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<?php namespace XoopsModules\Mymenus;

 You may not change or alter any portion of this comment or credits
 of supporting developers from this source code or any supporting source code
 which is considered copyrighted (c) material of the original comment or credit authors.

 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of

 * @copyright       XOOPS Project (https://xoops.org)
 * @license         http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU Public License
 * @package         Mymenus
 * @since           1.0
 * @author          trabis <lusopoemas@gmail.com>

use Xmf\Request;

 * Class Builder
class Builder
    public $parents = [];
    public $output  = [];

     * @param $array
    public function __construct($array)

     * @param $array
    public function addMenu($array)
        foreach ($array as $item) {

     * @param $item
    public function add($item)
        $this->parents[$item['pid']][] = $item;

     * @param int $pid
    public function buildMenus($pid = 0)
        static $idx = -1;
        static $level = -1;
        $first = true;

        foreach ($this->parents[$pid] as $item) {

            $this->output[$idx]['oul']    = false;
            $this->output[$idx]['oli']    = false;
            $this->output[$idx]['close']  = '';
            $this->output[$idx]['cul']    = false;
            $this->output[$idx]['cli']    = false;
            $this->output[$idx]['hassub'] = false;
            $this->output[$idx]['level']  = $level;

            if ($first) {
                $this->output[$idx]['oul'] = true;
                $first                     = false;

            $this->output[$idx]['oli'] = true;
            $this->output[$idx]        = array_merge($item, $this->output[$idx]);

            if (isset($this->parents[$item['id']])) {
                $this->output[$idx]['hassub'] = true;
            $this->output[$idx]['cli']   = true;
            $this->output[$idx]['close'] .= "</li>\n";
        $this->output[$idx]['cul']   = true;
        $this->output[$idx]['close'] .= "</ul>\n";

     * @param int $pid
    public function buildUpDown($pid = 0)
        static $idx = -1;
        $prevWeight = null;
        $up         = 0;
        $down       = 1;
        $counter    = 0;
        $count      = count($this->parents[$pid]);

        foreach ($this->parents[$pid] as $item) {
            if ($counter == $count) {
                $down = 0;
            } // turn off down link for last entry

            if ($up) {
                $this->output[$idx]['up_weight'] = $prevWeight;
            if ($down) {
                $this->output[$idx]['down_weight'] = $this->output[$idx]['weight'] + 2;

            $prevWeight = $this->output[$idx]['weight'];
            $up         = 1; // turn on up link for all entries after first one

            if (isset($this->parents[$item['id']])) {

    public function buildSelected()
        //get the currentpage
        $sel = [];
        //        $queryString = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] ? '?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] : '';
        $queryString = Request::getString('QUERY_STRING', '', 'SERVER') ? '?' . Request::getString('QUERY_STRING', '', 'SERVER') : '';
        //        $self         = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . $queryString;
        $self = 'http://' . Request::getString('HTTP_HOST', '', 'SERVER') . Request::getString('PHP_SELF', '', 'SERVER') . $queryString;

        //set a default page in case we don't get matches
        $default = XOOPS_URL . '/index.php';

        //get all matching links
        foreach ($this->output as $idx => $menu) {
            $selected = 0;
            if ($menu['link']) {
                $selected = (false !== stripos($self, $menu['link'])) ? 1 : $selected;
            $selected = ($menu['link'] == $self) ? 1 : $selected;
            $selected = ($menu['link'] == $default) ? 1 : $selected;
            if ($selected) {
                $sel[$idx] = $menu;

        //From those links get only the longer one
        $longlink = '';
        $longidx  = 0;
        foreach ($sel as $idx => $menu) {
            if (strlen($menu['link']) > strlen($longlink)) {
                $longidx  = $idx;
                $longlink = $menu['link'];

         * When visiting site.com when XOOPS_URL is set to www.site.com
         * longidx is not detected, this IF will prevent blank page
        if (isset($this->output[$longidx])) {
            $this->output[$longidx]['selected']    = true;
            $this->output[$longidx]['topselected'] = true;

            //Now turn all this menu parents to selected

     * @param $pid
    public function addSelectedParents($pid)
        foreach ($this->output as $idx => $menu) {
            if ($menu['id'] == $pid) {
                $this->output[$idx]['selected'] = true;

     * @return array
    public function render()

        return $this->output;