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Test Coverage
<h5>1.17 Beta 1   [2017-09-04]</h5>
- conversion of Userlog helper class to XMF (mamba)
- short array syntax (mamba)
- converted to Yoda syntax (mamba)
- CSS cosmetics (mamba)
- converted to XMF Request (mamba)

<h5>1.17 Alpha 3   [NOT RELEASED]</h5>
- XOOPS 2.5.9, PHP 7 (mamba)
- Converted to XOOPS 2.5.8 Admin GUI (mamba)
- removed @version (mamba)
- PSR-2 code cosmetics (mamba)
- addNavigation(basename(__FILE__))  (mamba)
- dirname(__FILE__) to __DIR__ (mamba)
- replaced < br /> with < br > (mamba)
- Unnecessary double quotes (mamba)
- reference mismatch (mamba)
- Hardening to type safe (mamba)
- update Help (mamba)
- changed _handler to Handler (mamba)
- removed '/' from void HTML elements (&lt;br&gt;, &lt;img&gt;, etc) (mamba)
- HTML 5: removed 'selected' and 'checked' (mamba)
- updated file headers for consistency (mamba)
- renamed several $indexAdmin with $adminObject for consistency (mamba)
- Updates for PayPal changes (zyspec)
- added Contributing.md (mamba)
- moved functions to Utility class (mamba)
- include_once to require_once (mamba)
- php-cs-fixer updates (mamba)
- started conversion to XMF (mamba)
    &nbsp;&nbsp;- updated addInfoBoxLine entries (mamba)
    &nbsp;&nbsp;- displayNavigation(basename(__FILE__))  (mamba)
    &nbsp;&nbsp;- changed to ->displayButton('left') (mamba)

<h5>1.17 Alpha 2             [NOT RELEASED]</h5>
- bug fixes (mamba)
- updated Browsecap to 2.1.1 (mamba)

<h5>1.17 Alpha 1             [NOT RELEASED]</h5>
- removed @version (mamba)
- some PSR-2 code cosmetics (mamba)
- addNavigation(basename(__FILE__))  (mamba)
- dirname(__FILE__) to __DIR__ (mamba)
- XOOPS 2.5.8, PHP 7 (mamba)
- replaced < b /> with < b > (mamba)
- Unnecessary double quotes (mamba)
- reference mismatch (mamba)
- Hardening to type safe (mamba)
- update Help (mamba)
- changed _handler to Handler (mamba)
- moved all images, CSS, and JS files to /assets (mamba)
- renamed .html Smarty templates to .tpl (mamba)
- replaced UserlogRequest with XoopsRequest (mamba)
- changed intval to (int) (mamba)

<h5>1.16 Alpha 3             [NOT RELEASED]</h5>
- Standard norms updated and fixed typos for the English folder (Cesag) (2013/10/04)
- Adding PHP 5.5.x implementation for preg_replace_callback (Mamba) (2013/09/23)
- bug fix: persian translations turned to utf-8 without BOM in language/persian/*.* (2013/05/20)
- improve: if empty($subscribe_from) item() will return $script_arr["item_name"] name of the item = array("subscribe_from1", "subscribe_from2") Name of the script
   in class/log.php ,class/plugin/newbb.php , modules/newbb/class/plugin/userlog.php (2013/05/20)
- improve: use item($subscribe_from) in class/log.php, class/plugin/interface.php, class/plugin/newbb.php , modules/newbb/class/plugin/userlog.php(2013/05/15)
- improve: improve xoops 2.6.0 plugin system. ability to add plugin of other modules in the module itself.
    change: class/plugin/plugin.php
    add: class/plugin/newbb.php
- improve: only setItem when there is a notification in that script page. in include/log.php and class/log.php setItem function(2013/05/14)
- add: itemId($item_name) plugin: any module can define a plugin to get its itemId based on item_name. now newbb:
        In very rare occasions like newbb the item_id is not in the URL $_REQUEST.
        in class/log.php setItem function, modules/newbb/class/plugin/userlog.php (2013/05/14)
- add: UserlogPlugin same as xoops 2.6.0 to make possible for other modules to change the userlog functionality. add: class/plugin/plugin.php, class/plugin/Abstract.php, class/plugin/interface.php (2013/05/14)
- add: 2 known issue added in docs/readme.txt (2013/05/13)
- bug fix: only show moduleadmin when there is 'op=' in class/query.php (2013/05/13)
- bug fix: return fakse instead of '' in class/query.php (2013/05/13)
- improve: use Browscap.php from https://github.com/GaretJax/phpbrowscap/ instead of php get_browser.php
            to use the php_browscap.ini without the needs to configure the php.ini (2013/05/13)
            change: in class/helper.php, class/stats.php and class/log.php
            add: class/phpbrowscap/Browscap.php
- add: module admin history to show install, update, uninstall activities. in class/query.php and admin/stats.php and templates/admin/userlog_admin_stats_moduleadmin.html (2013/05/11)
- fix: remove patch login/register history when pass and user = empty in class/patch/patch_login_history.php  (2013/05/11)
- add: Delete expired statistics function in class stats for types when time_update < expire time. in class/stats.php  (2013/05/11)
- improve: add a query class to unify all query actions.  (2013/05/11)
    change: admin/stats.php, blocks/login_reg_history.php, blocks/stats_type.php
    add: class/query.php
- enhance: rename logo file to images/logo_module.png  (2013/05/11)
- enhance: rename js file to remove $dirname. change: admin/menu.php add: templates/js/scripts.js remove: templates/js/userlog.js  (2013/05/11)
- enhance: rephrase all templates and remove $dirname from php files.  (2013/05/11)
    change: admin/file.php, admin/logs.php, admin/setting.php, admin/stats.php
    add: templates/blocks/userlog_block_login_reg_history.html, templates/blocks/userlog_block_stats_type.html, templates/blocks/userlog_block_views.html
            templates/admin/userlog_admin_file.html, templates/admin/userlog_admin_logs.html, templates/admin/userlog_admin_sets.html, templates/admin/userlog_admin_stats.html
    remove: templates/blocks/userlog_login_reg_history.html, templates/blocks/userlog_stats_type.html, templates/blocks/userlog_views.html
            templates/userlog_admin_file.html, templates/userlog_admin_logs.html, templates/userlog_admin_sets.html, templates/userlog_admin_stats.html

- change version to 1.16 ALPHA 2 (2013/05/11)

- change version to 1.15 ALPHA 2 (2013/05/05)
- add: recognize bots and crawlers with get_browser in statistics in class/log.php and class/stats.php (2013/05/06)
- improve: drop 'log_id_uid' index and add 'log_time' index in '_log' table (for DELETE logs older than feature ...) in include/module.php and sql/mysql.php (2013/05/05)
- improve: change 'stats_type_link_period' index to unique in '_stats' table in include/module.php and sql/mysql.php (very important)(2013/05/05)
- improve: add insertUpdate function to enhance the 'insert' XOOPS core function and use "ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE" to update (increment) any stats type (log, logdel, set, file, referral, browser, OS, ...) in class/stats.php (2013/05/05)
- enhance: add more comments for alter/show functions in class/log.php (2013/05/05)

<h5>1.14        </h5>
- enhance: rename hard-code class/userlog.php to class/helper.php in include/common.php (2013/05/04)
- enhance: remove hard-code dirname in admin/menu.php (2013/05/03)
- improve: add index_type to addIndex function in class/log.php (2013/05/03)
- enhance: define a new log_paths var to get/set all paths without hard-code in xoops_version.php (2013/05/03)
- enhance: remove all hard-coded tables in files to show an example of ready-for-cloning for other modules. in xoops_version.php and class/log.php, class/setting.php and class/stats.php (2013/05/03)
- add: Upgrade and Downgrade instructions in docs/readme.txt. (2013/05/01)
- add: required functions like "show" "change" "drop" "add" to work with "table", "table field" and "table index" in class/log.php (2013/04/30)
- add: some css enhancements DESC ASC hover templates/css/style.css and templates/userlog_admin_logs.html (2013/04/30)
- improve: remove all hard-code /userlog/ paths in templates. use definitions in help for simplicity. in templates/blocks/userlog_login_reg_history.html and language/english/help/help.html (2013/04/28)
- change version to 1.14 ALPHA 2 (2013/04/27)
- update all settings in database with new options ",active,inside,outside,unset_pass" in upgrade in include/module.php (2013/04/27)
- add: Ability to Log visitors come from inside/outside your site (referrals) in in class/setting.php and include/log.php and language/english/admin.php (2013/04/27)
- add: possibility to dont log passwords in class/setting.php and class/helper.php and include/log.php and language/english/admin.php (2013/04/27)
- add: can set a single setting as active or idle in class/setting.php and admin/setting.php and include/log.php and templates/userlog_admin_sets.html and templates/css/style.css and language/english/admin.php (2013/04/27)
- security improve: unset passwords information in blocks for more security in blocks/login_reg_history.php (2013/04/27)
- improve: possibility to log methods when user dont set to log request_method itself in class/log.php (2013/04/27)

<h5>1.12        </h5>
- improve: check if all values are empty and do not log if all values are empty in class/setting.php and include/log.php (2013/04/26)
- change version to 1.12 ALPHA 1 (2013/04/24)
- add language and config for elapsed times in xoops_version.php and language/english/admin.php and admin/stats.php and blocks/login_reg_history.php(2013/04/24)
- add stats_type block (referral, browser, OS) (2013/04/24)

<h5>1.11        </h5>
- change version to 1.11 ALPHA 1 (2013/04/24)
- add languages for failed and successful in language/english/admin.php and admin/stats.php (2013/04/24)
- add: login / register history block in xoops_version.php and blocks/login_reg_history.php and templates/blocks/userlog_login_reg_history.html (2013/04/24)

<h5>1.10        </h5>
- improve performance: patch login/register $_POST before store to database in class/helper.php and class/setting.php and class/log.php and admin/stats.php and class/patch/patch_login_history.php (2013/04/24)
- add: login / register history in admin/stats.php(2013/04/23)
- improve performance: only get needed stats from getAll($type) function in class/stats.php and admin/stats.php and admin/index.php (2013/04/23)
- improve performance: dont need to getAll($type) before update($type) (2013/04/23)
- add: add browser and OS to stats table to show browsers and Operating system in class/stats.php and class/log.php and admin/stats.php(2013/04/23)
- change version to 1.1 ALPHA 1 (2013/04/21)
- fix: prevent to select if no module with item is installed in blocks/views.php and templates/js/userlog.js (2013/04/21)
- add: check $_POST before load log module in preloads/core.php and xoops_version.php and include/postlog.php and language/english/modinfo.php and class/helper.php(2013/04/21)
- add: show time update in admin/index.php and admin/stats.php (2013/04/22)
- add: add referral to stats table to show outside referer websites in class/stats.php and admin/stats.php(2013/04/22)
- improve: update referral in stats table when the log contain it (2013/04/22)

<h5>1.01        </h5>
- improve: remove all get() functions in userlog classes to be more compatible with xoops26 in class/setting.php and class/log.php and class/stats.php (2013/04/17)
- improve: use "XoopsLocale" instead of "XoopsLocal" in xoops26 in class/helper.php (2013/04/17)
- improve: add "static" to functions to be more compatible with xoops26 in preloads/core.php (2013/04/17)
- improve: make getGroupby() function compatible with xoops26 in class/log.php (2013/04/17)
- improve: add missing configcat in xoops_version.php to be more compatible with xoops26 in xoops_version.php and language/LANG/modinfo.php (2013/04/17)
- improve: replace all '->XoopsFileHandler' with  '->__construct' to be more compatible with xoops26 in class/log.php(2013/04/17)
- change version to 1.01 Final (2013/04/17)
- fix and improve: add eventCoreIncludeFunctionsRedirectheader to log redirects because usually prorammers use exit() after redirect_header function. in include/log.php and preloads/core.php(2013/04/17)
- fix: empty smarty variables cause some errors in templates. in admin/logs.php (2013/04/16)
- add: search logs by using a setting (logby-unique_id) in templates/userlog_admin_sets.html (2013/04/13)
- fix: sometimes xoops core getGroups() funxtion return duplicate groups in class/setting.php and admin/stats.php (2013/04/13)
- add: display referer as a link in templates/userlog_admin_logs.html (2013/04/10)
- fix: dont count groups when groups = '' in admin/stats.php (2013/04/10)
- fix: dont display groups when groups = '' in arrayToDisplay function in class/log.php (2013/04/10)
- fix: error checking when user try to edit a setting (logby,unique id) to an exist one in admin/setting.php (2013/04/10)
- fix: change 'system-root' to 'system' after log to not conflict with future access by XOOPS in include/log.php(2013/04/10)
- fix: not select the working file in select box when the default browsing file in preferences is working file in class/log.php(2013/04/10)
- fix: add create folder advise when the parent folder is under 755 in admin/index.php(2013/04/09)
- bug fix: default file(s) should only be selected when user dont click on submit in class/log.php and admin/file.php (2013/04/08)
- bug fix: uid and groups should not be in group by in class/log.php (2013/04/08)
- bug fix: use $this->getVar('unique_id') (int ip) instead of $this->unique_id() (string ip) in class/setting.php(2013/04/08)
- change version to 1.01 RC 1 (2013/04/07)
- add update functionality - e.g.: update is possible from v1 beta1 to v1.01 rc1(2013/04/07)
- fix: change module_name field in mod_userlog_log table size from VARCHAR(25) to VARCHAR(50) (2013/04/07)

<h5>1.00        </h5>
- fix and improve: parse all files in all paths before any action in class/log.php and admin/file.php(2013/04/06)
- fix: return false when no file is selected in class/log.php(2013/04/06)
- fix: hide filename element when delete is selected in admin/file.php(2013/04/06)
- improve: show the name of action in confirm box in admin/file.php(2013/04/06)
- change version to BETA 1(2013/04/01)
- fix some parts in templates, definitions, help.html(2013/04/01)
- bug fix: item_id is int not text. add greater than and lower than for item_id in logs form(2013/04/01)
- add persian language(2013/04/01)
- add page admin (yes/no) to table logs in database for recognizing admin pages(2013/03/21)
- change version to ALPHA 2(2013/03/19)
- enhance admin/logs.php template to show admin(y/n), group names, user link, user ip link to whois, ...(2013/03/19)
- add HomePage to module scope. It will be for all root scripts like ROOT/admin.php(2013/03/19)
- add module name to table logs in database for better performance(2013/03/19)
- add user views, group views, item views form to statistics page(2013/03/19)
- add filemanager to delete/rename/copy/merge/zip/export-csv log files(2013/03/12)
- add getModules function, add check all items in views block (2013/03/12)
- add export to csv. add statistics page. rewrite views functions (2013/03/11)
- add more GUI facilities to admin/logs.php. a complete toggle formhead can remember the last status for each admin, reset button, up/down. (2013/03/07)
- add number of items to display and fix script_name bug in views block.(2013/03/05)
- add delete/purge for engine=db(2013/03/04)
- add log status. active/idle(2013/03/04)
- add a complete file browsing engine can accept any file, criteria, pagination, sort,order (2013/03/04)
- use json_encode instead of serialize for better performance. (2013/03/04)
- add webmaster permission from file to avoid other webmasters to access.(2013/03/02)
- add probabilities to preferences for sets and stats.(previously hardcoded)(2013/03/02)
- add delete/create cache setting files messages.(previously hardcoded)(2013/03/02)