namespace XoopsModules\Rssfit\Common;
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* Class Migrate synchronize existing tables with target schema
* @category Migrate
* @author Richard Griffith <>
* @copyright 2016 XOOPS Project (
* @license GNU GPL 2 or later (
* @link
class Migrate extends \Xmf\Database\Migrate
private $moduleDirName;
private $renameColumns;
private $renameTables;
* Migrate constructor.
* @throws \RuntimeException
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException
public function __construct()
$class = __NAMESPACE__ . '\\' . 'Configurator';
if (!\class_exists($class)) {
throw new \RuntimeException("Class '$class' not found");
$configurator = new $class();
$this->renameTables = $configurator->renameTables;
$this->renameColumns = $configurator->renameColumns;
$this->moduleDirName = \basename(\dirname(__DIR__, 2));
* change table prefix if needed
private function changePrefix(): void
// foreach ($this->renameTables as $oldName => $newName) {
// if ($this->tableHandler->useTable($oldName) && !$this->tableHandler->useTable($newName)) {
// $this->tableHandler->renameTable($oldName, $newName);
// }
// }
* Change integer IPv4 column to varchar IPv6 capable
* @param string $tableName table to convert
* @param string $columnName column with IP address
private function convertIPAddresses(string $tableName, string $columnName): void
// if ($this->tableHandler->useTable($tableName)) {
// $attributes = $this->tableHandler->getColumnAttributes($tableName, $columnName);
// if (false !== \mb_strpos($attributes, ' int(')) {
// if (false === \mb_strpos($attributes, 'unsigned')) {
// $this->tableHandler->alterColumn($tableName, $columnName, " bigint(16) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' ");
// $this->tableHandler->update($tableName, [$columnName => "4294967296 + $columnName"], "WHERE $columnName < 0", false);
// }
// $this->tableHandler->alterColumn($tableName, $columnName, " varchar(45) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' ");
// $this->tableHandler->update($tableName, [$columnName => "INET_NTOA($columnName)"], '', false);
// }
// }
* @deprecated (just as an example here)
* Move do* columns from newbb_posts to newbb_posts_text table
private function moveDoColumns(): void
// $tableName = 'newbb_posts_text';
// $srcTableName = 'newbb_posts';
// if ($this->tableHandler->useTable($tableName)
// && $this->tableHandler->useTable($srcTableName)) {
// $attributes = $this->tableHandler->getColumnAttributes($tableName, 'dohtml');
// if (false === $attributes) {
// $this->synchronizeTable($tableName);
// $updateTable = $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->prefix($tableName);
// $joinTable = $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->prefix($srcTableName);
// $sql = "UPDATE `$updateTable` t1 INNER JOIN `$joinTable` t2 ON t1.post_id = t2.post_id \n" . "SET t1.dohtml = t2.dohtml, t1.dosmiley = t2.dosmiley, t1.doxcode = t2.doxcode\n" . ' , t1.doimage = t2.doimage, t1.dobr = t2.dobr';
// $this->tableHandler->addToQueue($sql);
// }
// }
* rename table if needed
private function renameTable(): void
foreach ($this->renameTables as $oldName => $newName) {
if ($this->tableHandler->useTable($oldName) && !$this->tableHandler->useTable($newName)) {
$this->tableHandler->renameTable($oldName, $newName);
* rename columns if needed
private function renameColumns(): void
foreach ($this->renameColumns as $tableName) {
if ($this->tableHandler->useTable($tableName)) {
$oldName = $tableName['from'];
$newName = $tableName['to'];
$attributes = $this->tableHandler->getColumnAttributes($tableName, $oldName);
if (\is_string($attributes) && false !== \strpos($attributes, ' int(')) {
$this->tableHandler->alterColumn($tableName, $oldName, $attributes, $newName);
* Perform any upfront actions before synchronizing the schema
* Some typical uses include
* table and column renames
* data conversions
protected function preSyncActions(): void
// change 'bb' table prefix to 'newbb'
// columns dohtml, dosmiley, doxcode, doimage and dobr moved between tables as some point
// Convert IP address columns from int to readable varchar(45) for IPv6
// $this->convertIPAddresses('newbb_posts', 'poster_ip');
// $this->convertIPAddresses('newbb_report', 'reporter_ip');
// rename table
if ($this->renameTables && \is_array($this->renameTables)) {
// rename column
if ($this->renameColumns && \is_array($this->renameColumns)) {