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1 day
Test Coverage

 * Lexikon XOOPS glossary Module
 * @copyright      XOOPS Project (https://xoops.org)
 * @license        http://www.fsf.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU public license
 * @author         Yerres
 * @since          0.5
 * @package        module::lexikon
 * @credits        hsalazar, catzwolf, Dario Garcia and many others
require_once __DIR__ . '/preloads/autoloader.php';

$moduleDirName      = basename(__DIR__);
$moduleDirNameUpper = mb_strtoupper($moduleDirName);

$modversion    = [
    'version'       => 1.53,
    'module_status' => 'RC 1',
    'release_date'  => '2021/08/10',
    'name'          => _MI_LEXIKON_MD_NAME,
    'description'   => _MI_LEXIKON_MD_DESC,
    'author'        => 'Yerres',
    'credits'       => 'hsalazar, Mondarse, Catzwolf, Mamba, Shmel, and many more',
    'help'          => 'page=help',
    'license'       => 'GNU GPL 2.0 or later',
    'license_url'   => 'www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html',
    'official'      => 0, //1 indicates supported by XOOPS Dev Team, 0 means 3rd party supported
    'image'         => 'assets/images/logoModule.png',
    'dirname'       => basename(__DIR__),
    //    'onInstall'     => 'include/install_function.php',
    //    'onUpdate'      => 'include/update_function.php',

    'modicons16' => 'assets/images/icons/16',
    'modicons32' => 'assets/images/icons/32',

    'license_file'        => XOOPS_URL . '/modules/lexikon/gpl.txt',
    'status_version'      => 1.53,
    'release'             => '2012-05-10',
    'last_update'         => '2015/01/12',
    'module_website_url'  => 'www.xoops.org',
    'module_website_name' => 'XOOPS',
    'min_php'             => '7.3',
    'min_xoops'           => '2.5.10',
    'min_admin'           => '1.2',
    'min_db'              => ['mysql' => '5.1'],

    'author_word' => '-',
    // Admin things
    'hasAdmin'    => 1,
    'adminindex'  => 'admin/index.php',
    'adminmenu'   => 'admin/menu.php',
    // Sql
    'sqlfile'     => ['mysql' => 'sql/mysql.sql'],
    'tables'      => [
    // Search
    'hasSearch'   => 1,
    'search'      => [
        'file' => 'include/search.inc.php',
        'func' => 'lx_search',
    // ------------------- Install/Update -------------------
    'onInstall'   => 'include/oninstall.php',
    'onUpdate'    => 'include/onupdate.php',
    'onUninstall' => 'include/onuninstall.php',
    // Menu
    'hasMain'     => 1,
    'system_menu' => 1,
    // Use smarty
    'use_smarty'  => 1,
global $xoopsUser, $xoopsDB, $xoopsModuleConfig;
/** @var \XoopsModuleHandler $moduleHandler */
$moduleHandler = xoops_getHandler('module');
$lexikon       = $moduleHandler->getByDirname($modversion['dirname']);
if ($lexikon) {
    if (!isset($lxConfig)) {
        /** @var \XoopsConfigHandler $configHandler */
        $configHandler = xoops_getHandler('config');
        $lxConfig      = $configHandler->getConfigsByCat(0, $lexikon->getVar('mid'));
$i = 0;
if (is_object($xoopsUser)) {
    if ($xoopsUser->isAdmin()) {
        $modversion['sub'][$i]['name'] = constant('_MI_LEXIKON_SUB_SMNAME0');
        $modversion['sub'][$i]['url']  = 'admin/index.php';
        $modversion['sub'][$i]['name'] = constant('_MI_LEXIKON_SUB_SMNAME4');
        $modversion['sub'][$i]['url']  = 'admin/entry.php?op=add';
if (isset($lxConfig['authorprofile']) && 1 == $lxConfig['authorprofile']) {
    $modversion['sub'][$i]['name'] = _MI_LEXIKON_SUB_SMNAME6;
    $modversion['sub'][$i]['url']  = 'authorlist.php';
if (isset($lxConfig['contentsyndication']) && 1 == $lxConfig['contentsyndication']) {
    $modversion['sub'][$i]['name'] = _MI_LEXIKON_SUB_SMNAME7;
    $modversion['sub'][$i]['url']  = 'content.php';
if ($lexikon) {
    $groups = is_object($xoopsUser) ? $xoopsUser->getGroups() : XOOPS_GROUP_ANONYMOUS;
    /** @var \XoopsGroupPermHandler $grouppermHandler */
    $grouppermHandler = xoops_getHandler('groupperm');
    if ($grouppermHandler->checkRight('lexikon_submit', 0, $groups, $lexikon->getVar('mid'))) {
        $modversion['sub'][$i]['name'] = _MI_LEXIKON_SUB_SMNAME1;
        $modversion['sub'][$i]['url']  = 'submit.php';

    $groups = is_object($xoopsUser) ? $xoopsUser->getGroups() : XOOPS_GROUP_ANONYMOUS;
    /** @var \XoopsGroupPermHandler $grouppermHandler */
    $grouppermHandler = xoops_getHandler('groupperm');
    if ($grouppermHandler->checkRight('lexikon_request', 0, $groups, $lexikon->getVar('mid'))) {
        $modversion['sub'][$i]['name'] = constant('_MI_LEXIKON_SUB_SMNAME2');
        $modversion['sub'][$i]['url']  = 'request.php';
$modversion['sub'][$i]['name'] = constant('_MI_LEXIKON_SUB_SMNAME3');
$modversion['sub'][$i]['url']  = 'search.php';
if (isset($lxConfig['catsinmenu']) && 1 == $lxConfig['catsinmenu'] && isset($lxConfig['multicats'])
    && 1 == $lxConfig['multicats']) {
    $myts = \MyTextSanitizer::getInstance();
    $sql  = $xoopsDB->query('SELECT categoryID, name FROM ' . $xoopsDB->prefix('lxcategories') . ' ORDER BY weight ASC');
    while (list($categoryID, $name) = $xoopsDB->fetchRow($sql)) {
        if ($grouppermHandler->checkRight('lexikon_view', $categoryID, $groups, $lexikon->getVar('mid'))) {
            $name                          = htmlspecialchars($name, ENT_QUOTES | ENT_HTML5);
            $categoryID                    = (int)$categoryID;
            $modversion['sub'][$i]['name'] = $name;
            $modversion['sub'][$i]['url']  = 'category.php?categoryID=' . $categoryID;

// ------------------- Blocks ------------------- //
$modversion['blocks']    = [];
$modversion['blocks'][1] = [
    'file'        => 'entries_new.php',
    'name'        => _MI_LEXIKON_ENTRIESNEW,
    'description' => 'Shows latest terms',
    'show_func'   => 'b_lxentries_new_show',
    'edit_func'   => 'b_lxentries_new_edit',
    'options'     => 'datesub|5|0|0|1|up||',
    'template'    => 'entries_new.tpl',
    'can_clone'   => true,
$modversion['blocks'][]  = [
    'file'        => 'entries_top.php',
    'name'        => _MI_LEXIKON_ENTRIESTOP,
    'description' => 'Shows popular terms',
    'show_func'   => 'b_lxentries_top_show',
    'edit_func'   => 'b_lxentries_top_edit',
    'options'     => 'counter|5|0|0|1|up||',
    'template'    => 'entries_top.tpl',
    'can_clone'   => true,
$modversion['blocks'][]  = [
    'file'        => 'random_term.php',
    'name'        => _MI_LEXIKON_RANDOMTERM,
    'description' => 'Shows a random term',
    'show_func'   => 'b_lxentries_random_show',
    'template'    => 'entries_random.tpl',
    'can_clone'   => true,
$modversion['blocks'][]  = [
    'file'        => 'entries_initial.php',
    'name'        => _MI_LEXIKON_TERMINITIAL,
    'description' => 'Shows alphabet',
    'show_func'   => 'b_lxentries_alpha_show',
    'edit_func'   => 'b_lxentries_alpha_edit',
    'options'     => '1|8',
    'template'    => 'entries_initial.tpl',
    'can_clone'   => true,
$modversion['blocks'][]  = [
    'file'        => 'categories_block.php',
    'name'        => _MI_LEXIKON_CATS,
    'description' => 'Shows categories',
    'show_func'   => 'b_lxcategories_show',
    'edit_func'   => 'b_lxcategories_edit',
    'options'     => 'weight|5',
    'template'    => 'categories_block.tpl',
    'can_clone'   => true,
$modversion['blocks'][]  = [
    'file'        => 'entries_spot.php',
    'name'        => _MI_LEXIKON_SPOT,
    'description' => 'Shows spotlight terms in a category',
    'show_func'   => 'b_lxspot_show',
    'edit_func'   => 'b_lxspot_edit',
    'options'     => '1|5|0|0|0|ver|0|datesub|65|25',
    'template'    => 'entries_spot.tpl',
    'can_clone'   => true,
$modversion['blocks'][]  = [
    'file'        => 'entries_authors.php',
    'name'        => _MI_LEXIKON_BNAME8,
    'description' => 'Shows top authors',
    'show_func'   => 'b_lx_author_show',
    'edit_func'   => 'b_lx_author_edit',
    'options'     => 'count|5|uname|total',
    'template'    => 'entries_authors.tpl',
    'can_clone'   => true,
$modversion['blocks'][]  = [
    'file'        => 'entries_scrolling.php',
    'name'        => _MI_LEXIKON_BNAME9,
    'description' => 'Shows scrolling definitions',
    'show_func'   => 'b_scrolling_term_show',
    'edit_func'   => 'b_scrolling_term_edit',
    'options'     => '5|2||up|0|200|1|1|RAND()|DESC|1',
    'template'    => 'entries_scrolling.tpl',
    'can_clone'   => true,
 * $options:
 *                  $options[0] - number of tags to display
 *                  $options[1] - time duration, in days, 0 for all the time
 *                  $options[2] - max font size (px or %)
 *                  $options[3] - min font size (px or %)

$modversion['blocks'][] = [
    'file'        => 'lexikon_block_tag.php',
    'name'        => 'Lexikon Tag Cloud',
    'description' => 'Show tag cloud',
    'show_func'   => 'lexikon_tag_block_cloud_show',
    'edit_func'   => 'lexikon_tag_block_cloud_edit',
    'options'     => '100|0|150|80',
    'template'    => 'lexikon_tag_block_cloud.tpl',
    'can_clone'   => true,
 * $options:
 *                  $options[0] - number of tags to display
 *                  $options[1] - time duration, in days, 0 for all the time
 *                  $options[2] - sort: a - alphabet; c - count; t - time
$modversion['blocks'][] = [
    'file'        => 'lexikon_block_tag.php',
    'name'        => 'Lexikon Top Tags',
    'description' => 'Show top tags',
    'show_func'   => 'lexikon_tag_block_top_show',
    'edit_func'   => 'lexikon_tag_block_top_edit',
    'options'     => '50|30|t',
    'template'    => 'lexikon_tag_block_top.tpl',
    'can_clone'   => true,

// ------------------- Templates ------------------- //
$modversion['templates'] = [
    ['file' => 'lx_category.tpl', 'description' => 'Display categories'],
    ['file' => 'lx_index.tpl', 'description' => 'Display index'],
    ['file' => 'lx_entry.tpl', 'description' => 'Display term'],
    ['file' => 'lx_letter.tpl', 'description' => 'Display letter'],
    ['file' => 'lx_search.tpl', 'description' => 'search glossary'],
    ['file' => 'lx_request.tpl', 'description' => 'Request a definition'],
    ['file' => 'lx_submit.tpl', 'description' => 'Submit a definition'],
    ['file' => 'lx_adminmenu.tpl', 'description' => '(Admin) Tabs bar for administration pages'],
    ['file' => 'lx_bookmark.tpl', 'description' => 'Social Bookmarking tags',],
    ['file' => 'lexikon_rss.tpl', 'description' => 'Display Lexikon rss feed'],
    ['file' => 'lx_profile.tpl', 'description' => 'Glossary-profile of authors'],
    ['file' => 'lx_authorlist.tpl', 'description' => 'Glossary author List'],
    ['file' => 'lx_content.tpl', 'description' => 'content syndication dispatcher'],
    ['file' => 'lx_syndication.tpl', 'description' => 'Webmaster content syndication'],
    ['file' => 'lx_topten.tpl', 'description' => 'TOP10 Definitions',],
    ['file' => 'lx_tag_bar.tpl', 'description' => 'Lexikon Definition Tagbar'],
    ['file' => 'admin/lexikon_admin_entries.tpl', 'description' => ''],
    ['file' => 'admin/lexikon_admin_categories.tpl', 'description' => ''],
    ['file' => $modversion['dirname'] . '_letterschoice.tpl', 'description' => ''],
// Config Settings
$modversion['config'] = [];

$modversion['config'][] = [
    'name'        => 'multicats',
    'title'       => '_MI_LEXIKON_MULTICATS',
    'description' => '_MI_LEXIKON_MULTICATSDSC',
    'formtype'    => 'yesno',
    'valuetype'   => 'int',
    'default'     => 1,

$modversion['config'][] = [
    'name'        => 'catsinmenu',
    'title'       => '_MI_LEXIKON_CATSINMENU',
    'description' => '_MI_LEXIKON_CATSINMENUDSC',
    'formtype'    => 'yesno',
    'valuetype'   => 'int',
    'default'     => 0,

$modversion['config'][] = [
    'name'        => 'dateformat',
    'title'       => '_MI_LEXIKON_DATEFORMAT',
    'description' => '_MI_LEXIKON_DATEFORMATDSC',
    'formtype'    => 'textbox',
    'valuetype'   => 'text',
    'default'     => 'd.m.Y H:i',

$modversion['config'][] = [
    'name'        => 'perpage',
    'title'       => '_MI_LEXIKON_PERPAGE',
    'description' => '_MI_LEXIKON_PERPAGEDSC',
    'formtype'    => 'select',
    'valuetype'   => 'int',
    'default'     => 20,
    'options'     => [
        '5'  => 5,
        '10' => 10,
        '15' => 15,
        '20' => 20,
        '25' => 25,
        '30' => 30,
        '50' => 50,

$modversion['config'][] = [
    'name'        => 'indexperpage',
    'title'       => '_MI_LEXIKON_PERPAGEINDEX',
    'description' => '_MI_LEXIKON_PERPAGEINDEXDSC',
    'formtype'    => 'select',
    'valuetype'   => 'int',
    'default'     => 10,
    'options'     => [
        '5'  => 5,
        '10' => 10,
        '15' => 15,
        '20' => 20,
        '25' => 25,
        '30' => 30,
        '50' => 50,

$modversion['config'][] = [
    'name'        => 'blocksperpage',
    'title'       => '_MI_LEXIKON_BLOCKSPERPAGE',
    'description' => '_MI_LEXIKON_BLOCKSPERPAGEDSC',
    'formtype'    => 'select',
    'valuetype'   => 'int',
    'default'     => 5,
    'options'     => [
        '5'  => 5,
        '10' => 10,
        '15' => 15,
        '20' => 20,
        '25' => 25,
        '30' => 30,
        '50' => 50,

$modversion['config'][] = [
    'name'        => 'autoapprove',
    'title'       => '_MI_LEXIKON_AUTOAPPROVE',
    'description' => '_MI_LEXIKON_AUTOAPPROVEDSC',
    'formtype'    => 'yesno',
    'valuetype'   => 'int',
    'default'     => 0,

$modversion['config'][] = [
    'name'        => 'adminhits',
    'title'       => '_MI_LEXIKON_ALLOWADMINHITS',
    'description' => '_MI_LEXIKON_ALLOWADMINHITSDSC',
    'formtype'    => 'yesno',
    'valuetype'   => 'int',
    'default'     => 0,

$modversion['config'][] = [
    'name'        => 'mailtoadmin',
    'title'       => '_MI_LEXIKON_MAILTOADMIN',
    'description' => '_MI_LEXIKON_MAILTOADMINDSC',
    'formtype'    => 'yesno',
    'valuetype'   => 'int',
    'default'     => 1,

$modversion['config'][] = [
    'name'        => 'mailtosender',
    'title'       => '_MI_LEXIKON_MAILTOSENDER',
    'description' => '_MI_LEXIKON_MAILTOSENDERDSC',
    'formtype'    => 'yesno',
    'valuetype'   => 'int',
    'default'     => 0,

$modversion['config'][] = [
    'name'        => 'rndlength',
    'title'       => '_MI_LEXIKON_RANDOMLENGTH',
    'description' => '_MI_LEXIKON_RANDOMLENGTHDSC',
    'formtype'    => 'textbox',
    'valuetype'   => 'int',
    'default'     => 150,

$modversion['config'][] = [
    'name'        => 'linkterms',
    'title'       => '_MI_LEXIKON_LINKTERMS',
    'description' => '_MI_LEXIKON_LINKTERMSDSC',
    'formtype'    => 'select',
    'valuetype'   => 'int',
    'options'     => [
        '_NO'                    => 1,
        '_YES'                   => 2,
        '_MI_LEXIKON_TOOLTIP'    => 3,
        '_MI_LEXIKON_POPUP'      => 4,
        '_MI_LEXIKON_BUBBLETIPS' => 5,
        '_MI_LEXIKON_SHADOWTIPS' => 6,
    'default'     => 2,

// WYSIWYG - Form-Option for X2.0.18ff
$editorHandler = XoopsEditorHandler::getInstance();
$modversion['config'][] = array(
    'name'          => 'form_options',
    'title'         => '_MI_LEXIKON_FORM_OPTIONS',
    'description'   => '_MI_LEXIKON_FORM_OPTIONSDSC',
    'formtype'      => 'select',
    'valuetype'     => 'text',
    'options'       => array_flip($editorHandler->getList()),
    'default' => 'dhtmltextarea');
// WYSIWYG - Form-Options for XOOPS
$editorHandler = XoopsEditorHandler::getInstance();
$editorList    = array_flip($editorHandler->getList());

$modversion['config'][] = [
    'name'        => 'form_options',
    'title'       => '_MI_LEXIKON_FORM_OPTIONS',
    'description' => '_MI_LEXIKON_FORM_OPTIONSDSC',
    'formtype'    => 'select',
    'valuetype'   => 'text',
    'options'     => $editorList,
    'default'     => 'dhtmltextarea',

$modversion['config'][] = [
    'name'        => 'wysiwyg_guests',
    'title'       => '_MI_LEXIKON_EDIGUEST',
    'description' => '_MI_LEXIKON_EDIGUESTDSC',
    'formtype'    => 'yesno',
    'valuetype'   => 'int',
    'default'     => 0,

// add a textbox
$modversion['config'][] = [
    'name'        => 'teaser',
    'title'       => '_MI_LEXIKON_HEADER',
    'description' => '_MI_LEXIKON_HEADERDSC',
    'formtype'    => 'textarea',
    'valuetype'   => 'text',
    'default'     => '',

$modversion['config'][] = [
    'name'        => 'showsubmitter',
    'title'       => '_MI_LEXIKON_DISPPROL',
    'description' => '_MI_LEXIKON_DISPPROLDSC',
    'formtype'    => 'yesno',
    'valuetype'   => 'int',
    'default'     => 1,

//show a link to this authors glossary profile
$modversion['config'][] = [
    'name'        => 'authorprofile',
    'title'       => '_MI_LEXIKON_AUTHORPROFILE',
    'description' => '_MI_LEXIKON_AUTHORPROFILEDSC',
    'formtype'    => 'yesno',
    'valuetype'   => 'int',
    'default'     => 0,

$modversion['config'][] = [
    'name'        => 'showdate',
    'title'       => '_MI_LEXIKON_SHOWDAT',
    'description' => '_MI_LEXIKON_SHOWDATDSC',
    'formtype'    => 'yesno',
    'valuetype'   => 'int',
    'default'     => 1,

$modversion['config'][] = [
    'name'        => 'showcount',
    'title'       => '_MI_LEXIKON_SHOWCTR',
    'description' => '_MI_LEXIKON_SHOWCTRDSC',
    'formtype'    => 'yesno',
    'valuetype'   => 'int',
    'default'     => 1,

$modversion['config'][] = [
    'name'        => 'captcha',
    'title'       => '_MI_LEXIKON_CAPTCHA',
    'description' => '_MI_LEXIKON_CAPTCHADSC',
    'formtype'    => 'select',
    'valuetype'   => 'int',
    'options'     => [
        '_NONE'   => 0,
        '_GUESTS' => 1,
        '_ALL'    => 2,
    'default'     => 0,

//  highlight search keywords in the definitions
$modversion['config'][] = [
    'name'        => 'config_highlighter',
    'title'       => '_MI_LEXIKON_KEYWORDS_HIGH',
    'description' => '_MI_LEXIKON_KEYWORDS_HIGHDSC',
    'formtype'    => 'yesno',
    'valuetype'   => 'int',
    'default'     => 0,

// Display social Bookmark icons ?
$modversion['config'][] = [
    'name'        => 'bookmarkme',
    'title'       => '_MI_LEXIKON_BOOKMARK_ME',
    'description' => '_MI_LEXIKON_BOOKMARK_MEDSC',
    'formtype'    => 'select',
    'valuetype'   => 'int',
    'options'     => [
        '_NO'                  => 1,
        '_YES'                 => 2,
        '_MI_LEXIKON_ADDTHIS1' => 3,
        '_MI_LEXIKON_ADDTHIS2' => 4,
    'default'     => 2,

//option to set number of keywords
$modversion['config'][] = [
    'name'        => 'metakeywordsnum',
    'title'       => '_MI_LEXIKON_METANUM',
    'description' => '_MI_LEXIKON_METANUMDSC',
    'formtype'    => 'select',
    'valuetype'   => 'int',
    'options'     => [
        _MI_LEXIKON_METANUM_0  => 0,
        _MI_LEXIKON_METANUM_5  => 5,
        _MI_LEXIKON_METANUM_10 => 10,
        _MI_LEXIKON_METANUM_20 => 20,
        _MI_LEXIKON_METANUM_30 => 30,
        _MI_LEXIKON_METANUM_40 => 40,
        _MI_LEXIKON_METANUM_50 => 50,
        _MI_LEXIKON_METANUM_60 => 60,
        _MI_LEXIKON_METANUM_70 => 70,
        _MI_LEXIKON_METANUM_80 => 80,
    'default'     => '40',

//category image
$modversion['config'][] = [
    'name'        => 'useshots',
    'title'       => '_MI_LEXIKON_USESHOTS',
    'description' => '_MI_LEXIKON_USESHOTSDSC',
    'formtype'    => 'yesno',
    'valuetype'   => 'int',
    'default'     => 1,

$modversion['config'][] = [
    'name'        => 'logo_maximgwidth',
    'title'       => '_MI_LEXIKON_LOGOWIDTH',
    'description' => '_MI_LEXIKON_LOGOWIDTHDSC',
    'formtype'    => 'textbox',
    'valuetype'   => 'text',
    'default'     => 20,

// width in category view mode
$modversion['config'][] = [
    'name'        => 'imgcatwd',
    'title'       => '_MI_LEXIKON_IMCATWD',
    'description' => '_MI_LEXIKON_IMCATWDDSC',
    'formtype'    => 'textbox',
    'valuetype'   => 'text',
    'default'     => 50,

//Uploads : max width/height for image upload
$modversion['config'][] = [
    'name'        => 'imguploadwd',
    'title'       => '_MI_LEXIKON_IMGUPLOADWD',
    'description' => '_MI_LEXIKON_IMGUPLOADWD_DESC',
    'formtype'    => 'textbox',
    'valuetype'   => 'text',
    'default'     => 200,

//Uploads : max size for image upload
$modversion['config'][] = [
    'name'        => 'imguploadsize',
    'title'       => '_MI_LEXIKON_IMGUPLOADSIZE',
    'description' => '_MI_LEXIKON_IMGUPLOADSIZE_DESC',
    'formtype'    => 'textbox',
    'valuetype'   => 'text',
    'default'     => 10485760,
]; // 1 MB

//to activate RSS Syndication for users / guests
$modversion['config'][] = [
    'name'        => 'syndication',
    'title'       => '_MI_LEXIKON_RSS',
    'description' => '_MI_LEXIKON_RSSDSC',
    'formtype'    => 'yesno',
    'valuetype'   => 'int',
    'default'     => 1,

//to activate webmastercontent for users / guests
$modversion['config'][] = [
    'name'        => 'contentsyndication',
    'title'       => '_MI_LEXIKON_SYNDICATION',
    'description' => '_MI_LEXIKON_SYNDICATIONDSC',
    'formtype'    => 'yesno',
    'valuetype'   => 'int',
    'default'     => 1,

 * Make Sample button visible?
$modversion['config'][] = [
    'name'        => 'displaySampleButton',
    'title'       => 'CO_' . $moduleDirNameUpper . '_' . 'SHOW_SAMPLE_BUTTON',
    'description' => 'CO_' . $moduleDirNameUpper . '_' . 'SHOW_SAMPLE_BUTTON_DESC',
    'formtype'    => 'yesno',
    'valuetype'   => 'int',
    'default'     => 1,

 * Show Developer Tools?
$modversion['config'][] = [
    'name'        => 'displayDeveloperTools',
    'title'       => 'CO_' . $moduleDirNameUpper . '_' . 'SHOW_DEV_TOOLS',
    'description' => 'CO_' . $moduleDirNameUpper . '_' . 'SHOW_DEV_TOOLS_DESC',
    'formtype'    => 'yesno',
    'valuetype'   => 'int',
    'default'     => 0,
// ------------------- Comments -------------------------
//Comments (Mondarse)
$modversion['hasComments']          = 1;
$modversion['comments']['itemName'] = 'entryID';
$modversion['comments']['pageName'] = 'entry.php';

$modversion['comments']['callbackFile']        = 'include/comment_functions.php';
$modversion['comments']['callback']['approve'] = 'lexikon_com_approve';
$modversion['comments']['callback']['update']  = 'lexikon_com_update';
//Comments (Mondarse)

// ------------------- Notification ----------------------
$modversion['notification']                = [];
$modversion['hasNotification']             = 1;
$modversion['notification']['lookup_file'] = 'include/notification.inc.php';
$modversion['notification']['lookup_func'] = 'lexikon_notify_iteminfo';

$modversion['notification']['category'][] = [
    'name'           => 'global',
    'title'          => _MI_LEXIKON_NOTIFY,
    'description'    => _MI_LEXIKON_NOTIFYDSC,
    'subscribe_from' => [
    'allow_bookmark' => 0,
$modversion['notification']['category'][] = [
    'name'           => 'category',
    'title'          => _MI_LEXIKON_NOTIFY_CAT,
    'description'    => _MI_LEXIKON_NOTIFY_CATDSC,
    'subscribe_from' => [
    'item_name'      => 'categoryID',
    'allow_bookmark' => 1,
$modversion['notification']['category'][] = [
    'name'           => 'term',
    'title'          => _MI_LEXIKON_NOTIFY_TERM,
    'description'    => _MI_LEXIKON_NOTIFY_TERMDSC,
    'subscribe_from' => 'entry.php',
    'item_name'      => 'entryID',
    'allow_bookmark' => 1,
$modversion['notification']['event'][]    = [
    'name'          => 'new_post',
    'category'      => 'global',
    'title'         => _MI_LEXIKON_NEWPOST_NOTIFY,
    'caption'       => _MI_LEXIKON_NEWPOST_NOTIFYCAP,
    'description'   => _MI_LEXIKON_NEWPOST_NOTIFYDSC,
    'mail_template' => 'lexikon_newpost_notify',
    'mail_subject'  => _MI_LEXIKON_NEWPOST_NOTIFYSBJ,
$modversion['notification']['event'][]    = [
    'name'          => 'new_category',
    'category'      => 'global',
    'title'         => _MI_LEXIKON_NEWCAT_NOTIFY,
    'caption'       => _MI_LEXIKON_NEWCAT_NOTIFYCAP,
    'description'   => _MI_LEXIKON_NEWCAT_NOTIFYDSC,
    'mail_template' => 'lexikon_newcat_notify',
    'mail_subject'  => _MI_LEXIKON_NEWCAT_NOTIFYSBJ,
$modversion['notification']['event'][]    = [
    'name'          => 'term_request',
    'category'      => 'global',
    'mail_template' => 'global_termrequest_notify',
$modversion['notification']['event'][]    = [
    'name'          => 'term_submit',
    'category'      => 'global',
    'admin_only'    => 1,
    'mail_template' => 'global_termsubmit_notify',
$modversion['notification']['event'][]    = [
    'name'          => 'new_post',
    'category'      => 'category',
    'mail_template' => 'category_newterm_notify',
$modversion['notification']['event'][]    = [
    'name'          => 'term_submit',
    'category'      => 'category',
    'admin_only'    => 1,
    'mail_template' => 'category_termsubmit_notify',
$modversion['notification']['event'][]    = [
    'name'          => 'approve',
    'category'      => 'term',
    'invisible'     => 1,
    'title'         => _MI_LEXIKON_TERM_APPROVE_NOTIFY,
    'caption'       => _MI_LEXIKON_TERM_APPROVE_NOTIFYCAP,
    'description'   => _MI_LEXIKON_TERM_APPROVE_NOTIFYDSC,
    'mail_template' => 'term_approve_notify',
    'mail_subject'  => _MI_LEXIKON_TERM_APPROVE_NOTIFYSBJ,