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namespace XoopsModules\Rssfit\Plugins;

 * You may not change or alter any portion of this comment or credits
 * of supporting developers from this source code or any supporting source code
 * which is considered copyrighted (c) material of the original comment or credit authors.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of

 * @copyright    XOOPS Project (https://xoops.org)
 * @license      GNU GPL 2 or later (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html)
 * @package      RSSFit - Extendable XML news feed generator
 * @author       NS Tai (aka tuff) <http://www.brandycoke.com>
 * @author       XOOPS Development Team

 * This file is a dummy for making a RSSFit plug-in, follow the following steps
 * if you really want to do so.
 * Step 0: Stop here if you are not sure what you are doing, it's no fun at all
 * Step 1: Clone this file and rename as something like rssfit.[mod_dir].php
 * Step 2: Replace the class name "RssfitSpecial" with "Rssfit[mod_dir]" at line 60,
 *         i.e. "RssfitNews" for the module "News"
 * Step 3: Modify the definition of $dirname in line 62 to your modules dirname, i.e. 'news'
 * Step 4: Modify the function "grabEntries" method to satisfy your needs
 * Step 5: Move your new plug-in file to the RSSFit plugins folder,
 *         i.e. your-xoops-root/modules/rssfit/plugins
 * Step 6: Install your plug-in by pointing your browser to
 *         your-xoops-url/modules/rssfit/admin/?do=plugins
 * Step 7: Finally, tell us about yourself and this file by modifying the
 *         "About this RSSFit plug-in" section located below.
 * About this RSSFit plug-in
 * Author: John Doe <http://www.your.site>
 * Requirements (or Tested with):
 *  Module: Blah <http://www.where.to.find.it>
 *  Version: 1.0
 *  RSSFit verision: 1.2 / 1.5
 *  XOOPS version: / 2.2.3
if (!\defined('RSSFIT_ROOT_PATH')) {

 * Class Special
 * @package XoopsModules\Rssfit\Plugins
class Special
    public $dirname = 'special';
    public $modname;
    public $grab;                // will be set to the maximum number of items to grab
    public $module;

     * @return \XoopsModule
    public function loadModule():?\XoopsModule
        $mod = $GLOBALS['module_handler']->getByDirname($this->dirname);
        if (!$mod || !$mod->getVar('isactive')) {
            return null;
        $this->modname = $mod->getVar('name');
        $this->module = $mod;   // optional, remove this line if there is nothing
        // to do with module info when grabbing entries
        return $mod;

     * @return array
    public function grabEntries(\XoopsMySQLDatabase $xoopsDB):?array
        $ret = null;
        @require_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/modules/special/class/stuff.php';
        $myts = \MyTextSanitizer::getInstance();
        $items = SpecialStuff::getAllPublished($this->grab, 0);
        foreach ($items as $item) {
            $ret[] = [
                'title' => $myts->undoHtmlSpecialChars($item->title()),
                'link' => XOOPS_URL . '/modules/special/article.php?itemid=' . $item->itemid(),
                'guid' => XOOPS_URL . '/modules/special/article.php?itemid=' . $item->itemid(),
                'timestamp' => $item->published(),
                'description' => $item->hometext(),
                'category' => $this->modname,
                'domain' => XOOPS_URL . '/modules/' . $this->dirname . '/',

        return $ret;