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namespace XoopsModules\Wfdownloads;

 You may not change or alter any portion of this comment or credits
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 * Wfdownloads module
 * @copyright       XOOPS Project (https://xoops.org)
 * @license         GNU GPL 2 or later (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html)
 * @package         wfdownload
 * @since           3.23
 * @author          Xoops Development Team

require_once \dirname(__DIR__) . '/include/common.php';

 * Class CategoryHandler
class CategoryHandler extends \XoopsPersistableObjectHandler
     * @access public
    public $helper;
    public $allCategories = false;
    public $topCategories = false;

     * @param null|\XoopsDatabase $db
    public function __construct(\XoopsDatabase $db = null)
        parent::__construct($db, 'wfdownloads_cat', Category::class, 'cid', 'title');
        /** @var Helper $this ->helper */
        $this->helper = Helper::getInstance();

     * @param        $cid
     * @param string $root_filename
     * @param string $item_filename
     * @return mixed|string
    public function getNicePath($cid, $root_filename = 'index.php', $item_filename = 'viewcat.php?op=')
        $mytree     = new XoopsTree($this->table, $this->keyName, 'pid');
        $pathString = $mytree->getNicePathFromId($cid, $this->identifierName, $item_filename);

         * Replacing the " with ">" and deleteing the last ">" at the end
        $pathString = \trim($pathString);
        $pathString = \str_replace(':', '>', $pathString);

        //      $pathString = substr($pathString, 0, strlen($pathString) - 13); // not needed now with fixed icms core! but required for XOOPS
        return $pathString;

     * Get categories that the current user has permissions for
     * @param bool $id_as_key
     * @param bool $as_object
     * @return array
    public function getUserCategories($id_as_key = false, $as_object = true)
        $grouppermHandler = \xoops_getHandler('groupperm');

        $groups                   = \is_object($GLOBALS['xoopsUser']) ? $GLOBALS['xoopsUser']->getGroups() : [0 => XOOPS_GROUP_ANONYMOUS];
        $allowedDownCategoriesIds = $grouppermHandler->getItemIds('WFDownCatPerm', $groups, $this->helper->getModule()->mid());

        return $this->getObjects(new \Criteria('cid', '(' . \implode(',', $allowedDownCategoriesIds) . ')', 'IN'), $id_as_key, $as_object);

     * Get categories that the current user has permissions for
     * @param bool $id_as_key
     * @param bool $as_object
     * @return array
    public function getUserDownCategories($id_as_key = false, $as_object = true)
        $grouppermHandler = \xoops_getHandler('groupperm');

        $groups                   = \is_object($GLOBALS['xoopsUser']) ? $GLOBALS['xoopsUser']->getGroups() : [0 => XOOPS_GROUP_ANONYMOUS];
        $allowedDownCategoriesIds = $grouppermHandler->getItemIds('WFDownCatPerm', $groups, $this->helper->getModule()->mid());

        return $this->getObjects(new \Criteria('cid', '(' . \implode(',', $allowedDownCategoriesIds) . ')', 'IN'), $id_as_key, $as_object);

     * @param bool $id_as_key
     * @param bool $as_object
     * @return array
    public function getUserUpCategories($id_as_key = false, $as_object = true)
        $grouppermHandler = \xoops_getHandler('groupperm');

        $groups                 = \is_object($GLOBALS['xoopsUser']) ? $GLOBALS['xoopsUser']->getGroups() : XOOPS_GROUP_ANONYMOUS;
        $allowedUpCategoriesIds = $grouppermHandler->getItemIds('WFUpCatPerm', $groups, $this->helper->getModule()->mid());

        return $this->getObjects(new \Criteria('cid', '(' . \implode(',', $allowedUpCategoriesIds) . ')', 'IN'), $id_as_key, $as_object);

     * @param $category
     * @return array
    public function getChildCats($category)
        $categoryObjs = $this->getObjects();
        require_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/class/tree.php';
        $categoryObjsTree = new ObjectTree($categoryObjs, $this->keyName, 'pid');

        return $categoryObjsTree->getAllChild($category->getVar($this->keyName));

     * @return array
    public function getAllSubcatsTopParentCid()
        if (!$this->allCategories) {
            $this->allCategories = $this->getObjects(null, true);

        require_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/class/tree.php';
        $categoryObjsTree = new ObjectTree($this->allCategories, $this->keyName, 'pid');

        $allsubcats_linked_totop = [];
        foreach ($this->allCategories as $cid => $category) {
            $parentCategoryObjs = $categoryObjsTree->getAllParent($cid);
            if (0 == \count($parentCategoryObjs)) {
                // is a top category
                $allsubcats_linked_totop[$cid] = $cid;
            } else {
                // is not a top category
                $topParentCategoryObj          = \end($parentCategoryObjs);
                $allsubcats_linked_totop[$cid] = $topParentCategoryObj->getVar($cid);

        return $allsubcats_linked_totop;
                $categoryObjsTreeNodes = $categoryObjsTree->getTree();

                // Let's create an array where key will be cid of the top categories and
                // value will be an array containing all the cid of its subcategories
                // If value = 0, then this topcat does not have any subcats
                $topCategories = [];
                foreach ($categoryObjsTreeNodes[0]['child'] as $topCategory_cid) {
                    if (!isset($this->topCategories[$topCategory_cid])) {
                        $this->topCategories[$topCategory_cid] = $topCategory_cid;
                    foreach ($categoryObjsTree->getAllChild($topCategory_cid) as $key => $childCategory) {
                        $childCategory_cids[] = $childCategory->getVar('cid');
                    $childCategory_cids = isset($childCategory_cids) ? $childCategory_cids : 0;
                    $topCategories[$topCategory_cid] = $childCategory_cids;

                // Now we need to create another array where key will be all subcategories cid and
                // value will be the cid of its top most category
                $allsubcats_linked_totop = [];

                foreach ($topCategories as $topCategory_cid => $childCategory_cids) {
                    if ($childCategory_cids == 0) {
                        $allsubcats_linked_totop[$topCategory_cid] = $topCategory_cid;
                    } else {
                        foreach ($childCategory_cids as $childCategory_cid) {
                            $allsubcats_linked_totop[$childCategory_cid] = $topCategory_cid;

                // Finally, let's finish by adding to this array, all the top categories which values
                // will be their cid
                  foreach ($topCategories as $topCategory_cid) {
                    $allsubcats_linked_totop[$topCategory_cid] = $topCategory_cid;

                return $allsubcats_linked_totop;