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 You may not change or alter any portion of this comment or credits
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 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of

 * Wfdownloads module
 * @copyright       XOOPS Project (https://xoops.org)
 * @license         GNU GPL 2 or later (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html)
 * @package         wfdownload
 * @since           3.23
 * @author          Xoops Development Team

use Xmf\Module\Admin;
use Xmf\Request;
use XoopsModules\Wfdownloads\{
/** @var Helper $helper */
/** @var Utility $utility */
/** @var DownloadHandler $downloadsHandler */

$currentFile = basename(__FILE__);
require_once __DIR__ . '/admin_header.php';

// Check directories
if (!is_dir($helper->getConfig('uploaddir'))) {
    redirect_header('index.php', 4, _AM_WFDOWNLOADS_ERROR_UPLOADDIRNOTEXISTS);
if (!is_dir(XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/' . $helper->getConfig('mainimagedir'))) {
    redirect_header('index.php', 4, _AM_WFDOWNLOADS_ERROR_MAINIMAGEDIRNOTEXISTS);
if (!is_dir(XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/' . $helper->getConfig('screenshots'))) {
    redirect_header('index.php', 4, _AM_WFDOWNLOADS_ERROR_SCREENSHOTSDIRNOTEXISTS);
if (!is_dir(XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/' . $helper->getConfig('catimage'))) {
    redirect_header('index.php', 4, _AM_WFDOWNLOADS_ERROR_CATIMAGEDIRNOTEXISTS);

$op = Request::getString('op', 'import.menu');
switch ($op) {
    case 'import.MyDownloads':
        $ok = Request::getBool('ok', false, 'POST');
        if (true === $ok) {
            // Import data from MyDownloads
            // Downloads imported
            redirect_header($currentFile, 1, _AM_WFDOWNLOADS_IMPORT_IMPORT_OK);
        } else {
            xoops_confirm(['op' => 'import.MyDownloads', 'ok' => true], $currentFile, _AM_WFDOWNLOADS_IMPORT_RUSURE);
    case 'import.PD-Downloads':
        $ok = Request::getBool('ok', false, 'POST');
        if (true === $ok) {
            // Import data from PD-Downloads
            // Downloads imported
            //redirect_header($currentFile, 1, _AM_WFDOWNLOADS_IMPORT_IMPORT_OK);
        } else {
            xoops_confirm(['op' => 'import.PD-Downloads', 'ok' => true], $currentFile, _AM_WFDOWNLOADS_IMPORT_RUSURE);
    case 'import.wmpownloads':
        $ok = Request::getBool('ok', false, 'POST');
        if (true === $ok) {
            // Import data from wmpownloads
            // Downloads imported
            //redirect_header($currentFile, 1, _AM_WFDOWNLOADS_IMPORT_IMPORT_OK);
        } else {
            xoops_confirm(['op' => 'import.wmpownloads', 'ok' => true], $currentFile, _AM_WFDOWNLOADS_IMPORT_RUSURE);
    case 'import.wfd322':
        $ok = Request::getBool('ok', false, 'POST');
        if (true === $ok) {
            // Import data from wfd322
            // Downloads imported
            //redirect_header($currentFile, 1, _AM_WFDOWNLOADS_IMPORT_IMPORT_OK);
        } else {
            xoops_confirm(['op' => 'import.wfd322', 'ok' => true], $currentFile, _AM_WFDOWNLOADS_IMPORT_RUSURE);
    case 'import.TDMDownloads':
        $ok = Request::getBool('ok', false, 'POST');
        if (true === $ok) {
            // Import data from wfd322
            // Downloads imported
            //redirect_header($currentFile, 1, _AM_WFDOWNLOADS_IMPORT_IMPORT_OK);
        } else {
            xoops_confirm(['op' => 'import.TDMDownloads', 'ok' => true], $currentFile, _AM_WFDOWNLOADS_IMPORT_RUSURE);
    case 'import.menu':
        $adminObject = Admin::getInstance();

        echo '<fieldset><legend>' . _AM_WFDOWNLOADS_IMPORT_INFORMATION . "</legend>\n";
        echo '<div>' . _AM_WFDOWNLOADS_IMPORT_INFORMATION_TEXT . "</div>\n";
        echo "</fieldset>\n";

        //ask what to do
        require_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/class/xoopsformloader.php';

        $form = new XoopsThemeForm(_AM_WFDOWNLOADS_IMPORT_BUTTON_IMPORT, 'form', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
        // Avoid module to import form itself
        // Is wf-downloads installed?
        if ($helper->getModule()->dirname() !== 'wf' . 'downloads') {
            $got_options = false;
            if (Utility::checkModule('wf' . 'downloads')) { // don't modify, is for cloning
                $moduleVersion = round(Utility::checkModule('wf' . 'downloads') / 100, 2); // don't modify, is for cloning
                $button        = new XoopsFormButton(_AM_WFDOWNLOADS_IMPORT_WFD . '<br>' . $moduleVersion, 'wmp_button', _AM_WFDOWNLOADS_IMPORT_BUTTON_IMPORT, 'submit');
            } else {
        //Is MyDownloads installed?
        $got_options = false;
        if (Utility::checkModule('mydownloads')) {
            $moduleVersion = round(Utility::checkModule('mydownloads') / 100, 2);
            $button        = new XoopsFormButton(_AM_WFDOWNLOADS_IMPORT_MYDOWNLOADS . '<br>' . $moduleVersion, 'myd_button', _AM_WFDOWNLOADS_IMPORT_BUTTON_IMPORT, 'submit');
        } else {
        //Is PD-Downloads installed?
        $got_options = false;
        if (Utility::checkModule('PDdownloads')) {
            $moduleVersion = round(Utility::checkModule('PDdownloads') / 100, 2);
            $button        = new XoopsFormButton(_AM_WFDOWNLOADS_IMPORT_PDDOWNLOADS . '<br>' . $moduleVersion, 'pd_button', _AM_WFDOWNLOADS_IMPORT_BUTTON_IMPORT, 'submit');
        } else {
        //Is wmpownloads installed?
        $got_options = false;
        if (Utility::checkModule('wmpdownloads')) {
            $moduleVersion = round(Utility::checkModule('wmpdownloads') / 100, 2);
            $button        = new XoopsFormButton(_AM_WFDOWNLOADS_IMPORT_WMPOWNLOADS . '<br>' . $moduleVersion, 'wmp_button', _AM_WFDOWNLOADS_IMPORT_BUTTON_IMPORT, 'submit');
        } else {
        //Is TDMDownloads installed?
        $got_options = false;
        if (Utility::checkModule('tdmdownloads')) {
            $moduleVersion = round(Utility::checkModule('tdmdownloads') / 100, 2);
            $button        = new XoopsFormButton(_AM_WFDOWNLOADS_IMPORT_TDMDOWNLOADS . '<br>' . $moduleVersion, 'wmp_button', _AM_WFDOWNLOADS_IMPORT_BUTTON_IMPORT, 'submit');
        } else {

        $form->addElement(new XoopsFormHidden('op', 0));
        require_once __DIR__ . '/admin_footer.php';

// ========================================================
// Conversion file for any version before WF-Downloads 3
// ========================================================
// This file contains 3 functions to do necessary updates either when
// converting from mydownloads to Wfdownloads or upgrading any
// 2.x version of Wfdownloads to version 3.
// Starting with WF-Downloads 3.00 we will have a different procedure
// since version information will be stored in the database of Wfdownloads
//      function import_wfd_to_wfdownloads
//         This one is needed to import data from WF-Downloads
//      function import_mydownloads_to_wfdownloads
//         This one is needed to import data from MyDownloads
//      function import_pddownloads_to_wfdownloads
//         This one is needed to import data from PDdownloads
//      function import_wmpdownloads_to_wfdownloads
//         This one is needed to import data from wmpdownloads
//      function import_tdmdownloads_to_wfdownloads
//         This one is needed to import data from TDMDownloads
// =========================================================================================
// This function imports data from WF-Downloads
// =========================================================================================
 * @throws \Exception
function import_wfd_to_wfdownloads()
    /** @var \XoopsModuleHandler $moduleHandler */
    $moduleHandler = xoops_getHandler('module');
    // Get destination module/handlers/configs
    $helper = Helper::getInstance();

    // Get source module/config
    $wfdDirname = 'wf' . 'downloads'; // don't modify, is for cloning
    $wfdModule  = $moduleHandler->getByDirname($wfdDirname);
    if (empty($wfdModuleConfig)) {
        /** @var \XoopsConfigHandler $configHandler */
        $configHandler   = xoops_getHandler('config');
        $wfdModuleConfig = $configHandler->getConfigsByCat(0, $wfdModule->mid());
    $categoriesHandler = $helper->getHandler('Category');
    $downloadsHandler = $helper->getHandler('Download');

    echo "<br><span style='font-weight: bold;'>Copying Files</span><br>";

    // Copy categories images/thumbnails
    if (!Utility::copyDir(XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/' . $wfdModuleConfig['catimage'], XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/' . $helper->getConfig('catimage'))) {
        return false;
    echo 'Copied categories images and thumbnails<br>';

    // Copy screenshots images/thumbnails
    if (!Utility::copyDir(XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/' . $wfdModuleConfig['screenshots'], XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/' . $helper->getConfig('screenshots'))) {
        return false;
    echo 'Copied downloads screenshots and thumbnails<br>';

    // Copy files
    $wfdDownloadObjs = $downloadsHandler->getObjects();
    $countCopied     = 0;
    $countNotCopied  = 0;
    foreach ($wfdDownloadObjs as $wfdDownloadObj) {
        if (Utility::copyFile($wfdModuleConfig['uploaddir'] . '/' . $wfdDownloadObj->getVar('filename'), $helper->getConfig('uploaddir') . '/' . $wfdDownloadObj->getVar('filename'))) {
            echo "<span style='color:green;'>" . $wfdModuleConfig['uploaddir'] . '/' . $wfdDownloadObj->getVar('filename') . ' copied</span><br>';
        } else {
            echo "<span style='color:red;'>ERROR copying:" . $wfdModuleConfig['uploaddir'] . '/' . $wfdDownloadObj->getVar('filename') . '</span><br>';
    echo 'Files copied: ' . $countCopied;
    echo '<br>';
    echo 'Files not copied: ' . $countNotCopied;
    echo '<br>';
    echo '<br>';

    $destination = [
        'cat'       => $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->prefix('wfdownloads_cat'),
        'downloads' => $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->prefix('wfdownloads_downloads'),
        'mirrors'   => $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->prefix('wfdownloads_mirrors'),
        'reviews'   => $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->prefix('wfdownloads_reviews'),
        'broken'    => $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->prefix('wfdownloads_broken'),
        'mod'       => $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->prefix('wfdownloads_mod'),
        'votes'     => $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->prefix('wfdownloads_votedata'),

    $source = [
        'cat'       => $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->prefix('wf' . 'downloads_cat'), // don't modify, is for cloning
        'downloads' => $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->prefix('wf' . 'downloads_downloads'), // don't modify, is for cloning
        'mirrors'   => $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->prefix('wf' . 'downloads_mirrors'), // don't modify, is for cloning
        'reviews'   => $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->prefix('wf' . 'downloads_reviews'), // don't modify, is for cloning
        'broken'    => $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->prefix('wf' . 'downloads_broken'), // don't modify, is for cloning
        'mod'       => $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->prefix('wf' . 'downloads_mod'), // don't modify, is for cloning
        'votes'     => $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->prefix('wf' . 'downloads_votedata'),
    ]; // don't modify, is for cloning

    //Add temporary field to category table
    $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->query("ALTER TABLE {$destination['cat']} ADD `old_cid` int NOT NULL default 0");
    $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->query("ALTER TABLE {$destination['cat']} ADD `old_pid` int NOT NULL default 0");
    //Add temporary fields to downloads table
    $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->query("ALTER TABLE {$destination['downloads']} ADD `old_lid` int NOT NULL default 0");
    $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->query("ALTER TABLE {$destination['downloads']} ADD `old_cid` int NOT NULL default 0");

    //Get latest mirror ID to determine which records will need an updated lid value afterwards
    $result = $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->query("SELECT MAX(mirror_id) FROM {$destination['mirrors']}");
    [$max_mirrorid] = $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->fetchRow($result);
    //Get latest review ID to determine which records will need an updated lid value afterwards
    $result = $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->query("SELECT MAX(review_id) FROM {$destination['reviews']}");
    [$max_reviewid] = $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->fetchRow($result);
    //Get latest mod request ID to determine which records will need an updated lid value afterwards
    $result = $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->query("SELECT MAX(requestid) FROM {$destination['mod']}");
    [$max_requestid] = $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->fetchRow($result);
    //Get latest report ID to determine, which records will need an updated lid value afterwards
    $result = $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->query("SELECT MAX(reportid) FROM {$destination['broken']}");
    [$max_reportid] = $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->fetchRow($result);
    //Get latest vote ID to determine which records will need an updated lid value afterwards
    $result = $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->query("SELECT MAX(ratingid) FROM {$destination['votes']}");
    [$max_ratingid] = $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->fetchRow($result);

    //Import data into category table
    if (Utility::checkModule('wf' . 'downloads') >= 320) {
        $sql = "INSERT INTO {$destination['cat']} (";
        $sql .= ' `old_cid`, `old_pid`, `title`, `imgurl`, `description`, `total`, `summary`, `spotlighttop`, `spotlighthis`, `dohtml`, `dosmiley`, `doxcode`, `doimage`, `dobr`, `weight`, `formulize_fid`';
        $sql .= ' ) SELECT ';
        $sql .= ' `cid`,     `pid`,     `title`, `imgurl`, `description`, `total`, `summary`, `spotlighttop`, `spotlighthis`, `dohtml`, `dosmiley`, `doxcode`, `doimage`, `dobr`, `weight`, `formulize_fid`';
        $sql .= " FROM {$source['cat']}";
    } else {
        $sql = "INSERT INTO {$destination['cat']} (";
        $sql .= ' `old_cid`, `old_pid`, `title`, `imgurl`, `description`, `total`, `summary`, `spotlighttop`, `spotlighthis`, `dohtml`, `dosmiley`, `doxcode`, `doimage`, `dobr`, `weight`';
        $sql .= ' ) SELECT ';
        $sql .= ' `cid`,     `pid`,     `title`, `imgurl`, `description`, `total`, `summary`, `spotlighttop`, `spotlighthis`, `dohtml`, `dosmiley`, `doxcode`, `doimage`, `dobr`, `weight`';
        $sql .= " FROM {$source['cat']}";
    echo "Imported {$GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->getAffectedRows()} categories into {$destination['cat']}<br>";

    //Import data into downloads table
    if (Utility::checkModule('wf' . 'downloads') >= 320) {
        $sql = "INSERT INTO {$destination['downloads']} (";
        $sql .= ' `cid`, `old_lid`, `old_cid`, `title`, `url`, `filename`, `filetype`, `homepage`, `version`, `size`, `platform`, `screenshot`, `screenshot2`, `screenshot3`, `screenshot4`, `submitter`, `publisher`, `status`, `date`, `hits`, `rating`, `votes`, `comments`, `license`, `mirror`, `price`, `paypalemail`, `features`, `requirements`, `homepagetitle`, `forumid`, `limitations`, `versiontypes`, `dhistory`, `published`, `expired`, `updated`, `offline`, `summary`, `description`, `ipaddress`, `notifypub`, `formulize_idreq`';
        $sql .= ' ) SELECT ';
        $sql .= ' 0,     `lid`,     `cid`,     `title`, `url`, `filename`, `filetype`, `homepage`, `version`, `size`, `platform`, `screenshot`, `screenshot2`, `screenshot3`, `screenshot4`, `submitter`, `publisher`, `status`, `date`, `hits`, `rating`, `votes`, `comments`, `license`, `mirror`, `price`, `paypalemail`, `features`, `requirements`, `homepagetitle`, `forumid`, `limitations`, `versiontypes`, `dhistory`, `published`, `expired`, `updated`, `offline`, `summary`, `description`, `ipaddress`, `notifypub`, `formulize_idreq`';
        $sql .= " FROM {$source['downloads']}";
    } else {
        $sql = "INSERT INTO {$destination['downloads']} (";
        $sql .= ' `cid`, `old_lid`, `old_cid`, `title`, `url`, `filename`, `filetype`, `homepage`, `version`, `size`, `platform`, `screenshot`, `submitter`, `publisher`, `status`, `date`, `hits`, `rating`, `votes`, `comments`, `license`, `mirror`, `price`, `paypalemail`, `features`, `requirements`, `homepagetitle`, `forumid`, `limitations`, `dhistory`, `published`, `expired`, `updated`, `offline`, `summary`, `description`, `ipaddress`, `notifypub`';
        $sql .= ' ) SELECT ';
        $sql .= ' 0,     `lid`,     `cid`,     `title`, `url`, `filename`, `filetype`, `homepage`, `version`, `size`, `platform`, `screenshot`, `submitter`, `publisher`, `status`, `date`, `hits`, `rating`, `votes`, `comments`, `license`, `mirror`, `price`, `paypalemail`, `features`, `requirements`, `homepagetitle`, `forumid`, `limitations`, `dhistory`, `published`, `expired`, `updated`, `offline`, `summary`, `description`, `ipaddress`, `notifypub`';
        $sql .= " FROM {$source['downloads']}";
    echo "Imported {$GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->getAffectedRows()} downloads into {$destination['downloads']}<br>";

    //Import data into mirrors table
    $sql = "INSERT INTO {$destination['mirrors']} (";
    $sql .= ' `lid`, `title`, `homeurl`, `location`, `continent`, `downurl`, `submit`, `date`, `uid`';
    $sql .= ' ) SELECT';
    $sql .= ' `lid`, `title`, `homeurl`, `location`, `continent`, `downurl`, `submit`, `date`, `uid`';
    $sql .= " FROM {$source['mirrors']}";
    echo "Imported {$GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->getAffectedRows()} mirrors into {$destination['mirrors']}<br>";

    //Import data into reviews table
    if (Utility::checkModule('wf' . 'downloads') >= 320) {
        $sql = "INSERT INTO {$destination['reviews']} (";
        $sql .= ' `lid`, `title`, `review`, `submit`, `date`, `uid`, `rate`';
        $sql .= ' ) SELECT';
        $sql .= ' `lid`, `title`, `review`, `submit`, `date`, `uid`, `rate`';
        $sql .= " FROM {$source['reviews']}";
    } else {
        $sql = "INSERT INTO {$destination['reviews']} (";
        $sql .= ' `lid`, `title`, `review`, `submit`, `date`, `uid`';
        $sql .= ' ) SELECT';
        $sql .= ' `lid`, `title`, `review`, `submit`, `date`, `uid`';
        $sql .= " FROM {$source['reviews']}";
    echo "Imported {$GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->getAffectedRows()} reviews into {$destination['reviews']}<br>";

    //Import data into brokens table
    $sql = "INSERT INTO {$destination['broken']} (";
    $sql .= ' `lid`, `sender`, `date`, `ip`';
    $sql .= ' ) SELECT';
    $sql .= ' `lid`, `sender`, `date`, `ip`';
    $sql .= " FROM {$source['broken']}";
    echo "Imported {$GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->getAffectedRows()} broken reports into {$destination['broken']}<br>";

    //Import data into votedata table
    $sql = "INSERT INTO {$destination['votes']} (";
    $sql .= ' `lid`, `ratinguser`, `rating`, `ratinghostname`, `ratingtimestamp`';
    $sql .= ' ) SELECT';
    $sql .= ' `lid`, `ratinguser`, `rating`, `ratinghostname`, `ratingtimestamp`';
    $sql .= " FROM {$source['votes']}";
    echo "Imported {$GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->getAffectedRows()} votes into {$destination['votes']}<br>";

    //Import data into mod request table
    $sql = "INSERT INTO {$destination['mod']} (";
    $sql .= ' `lid`, `cid`, `title`, `url`, `homepage`, `version`, `size`, `platform`, `screenshot`, `description`, `modifysubmitter`, `features`, `requirements`, `publisher`, `dhistory`, `summary`)';
    $sql .= ' SELECT';
    $sql .= ' `lid`, `cid`, `title`, `url`, `homepage`, `version`, `size`, `platform`, `screenshot`, `description`, `modifysubmitter`, `features`, `requirements`, `publisher`, `dhistory`, `summary`';
    $sql .= " FROM {$source['mod']}";
    echo "Imported {$GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->getAffectedRows()} modification requests into {$destination['mod']}<br>";

    // Update category ID to new value
    $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->query("UPDATE {$destination['downloads']} d, {$destination['cat']} c SET d.cid=c.cid WHERE d.old_cid=c.old_cid AND d.old_cid != 0");
    $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->query("UPDATE {$destination['cat']} c1, {$destination['cat']} c2 SET c1.pid=c2.cid WHERE c1.old_pid=c2.old_cid AND c1.old_pid != 0");
    // Update lid values in mod table
    if ($max_requestid) {
        $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->query("UPDATE {$destination['mod']} m, {$destination['cat']} c SET m.cid=c.cid WHERE m.requestid > {$max_requestid} AND c.old_cid=m.cid");
        $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->query("UPDATE {$destination['mod']} m, {$destination['downloads']} d SET m.lid=d.lid WHERE m.requestid > {$max_requestid} AND m.lid=d.old_lid");
    // Update lid values in mirrors table
    if ($max_mirrorid) {
        $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->query("UPDATE {$destination['mirrors']} v, {$destination['downloads']} d SET v.lid=d.lid WHERE v.mirror_id > {$max_mirrorid} AND v.lid=d.old_lid");
    // Update lid values in reviews table
    if ($max_reviewid) {
        $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->query("UPDATE {$destination['reviews']} v, {$destination['downloads']} d SET v.lid=d.lid WHERE v.review_id > {$max_reviewid} AND v.lid=d.old_lid");
    // Update lid values in votedata table
    if ($max_ratingid) {
        $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->query("UPDATE {$destination['votes']} v, {$destination['downloads']} d SET v.lid=d.lid WHERE v.ratingid > {$max_ratingid} AND v.lid=d.old_lid");
    // Update lid values in broken table
    if ($max_reportid) {
        $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->query("UPDATE {$destination['broken']} b, {$destination['downloads']} d SET b.lid=d.lid WHERE b.reportid > {$max_reportid} AND b.lid=d.old_lid");

    //Remove temporary fields
    $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->query('ALTER TABLE ' . $destination['cat'] . ' DROP `old_cid`');
    $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->query('ALTER TABLE ' . $destination['cat'] . ' DROP `old_pid`');
    $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->query('ALTER TABLE ' . $destination['downloads'] . ' DROP `old_cid`');
    $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->query('ALTER TABLE ' . $destination['downloads'] . ' DROP `old_lid`');

    return null;

// =========================================================================================
// This function imports data from mydownloads
// =========================================================================================
function import_wmpdownloads_to_wfdownloads()
    echo '<br>';
    echo '<br>';

    $destination = [
        'cat'       => $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->prefix('wfdownloads_cat'),
        'downloads' => $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->prefix('wfdownloads_downloads'),
        'broken'    => $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->prefix('wfdownloads_broken'),
        'mod'       => $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->prefix('wfdownloads_mod'),
        'votes'     => $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->prefix('wfdownloads_votedata'),

    $source = [
        'cat'       => $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->prefix('wmpdownloads_cat'),
        'downloads' => $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->prefix('wmpdownloads_downloads'),
        'broken'    => $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->prefix('wmpdownloads_broken'),
        'mod'       => $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->prefix('wmpdownloads_mod'),
        'votes'     => $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->prefix('wmpdownloads_votedata'),
        'text'      => $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->prefix('wmpdownloads_text'),

    //Add temporary field to category table
    $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->query('ALTER TABLE ' . $destination['cat'] . ' ADD `old_cid` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0');
    $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->query('ALTER TABLE ' . $destination['cat'] . ' ADD `old_pid` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0');

    //Add temporary fields to downloads table
        'ALTER TABLE ' . $destination['downloads'] . ' ADD `old_lid` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
                                                               ADD `old_cid` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0'

    //Get latest mod request ID to determine which records will need an updated lid value afterwards
    $result = $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->query('SELECT MAX(requestid) FROM ' . $destination['mod']);
    [$max_requestid] = $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->fetchRow($result);
    //Get latest report ID to determine, which records will need an updated lid value afterwards
    $result = $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->query('SELECT MAX(reportid) FROM ' . $destination['broken']);
    [$max_reportid] = $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->fetchRow($result);
    //Get latest vote ID to determine which records will need an updated lid value afterwards
    $result = $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->query('SELECT MAX(ratingid) FROM ' . $destination['votes']);
    [$max_ratingid] = $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->fetchRow($result);

    //Import data into category table
    $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->query('INSERT' . ' INTO ' . $destination['cat'] . ' (`old_cid`, `old_pid`, `title`, `imgurl`, `summary`)' . " SELECT `cid`, `pid`, `title`, `imgurl`, ''" . ' FROM ' . $source['cat']);
    echo 'Imported ' . $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->getAffectedRows() . ' categories into ' . $destination['cat'] . '<br>';
    //Import data into downloads table
        . ' INTO '
        . $destination['downloads']
        . ' (`cid`, `old_lid`, `old_cid`, `title`, `url`, `homepage`, `version`, `size`, `platform`, `screenshot`, `submitter`, `status`, `published`, `hits`, `rating`, `votes`, `comments`, `features`, `requirements`, `dhistory`, `summary`, `description`)'
        . " SELECT 0,`lid`, `cid`, `title`, `url`, `homepage`, `version`, `size`, `platform`, `logourl`, `submitter`, `status`, `date`, `hits`, `rating`, `votes`, `comments`, '', '','','', ''"
        . ' FROM '
        . $source['downloads']
    echo 'Imported ' . $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->getAffectedRows() . ' downloads into ' . $destination['downloads'] . '<br>';
    //Import data into brokens table
    $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->query('INSERT' . ' INTO ' . $destination['broken'] . ' (`lid`, `sender`, `ip`)' . ' SELECT `lid`, `sender`, `ip`' . ' FROM ' . $source['broken']);
    echo 'Imported ' . $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->getAffectedRows() . ' broken reports into ' . $destination['broken'] . '<br>';
    //Import data into votedata table
    $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->query('INSERT' . ' INTO ' . $destination['votes'] . ' (`lid`, `ratinguser`, `rating`, `ratinghostname`, `ratingtimestamp`)' . 'SELECT `lid`, `ratinguser`, `rating`, `ratinghostname`, `ratingtimestamp`' . ' FROM ' . $source['votes']);
    echo 'Imported ' . $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->getAffectedRows() . ' votes into ' . $destination['votes'] . '<br>';
    //Import data into mod request table
        'INSERT INTO '
        . $destination['mod']
        . ' (`lid`, `cid`, `title`, `url`, `homepage`, `version`, `size`, `platform`, `screenshot`, `description`, `modifysubmitter`,`features`, `requirements`, `publisher`, `dhistory`, `summary`)'
        . " SELECT `lid`, `cid`, `title`, `url`, `homepage`, `version`, `size`, `platform`, `logourl`, `description`, `modifysubmitter`,'','','','',''"
        . ' FROM '
        . $source['mod']
    echo 'Imported ' . $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->getAffectedRows() . ' modification requests into ' . $destination['mod'] . '<br>';

    //Update category ID to new value
    $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->query('UPDATE ' . $destination['downloads'] . ' d, ' . $destination['cat'] . ' c SET d.cid=c.cid' . ' WHERE d.old_cid=c.old_cid AND d.old_cid != 0');
    $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->query('UPDATE ' . $destination['cat'] . ' c1, ' . $destination['cat'] . ' c2 SET c1.pid=c2.cid' . ' WHERE c1.old_pid=c2.old_cid AND c1.old_pid != 0');
    if ($max_requestid) {
        $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->query('UPDATE ' . $destination['mod'] . ' m, ' . $destination['cat'] . ' c SET m.cid=c.cid' . ' WHERE m.requestid > ' . $max_requestid . ' AND c.old_cid=m.cid');
        //Update lid values in mod table
        $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->query('UPDATE ' . $destination['mod'] . ' m, ' . $destination['downloads'] . ' d SET m.lid=d.lid' . ' WHERE m.requestid > ' . $max_requestid . ' AND m.lid=d.old_lid');
    if ($max_ratingid) {
        //Update lid values in votedata table
        $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->query('UPDATE ' . $destination['votes'] . ' v, ' . $destination['downloads'] . ' d SET v.lid=d.lid' . ' WHERE v.ratingid > ' . $max_ratingid . ' AND v.lid=d.old_lid');
    if ($max_reportid) {
        //Update lid values in brokens table
        $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->query('UPDATE ' . $destination['broken'] . ' b, ' . $destination['downloads'] . ' d SET b.lid=d.lid' . ' WHERE b.reportid > ' . $max_reportid . ' AND b.lid=d.old_lid');
    //Update description
    $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->query('UPDATE ' . $destination['downloads'] . ' d, ' . $source['text'] . ' t SET d.description=t.description' . ' WHERE t.lid=d.old_lid');

    //Remove temporary fields
    $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->query('ALTER TABLE .' . $destination['cat'] . ' DROP `old_cid`');
    $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->query('ALTER TABLE .' . $destination['cat'] . ' DROP `old_pid`');
    $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->query('ALTER TABLE .' . $destination['downloads'] . ' DROP `old_cid`');
    $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->query('ALTER TABLE .' . $destination['downloads'] . ' DROP `old_lid`');

// =========================================================================================
// This function imports data from pd-downloads
// =========================================================================================
function import_pddownloads_to_wfdownloads()
    echo '<br>';
    echo '<br>';

    $destination = [
        'cat'       => $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->prefix('wfdownloads_cat'),
        'downloads' => $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->prefix('wfdownloads_downloads'),
        'broken'    => $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->prefix('wfdownloads_broken'),
        'mod'       => $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->prefix('wfdownloads_mod'),
        'votes'     => $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->prefix('wfdownloads_votedata'),

    $source = [
        'cat'       => $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->prefix('PDdownloads_cat'),
        'downloads' => $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->prefix('PDdownloads_downloads'),
        'broken'    => $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->prefix('PDdownloads_broken'),
        'mod'       => $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->prefix('PDdownloads_mod'),
        'votes'     => $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->prefix('PDdownloads_votedata'),

    //Add temporary field to category table
    $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->query('ALTER TABLE ' . $destination['cat'] . ' ADD `old_cid` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0');
    $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->query('ALTER TABLE ' . $destination['cat'] . ' ADD `old_pid` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0');

    //Add temporary fields to downloads table
        'ALTER TABLE ' . $destination['downloads'] . ' ADD `old_lid` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
                                                               ADD `old_cid` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0'

    //Get latest mod request ID to determine which records will need an updated lid value afterwards
    $result = $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->query('SELECT MAX(requestid) FROM ' . $destination['mod']);
    [$max_requestid] = $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->fetchRow($result);
    //Get latest report ID to determine, which records will need an updated lid value afterwards
    $result = $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->query('SELECT MAX(reportid) FROM ' . $destination['broken']);
    [$max_reportid] = $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->fetchRow($result);
    //Get latest vote ID to determine which records will need an updated lid value afterwards
    $result = $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->query('SELECT MAX(ratingid) FROM ' . $destination['votes']);
    [$max_ratingid] = $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->fetchRow($result);

    //Import data into category table
    $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->query('INSERT INTO ' . $destination['cat'] . ' (`old_cid`, `old_pid`, `title`, `imgurl`, `description`, `total`, `weight`)' . ' SELECT `cid`, `pid`, `title`, `imgurl`, `description`, `total`, `weight`' . ' FROM ' . $source['cat']);
    echo 'Imported ' . $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->getAffectedRows() . ' categories into ' . $destination['cat'] . '<br>';
    //Import data into downloads table
        'INSERT INTO '
        . $destination['downloads']
        . ' (`cid`, `old_lid`, `old_cid`, `title`, `url`, `homepage`, `homepagetitle`, `version`, `size`, `platform`, `screenshot`, `submitter`, `publisher`, `status`, `date`, `hits`, `rating`, `votes`, `comments`, `features`, `forumid`, `dhistory`, `published`, `expired`, `updated`, `offline`, `description`, `ipaddress`, `notifypub`)'
        . ' SELECT 0,`lid`, `cid`, `title`, `url`, `homepage`, `homepagetitle`, `version`, `size`, `platform`, `screenshot`, `submitter`, `publisher`, `status`, `date`, `hits`, `rating`, `votes`, `comments`, `features`, `forumid`, `dhistory`, `published`, `expired`, `updated`, `offline`, `description`, `ipaddress`, `notifypub`'
        . ' FROM '
        . $source['downloads']
    echo 'Imported ' . $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->getAffectedRows() . ' downloads into ' . $destination['downloads'] . '<br>';
    //Import data into brokens table
    $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->query('INSERT INTO ' . $destination['broken'] . ' (`reportid`, `lid`, `sender`, `ip`, `date`, `confirmed`, `acknowledged`)' . ' SELECT `reportid`, `lid`, `sender`, `ip`, `date`, `confirmed`, `acknowledged`' . ' FROM ' . $source['broken']);
    echo 'Imported ' . $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->getAffectedRows() . ' broken reports into ' . $destination['broken'] . '<br>';
    //Import data into votedata table
    $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->query('INSERT INTO ' . $destination['votes'] . ' (`ratingid`, `lid`, `ratinguser`, `rating`, `ratinghostname`, `ratingtimestamp`)' . ' SELECT `ratingid`, `lid`, `ratinguser`, `rating`, `ratinghostname`, `ratingtimestamp`' . ' FROM ' . $source['votes']);
    echo 'Imported ' . $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->getAffectedRows() . ' votes into ' . $destination['votes'] . '<br>';
    //Import data into mod request table
        'INSERT INTO '
        . $destination['mod']
        . ' (`lid`, `cid`, `title`, `url`, `homepage`, `homepagetitle`, `version`, `size`, `platform`, `screenshot`, `submitter`, `publisher`, `status`, `date`, `hits`, `rating`, `votes`, `comments`, `features`, `forumid`, `dhistory`, `published`, `expired`, `updated`, `offline`, `description`, `modifysubmitter`, `requestdate`)'
        . ' SELECT `lid`, `cid`, `title`, `url`, `homepage`, `homepagetitle`, `version`, `size`, `platform`, `screenshot`, `submitter`, `publisher`, `status`, `date`, `hits`, `rating`, `votes`, `comments`, `features`, `forumid`, `dhistory`, `published`, `expired`, `updated`, `offline`, `description`, `modifysubmitter`, `requestdate`'
        . ' FROM '
        . $source['mod']
    echo 'Imported ' . $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->getAffectedRows() . ' modification requests into ' . $destination['mod'] . '<br>';

    //Update category ID to new value
    $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->query('UPDATE ' . $destination['downloads'] . ' d, ' . $destination['cat'] . ' c SET d.cid=c.cid' . ' WHERE d.old_cid=c.old_cid AND d.old_cid != 0');
    $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->query('UPDATE ' . $destination['cat'] . ' c1, ' . $destination['cat'] . ' c2 SET c1.pid=c2.cid' . ' WHERE c1.old_pid=c2.old_cid AND c1.old_pid != 0');
    if ($max_requestid) {
        $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->query('UPDATE ' . $destination['mod'] . ' m, ' . $destination['cat'] . ' c SET m.cid=c.cid' . ' WHERE m.requestid > ' . $max_requestid . ' AND c.old_cid=m.cid');
        //Update lid values in mod table
        $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->query('UPDATE ' . $destination['mod'] . ' m, ' . $destination['downloads'] . ' d SET m.lid=d.lid' . ' WHERE m.requestid > ' . $max_requestid . ' AND m.lid=d.old_lid');
    if ($max_ratingid) {
        //Update lid values in votedata table
        $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->query('UPDATE ' . $destination['votes'] . ' v, ' . $destination['downloads'] . ' d SET v.lid=d.lid' . ' WHERE v.ratingid > ' . $max_ratingid . ' AND v.lid=d.old_lid');
    if ($max_reportid) {
        //Update lid values in brokens table
        $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->query('UPDATE ' . $destination['broken'] . ' b, ' . $destination['downloads'] . ' d SET b.lid=d.lid' . ' WHERE b.reportid > ' . $max_reportid . ' AND b.lid=d.old_lid');

    //Remove temporary fields
    $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->query('ALTER TABLE .' . $destination['cat'] . ' DROP `old_cid`');
    $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->query('ALTER TABLE .' . $destination['cat'] . ' DROP `old_pid`');
    $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->query('ALTER TABLE .' . $destination['downloads'] . ' DROP `old_cid`');
    $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->query('ALTER TABLE .' . $destination['downloads'] . ' DROP `old_lid`');

// =========================================================================================
// This function imports data from mydownloads
// =========================================================================================
function import_mydownloads_to_wfdownloads()
    echo '<br>';
    echo '<br>';

    $destination = [
        'cat'       => $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->prefix('wfdownloads_cat'),
        'downloads' => $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->prefix('wfdownloads_downloads'),
        'broken'    => $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->prefix('wfdownloads_broken'),
        'mod'       => $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->prefix('wfdownloads_mod'),
        'votes'     => $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->prefix('wfdownloads_votedata'),

    $source = [
        'cat'       => $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->prefix('mydownloads_cat'),
        'downloads' => $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->prefix('mydownloads_downloads'),
        'broken'    => $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->prefix('mydownloads_broken'),
        'mod'       => $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->prefix('mydownloads_mod'),
        'votes'     => $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->prefix('mydownloads_votedata'),
        'text'      => $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->prefix('mydownloads_text'),

    //Add temporary field to category table
    $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->query('ALTER TABLE ' . $destination['cat'] . ' ADD `old_cid` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0');
    $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->query('ALTER TABLE ' . $destination['cat'] . ' ADD `old_pid` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0');

    //Add temporary fields to downloads table
        'ALTER TABLE ' . $destination['downloads'] . ' ADD `old_lid` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
                                                               ADD `old_cid` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0'

    //Get latest mod request ID to determine which records will need an updated lid value afterwards
    $result = $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->query('SELECT MAX(requestid) FROM ' . $destination['mod']);
    [$max_requestid] = $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->fetchRow($result);
    //Get latest report ID to determine, which records will need an updated lid value afterwards
    $result = $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->query('SELECT MAX(reportid) FROM ' . $destination['broken']);
    [$max_reportid] = $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->fetchRow($result);
    //Get latest vote ID to determine which records will need an updated lid value afterwards
    $result = $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->query('SELECT MAX(ratingid) FROM ' . $destination['votes']);
    [$max_ratingid] = $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->fetchRow($result);

    //Import data into category table
    $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->query('INSERT INTO ' . $destination['cat'] . ' (`old_cid`, `old_pid`, `title`, `imgurl`, `summary`)' . " SELECT `cid`, `pid`, `title`, `imgurl`, ''" . ' FROM ' . $source['cat']);
    echo 'Imported ' . $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->getAffectedRows() . ' categories into ' . $destination['cat'] . '<br>';
    //Import data into downloads table
        'INSERT INTO '
        . $destination['downloads']
        . ' (`cid`, `old_lid`, `old_cid`, `title`, `url`, `homepage`, `version`, `size`, `platform`, `screenshot`, `submitter`, `status`, `published`, `hits`, `rating`, `votes`, `comments`, `features`, `requirements`, `dhistory`, `summary`, `description`)'
        . " SELECT 0,`lid`, `cid`, `title`, `url`, `homepage`, `version`, `size`, `platform`, `logourl`, `submitter`, `status`, `date`, `hits`, `rating`, `votes`, `comments`, '', '','','', ''"
        . ' FROM '
        . $source['downloads']
    echo 'Imported ' . $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->getAffectedRows() . ' downloads into ' . $destination['downloads'] . '<br>';
    //Import data into brokens table
    $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->query('INSERT INTO ' . $destination['broken'] . ' (`lid`, `sender`, `ip`)' . ' SELECT `lid`, `sender`, `ip`' . ' FROM ' . $source['broken']);
    echo 'Imported ' . $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->getAffectedRows() . ' broken reports into ' . $destination['broken'] . '<br>';
    //Import data into votedata table
    $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->query('INSERT INTO ' . $destination['votes'] . ' (`lid`, `ratinguser`, `rating`, `ratinghostname`, `ratingtimestamp`)' . ' SELECT `lid`, `ratinguser`, `rating`, `ratinghostname`, `ratingtimestamp`' . ' FROM ' . $source['votes']);
    echo 'Imported ' . $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->getAffectedRows() . ' votes into ' . $destination['votes'] . '<br>';
    //Import data into mod request table
        'INSERT INTO '
        . $destination['mod']
        . ' (`lid`, `cid`, `title`, `url`, `homepage`, `version`, `size`, `platform`, `screenshot`, `description`, `modifysubmitter`,`features`, `requirements`, `publisher`, `dhistory`, `summary`)'
        . " SELECT `lid`, `cid`, `title`, `url`, `homepage`, `version`, `size`, `platform`, `logourl`, `description`, `modifysubmitter`,'','','','',''"
        . ' FROM '
        . $source['mod']
    echo 'Imported ' . $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->getAffectedRows() . ' modification requests into ' . $destination['mod'] . '<br>';

    //Update category ID to new value
    $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->query('UPDATE ' . $destination['downloads'] . ' d, ' . $destination['cat'] . ' c SET d.cid=c.cid' . ' WHERE d.old_cid=c.old_cid AND d.old_cid != 0');
    $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->query('UPDATE ' . $destination['cat'] . ' c1, ' . $destination['cat'] . ' c2 SET c1.pid=c2.cid' . ' WHERE c1.old_pid=c2.old_cid AND c1.old_pid != 0');
    if ($max_requestid) {
        $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->query('UPDATE ' . $destination['mod'] . ' m, ' . $destination['cat'] . ' c SET m.cid=c.cid' . ' WHERE m.requestid > ' . $max_requestid . ' AND c.old_cid=m.cid');
        //Update lid values in mod table
        $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->query('UPDATE ' . $destination['mod'] . ' m, ' . $destination['downloads'] . ' d SET m.lid=d.lid' . ' WHERE m.requestid > ' . $max_requestid . ' AND m.lid=d.old_lid');
    if ($max_ratingid) {
        //Update lid values in votedata table
        $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->query('UPDATE ' . $destination['votes'] . ' v, ' . $destination['downloads'] . ' d SET v.lid=d.lid' . ' WHERE v.ratingid > ' . $max_ratingid . ' AND v.lid=d.old_lid');
    if ($max_reportid) {
        //Update lid values in brokens table
        $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->query('UPDATE ' . $destination['broken'] . ' b, ' . $destination['downloads'] . ' d SET b.lid=d.lid' . ' WHERE b.reportid > ' . $max_reportid . ' AND b.lid=d.old_lid');
    //Update description
    $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->query('UPDATE ' . $destination['downloads'] . ' d, ' . $source['text'] . ' t SET d.description=t.description' . ' WHERE t.lid=d.old_lid');

    //Remove temporary fields
    $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->query('ALTER TABLE .' . $destination['cat'] . ' DROP `old_cid`');
    $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->query('ALTER TABLE .' . $destination['cat'] . ' DROP `old_pid`');
    $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->query('ALTER TABLE .' . $destination['downloads'] . ' DROP `old_cid`');
    $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->query('ALTER TABLE .' . $destination['downloads'] . ' DROP `old_lid`');

// =========================================================================================
// This function imports data from TDMDownloads
// =========================================================================================
function import_tdmdownloads_to_wfdownloads()
    echo "<br><span style='font-weight: bold;'>Importing Data</span><br>";
    $destination = [
        'cat'       => $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->prefix('wfdownloads_cat'),
        'downloads' => $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->prefix('wfdownloads_downloads'),
        'broken'    => $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->prefix('wfdownloads_broken'),
        'mod'       => $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->prefix('wfdownloads_mod'),
        'votes'     => $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->prefix('wfdownloads_votedata'),

    $source = [
        'cat'          => $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->prefix('tdmdownloads_cat'),
        'downloads'    => $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->prefix('tdmdownloads_downloads'),
        'broken'       => $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->prefix('tdmdownloads_broken'),
        'mod'          => $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->prefix('tdmdownloads_mod'),
        'votes'        => $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->prefix('tdmdownloads_votedata'),
        'field'        => $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->prefix('tdmdownloads_field'),
        'fielddata'    => $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->prefix('tdmdownloads_fielddata'),
        'modfielddata' => $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->prefix('tdmdownloads_modfielddata'),
        'downlimit'    => $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->prefix('tdmdownloads_downlimit'),

    //Add temporary field to category table
    $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->query('ALTER TABLE ' . $destination['cat'] . ' ADD `old_cid` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0');
    $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->query('ALTER TABLE ' . $destination['cat'] . ' ADD `old_pid` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0');

    //Add temporary fields to downloads table
        'ALTER TABLE ' . $destination['downloads'] . ' ADD `old_lid` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
                                                               ADD `old_cid` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0'

    //Get latest mod request ID to determine which records will need an updated lid value afterwards
    $result = $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->query('SELECT MAX(requestid) FROM ' . $destination['mod']);
    [$max_requestid] = $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->fetchRow($result);
    //Get latest report ID to determine, which records will need an updated lid value afterwards
    $result = $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->query('SELECT MAX(reportid) FROM ' . $destination['broken']);
    [$max_reportid] = $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->fetchRow($result);
    //Get latest vote ID to determine which records will need an updated lid value afterwards
    $result = $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->query('SELECT MAX(ratingid) FROM ' . $destination['votes']);
    [$max_ratingid] = $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->fetchRow($result);

    //Import data into category table
    $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->query('INSERT' . ' INTO ' . $destination['cat'] . ' (`old_cid`, `old_pid`, `title`, `imgurl`, `description`, `weight`, `dohtml`)' . ' SELECT `cat_cid`, `cat_pid`, `cat_title`, `cat_imgurl`, `cat_description_main`, `cat_weight`, 1' . ' FROM ' . $source['cat']);
    echo 'Imported ' . $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->getAffectedRows() . ' categories into ' . $destination['cat'] . '<br>';
    //Import data into downloads table
        . ' INTO '
        . $destination['downloads']
        . ' (`cid`, `old_lid`, `old_cid`, `title`, `url`, `homepage`, `version`, `size`, `platform`, `screenshot`, `submitter`, `status`, `published`, `hits`, `rating`, `votes`, `comments`, `features`, `requirements`, `dhistory`, `summary`, `description`, `dohtml`)'
        . " SELECT 0, `lid`, `cid`, `title`, `url`, `homepage`, `version`, `size`, `platform`, `logourl`, `submitter`, `status`, `date`, `hits`, `rating`, `votes`, `comments`, '', '', '', '', `description`, 1"
        . ' FROM '
        . $source['downloads']
    echo 'Imported ' . $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->getAffectedRows() . ' downloads into ' . $destination['downloads'] . '<br>';
    //Import data into brokens table
    $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->query('INSERT' . ' INTO ' . $destination['broken'] . ' (`lid`, `sender`, `ip`)' . ' SELECT `lid`, `sender`, `ip`' . ' FROM ' . $source['broken']);
    echo 'Imported ' . $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->getAffectedRows() . ' broken reports into ' . $destination['broken'] . '<br>';
    //Import data into votedata table
    $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->query('INSERT' . ' INTO ' . $destination['votes'] . ' (`lid`, `ratinguser`, `rating`, `ratinghostname`, `ratingtimestamp`)' . ' SELECT `lid`, `ratinguser`, `rating`, `ratinghostname`, `ratingtimestamp`' . ' FROM ' . $source['votes']);
    echo 'Imported ' . $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->getAffectedRows() . ' votes into ' . $destination['votes'] . '<br>';
                //Import data into mod request table
                    "INSERT INTO " . $destination['mod'] . " (`lid`, `cid`, `title`, `url`, `homepage`, `version`, `size`, `platform`, `screenshot`, `description`, `modifysubmitter`,`features`, `requirements`, `publisher`, `dhistory`, `summary`)
                                 SELECT `lid`, `cid`, `title`, `url`, `homepage`, `version`, `size`, `platform`, `logourl`, `description`, `modifysubmitter`,'','','','','' FROM "
                    . $source['mod']
                echo "Imported " . $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->getAffectedRows() . " modification requests into " . $destination['mod'] . "<br>";
    //Update category ID to new value
    $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->query('UPDATE ' . $destination['downloads'] . ' d, ' . $destination['cat'] . ' c SET d.cid=c.cid' . ' WHERE d.old_cid=c.old_cid AND d.old_cid != 0');
    $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->query('UPDATE ' . $destination['cat'] . ' c1, ' . $destination['cat'] . ' c2 SET c1.pid=c2.cid' . ' WHERE c1.old_pid=c2.old_cid AND c1.old_pid != 0');
                if ($max_requestid) {
                        "UPDATE " . $destination['mod'] . " m, " . $destination['cat'] . " c SET m.cid=c.cid"
                        . " WHERE m.requestid > " . $max_requestid
                        . " AND c.old_cid=m.cid"
                    //Update lid values in mod table
                        "UPDATE " . $destination['mod'] . " m, " . $destination['downloads'] . " d SET m.lid=d.lid"
                        . " WHERE m.requestid > " . $max_requestid
                        . " AND m.lid=d.old_lid"
    if ($max_ratingid) {
        //Update lid values in votedata table
        $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->query('UPDATE ' . $destination['votes'] . ' v, ' . $destination['downloads'] . ' d SET v.lid=d.lid' . ' WHERE v.ratingid > ' . $max_ratingid . ' AND v.lid=d.old_lid');
    if ($max_reportid) {
        //Update lid values in brokens table
        $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->query('UPDATE ' . $destination['broken'] . ' b, ' . $destination['downloads'] . ' d SET b.lid=d.lid' . ' WHERE b.reportid > ' . $max_reportid . ' AND b.lid=d.old_lid');

    //Remove temporary fields
    $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->query('ALTER TABLE .' . $destination['cat'] . ' DROP `old_cid`');
    $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->query('ALTER TABLE .' . $destination['cat'] . ' DROP `old_pid`');
    $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->query('ALTER TABLE .' . $destination['downloads'] . ' DROP `old_cid`');
    $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->query('ALTER TABLE .' . $destination['downloads'] . ' DROP `old_lid`');