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// $Id: index.php 11819 2013-07-09 18:21:40Z zyspec $
//  ------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
//                XOOPS - PHP Content Management System                      //
//                    Copyright (c) 2000 XOOPS.org                           //
//                       <http://www.xoops.org/>                             //
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
//  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify     //
//  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by     //
//  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or        //
//  (at your option) any later version.                                      //
//                                                                           //
//  You may not change or alter any portion of this comment or credits       //
//  of supporting developers from this source code or any supporting         //
//  source code which is considered copyrighted (c) material of the          //
//  original comment or credit authors.                                      //
//                                                                           //
//  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,          //
//  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of           //
//  GNU General Public License for more details.                             //
//                                                                           //
//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License        //
//  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software              //
//  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307 USA //
//  ------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
include __DIR__ . '/header.php';

$myts = MyTextSanitizer::getInstance(); // MyTextSanitizer object

include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/class/tree.php';
$mylinksCatHandler = xoops_getModuleHandler('category', $xoopsModule->getVar('dirname'));
$catObjs           = $mylinksCatHandler->getAll();
$myCatTree         = new XoopsObjectTree($catObjs, 'cid', 'pid');

$xoopsOption['template_main'] = 'mylinks_index.tpl';
include XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/header.php';

$xoTheme->addStylesheet('browse.php?' . mylinksGetStylePath('mylinks.css', 'include'));
$xoTheme->addScript('browse.php?' . mylinksGetStylePath('mylinks.js', 'include'));
// get all top level categories (pid=0)
//$mylinksCatHandler = xoops_getModuleHandler('category', $xoopsModule->getVar('dirname'));
$criteria = new CriteriaCompo();
$criteria->add(new Criteria('pid', 0, '='));
$catObjs = $mylinksCatHandler->getAll($criteria);

$subcatLimit = 5;
$count       = 1;
foreach ($catObjs as $catObj) {
    $catImgUrl = '';
    if ($catObj->getVar('imgurl') && (($catObj->getVar('imgurl') != 'http://') && ($catObj->getVar('imgurl') != ''))) {
        //    if ( $catObj->getVar('imgurl') && ($catObj->getVar('imgurl') != "http://") ) {
        $catImgUrl = $myts->htmlSpecialChars($catObj->getVar('imgurl', 'n'));
    // get the total number of subcats for this category
    $criteria = new CriteriaCompo();
    $criteria->add(new Criteria('pid', $catObj->getVar('cid'), '='));
    $childCount = (int)$mylinksCatHandler->getCount($criteria);

    //now retrieve the info for the first 'subcatLimit' categories
    $childFields     = array('pid', 'title');
    $childTitleArray = $mylinksCatHandler->getAll($criteria, $childFields, false, false);
    $lpLimit         = min(array($subcatLimit, count($childTitleArray)));
    $subcategories   = '';
    for ($i = 0; $i < $lpLimit; $i++) {
        $chtitle = $myts->htmlSpecialChars($childTitleArray[$i]['title']);
        $subcategories .= ($i > 0) ? ', ' : '';
        $subcategories .= "<a href='" . XOOPSMYLINKURL . '/viewcat.php?cid=' . $childTitleArray[$i]['cid'] . "'>{$chtitle}</a>";
    $subcategories = ($childCount > $subcatLimit) ? $subcategories . '...' : $subcategories;

    // get number of links in each subcategory
    $totalLink = getTotalItems($catObj->getVar('cid'), 0, '>');
    $xoopsTpl->append('categories', array(
        'image'         => $catImgUrl,
        'id'            => $catObj->getVar('cid'),
        'title'         => $myts->htmlSpecialChars($catObj->getVar('title')),
        'subcategories' => $subcategories,
        'totallink'     => $totalLink,
        'count'         => $count

$sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . $xoopsDB->prefix('mylinks_links') . ' WHERE status>0';
list($numActiveLinks) = $xoopsDB->fetchRow($xoopsDB->query($sql));
$xoopsTpl->assign('lang_thereare', sprintf(_MD_MYLINKS_THEREARE, $numActiveLinks));

$xoopsTpl->assign('anontellafriend', $GLOBALS['xoopsModuleConfig']['anontellafriend']);
$useShots = $xoopsModuleConfig['useshots'];
if (1 == $useShots) {
    $shotWidth = $xoopsModuleConfig['shotwidth'];
                          'shotwidth'         => $shotWidth . 'px',
                          //                            'tablewidth'        => ($shotWidth + 10) . "px",
                          'show_screenshot'   => true,
                          'lang_noscreenshot' => _MD_MYLINKS_NOSHOTS
} else {
    $xoopsTpl->assign('show_screenshot', false);

                      'lang_description'    => _MD_MYLINKS_DESCRIPTIONC,
                      'lang_lastupdate'     => _MD_MYLINKS_LASTUPDATEC,
                      'lang_hits'           => _MD_MYLINKS_HITSC,
                      'lang_rating'         => _MD_MYLINKS_RATINGC,
                      'lang_ratethissite'   => _MD_MYLINKS_RATETHISSITE,
                      'lang_reportbroken'   => _MD_MYLINKS_REPORTBROKEN,
                      'lang_tellafriend'    => _MD_MYLINKS_TELLAFRIEND,
                      'lang_modify'         => _MD_MYLINKS_MODIFY,
                      'lang_latestlistings' => _MD_MYLINKS_LATESTLIST,
                      'lang_category'       => _MD_MYLINKS_CATEGORYC,
                      'lang_visit'          => _MD_MYLINKS_VISIT,
                      'lang_comments'       => _COMMENTS

$shotAttribution = '';
$result          = $xoopsDB->query('SELECT l.lid, l.cid, l.title, l.url, l.logourl, l.status, l.date, l.hits, l.rating, l.votes, l.comments, t.description FROM ' . $xoopsDB->prefix('mylinks_links') . ' l, ' . $xoopsDB->prefix('mylinks_text')
                                   . ' t where l.status>0 and l.lid=t.lid ORDER BY date DESC', $xoopsModuleConfig['newlinks'], 0);
while (list($lid, $cid, $ltitle, $url, $logourl, $status, $time, $hits, $rating, $votes, $comments, $description) = $xoopsDB->fetchRow($result)) {
    if ($xoopsUser && $xoopsUser->isAdmin($xoopsModule->mid())) {
        $isadmin   = true;
        $adminlink = "<a href='" . XOOPSMYLINKURL . "/admin/main.php?op=modLink&amp;&fct=mylinks&amp;lid={$lid}'><img src='" . mylinksGetIconURL('edit.png') . "' style='border-width: 0px;' alt='" . _MD_MYLINKS_EDITTHISLINK . "'></a>";
    } else {
        $isadmin   = false;
        $adminlink = '';

    $votestring = (1 == $votes) ? _MD_MYLINKS_ONEVOTE : sprintf(_MD_MYLINKS_NUMVOTES, $votes);
    $ltitle     = $myts->htmlSpecialChars($ltitle);
    $thisCatObj = $mylinksCatHandler->get($cid);
    $homePath   = _MD_MYLINKS_MAIN . '&nbsp;:&nbsp;';
    $itemPath   = "<a href='" . XOOPSMYLINKURL . "/viewcat.php?cid={$cid}'>" . $thisCatObj->getVar('title') . '</a>';
    $path       = '';
    $myParentID = $thisCatObj->getVar('pid');
    while ($myParentID != 0) {
        $ancestorObj = $myCatTree->getByKey($myParentID);
        $path        = "<a href='" . XOOPSMYLINKURL . '/viewcat.php?cid=' . $ancestorObj->getVar('cid') . "'>" . $ancestorObj->getVar('title') . "</a>&nbsp;:&nbsp;{$path}";
        $myParentID  = $ancestorObj->getVar('pid');

    $path = "{$homePath}{$path}{$itemPath}";
    $path = str_replace('&nbsp;:&nbsp;', " <img src='" . mylinksGetIconURL('arrow.gif') . "' style='border-width: 0px;' alt=''> ", $path);
    $new  = newlinkgraphic($time, $status);
    $pop  = popgraphic($hits);
    //by wanikoo
    /* setup shot provider information */
    $shotImgSrc = $shotImgHref = $shotAttribution = '';
    if ($useShots) {
        $shotProvider = mb_strtolower($xoopsModuleConfig['shotprovider']);
        $shotImgHref  = XOOPS_URL . '/modules/' . $xoopsModule->getVar('dirname') . "/visit.php?cid={$cid}&amp;lid={$lid}";
        $logourl      = trim($logourl);
        if (!empty($logourl)) {
            if (file_exists(XOOPSMYLINKIMGPATH . "/{$mylinks_theme}")) {
                $shotImgSrc = XOOPSMYLINKIMGURL . "/{$mylinks_theme}/shots/" . $myts->htmlSpecialChars($logourl);
            } else {
                $shotImgSrc = XOOPSMYLINKIMGURL . '/shots/' . $myts->htmlSpecialChars($logourl);
        } elseif (_NONE != $shotProvider) {
            if (file_exists(XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'modules' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $xoopsModule->getVar('dirname') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'class' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'providers' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . mb_strtolower($shotProvider) . '.php')) {
                include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'modules' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $xoopsModule->getVar('dirname') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'class' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'providers' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . mb_strtolower($shotProvider) . '.php';
                $shotClass = ucfirst($xoopsModule->getVar('dirname')) . ucfirst($shotProvider);
                $shotObj   = new $shotClass;
                $shotObj->setShotSize(array('width' => $xoopsModuleConfig['shotwidth']));
                $shotImgSrc = $shotObj->getProviderUrl();
                if ($xoopsModuleConfig['shotattribution']) {
                    $shotAttribution = $shotObj->getAttribution(true);
                } else {
                    $shotAttribution = '';
    $xoopsTpl->assign('shot_attribution', $shotAttribution);
    $xoopsTpl->append('links', array(
        'url'           => $myts->htmlSpecialChars($url),
        'id'            => $lid,
        'cid'           => $cid,
        'rating'        => number_format($rating, 2),
        'ltitle'        => $ltitle,
        'title'         => $myts->htmlSpecialChars($myts->stripSlashesGPC($ltitle)) . $new . $pop,
        'category'      => $path,
        'logourl'       => $myts->htmlSpecialChars(trim($logourl)),
        'updated'       => formatTimestamp($time, 'm'),
        'description'   => $myts->displayTarea($myts->stripSlashesGPC($description), 0),
        'adminlink'     => $adminlink,
        'hits'          => $hits,
        'votes'         => $votestring,
        'comments'      => $comments,
        'mail_subject'  => rawurlencode(sprintf(_MD_MYLINKS_INTRESTLINK, $xoopsConfig['sitename'])),
        'mail_body'     => rawurlencode(sprintf(_MD_MYLINKS_INTLINKFOUND, $xoopsConfig['sitename']) . ':  ' . XOOPSMYLINKURL . "/singlelink.php?cid={$cid}&amp;lid={$lid}"),
        'shot_img_src'  => $shotImgSrc,
        'shot_img_href' => $shotImgHref
$xoopsTpl->assign('lang_feed', _MD_MYLINKS_FEED);
//wanikoo theme changer
$xoopsTpl->assign('lang_themechanger', _MD_MYLINKS_THEMECHANGER);
$mymylinkstheme_options = '';

foreach ($GLOBALS['mylinks_allowed_theme'] as $mymylinkstheme) {
    $mymylinkstheme_options .= "<option value='{$mymylinkstheme}'";
    if ($mymylinkstheme == $GLOBALS['mylinks_theme']) {
        $mymylinkstheme_options .= " selected='selected'";
    $mymylinkstheme_options .= ">{$mymylinkstheme}</option>";

$mylinkstheme_select = "<select name='mylinks_theme_select' onchange='submit();' size='1'>{$mymylinkstheme_options}</select>";

$xoopsTpl->assign('mylinksthemeoption', $mylinkstheme_select);

//wanikoo search
if (file_exists(XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/language/{$xoopsConfig['language']}/search.php")) {
    include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/language/{$xoopsConfig['language']}/search.php";
} else {
    include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/language/english/search.php';
$xoopsTpl->assign('lang_all', _SR_ALL);
$xoopsTpl->assign('lang_any', _SR_ANY);
$xoopsTpl->assign('lang_exact', _SR_EXACT);
$xoopsTpl->assign('lang_search', _SR_SEARCH);
$xoopsTpl->assign('module_id', $xoopsModule->getVar('mid'));

//category head
$catarray = array();
if ($mylinks_show_letters) {
    $catarray['letters'] = ml_wfd_letters();
if ($mylinks_show_toolbar) {
    $catarray['toolbar'] = ml_wfd_toolbar();
$xoopsTpl->assign('catarray', $catarray);

include_once XOOPSMYLINKPATH . '/footer.php';