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_USERNAME', 'Name');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_WEBMASTER', 'Webmaster');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_WEHAVE', 'We currently have');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_WHOASKED', '%s asked us to find the definition for: ');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_WHOSUBMITTED', '%s has submitted the definition for this term: ');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_YES', 'Yes');

define('_MD_LEXIKON_OPTIONS', 'Options');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_DOHTML', 'Allow HTML?');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_DOSMILEY', 'Allow smilies?');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_DOXCODE', 'Allow XOOPS Codes?');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_BREAKS', 'Allow linebreaks?');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_SUBANDREQ', 'Submitted and requested terms');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_SUB', 'Submitted terms: ');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_REQ', 'Requested terms: ');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_NOSUB', 'Currently there are no submitted terms.');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_NOREQ', 'Currently there are no requested terms.');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_WRITEHERE', 'Please write here the definition.');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_GUEST', 'Guest');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_NOCATSINSYSTEM', 'No categories in system');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_REQUESTSUGGEST', '(Click the next words to suggest a definition for the term)');

define('_MD_LEXIKON_ENTRYISOFF', 'Sorry, this definition is currently offline.');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_ITEMEXISTS', 'Sorry. The Term already exists.');

//RSS syndication
define('_MD_LEXIKON_INCATS', 'Recent entries in %s');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_INCATS_DESC', 'Recent entries in the category %s from %s');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_LASTDESC', 'Recent entries from the site %s');

// new servicelinks
define('_MD_LEXIKON_PRINTTERM2', 'Print This');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_SENDTOFRIEND2', 'Email to a friend');

// bookmarks
define('_LEXIKON_BOOKMARK_ME', 'Bookmark this Entry');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_BKMK_TO_MISTERWONG', 'Bookmark to Mister Wong');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_BKMK_TO_BLINKLIST', 'Bookmark to Blinklist');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_BKMK_TO_DELICIOUS', 'Bookmark to del.icio.us');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_BKMK_TO_DIGG', 'Bookmark to Digg');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_BKMK_TO_NEWSVINE', 'Bookmark to Newsvine');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_BKMK_TO_REDDIT', 'Bookmark to Reddit');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_BKMK_TO_GOOGLE', 'Bookmark to Google');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_BKMK_TO_TECHNORATI', 'Bookmark to Technorati');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_BKMK_TO_FARK', 'Bookmark to Fark');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_BKMK_TO_FACEBOOK', 'Share with friends at Facebook');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_BKMK_TO_TWITTER', 'Twitter');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_BKMK_TO_DIIGO', 'Bookmark to DIIGO');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_BKMK_TO_STUDIVZ', 'Bookmark to StudiVZ');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_BKMK_TO_LINKARENA', 'Bookmark to Linkarena');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_BKMK_TO_ONEVIEW', 'Bookmark to Oneview');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_BKMK_TO_STUMBLEUPON', 'Bookmark to Stumbleupon');

define('_MD_LEXIKON_SINGLECAT', 'The module is defined to have no categories.');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_NOSHOTS', 'No Screenshots Available');

// authorprofile
define('_MD_LEXIKON_AUTHORPROFILE', 'Terms by the same author');
//define('_MD_LEXIKON_AUTHORPROFILE','Glossary profile of the author');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_AUTHORPROFILETEXT', 'view all terms by this author');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_AUTHORPROFILENOTERM', 'User %s has not yet submitted any terms.');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_CONTRIBUTORS', 'Glossary Authorlist');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_CONTRIBUTORSLIST', "Here is a list of the authors who have contributed to our site's glossary.<br> Click on the name to see his/her contributions.");
define('_MD_LEXIKON_AUTHORTERMS', '%s has submitted %s definitions to our glossary.');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_AUTHORWAITING', ' %s of his/her definitions are still awaiting approval.');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_NOWAITINGTERMS', 'No definitions awaiting approval.');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_DATETERM', 'Date');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_HITS', 'Views');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_AUTHOR', 'Username');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_TOTAL', 'Entries');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_MAIL', 'E-Mail');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_PM', 'PM');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_LOCATION', 'Location');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_WWW', 'WWW');

define('_MD_LEXIKON_RANDOMIZE', 'next Definition');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_TERMOFTHEDAY', 'Term of the day');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_SYNDICATION', 'Webmastercontent');
    "<iframe style='background-color: #FFFFFF'; marginwidth=0 marginheight=0 width='220' height='260' src='%s/modules/%s/syndication.php' frameborder='0' topmargin='0' leftmargin='0' scrolling='no' allowtransparency='true' > [Your user agent does not support frames or is currently configured not to display frames.]</iframe>"
define('_MD_LEXIKON_SUB_SYNNAME', 'Free Webmastercontent for your Site');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_INTROCONTENTSYN', 'You like the glossary definitions at %s ? You may now easily integrate our glossary-definitions at your site. Simply copy the below HTML-code.');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_POWER', 'Powered by ');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_SYNEXPLAIN1', "click  'select' and copy the HTML-Code using CTRL+C.");
define('_MD_LEXIKON_SYNEXPLAIN2', 'Add the below script where you wish the content to appear (using CTRL+V or the contextal menue of the mouse (->Insert)).');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_SYNEXPLAIN3', 'Feel free to modify layout and appearence so that it best suits your personal preferences.');

// mail admin side
define('_MD_LEXIKON_SUBJECTREQ', 'Your requested definition at %s');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_SUBJECTSUB', 'Your submitted definition at %s');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_SUBJECTMOD', 'Your definition-update at %s');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_CONFREQ', 'Request online!');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_CONFSUB', 'Submission approved!');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_CONFMOD', 'Modification approved!');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_APPROVED', 'Your request has been approved by the webmaster of %s and will now appear in our glossary.');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_REGARDS', 'Best Regards');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_DEFINITIONMOD', 'Glossary modification');
// ...user side
define('_MD_LEXIKON_THANKS3', 'Thank you for submitting a definition.');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_THANKSREVIEW', 'Thank you for the modification.');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_THANKYOU2', 'Thank you for updating a definition.\nYou will receive a message as soon as the modifications have been revised.');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_THANKYOU3', 'Thank you for submitting a definition.\nYou will receive a message as soon as the definition has been approved.');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_SUBMISSIONSENT', 'Message to %s sent.');
define('_MD_AM_ADGS', 'Groups');
define('_MD_AM_DBUPDATED', 'Database updated');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_MUSTREGFIRST', 'You must register first');

define('_MD_LEXIKON_ADMIN', 'Admin');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_INDEX', 'Home');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_ACTION', 'Action');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_VIEW', 'View');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_PRINT', 'Print');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_TELL_A_FRIEND', 'Tell A Friend');

define('_MD_LEXIKON_TITLE', 'Lexikon');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_DESC', 'This module is for doing following...');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_INDEX_DESC', 'This module is for doing following...');
// Category
define('_MD_LEXIKON_CATEGORIES', 'Category');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_CATEGORIES_DESC', 'Category description');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_CATEGORIES_NAME', 'Category');
// Entries
define('_MD_LEXIKON_ENTRIES_DESC', 'Entries description');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_ENTRIES_TERM', 'Term');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_ENTRIES_INIT', 'Init');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_ENTRIES_DEFINITION', 'Definition');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_ENTRIES_REF', 'Reference');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_ENTRIES_UID', 'User');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_ENTRIES_SUBMIT', 'Submitter');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_ENTRIES_DATESUB', 'Submitted');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_ENTRIES_COUNTER', 'Counter');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_ENTRIES_SMILEY', 'Smiley');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_ENTRIES_XCODES', 'xCodes');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_ENTRIES_BREAKS', 'Breaks');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_ENTRIES_BLOCK', 'Block');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_ENTRIES_OFFLINE', 'Offline');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_ENTRIES_NOTIFYPUB', 'Notify on Pub');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_ENTRIES_REQUEST', 'Request');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_ENTRIES_COMMENTS', 'Comments');
define('_MD_LEXIKON_ENTRIES_ONLINE', 'Online');

define('_MD_LEXIKON_SELECTALL', 'Select all');