namespace XoopsModules\Rssfit;
* You may not change or alter any portion of this comment or credits
* of supporting developers from this source code or any supporting source code
* which is considered copyrighted (c) material of the original comment or credit authors.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* @copyright XOOPS Project (
* @license GNU GPL 2 or later (
* @package RSSFit - Extendable XML news feed generator
* @author NS Tai (aka tuff) <>
* @author XOOPS Development Team
if (!\defined('RSSFIT_ROOT_PATH')) {
* Class FeedHandler
* @package XoopsModules\Rssfit
class FeedHandler
public $rssmod;
public $pluginHandler;
public $miscHandler;
public $helper;
public $channelreq;
public $subHandler;
public $pluginObject;
public $myts;
public $modConfig;
public $xoopsConfig;
public $cached = '';
public $charset = _CHARSET;
public $feedkey = 'feed';
public $pluginFile = '%s.php';
public $substrRemove = [',', '/', ';', ':', '(', '{', '[', ' '];
public $substrAdd = ['.', '!', '?', '}', ']', ')', '%'];
public $substrEndwith = '...';
public $specUrl = '';
public $specs = [
'req' => 'requiredChannelElements',
'opt' => 'optionalChannelElements',
'cloud' => 'ltcloudgtSubelementOfLtchannelgt',
'img' => 'ltimagegtSubelementOfLtchannelgt',
public $escaped = [
128 => '€',
130 => '‚',
131 => 'ƒ',
132 => '„',
133 => '…',
134 => '†',
135 => '‡',
136 => 'ˆ',
137 => '‰',
138 => 'Š',
139 => '‹',
140 => 'Œ',
142 => 'Ž',
145 => '‘',
146 => '’',
147 => '“',
148 => '”',
149 => '•',
150 => '–',
151 => '—',
152 => '˜',
153 => '™',
154 => 'š',
155 => '›',
156 => 'œ',
158 => 'ž',
159 => 'Ÿ',
* FeedHandler constructor.
public function __construct(array $modConfig, array $xoopsConfig, \XoopsModule $xoopsModule)
$this->myts = \MyTextSanitizer::getInstance();
$this->rssmod = $xoopsModule;
$this->helper = Helper::getInstance();
$this->pluginHandler = Helper::getInstance()->getHandler('Plugin');
$this->miscHandler = Helper::getInstance()->getHandler('Misc');
$this->modConfig = $modConfig;
$this->xoopsConfig = $xoopsConfig;
$this->channelreq = [
'title' => $this->xoopsConfig['sitename'],
'link' => XOOPS_URL,
'description' => $this->xoopsConfig['slogan'],
public function getChannel(array &$feed): void
$channel = [];
$elements = $this->miscHandler->getObjects2(new \Criteria('misc_category', 'channel'));
if (\is_array($elements) && !empty($elements)) {
foreach ($elements as $e) {
if ('' !== $e->getVar('misc_content')) {
$channel[$e->getVar('misc_title')] = $e->getVar('misc_content', 'n');
$channel['language'] = _LANGCODE;
$channel['lastBuildDate'] = $this->rssTimeStamp(\time());
if ($this->modConfig['cache']) {
$channel['ttl'] = (string)$this->modConfig['cache'];
if (!empty($feed['plugin'])) {
if (\is_object($this->pluginObject) && \is_object($this->subHandler)) {
$channel['title'] = $this->pluginObject->getVar('sub_title', 'n');
$channel['link'] = $this->pluginObject->getVar('sub_link', 'n');
$channel['description'] = $this->pluginObject->getVar('sub_desc', 'n');
$image = [
'url' => $this->pluginObject->getVar('img_url', 'n'),
'title' => $this->pluginObject->getVar('img_title', 'n'),
'link' => $this->pluginObject->getVar('img_link', 'n'),
} else {
$img = $this->miscHandler->getObjects2(new \Criteria('misc_category', 'channelimg'), '*', 'title');
if ($img) {
$image = [
'url' => $img['url']->getVar('misc_content', 'n'),
'title' => $img['title']->getVar('misc_content', 'n'),
'link' => $img['link']->getVar('misc_content', 'n'),
if (empty($channel['title']) || empty($channel['link']) || empty($channel['description'])) {
$channel = \array_merge($channel, $this->channelreq);
foreach ($channel as $k => $v) {
if (!empty($image)) {
foreach ($image as $k => $v) {
$feed['image'] = &$image;
$feed['channel'] = &$channel;
public function getSticky(array &$feed): bool
if (!$intr = $this->miscHandler->getObjects2(new \Criteria('misc_category', 'sticky'))) {
return false;
$sticky = &$intr[0];
$setting = $sticky->getVar('misc_setting');
if (\in_array(0, $setting['feeds']) || '' === $sticky->getVar('misc_title') || '' === $sticky->getVar('misc_content')) {
return false;
if ((\in_array(-1, $setting['feeds']) && empty($feed['plugin']))
|| (!empty($feed['plugin']) && \in_array($this->pluginObject->getVar('rssf_conf_id'), $setting['feeds']))) {
$feed['sticky']['title'] = $sticky->getVar('misc_title', 'n');
$feed['sticky']['link'] = $setting['link'];
$feed['sticky']['description'] = $sticky->getVar('misc_content');
$this->cleanupChars($feed['sticky']['description'], !$setting['dohtml'], false);
$feed['sticky']['pubdate'] = $this->rssTimeStamp(\time());
return true;
public function getItems(array &$feed): void
$entries = [];
$db = \XoopsDatabaseFactory::getDatabaseConnection();
if (!empty($feed['plugin'])) {
$this->pluginObject->setVar('rssf_grab', $this->pluginObject->getVar('sub_entries'));
$this->subHandler->grab = $this->pluginObject->getVar('sub_entries');
$grab = $this->subHandler->grabEntries($db);
if (null !== $grab && \count($grab) > 0) {
foreach ($grab as $g) {
$entries[] = $g;
} elseif ($plugins = $this->pluginHandler->getObjects2(new \Criteria('rssf_activated', '1'))) {
foreach ($plugins as $p) {
$handler = $this->pluginHandler->checkPlugin($p);
if ($handler) {
$handler->grab = $p->getVar('rssf_grab');
$grab = $handler->grabEntries($db);
if (null !== $grab && \count($grab) > 0) {
foreach ($grab as $g) {
$entries[] = $g;
if (\count($entries) > 0) {
foreach ($entries as $i => &$iValue) {
$strip = (bool)$this->modConfig['strip_html'];
$this->cleanupChars($iValue['description'], $strip, false, true);
$entries[$i]['category'] = $this->myts->undoHtmlSpecialChars($iValue['category']);
if (!isset($iValue['timestamp'])) {
$entries[$i]['timestamp'] = $this->rssmod->getVar('last_update');
$entries[$i]['pubdate'] = $this->rssTimeStamp((int)$iValue['timestamp']);
if (empty($feed['plugin']) && 'd' === $this->modConfig['sort']) {
\uasort($entries, [$this, 'sortTimestamp']);
if (empty($feed['plugin']) && \count($entries) > $this->modConfig['overall_entries']) {
$entries = \array_slice($entries, 0, $this->modConfig['overall_entries']);
$feed['items'] = &$entries;
public function doSubstr(string $text): string
$ret = $text;
$len = \function_exists('mb_strlen') ? mb_strlen($ret, $this->charset) : mb_strlen($ret);
$maxChars = $this->helper->getConfig('max_char');
if ($len > $maxChars && $maxChars > 0) {
$ret = $this->substrDetect($ret, 0, $maxChars - 1);
if (false === $this->strrposDetect($ret, ' ')) {
if (false !== $this->strrposDetect($text, ' ')) {
$ret = $this->substrDetect($text, 0, (int)mb_strpos($text, ' '));
if (\in_array($this->substrDetect($text, $maxChars - 1, 1), $this->substrAdd)) {
$ret .= $this->substrDetect($text, $maxChars - 1, 1);
} else {
if (false !== $this->strrposDetect($ret, ' ')) {
$ret = $this->substrDetect($ret, 0, $this->strrposDetect($ret, ' '));
if (\in_array($this->substrDetect($ret, -1, 1), $this->substrRemove)) {
$ret = $this->substrDetect($ret, 0, -1);
$ret .= $this->substrEndwith;
return $ret;
public function substrDetect(string $text, int $start, int $len): string
if (\function_exists('mb_strcut')) {
return mb_strcut($text, $start, $len, _CHARSET);
return mb_substr($text, $start, $len);
* @return false|int
public function strrposDetect(string $text, string $find)
if (\function_exists('mb_strrpos')) {
return mb_strrpos($text, $find, 0, _CHARSET);
return mb_strrpos($text, $find);
public function rssTimeStamp(int $time): ?string
return \date('D, j M Y H:i:s O', $time);
public function sortTimestamp(array $a, array $b): int
if ($a['timestamp'] === $b['timestamp']) {
return 0;
return ($a['timestamp'] > $b['timestamp']) ? -1 : 1;
public function cleanupChars(string &$text, bool $strip = true, bool $dospec = true, bool $dosub = false): void
if ($strip) {
$text = \strip_tags($text);
if ($dosub) {
$text = $this->doSubstr($text);
if ($dospec) {
$text = \htmlspecialchars($text, \ENT_QUOTES, $this->charset);
$text = \preg_replace('/&(#\d+);/i', '&$1;', $text);
if (XOOPS_USE_MULTIBYTES !== 1 || false === stripos($this->charset, "utf-8")) {
$text = \str_replace(\array_map('\chr', \array_keys($this->escaped)), $this->escaped, $text);
public function wrapCdata(string &$text): void
$text = '<![CDATA[' . \str_replace(['<![CDATA[', ']]>'], ['<![CDATA[', ']]>'], $text) . ']]>';
public function &getActivatedSubfeeds(string $fields = '', string $type = ''): ?array
$ret = null;
$subs = $this->pluginHandler->getObjects2(new \Criteria('subfeed', '1'), $fields);
if (\is_array($subs) && !empty($subs)) {
$ret = [];
switch ($type) {
$ret = &$subs;
case 'list':
foreach ($subs as $s) {
$ret[$s->getVar('rssf_conf_id')] = $s->getVar('sub_title');
return $ret;
* @param null|string|array $selected
public function feedSelectBox(string $caption = '', $selected = null, int $size = 1, bool $multi = true, bool $none = true, bool $main = true, string $name = 'feeds', string $type = 'id'): \XoopsFormSelect
$select = new \XoopsFormSelect($caption, $name, $selected, $size, $multi);
if ($none) {
$select->addOption('0', '-------');
if ($main) {
$select->addOption('-1', \_AM_RSSFIT_MAINFEED);
$subs = $this->getActivatedSubfeeds('sublist', 'list');
if ($subs) {
foreach ($subs as $k => $v) {
$select->addOption($k, $v);
return $select;
* @return string
public function specUrl(string $key = '0'): ?string
if (isset($this->specs[$key])) {
return $this->specUrl . '#' . $this->specs[$key];
return null;
* @return string
public function subFeedUrl(string $filename = ''): ?string
if (!empty($filename)) {
$filename = \str_replace(['rssfit.', '.php'], '', $filename);
return \RSSFIT_URL_FEED . '?' . $this->feedkey . '=' . $filename;
return null;
public function checkSubFeed(array &$feed): void
if (!empty($feed['plugin'])) {
$criteria = new \CriteriaCompo();
$criteria->add(new \Criteria('rssf_filename', \sprintf($this->pluginFile, $feed['plugin'])));
$criteria->add(new \Criteria('subfeed', '1'));
$sub = $this->pluginHandler->getObjects2($criteria);
$handler = null;
if (isset($sub[0])) {
$handler = $this->pluginHandler->checkPlugin($sub[0]);
if ($handler) {
$this->pluginObject = $sub[0];
$this->subHandler = $handler;
$this->cached = 'mod_' . $this->rssmod->getVar('dirname') . '|' . \md5(\str_replace(XOOPS_URL, '', $GLOBALS['xoopsRequestUri']));
} else {
$feed['plugin'] = '';
public function buildFeed(array &$feed): void