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Test Coverage
// ----------------------------------------------------------- //
//                         mylinks-w 3.11                        //
//                The XOOPS Module Development Team            //
//                         http://www.xoops.org                //
// ----------------------------------------------------------- //
//                         mylinks-w 3.0                        //
//                    Just enjoy! Internet for everyone!!       //
//                      wanikoo <http://www.wanisys.net/>      //
// ----------------------------------------------------------- //
//                Original Module: mylinks 1.10                //
//             The XOOPS Project ( http://www.xoops.org/ )     //
// ----------------------------------------------------------- //

mylinks-w(mylinks wanisys version) ?
Another hacked version of mylinks for XOOPS/XOOPS Cube Legacy(XCL)!

See ./mylinks/docs/install.txt

Known Issues
+ < None >

Advanced Customization
There are some additional customizations available for advanced
administrators.  There are several variables in the ./header.php
file.  Please, read header.php for detail!
For example:
- To enable/disable the display of a module big logo image
  $mylinks_show_logo = true;
- Alphabetical listing
  $mylinks_show_letters = true;
- External search block ( To use this func, you need to install
  the moremetasearch.php from wanikoo [wani@wanisys.net])
  $mylinks_show_externalsearch = false;
- feed icons
  $mylinks_show_feed = true;
- Enable the Extra functions( print, pdf, bookmark, etc...)
  $mylinks_show_extrafunc = true;
Module Theme Changer
  Using the theme changer also requires the systems administrator to create
  custom themes to be used by the module. The custom themes must be located
  in subdirectories under the ./include directory and images in subdirectories
  of the ./images directory.
  1. You must change the configuration variable(s) located in ./header.php
    For example: $mylinks_show_themechanger = true;
           $mylinks_allowed_theme = array("mylinksdefault",
      In the case of mylinksdefault-RW theme, just make
      images/mylinksdefault-RW and include/mylinksdefault-RW directories
      and copy your own images and mylinks.js file, mylinks.css file
      into the corresponding directories.  So the partial directory
      tree would look like:
  2. You are required to create these custom themes before they can be used
     by the module. The module defaults to using ./include/mylinks.js and
     ./include/mylinks.css if it cannot find a file in the currently selected
  3. The themes must end in one of the following suffixes depending on the
     XOOPS theme supported by the module theme.
    -RW       => do not show right block-section
      -LW       => do not show left block-section
      -BW       => neither right block-section nor left block-section
      no suffix => do nothing

-Ver3.11- RC3 [2013/03/25]
+ added language defines to include all defines for 3.11 (most are non-translated)
+ fixed rss and atom feeds so they validate
+ fixed bug for invalid include of utility class (no longer needed)
+ fixed bug in MylinksCategoryHandler::getCatTitles to get title field
+ fixed site link bug in tell-a-friend
+ removed ./language/nederlands/changelog.txt - it was not being used
+ updated ./docs/install.txt and ./docs/readme.txt
+ changed revision to RC3
-Ver3.11- RC2 [2013/02/18]
+ added templates to xoopsversion for rss, atom and pda templates
+ added missing files for template administration
+ fixed addSlashes issue for a link's description and title
+ fixed link count per category calculation routine
+ fixed frontside admin link to modify a link (from ./admin/index.php to .admin/main.php)
+ fixed do not allow voting on inactive links
+ fixed approve/edit/ignore action buttons on listModReq form(s) in Admin panel
+ fixed form title on Modified Links page in Admin panel
+ fixed missing '< / div >' in ./templates/mylinks_link.html
+ fixed incorrect url to view category in Random Link block
+ fixed incorrect category displayed when listing Modified Links in Admin panel
+ removed admin templates from xoopsversion. They did not exist and were not being used
+ removed "Make this my Homepage" link, security risk and was only supported in IE
+ improved html template(s)
+ improved html rendering by moving hard coded English strings to language file(s)
+ improved security in forms - many forms now use XoopsSecurity tokens
+ changed Tell-A-Friend to use server mailer form instead of user's email client
+ changed ereg_replace to str_replace in bookmark_qrcode_encoding() function
+ changed revision to RC2
-Ver3.11- RC [2011-04-15]
+ added pre-install check to verify min versions for PHP/MySQL/Xoops
+ added category class to manage categories
+ changed to use XoopsObjectTree instead of deprecated XoopsTree class
+ fixed various english language typos and grammer
+ moved hard coded language strings to language files
+ fixed missing language definition strings in admin
+ modified block/group administration for XOOPS > 2.2
+ improved html/CSS in both admin and front side page display
+ changed deprecated 'TYPE' to 'ENGINE' in /sql/mysql.sql
+ general code cleanup to improve readability
+ fixed bug in ./admin/about.php to display release status
+ removed display of 'Modify' link if user is not logged in
+ moved numerous configuration options from ./header.php to module Preferences
+ input variables sanitized to eliminate SQL injection
+ changed from using xoops_module_header in templates to using xoTheme class
+ fixed bug in ./rating.php where checking for form submitted with no rating selected.
+ added Preferences setting to select which auto screenshot provider to use
+ fixed bug where module couldn't be relocated to alternate directory
+ added Preferences option to include/exclude admin hits in hit counter
+ added Random Listing display block
+ fixed RSS links displayed by ./feedsubscription.php
+ removed additional XOOPS search block in ./singlelink.php display
- updated admin menu to XOOPS 2.5 style
+ bookmark button
+ bug/typo fix!(Sorry for my stupid mistake!!)
+ Code refined
+ etc.
+ minimize/restore button
+ Internal search block
+ enhanced page-navigation
+ etc.
+ Category Jump box
+ print button
+ pdf button
+ qrcode button ( qrcode module needed! )
+ etc.
+ Module Theme changer
+ Search function!
+ Index Browsing
+ Code refined
+ etc.

Support Forum:

From wanikoo [wani@wanisys.net]
the most educational site, wanisys.net [ http://www.wanisys.net  ]