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Test Coverage
 Copyright (c) Hervé Thouzard of Instant Zero (http://www.instant-zero.com)

 You may not change or alter any portion of this comment or credits
 of supporting developers from this source code or any supporting source code
 which is considered copyrighted (c) material of the original comment or credit authors.
 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * @copyright ::  {@link http://xoops.org/ XOOPS Project}
 * @copyright ::  {@link http://www.instant-zero.com Hervé Thouzard of Instant Zero}
 * @license   ::    {@link http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU Public License}
 * @package   ::    mylinks
 * @author    ::     {@link http://www.instant-zero.com Hervé Thouzard of Instant Zero}
define('_MD_MYLINKS_THANKSFORINFO', "Thanks for the information. We'll look into your request shortly.");
define('_MD_MYLINKS_THANKSFORHELP', "Thank you for helping to maintain this directory's integrity.");
define('_MD_MYLINKS_FORSECURITY', 'For security reasons your user name and IP address will also be temporarily recorded.');

define('_MD_MYLINKS_SEARCHFOR', 'Search for');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_ANY', 'ANY');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_SEARCH', 'Search');

define('_MD_MYLINKS_MAIN', 'Main');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_SUBMITLINK', 'Submit Link');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_SUBMITLINKHEAD', 'Submit Link Form');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_POPULAR', 'Popular');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_TOPRATED', 'Top Rated');

define('_MD_MYLINKS_NEWTHISWEEK', 'New this week');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_UPTHISWEEK', 'Updated this week');

define('_MD_MYLINKS_POPULARITYLTOM', 'Popularity (Least to Most Hits)');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_POPULARITYMTOL', 'Popularity (Most to Least Hits)');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_TITLEATOZ', 'Title (A to Z)');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_TITLEZTOA', 'Title (Z to A)');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_DATEOLD', 'Date (Old Links Listed First)');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_DATENEW', 'Date (New Links Listed First)');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_RATINGLTOH', 'Rating (Lowest Score to Highest Score)');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_RATINGHTOL', 'Rating (Highest Score to Lowest Score)');

define('_MD_MYLINKS_NOSHOTS', 'No Screenshots Available');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_EDITTHISLINK', 'Edit This Link');

define('_MD_MYLINKS_DESCRIPTIONC', 'Description: ');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_EMAILC', 'Email: ');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_CATEGORYC', 'Category: ');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_LASTUPDATEC', 'Last Update: ');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_HITSC', 'Hits: ');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_RATINGC', 'Rating: ');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_ONEVOTE', '1 vote');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_NUMVOTES', '%s votes');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_RATETHISSITE', 'Rate this Site');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_MODIFY', 'Modify');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_REPORTBROKEN', 'Report Broken Link');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_TELLAFRIEND', 'Tell a Friend');

define('_MD_MYLINKS_THEREARE', 'There are <strong>%s</strong> Active Links in our Database');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_LATESTLIST', 'Latest Listings');

define('_MD_MYLINKS_REQUESTMOD', 'Request Link Modification');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_LINKID', 'Link ID: ');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_SITETITLE', 'Website Title: ');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_SITEURL', 'Website URL: ');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_OPTIONS', 'Options: ');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_NOTIFYAPPROVE', 'Notify me when this link is approved');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_SHOTIMAGE', 'Screenshot Img: ');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_SENDREQUEST', 'Send Request');

define('_MD_MYLINKS_VOTEAPPRE', 'Your vote is appreciated.');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_THANKURATE', 'Thank you for taking the time to rate a site here at %s.');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_VOTEFROMYOU', 'Input from users such as yourself will help other visitors better decide which link to choose.');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_VOTEONCE', 'Please do not vote for the same resource more than once.');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_RATINGSCALE', 'The scale is 1 - 10, with 1 being poor and 10 being excellent.');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_BEOBJECTIVE', "Please be objective, if everyone receives a 1 or a 10, the ratings aren't very useful.");
define('_MD_MYLINKS_DONOTVOTE', 'Do not vote for your own resource.');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_RATEIT', 'Rate It!');

define('_MD_MYLINKS_INTRESTLINK', 'Interesting Website Link at %s'); // %s is your site name
define('_MD_MYLINKS_INTLINKFOUND', 'Here is an interesting website link I have found at %s'); // %s is your site name

define('_MD_MYLINKS_RECEIVED', 'We received your Website information. Thanks!');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_WHENAPPROVED', "You'll receive an E-mail when it's approved.");
define('_MD_MYLINKS_SUBMITONCE', 'Submit your link only once.');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_ALLPENDING', 'All link information are posted pending verification.');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_DONTABUSE', "Username and IP are recorded, so please don't abuse the system.");
define('_MD_MYLINKS_TAKESHOT', 'We will take a screen shot of your website and it may take several days for your website link to be added to our database.');

define('_MD_MYLINKS_RANK', 'Rank');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_CATEGORY', 'Category');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_HITS', 'Hits');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_RECENT', 'Most Recent');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_RATING', 'Rating');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_VOTE', 'Vote');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_TOP10', '%s Top 10'); // %s is a link category title

define('_MD_MYLINKS_SEARCHRESULTS', 'Search results for <strong>%s</strong>:'); // %s is search keywords
define('_MD_MYLINKS_SORTBY', 'Sort by:');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_TITLE', 'Title');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_DATE', 'Date');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_POPULARITY', 'Popularity');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_CURSORTEDBY', 'Sites currently sorted by: %s');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_PREVIOUS', 'Previous');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_NEXT', 'Next');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_NOMATCH', 'No matches found to your query');

//define('_MD_MYLINKS_SUBMIT', "Submit");
//define('_MD_MYLINKS_CANCEL', "Cancel");

define('_MD_MYLINKS_ALREADYREPORTED', 'You have already submitted a broken report for this resource.');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_MUSTREGFIRST', "Sorry, you don't have the permission to perform this action.<br>Please register or login first!");
define('_MD_MYLINKS_NORATING', 'No rating selected.');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_CANTVOTEOWN', 'You cannot vote on the resource you submitted.<br>All votes are logged and reviewed.');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_VOTEONCE2', 'Vote for the selected resource only once.<br>All votes are logged and reviewed.');

//%%%%%%    Module Name 'MyLinks' (Admin)     %%%%%

define('_MD_MYLINKS_WEBLINKSCONF', 'Web Links Dashboard');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_GENERALSET', 'MyLinks Module Preferences');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_ADDMODDELETE', 'Add, Modify, and Delete Categories/Links');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_LINKSWAITING', 'Links Waiting for Validation: %s');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_BROKENREPORTS', 'Broken Link Reports: %s');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_MODREQUESTS', 'Link Modification Requests: %s');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_SUBMITTER', 'Submitter: ');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_VISIT', 'Visit');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_SHOTMUST', 'Screenshot image must be a valid image file under %s directory (ex. shot.gif). Leave it blank if no image file.');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_APPROVE', 'Approve');
//define('_MD_MYLINKS_DELETE', "Delete");
define('_MD_MYLINKS_NOSUBMITTED', 'There are no New Submitted Links.');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_ADDMAIN', 'Add a MAIN Category');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_TITLEC', 'Title: ');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_IMGURL', 'Image URL <em>(OPTIONAL Image height will be resized to 50):</em>');
//define('_MD_MYLINKS_ADD', "Add");
define('_MD_MYLINKS_ADDSUB', 'Add a SUB-Category');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_IN', 'in');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_ADDNEWLINK', 'Add a New Link');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_MODCAT', 'Modify Category');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_MODLINK', 'Modify Link');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_TOTALVOTES', 'Link Votes (total votes: %s)');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_USERTOTALVOTES', 'Registered User Votes (total votes: %s)');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_ANONTOTALVOTES', 'Anonymous User Votes (total votes: %s)');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_USER', 'User');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_IP', 'IP Address');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_USERAVG', 'User AVG Rating');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_TOTALRATE', 'Total Ratings');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_NOREGVOTES', 'No Registered User Votes');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_NOUNREGVOTES', 'No Unregistered User Votes');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_VOTEDELETED', 'Vote data deleted.');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_NOBROKEN', 'There are no reported Broken Links.');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_DELETEDESC', 'Delete (Deletes the link and all broken link reports for the link)');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_EDITDESC', 'Edit (Deletes the broken link report and goes to edit the link)');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_IGNOREDESC', 'Ignore (Ignores the report and only deletes the broken link report)');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_REPORTER', 'Report Sender');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_LINKSUBMITTER', 'Link Submitter');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_IGNORE', 'Ignore');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_LINKDELETED', 'Link Deleted.');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_BROKENDELETED', 'Broken link report deleted.');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_USERMODREQ', 'User Link Modification Requests');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_ORIGINAL', 'Original');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_PROPOSED', 'Proposed');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_OWNER', 'Owner: ');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_NOMODREQ', 'There are no Link Modification requests.');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_DBUPDATED', 'Database Updated Successfully!');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_DBNOTUPDATED', 'ERROR: Database could not be updated with the data supplied!');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_MODREQDELETED', 'Modification Request Deleted.');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_IMGURLMAIN', 'Image URL (OPTIONAL and Only valid for main categories. Image height will be resized to 50): ');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_PARENT', 'Parent Category:');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_SAVE', 'Save Changes');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_CATDELETED', 'Category Deleted.');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_WARNING', 'WARNING: Are you sure you want to delete this Category and ALL of its Subcategories, Links, Comments and Notifications?');
//define('_MD_MYLINKS_YES', "Yes");
//define('_MD_MYLINKS_NO', "No");
define('_MD_MYLINKS_NEWCATADDED', 'New Category Added Successfully!');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_ERROREXIST', 'ERROR: The Link you provided is already in the database!');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_ERRORTITLE', 'ERROR: You need to enter TITLE!');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_ERRORDESC', 'ERROR: You need to enter DESCRIPTION!');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_ERRORURL', 'ERROR: You need to enter a site URL!');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_NEWLINKADDED', 'New Link added to the Database.');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_YOURLINK', 'Your Website Link at %s');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_YOUCANBROWSE', 'You can browse our web links at %s');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_HELLO', 'Hello %s');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_WEAPPROVED', 'We approved your link submission to our web links database.');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_THANKSSUBMIT', 'Thanks for your submission!');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_ISAPPROVED', 'We approved your link submission');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_BROWSETOTOPIC', 'Browse Links by Alphabetical Listing');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_LINKS_LIST', 'Links List (%s)');

define('_MD_MYLINKS_FEED', 'Module Feed ');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_FEED_CAT', 'Category Feed ');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_RSSFEED', 'RSS-Module Feed');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_ATOMFEED', 'ATOM-Module Feed');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_PDAFEED', 'PDA-Module Feed');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_RSSFEED_CAT', 'RSS-Category Feed');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_ATOMFEED_CAT', 'ATOM-Category Feed');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_PDAFEED_CAT', 'PDA-Category Feed');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_MINIMIZEBLOCK', 'Click me if you want to minimize this block');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_RESTOREBLOCK', 'Click me if you want to restore this block');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_GOTOTOP', 'Go to Top');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_GOTOBOTTOM', 'Go to Bottom');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_FULLVIEW', 'detail');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_MAKE_PRINT', 'print it');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_MAKE_PDF', 'make pdf');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_MAKE_QRCODE', 'make QrCode');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_BOOKMARK', 'bookmark it');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_FEEDSUBSCRIPT', 'feed subscription');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_FEEDSUBSCRIPT_DESC', 'Click here to subscribe to this feed!');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_WEBBROWSER', 'Web Browser');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_BROWSERBOOKMARK', '# Browser Bookmark');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_QRCODE', 'QrCode');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_THEMECHANGER', 'Theme Changer: ');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_INTERNALSEARCH', 'Internal Search');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_EXTERNALSEARCH', '* More Search with External Search Engines *');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_EXTERNALSEARCH_KEYWORD', "<br>Keyword => %s (<span style='color: red;'><strong>%s</strong></span>)");
define('_MD_MYLINKS_BOOKMARK_SERVICE', 'Social Bookmark Service');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_FEEDSUBSCRIPT_SERVICE', 'Feed Subscription Service');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_BOOKMARK_ADDTO', 'Add this website to');

define('_MD_MYLINKS_BACKTO', 'Back to ');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_CLOSEFRAME', 'Close Frame');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_IDERROR', 'An invalid category or link was entered, please try again.');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_CIDERROR', 'An invalid category id was entered, please try again.');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_NORECORDFOUND', 'No records found. Please check category and/or link information!');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_DISALLOW', 0);
define('_MD_MYLINKS_ALLOW', 1);
define('_MD_MYLINKS_BOOKMARKDISALLOWED', 'You are not allowed to create a bookmark.');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_PRINTINGDISALLOWED', 'You are not allowed to print.');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_PDFDISALLOWED', 'You are not allowed to create a pdf document.');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_QRCODEDISALLOWED', 'You are not allowed to create a QrCode.');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_IMPORTCATHDR', 'Import Default Categories');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_IMPORTCATS', 'Import default MyLinks categories into the database');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_CATSIMPORTED', 'New categories successfully imported into the database');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_CATSNOTIMPORTED', 'There was a problem importing the new categories - import failed');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_IMPORTFILENOTFOUND', 'Import file (%s) was not found - import failed');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_CATWARNING', 'Are you sure you want to import these new categories and ALL of subcategories into the database?');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_COPYNOTICE', 'Copyright (c) %s by %s');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_FROM', 'From');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_LINKNAME', 'Link Name');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_LTRCHARS', '0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_NOTOP10', 'There is insufficient user input to show link ');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_ACTIONS', 'Actions');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_FRIEND', 'Friend');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_SENDER', 'Your');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_NAME', 'Name');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_EMAIL', 'Email');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_INVALIDEMAIL', 'Please enter a valid email address.');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_MESSEND', 'Your message has been sent');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_INVALIDORINACTIVELNK', 'The link you entered is either invalid or not active.');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_INVALID_SECURITY_TOKEN', 'Invalid security token. Please try again.');
define('_MD_MYLINKS_EMAIL_SUBJECT', '%s link from %s');