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Test Coverage
<h5>1.24 Final [RELEASED]</h5>
<u>Dec 23 2020 bugfix</u>
* If access is set to 1 and not user, public messages where autor has gives access is not showing on index.(Culex)
* error fixed - mispelling(Culex)
* Update loadmore.php (Culex)
* Misspelled handler (Culex)
* missing check(Culex)
* numeric value recieved as string. fixed by adding number_format() (Culex)
* error fixed - numeric value recieved as string. fixed by adding number_format() (Culex)

<u>Dec 22 21:34:38 2020</u>
* error in use of Helper (Culex)
* fix - error in use of Helper (Culex)

<u>Dec 21 14:38:14 2020</u>
* update bookmark.js -  (Culex)
* missing files - missing block files(Culex)
* Update README.md -  (Culex)

<u>Dec 20 17:53:26 2020</u>
* replace jquery script - Removing bookmark and broser plugin wich was depreseated in jquery 1.4 and replacing with JSsocial plugin(Culex)

<u>Dec 19 17:57:00 2020</u>
* fix share icons -  (Culex)
* fix - wierd typo xoopsUserl -> xoopsUser (Culex)
* fix - - Additional check in regards to autocompleting. This reacted to all input focus, now only in register & edit profile page (Culex)
* fix - Double check for window location has part of editprofile or register (Culex)
* missing file - Missing getSelects file to get age, gender etc.. (Culex)
* Update galleryshow.php -  (Culex)
* Fix in namespace (Culex)
* Fix so also admin has full view not only friends (Culex)
* css fix - Fix css in showing countdown for users being locked out by admin (Culex)
* fix smarty - error in smarty reulted in now showing count down of inspection time for users in admin. (Culex)
* removed test - removed a test alert to show value of var (Culex)
* Update useradmin.php -  (Culex)

<u>Dec 18 16:17:52 2020</u>
* changes to content(Culex)
* Update xoops_version.php -  (Culex)
* missing files / folders - missing files mostly by (Mamba / Zyspec)
* missing count.php to give message about new events (Culex)
* missing images - adding missing images (Culex)
* adjusting and version up (Culex)
* Adjusting requirements (Culex)
* Push version to 1.16 Beta 2 (Culex)
* .htaccess - Had to add due to cross domain issues with city search, might need to be secured more (Culex)
* changes - changes by Culex / Mamba / ZySpec (Mamba / Zyspec)
* fix - Changes by Zyspec (Zyspec)
* Fixing to use SwDatabase (Mamba / Zyspec)
* Update header.php - Changes by Mamba / Zyspec (Mamba / Zyspec)
* fix - uncommenting class_colector.php (Culex)
* fix - fixing namespaces(Culex)
* Update avatarupload.php - Changes by Mamba / Zyspec (Mamba / Zyspec)
* changes - Changes by Mamba / Zyspec - Not accepting NOT NULL(Culex)
* Adjusting namespaces (Mamba / Zyspec)
* fixing path bugs 
* fixing script / Css includes (Culex)
* Small adjustments (Culex)
* Update search.inc.php - Changes by Mamba / Zyspec (Mamba / Zyspec)
* Update onupdate.php - Adjusting criterias(Culex)
* Update getSelects.php Changes by Mamba / Zyspec (Mamba / Zyspec)
* Headers as json(Culex)
* Update functions.php - Changes by Mamba / Zyspec (Mamba / Zyspec)
* Adjusting various mispellings(Culex)
* adjusting namespaces etc(Culex)
* Update SmallWorldUser.php -  (Culex)
* Update SmallWorldProfile.php - - using avatar from userhandler(Culex)
* Update SmallWorldImages.php - Changes by Mamba / Zyspec (Mamba / Zyspec)
* Update SmallWorldDB.php - clean up(Culex)
* Update profile.php - Changes by Mamba / Zyspec (Mamba / Zyspec)
* revert - changes by Mamba / Zyspec (Mamba / Zyspec)
* Update images.php - namespaces - descriptions 
* using new globals(Culex)

<u>Dec 18 13:26:58 2020</u>
* revert - Namespaces (Culex)
* function descriptions (Culex)
* using helper (Culex)

<u>Dec 18 13:24:24 2020</u>
* fixing bugs (Culex)
* adjusting paths (Culex)
* DoMap using cityname_birth(Culex)
* fixing spelling in var(Culex)

<u>Dec 18 13:21:40 2020</u>
* wow - removing redundant vars (Culex)
* adjusting selectors (Culex)
* using new api (Culex)
* adjusting json (Culex)
* I Hate json obj :-/ (Culex)
* fixing bug in doMap (Culex)

<u>Dec 18 13:19:08 2020</u>
* upgrade - upg to v2.5.0 (Culex)
* upgrade - upgrading geocoder to v2.3.3 (Culex)
* rename selector - renaming location-picker-present to ..-picker-now (Culex)
* fix image path - fix imagepaths (Culex)
* upgrade - upgrade (Culex)
* Update jquery.fileupload-ui.css - imagespath fix (Culex)
* Update ui-bg_gloss-wave_35_f6a828_500x100.png - aparently changes in file ? (Culex)
* Update jquery.ui.selectable.css - again color values (Culex)
* Update jquery-ui-1.8.11.custom.css - minor adjustments (Culex)
* css - changing #000000 to black (Culex)
* revert back - revert to mamba / Zyspec's changes (Culex)
* cleaning up - cleanin up (Culex)
* revert changes - reverting changes (Culex)
* adjustments - Fixing bugs in namespace and missing files (Culex)
* clean up - Removing old globals and adding comments from Mamba / Zyspec (Mamba / Zyspec)

<u>Apr 23 13:38:45 2020</u>
* Update release_date in xoops_version (zyspec)
* minor grammatical change in lang_diff.txt (zyspec)
* small refactor to improve code 'flow'(zyspec)
* Update profile check (zyspec)

<u>Apr 23 13:34:35 2020</u>
* Move (gr)avatar functions to SwUser class (zyspec)
* add additional Constants for image types (zyspec)
* minor normalization of var names (more to be done) (zyspec)
* replaced additional instances of global with $GLOBALS (zyspec)
* temp trigger error on using previous (gr)avatar methods (will be removed) (zyspec)
* implement SwUser in SwDatabase class to resolve serialization issue (zyspec)
* change SwUserHandler identifier name to use userid for getList() (zyspec)

<u>Apr 20 13:45:28 2020</u>
* point image references to ./assets/images folder -  (zyspec)
* add missing HTML list element to unordered list -  (zyspec)

<u>Apr 20 13:02:10 2020</u>
* move smallworld_Stats_newest() functionality (zyspec)
* moved to ./stats.php since it's the only place it's used
* will remove function from ./include/functions.php (zyspec)

<u>Apr 18 10:12:36 2020</u>
* use file_put_contents() instead of calling custom func (zyspec)
* function only executed file_put_contents() and returned (zyspec)
* move User::spousexist() method to SwUserHandler::spouseExists() -  (zyspec)
* move User::getName() method to SwUserHandler class - * also deprecated functions smallworld_getName() function that did the same thing (zyspec)
* addt'l move User::checkIfProfile() method to SwUserHandler class -  (zyspec)
* move User::checkIfProfile() method to SwUserHandler class -  (zyspec)
* Remove defined('XOOPS_ROOT_PATH') check in classes -  (zyspec)

<u>Apr 15 21:56:40 2020</u>
* Template image reference & javascript fix, css/html rendering updates (zyspec)
* fix path to images (zyspec)
* use template vars if no users are found for a category (zyspec)
* minor css changes (zyspec)
* minor html changes (zyspec)
* fixed typo lable should be label in 2 templates (zyspec)
* fixed syntax error in userprofile_template.tpl javascript (zyspec)
* Minor updates to admin templates (zyspec)
* fix path to images file(s) (zyspec)
* add display on empty table(s) (zyspec)
* bug fix and update ./include/functions.php (zyspec)
* fixed bug not looking for jquery files in ./assets/js folder (zyspec)
* SmallworldGetTimestampToForm() $timearray always has 120 years (zyspec)
* change smallworld_sanitize() to escape text string (zyspec)
* filter smallworld_CreateIndexFiles() $folderUrl to ensure it's a URI (zyspec)
* refactor smallworld_GetModuleOption() (zyspec)
* refactor smallworld_checkForXim() - module exists & is active (zyspec)
* added missing namespace slash for MyTextSanitizer in several places (zyspec)
* smallworld_getCountFriendMessagesEtc() now checks count of followers before creating bad SQL SELECT call (zyspec)
* smallworld_getImageSize() fix logic error to determine which file to resize (zyspec)
* switch from global to $GLOBALS (zyspec)
* combine tpl assigns to improve performance (zyspec)
* use Constants interface constants (zyspec)
 * bug fix and updates for ./admin/useradmin.php (zyspec)
* bug fix looking for variables.js in wrong language folder (zyspec)
* bug fix loading wrong filename for admin CSS (zyspec)
* bug fix looking for jquery.ui.datepicker-language.js in wrong folder (zyspec)
* update phpDoc comments (zyspec)
* bug fix and cleanup of ./admin/moduleinfo.php (zyspec)
* fix bug reference template as .html instead of .tpl (zyspec)
* fix bug loading wrong name of admin CSS stylesheet (zyspec)
* fix bug not looking for js file in ./assets/js folder (zyspec)
* bug fix and update of ./admin/main.php (zyspec)
* fix js script bug redefining $ for jQuery() (zyspec)
* fix directory bug looking for variables.js language file (zyspec)
* fix bug loading wrong file name for css (zyspec)
* fix bug not looking for js scripts in ./assets/js folder (zyspec)
* fix bug looking for jquery.ui.datepicker-language.js in wrong folder (zyspec)
* use SwUser class (zyspec)
* use Xmf\Request (zyspec)
* bug fix and update of ./admin/main.php (zyspec)
* fix bug loading tpl as .html instead of .tpl (zyspec)
* fix wrong name bug looking for css file (zyspec)
* fix bugs not looking for js scripts in ./assets/js folder (zyspec)
* fix bug looking for jquery.ui.datepicker-language.js file (zyspec)
* fix bug looking for variables.js language file (zyspec)
* improve SwDatabase class  (zyspec)
* use Xmf\Request to get input vars (zyspec)
* use SwUser to update dB (incomplete) (zyspec)
* improve/add return values from several methods (incomplete) (zyspec)
* bug fix and minor update for WallUpdates class (zyspec)
* fix bug to init vars & arrays in several methods (zyspec)
* changed hasVoted to always return bool (zyspec)
* changed updatesPermalink() to always return array (zyspec)
* PublicWallUpdates class minor bug fix and cleanup (zyspec)
* fix bug where getAdminModerators() did not return value (zyspec)
* fix bug where Comments() method did not always return value (zyspec)
* use SwUser class in Gravatar() method (zyspec)
* Form class file minor bug fix (zyspec)
* fixed radio() rendered HTML to make id attrib unique(zyspec)
* removed extraneous </p> in dropdown_add() method rendering (zyspec)
* changed selected HTML for dropdown() method (zyspec)
* added < label> for retrieveRadio() checkbox(es) (zyspec)
* added seperator var for dropdown(), radio() & retrieveRadio() methods (zyspec)
* minor updates for editprofile.php  (zyspec))
* minor update frontside friends files  (zyspec)
* minor code refactoring for maintainability (zyspec)
* minor updates to img_upload.php  (zyspec)
* html/tpl bug fix and update message_ajax.php  (zyspec)
* minor update of partnersearch.php  (zyspec)
* minor update of stats.php  (zyspec)
* update ./test/index.php  (zyspec)
* fix reference to tpl from .html to .tpl (zyspec) 
* minor update to permalink.pph  (zyspec)
* update User class  (zyspec)
* fix logic error in friendcheck() method (zyspec)
* sanitize some of the vars input into class methods (zyspec)
* use $swDB instead of $dB for SwDatabase to reduce confusion (zyspec)
* use SwUser for user dB table CRUD (zyspec)
* sanitize incoming vars using Xmf\Request (zyspec)
* minor updates to publicindex.php  (zyspec)
* switch to use $swDB instead of $dB for SwDatabase to reduce confusion (zyspec)
* minor cleanup of recentactivities.php  (zyspec)
* use Xmf\Request to sanitize vars (zyspec)
* use Xmf\Request to sanitize vars (zyspec)
* change from global to $GLOBALS (zyspec)
* change to use $swDB instead of $db to reduce confusion (zyspec)
* Fix minor bugs in userprofile.php  (zyspec)
* fix Wall update for the follower array (zyspec)
* fix path bug for countdown.js language file (zyspec)
* fix path for birthday image (zyspec)
* start of changes for update (zyspec)
* remove unnecessary ./class/class_collector.php file (zyspec)
* minor cleanup of comment_ajax.php  (zyspec)
* use Smallworld\Helper functions (zyspec)
* sanitize input vars with Xmf\Request (zyspec)
* Profile class update  (zyspec)
* use Smallworld\Helper class where appropriate (zyspec)
* change to use SwUser class instead of xoopsDB access method (zyspec)
* change $db to $swDB naming convention for clarity (zyspec)
* sanitize incoming $id in showUser() method (zyspec)
* combine tp assigns where appropriate for performance (zyspec)
* add missing files after rename (zyspec)
* Mail class cleanup  (zyspec)
* minor refactor - switch() instead of if() for cases (zyspec)
* normalize some var naming (zyspec)
* combine tpl assigns where appropriate for performance(zyspec)
* update DoSync class  (zyspec)
* deleteAccount() method now returns bool success/failure (zyspec)
* Admin class cleanup - * add defaults to vars in methods (zyspec)
* add data integrity checks in sevaral places (zyspec)
* add return values from methods where appropriate (zyspec)
* use Constants interface for constants (zyspec)
* add feedback link to admin menu  (zyspec)
* only display 'to' address if module author's email is invalid (zyspec)
* bug fixes - ./admin/help.php  (zyspec)
* reference to template changed from .html to .tpl (zyspec)
* incorrect css file name corrected (zyspec)
* combined tpl assigns to improve performance (zyspec)
* changed from global to $GLOBALS (zyspec)
* phpDoc cleanup (zyspec)
* add rendering of tpl in ./admin/div_useradmin.php - * div wasn't being rendered when included (zyspec)
* normalize var names (zyspec)
* always assign allusernoinspectcounter template var(zyspec)
* Refactor ./admin/blocksadmin.php (zyspec)
* changed inline functions to switch() (zyspec)
* changed from global to $GLOBALS (zyspec)
* use \Xmf\Request for input var sanitization (zyspec)
* use \Smallworld\Helper for url & paths (zyspec)
* minor html rendering cleanup (zyspec)
* Begin change from global to $GLOBALS - * minor code cleaup / variable naming normalization (zyspec)
* $db var was used for both XoopsDB and SwDatabase objects (zyspec)
* phpDoc clarification / corrections (zyspec)
* begin transition to use SwUser class / object (zyspec)
* update Constants class with new constants (zyspec)
* updates to fix relative file paths so files can be found (zyspec)
* Create SwUser & handler classes -  (zyspec)
* Move included files to ./include folder - * change file names for consistency (zyspec)
* update reference to files in js (zyspec)
* fix reference to image files since they've been moved to assets folder (zyspec)
* update phpDocs (zyspec)
* fix get_selects.php & get_count.php json if not \XoopUser (zyspec)

<u>Apr 14 15:31:48 2020</u>
* Update xoops_version.php - (Culex)
* name space errors - multible changes, some to namespaces and some to calls to classes now renamed (Culex)
* Update avatarupload.php - upload avatar minor changes (Culex)
* Update getStat.tpl - wrong url to javascript plugin (Culex)
* Update mysql.sql - updated mysql to default no value instead of "not null". Database is automaticly altered by log in as admin (Culex)
* changes to preload - added aprise plugin to preload (Culex)
* missing templates - added more templates (Culex)
* Update admin.php - added error messages from admin side (Culex)
* adding / removing - Removing html and adding tpl templates(Culex)
* Update variables.js - friend request in javascript var(Culex)
* updates for languages English - (Culex)
* Update search.inc.php - call to wrong class, should fix https://github.com/XoopsModules25x/smallworld/issues/4#issue-589578915(Culex)
* missing include - Missing include of db.php(Culex)
* Create config.php - (Culex)
* PHP 7, namespaces - (mamba)
* Update functions.php - - added / removed some duplicate includes (Culex)
* implimented osm and custom script in profile and register to use osm adress finder and maps (Culex)
* Path fixings in assets (Culex)
* missing classes - Added missing classes(Culex)
* Update images.php - error in image link(Culex)
* Update forms.php - removed autocomplete for form(Culex)
* Update db.php - error when null value for id in mysql(Culex)
* removed google maps plugin since gm is no longer free(Culex)
* Changed to only return city / place name on select (Culex)
* Added leaflet.js for using Osm instead of google maps(Culex)
* added plugin - Added leaflet plugin(Culex)
* Update smallworld.css - Added css for auto sugguest and maps(Culex)
* Update jquery.fileupload-ui.css - Fixed a few unsettled css values(Culex)
* Adding leaflet plugin to replace google maps(Culex)

<h5>1.17 Beta 1  [NOT RELEASED]</h5>
- upgrade script from admin / side. Alter some tables to fix mysql errors with reserved names
- multible changes, some to namespaces and some to calls to classes now renamed
- upload avatar minor changes
- updated mysql to default no value instead of "not null". Database is automaticly altered by log in as admin
- Removing html and adding tpl templates

<h5>1.16 Beta 1  [NOT RELEASED]</h5>
- XOOPS 2.5.9, PHP 7 (mamba)
- removed @version (mamba)
- PSR-2 code cosmetics (mamba)
- addNavigation(basename(__FILE__))  (mamba)
- dirname(__FILE__) to __DIR__ (mamba)
- replaced < br /> with < br > (mamba)
- Unnecessary double quotes (mamba)
- reference mismatch (mamba)
- Hardening to type safe (mamba)
- update Help, .html to .tpl (mamba)
- changed _handler to Handler (mamba)
- HTML 5: removed 'selected' and 'checked' (mamba)
- updated file headers for consistency (mamba)
- renamed several $indexAdmin with $adminObject for consistency (mamba)
- Updates for PayPal changes (zyspec)
- added Contributing.md (mamba)
- moved functions to Utility class (mamba)
- include_once to require_once (mamba)
- php-cs-fixer updates (mamba)
- short array syntax (mamba)
- Yoda notation (mamba)
- namespaces (mamba)
- started conversion to XMF (mamba)
    &nbsp;&nbsp;- updated addInfoBoxLine entries (mamba)
    &nbsp;&nbsp;- displayNavigation(basename(__FILE__))  (mamba)
    &nbsp;&nbsp;- changed to ->displayButton('left') (mamba)

Changelog v.1.15 RC 20
Date 01. October 2013 19:11 Rev: 12114

NEW : When entering admin automaticly rename user avatars set as blank.gif to void.
NEW : Parsing array from walls in respective classes clearing multible lines of code
NEW : smallworld_referer to return after various pages
NEW : Count all msg in wall

Bugfix : Mysql error in ALTER table comments from varchar to text
Bugfix : School start/stop displayed wrong. 
Bugfix : User avatars displayed void if blank. No shows default gender / no-gender user avatar
Bugfix : User gallery opening in new tab / window. Now direct to _self instead of _SELF (?)
Bugfix : Error in smallworld_getAvatarLink($userid, $image); Condition changed from || to &&
Bugfix : comment_ajax. Condition changed from AND to OR if admin or owner of comment. Permission added to condition correctly.
Bugfix : In edit profile education start/stop displays correct data (date function not needed in this case).
Bugfix : In gallery only displays if visitor is a friend or admin.
Bugfix : Heavy code cleanup -> re-arranging to make use of classes / functions.
Bugfix : Only allow friends to view profile. 
Bugfix : User posts not showing correctly to friends/followers OR admin.
Bugfix : jquery.history.js added to code to show hidden iframe in IE correctly.
Bugfix : After accepting friend request force reload of page to show new friend posts.
Bugfix : After closing gallery return to refer-page.
Bugfix : In smallworld.js -> tagging. If @ is followed by /s then close autocomplete indicating email or other. ((this).autocomplete( "close" );)
Bugfix : When tagging autocomplete is attached after single @ not @@@ (wow strange error)
Bugfix : Removed test alert() OR console.logs used for testing.
Bugfix : In friendpage show only gallery menu items for friends.
Bugfix : Show only wall container if num of messages > 0. [smarty error]
Bugfix : Rename selector (gave issue with TDMPicture) [mamba]

Changelog v.1.15 RC 18
Date: 18. juli 2013 19:29:48: Revision: 11843

Bugfix: Css adjusting
Bugfix: reinventing relocates (user/noUser)
Bugfix: Privacy settings masking unnessesarily. Reinvented
Bugfix: Register message not showing
Bugfix: Setting missing in friends and profile
Bugfix: Avatars rendering wrong

Changelog v.1.15 RC 17
16 & 19. june 2013 Revision: 11699 - 11723

NEW : Added a sync class to remove orphans in smallworld module when accessing admin/index 
Bugfix: When deleting user remove also settings and complaints of user and against user
bugfix: Recognizing https as ok protocol for image upload message to wall
bugfix: removing maxlenght fron textareas (who needs them)
bugfix: double execution of function smallworld_corescript (preloads and publicindex.php)
Bugfix: Missing settings and colorbox in a few places
Bugfix: html tags breaks up changelog.txt (mamba)
Bugfix: Global vars and functions prefixing (security fix)

Changelog v.1.15 RC 16
12. June 2013 19:42 revision: 11659

Bugfix: Attached colorbox to relevant pages after smallworld.js init
Bugfix: Revert colorbox -> dialog i register and edit register
Bugfix: datepicker does not work with colorbog - jquery.ui issue
Bugfix: Attached plugin read to switch ie. better organized
Bugfix: Smallworld changes to run also with xoops 2.5.5 core

16. June 2013 19:25 revision: 11699

Bugfix: Global javascript vars and function prefixing (security bug)

Changelog v.1.15 RC 15
03. june 2013 03:44 revision: 11573 - 11576

Bugfix: Fixing permission redirect if XoopsUser bot not Smalluser 
        and privacy permissions are set to 0
Bugfix: Extended test when returning access values to script
Bugfix: Updated installation details when upgrading

Changelog v.1.15 RC 13
19. marts 2013 Revision: 11405 - 11408

bugfix: Mayor blunder.. selecting user allowed to post in homepage now by userid and not alpabetically :-S
Bugfix : Parsing links double
Bugfix : Removing nl2br (module.sanitizer already does this)
bugfix : Min xoops is 2.5.5 not 2.55
Bugfix : Aparently function smallworld_xv_getGroupd () needs to be defined. Solution include function file

Changelog v.1.15 RC 12
17. marts 2013 Revision: 11328 - 11396

NEW : Usersettings displaying post / comments
NEW : Startpage displaying admin descided posts (blog ?)
NEW : Adding permalink url to posts and adjusting embed html
Bugfix : No bigcaps convert username -> false check by username
Bugfix : Fixing onClick for bookmarks 1.40
Bugfix: Adjusting css and adding additional for styling XoopsCode
Change : Reinventing admin desc. users to show in startpage
Change : Various language defines. All added in default english (see your language)

Changelog v.1.15 RC 11
12. marts 2013 Revision: 10227 - 10226

NEW: Added upgraded image upload
NEW: Added upgraded mail class
NEW: class/PublicWallUpdates.php, publicindex.php, templates for public postings

Bugfix: Missing image
Bugfix: Making new jquery work with existing code
Bugfix: Show correct user stats in admin/index.php
Bugfix: Display correct size of undefined avatar in comments
Change: Allow display of public posts for all users
Change: Correcting code style, removing comments etc etc

Language additions: js/variables.js, modinfo.php

Changelog v.1.15 RC 10
11. februar 2013 Revision: 10205 - 10222

New: Upgraded jquery.min.js and jqueryui.min.js to new versions.
New: Added vendor and cors folders containg extra plugins to be used with multi uploader plugin
New: Upgraded uploadHandler.php and edited img_upload.php and imgupload.php to use new class
New: Style and js for upgraded oembed plugin 1.0.5RC -> 1.1.0RC
New: Added Css for bootstrap, jquery ui and no-script for uploader plugin

Update: Upgraded multi upload plugin from 4.2 -> 5.21

Bugfix: Href is now javascript:void(0) on email, screenname, jobs and school in register.php. Dynamics are caught on class or div using jquery
Bugfix: Include language files on coreload to repress missing define messages
Bugfix: Embedcode is failing when image extension is uppercase
Bugfix: Replaced function to remove span, divs from dom in registration.
Bugfix: Temporary fix to use jquery.history.js using depresated $.browser() function.
Bugfix: Added extra margin

change: Up to version 2.16 RC
Change: Jquery replacing $.live() funcion with $.on()
Change: If xoops version is >= 2.4.0 include frameworks else load from js folder
Change: Added commented include to migrate -> for development issues
Change: changed style to show automatic post when uploading images to be justified instead of centered
Change: Replaced depreseated functions to be used with new frameworks
Change: Replacing depreseated jquery functions 1.8.11 -> 1.9+ (live->on, change->bind etc).

Delete: remove unused upload plugin files

Changelog v.1.15 RC 9
25 June 2012 Revision 9645 - 9713

- Change: Typos corrected (Defkon1)
- Change: Country flags is replaced in images/ to be used by geonames.js plugins
- Bugfix: Accidently xoops error logger is true. Now set to false to return valid jSon
- Bugfix: Smallworld jquery.js and jquery.ui.js is extended after load then overwritten by xoops javascript. Special check for xoops version is included in core.php
- Bugfix: Json array using illegal whitespace in ajax
- Bugfix: Geonames.js plugin using country maps in dropdown
- Bugfix: Replace country code by image using geonames plugin Vs country text using google maps

Changelog v.1.15 RC 8
12 June 2012 Revision 9540 - 9642

- Bugfix: Updates were not embedded when submitting update
- Bugfix: Fixed wrong avatar showing in mail when replying comment / update
- Bugfix: Replaced icon_start.png to correct version
- Change: A bit of styling to upload screen
- Change: Added a jquery each using regex to filter all mp3 to be used in oembed -> showing audio player
- Change: Ajusted jquery for fileupload maxheight is 40% of screen
- Change: Wrote to new plugins for oembed so xoops news and mp3 files are automatic embedded in updates
- Change: Adjusted margin in download css/jquery.fileupload-ui.css
- Change: Adjusted height in download window
- Change: Adjusted credits
- change: Added height & innerHeight to show gallery
- Change: French translations (Cesag)

Changelog v.1.15 RC 7
13 May 2012 Revision 9464 - 9502

- Bugfix: !!! Private updates showing in search results !! (thanks Yuri)
- Bugfix: Private and Public messages not filtered correctly
- Bugfix: Removed redundant span from message ajax file
- Bugfix: Filtering search results to include only friendly messages or public
- Bugfix: Missing vars in jquery.ui.datepicker localization (cesag)
- Bugfix: Converting CR to <br> in comments / updates (Cesag)
- Change: Set 1 (monday) as default starting day in jquery.ui.js
- Change: enlarged innerWidth and height in edit_image desc js file
- Change: Added updated french translations (Cesag)
- Change: First day of week fix from 0 to 1 (Cesag)

Changelog v.1.15 RC 6
8 May 2012 Revision 9398 - 9463

- NEW added russian language (Thanks Yura)
- NEW added French language (Thanks Cesag)
- Bugfix: Replaced hardcoded lang. defines (thanks Cesag)
- Bugfix: Fixed image popups opening correct image (thanks Flipse)
- Bugfix: removed expired bookmarks from jquery.bookmark.js (cesag)
- Bugfix: Typos & Missing defines (Thanks Cesag)
- Bugfix: Added a complete event handler to register.php + disable input submit in case of error
- Bugfix: Submit register and edit profile is not Json
- Bugfix: Some html malformed functions
- Bugfix: Corrected image styling (Thx Yuri)
- Bugfix: removed extra divs & closing correctly span (thx Yuri)
- Bugfix: Checking for null values in jquery.oembed.js
- Bugfix: Breaking jquery without adding jquery.coundown.js to core.php
- Bugfix: Correcting how smallworld_getAvatarLink handles non-image values
- Bugfix: More utf-8 special entities not displayed correct
- Bugfix: Problems with wrong username in image uploads->wall Updates
- Bugfix: Fix for deprecated >xoops_setCaching($value) (mamba)
- Bugfix: error in count in admin/index.php

Changelog v.1.15 RC 5
29 April 2012
- Bugfix: Changed maxWidth in Oembeds
- Bugfix: Removed unessasary jquery endings in Js files
- Bugfix: Cut down on core added scripts, replaced insted on page specific includes
- Bugfix: Corrected action on no-user acces to redirect to login page
- Bugfix: Updated jquery.oembed.js to new version
- Bugfix: Avatars with uppercase/lowercase extension giving error. Now checking both.
- Bugfix: Prefixed oembed.css and added new styles
- Bugfix: Added missing js includes.
- NEW   : Shorten text function to use in recent messages
- NEW   : Decode mixed char text. Russian+Danish+English charsets now renders correctly in updates
- NEW   : Added user recent activities to user profiles
- NEW   : Added search functionallity
- Change: Corrected and added language defines (see lang_diff.txt)

Changelog v.1.12 RC 4
23 February 2012
- Bugfix: Sharing on facebook is returning false.
- Bugfix: Share text is sanitizing in wrong type
- Change: Adding special facebook metas
- Change: adjusting bits and pieces

01 Marts 2012
- Bugfix: Emails containg -._ after @ not accepted by validation
- Bugfix: Colorboxes containing info wich is empty showing 
- Bugfix: Validation returning true
- Bugfix: Rankimages isset even if not existing giving error
- Bugfix: el not defined in ajaxupload. Fixed by returning false if not defined

07 Marts 2012
- Bugfix: Crossdomain problem in ajax. Fixed by assigning var to function replaced Xoops_IRl based on request url.
- Bugfix: preloads are multible loaded.
- Bugfix: Merging a few css files into smallworld.css
- Bugfix: Correction language/danish/js/bookmark.js
- Bugfix: Calculating age in profile was (-1 year) when month == this month. Now only if day < this day
- Bugfix: added some return false or e.preventDefault to js functions
- Bugfix: After pressing 'more' - avatar size in comment is wrong
- Change: Preparing test for adding js / css to templates via function based on request page

Changelog v.1.11 RC 3
9. february 2012
- Bugfix: Takeover links not using XOOPS_URL correct (djculex)
- Bugfix: Created function smallworld_getImageSize to test if allow_url_fopen = on else try cUrl else return default for image sizes (djculex)
- Bugfix: ../js/smallworld.js added smallworld_url (xoops_url) to submit in registration (djculex)
- Bugfix: Check if 'interested in' and 'searchrelat' isset else create default serialized array (djculex)

11. Februar 2012
- Bugfix: Added check to see if user images folder already exists in uploads (djculex)
- Bugfix: Check if dateTime obj is != null else return 01-01-1900 or 1900-01-01 (djculex)
- Bugfix: check if gender or country images are set else return '' (djculex)
- Bugfix: Added missing function previously added to svn ?? wierd! (djculex)
- Bugfix: Gender was missing in select multi for form items (djculex)
- Bugfix: Remove error in json reply (djculex)

12. February 2012
- Bugfix: Keep imagegallery in colorbox even if imageData.index is null (djculex)

13. February
- NEW: If number if comments >2 then show 2 comments and show "show more" / "Show less" container (djculex)
- Bugfix: Removed php 5.30 function to convert dateformat and replaced with simpler function (djculex)
- Bugfix: Textarea in updates did not resize while writing. (djculex)
- Bugfix: Dom set max-width to ".update"  (djculex)
- Change: Removed php 5.30 function to calculate difference between dates in Years. (djculex)
- change: Smallworld decreased min-php to >= 5.20 (djculex)
- Change: Replace a split() -> explode() function to remove depreseated info (djculex)
- Change: Center search field, and use imageResize function on avatars (djculex)
- Change: Minor css adjustments
- land_diff: see docs/lang_diff.txt for 2 changes in lang/js/variables.js (djculex)

14. February
- Bugfix: Aply function to only run getSelects.php on register and editprofile.php. (djculex)
- Bugfix: removed anoying pop up [object, object] error (djculex)
- Change: adjusted jSon returned from checks (djculex)

16. February
- Bugfix: Friendship requests sometimes show when empty (djculex)
- Bugfix: Get size of avatar function return void on blank.png (djculex)
- Bugfix: Miss count is most active users in admin (djculex)
- Bugfix: Miscount in todays most active users in admin (djculex)
- Change: min mysql set to 5.0.5 instead of 5.0.7 (djculex)

18. February
- NEW: function to choose random image from uploads and place in update post (djculex)
- Bugfix: Added check for preloads javascript vars to see if vars is already defined (djculex)
- Bugfix: html_entity_decode is not set in returning image link or post from image uploads (djculex)
- Bugfix: Spelling error in english/main.php (tanks -> thanks) (djculex)
- Bugfix: on close upload new images do (location.href = 'editimages.php') instead of index.php
- Bugfix: css url() pointing to wrong folder (djculex)
- Bugfix: Removed empty 
- Bugfix: moved ui-anim_basic_16x16.gif to ..images/
- Change: Changed update text when upload new images to use image and default uploaded new text (djculex)

20. February
- NEW: Finished automated message when upload images (showing link, random image from array) (djculex)
- Bugfix: Discovered jquery was 1.5.1 -> Updated to 1.7.1
- Bugfix: Jquery 1.7.1 revealed bugs in show more/less on updates (djculex)
- Bugfix: changed selector name .finish to .smallworld_finish
- Bugfix: Changed multible return false to e.preventDefault()
- Changed: css, jquery for new addions
- Changed: claning up code etc

Changelog v.1.10 RC 2

8. februar 2012
- Added links for localization in countdown and goggle maps api (djculex)
- Danish language files (djculex)

2. februar 2012
- Bugfix: User website not added to form (djculex)
- Bugfix: Ie adding horizontal scroll to colorbox when not needed (Yeeeeahh IE) (djculex)
31. januar 2012
- Return only year in education & job fields (djculex)
- Adjusted css for Crome, Opera, IE and FF (djculex)

30. januar 2012
- visitor avatar resize missing in a few files (djculex)            
- function to resize avatar proportionally (djculex)
- Adjusted some css (djculex)
- attached colorbox to all avatars & update images (djculex)
- Some missing Js includes (djculex)
- some missing language defines(djculex)              

29. januar 2012
- Streamlining User Admin GUI (beckmi)

26. januar 2012
- Renaming and prefixing functions (djculex)
- show only "show more in profile" if any fields to show (djculex)
- Show fields allowed by admin in profile (djculex)
- Added language define if all fields are disabled (djculex)
- Check for send email is configured to 'no' else send mail (djculex)
- change $modversion name due to name too long for mysql thus being cut short (djculex)

25. januar 2012
- Implimenting colorbox instead of jquery dialog() (djculex)
- Correction in stats() function to show correct user avatar (djculex)
- Css adjustments (djculex)
- Re-attach validate to colorbox forms (djculex)

24. januar 2012
- Trolls stole code changes... bringing back verification php array to javascript array (djculex)
- fixing cURL problem in SmallworldAdmin.php (beckmi)
- code clean-up (beckmi)

23. januar 2012
- Function set to transform image urls to <img> in wall posting (djculex)
- Bugfix: return empty array for function mostactiveusers_allround istead of string (djculex)
- Bugfix: removed redundant containers in function doCheckUpdate() (djculex)

23. januar 2012
- bugfix: wrong count array (djculex)
- Bugfix: Friendinvite.php return array insted of string in following_or function (djculex)

22. januar 2012
- Found a nice function to retrieve remote content (djculex)
- will attempt to use the fopen method first, then curl, then socket (djculex)

Changelog v.1.00 RC 1

21. januar 2012
- Moving ModuleInfo to Index Tab (Mamba)

20. januar 2012
- Admin changes + applying statistics on index.php page thus deleting statistics.php (djculex)

18. januar 2012
- converting to ModuleAdmin (Mamba)
- removing hard-coded links (Mamba)
- fixing translations (Mamba)
- Adjusting folder structure (Mamba)
- Adjusting folder structure (Mamba)

16. januar 2012
- Admin descide fields to use assigned on edit_profile (djculex)
- Added usefields and useverification on fields to initial load (djculex)
- Enable user to change his profile while under inspection by admin (djculex)
- Select multi fields for configs (djculex)

15. januar 2012
- avoid distorded resizing in picture gallery (djculex)

11. januar 2012
- rename xoops_smallworldadmin to $ to avoid jquery conflict (djculex)

28. december 2011
- Fix: visitor avatar not showing correct when commenting in userprofile.php (djculex)
- adjusted for IE (djculex)
- css adjustments for IE (suprice suprice) (djculex)
- Css for IE not showing ok. ajusted a few places (djculex)
- adjusting functions to show best best & rated users (djculex)
- fix: searchbox css wrong position in IE (djculex)
- Fixed oembed giving permission denied using bandcamp (djculex)

27. december 2011
- modal avatar show on image click (djculex)

26. december 2011
- Hide upload image input button on successfull upload (djculex)

24. december 2011
- Full opload of smallworld 1.0 for beta testing. (djculex)

??. Marts 2011
- Starting development on Smallworld (slowly slowly) (Culex)