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<?php declare(strict_types=1);

namespace XoopsModules\Xoopsfaq;

 You may not change or alter any portion of this comment or credits of
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 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
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 * Contents (FAQ) and Handler Class Definitions
 * @author    John Neill
 * @author    XOOPS Module Development Team
 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2001-2017 {@link https://xoops.org XOOPS Project}
 * @license   https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU Public License
 * @since     ::   1.23

use Criteria;
use CriteriaCompo;
use CriteriaElement;
use Xmf\Module\Admin;
use XoopsDatabase;
use XoopsPersistableObjectHandler;

 * ContentsHandler
 * @author   ::    John Neill
 * @copyright:: Copyright (c) 2009
 * @access::    public
final class ContentsHandler extends XoopsPersistableObjectHandler
     * Constructor
     * @param mixed $db
    public function __construct(XoopsDatabase $db = null)
        parent::__construct($db, 'xoopsfaq_contents', Contents::class, 'contents_id', 'contents_title');

     * ContentsHandler::getObj()
     * @param \CriteriaElement|string|null $sort sort order ('id', 'cid', 'title', 'publish', or 'weight') default: 'id'
     * @return array Contents object
    public function getObj($sort = null): array
        $sort ??= 'id';
        $obj = [];
        if ($sort instanceof CriteriaElement) {
            $criteria = $sort;
        } else {
            $criteria = new CriteriaCompo();
            $sort     = \in_array(mb_strtolower($sort), ['id', 'cid', 'title', 'publish', 'weight'], true) ? 'contents_' . \mb_strtolower($sort) : 'contents_id';
            $criteria->order = 'ASC';
        $obj['list']  = $this->getObjects($criteria, false);
        $obj['count'] = (false != $obj['list']) ? \count($obj['list']) : 0;

        return $obj;

     * ContentsHandler::getPublished()
     * @param string|null $id
     * @return array array of XoopsfaqContent objects
    public function getPublished(?string $id = null): array
        $id ??= '';
        \xoops_load('constants', \basename(\dirname(__DIR__)));

        $obj               = [];
        $criteriaPublished = new CriteriaCompo();
        $criteriaPublished->add(new Criteria('contents_publish', Constants::NOT_PUBLISHED, '>'));
        $criteriaPublished->add(new Criteria('contents_publish', \time(), '<='));

        $criteria = new CriteriaCompo(new Criteria('contents_active', Constants::ACTIVE));
        if (!empty($id)) {
            $criteria->add(new Criteria('contents_cid', $id, '='));
        $criteria->order = 'ASC';

        $obj['list']  = $this->getObjects($criteria, false);
        $obj['count'] = (false != $obj['list']) ? \count($obj['list']) : 0;

        return $obj;

     * Returns category ids of categories that have content
     * @return array contains category ids
    public function getCategoriesIdsWithContent(): array
        $ret    = [];
        $sql    = 'SELECT contents_cid ';
        $sql    .= 'FROM `' . $this->table . '` ';
        $sql    .= 'WHERE (contents_active =\'' . Constants::ACTIVE . '\') ';
        $sql    .= 'GROUP BY contents_cid';
        $result = $this->db->query($sql);
        if ($this->db->isResultSet($result)) {
            while (false !== ($myrow = $this->db->fetchArray($result))) {
                $ret[$myrow['contents_cid']] = $myrow['contents_cid'];

        return $ret;

     * ContentsHandler::displayAdminListing()
     * @param string|null $sort
    public function displayAdminListing(?string $sort = null): void
        $sort ??= 'id';
        echo $this->renderAdminListing($sort);

     * ContentsHandler::renderAdminListing()
     * @param string|null $sort
     * @return string html listing of Contents (FAQ) for Admin
     * @see \XoopsModules\Xoopsfaq\Helper
    public function renderAdminListing($sort = null): string
        $sort ??= 'id';
        //        if (!\class_exists('Xoopsfaq\Utility')) {
        //            \xoops_load('utility', \basename(\dirname(__DIR__)));
        //        }

        /** @var CategoryHandler $categoryHandler */
        $objects         = $this->getObj($sort);
        $helper          = Helper::getHelper(\basename(\dirname(__DIR__)));
        $categoryHandler = $helper->getHandler('Category');
        $catFields       = ['category_id', 'category_title'];
        $catArray        = $categoryHandler->getAll(null, $catFields, false);

        $buttons = ['edit', 'delete'];

        $ret = '<table class="outer width100 bnone pad3 marg5">'
               . '  <thead>'
               . '  <tr class="center">'
               . '    <th class="width5">'
               . \_AM_XOOPSFAQ_CONTENTS_ID
               . '</th>'
               . '    <th class="width5">'
               . '</th>'
               . '    <th class="width5">'
               . '</th>'
               . '    <th class="left">'
               . '</th>'
               . '    <th class="left">'
               . '</th>'
               . '    <th>'
               . '</th>'
               . '    <th class="width20">'
               . \_AM_XOOPSFAQ_ACTIONS
               . '</th>'
               . '  </tr>'
               . '  </thead>'
               . '  <tbody>';
        if (\is_array($objects) && ($objects['count'] > 0)) {
            $tdClass = 0;
            /** @var \Contents $object */
            foreach ($objects['list'] as $object) {
                $thisCatId        = $object->getVar('contents_cid');
                $thisCatTitle     = $catArray[$thisCatId]['category_title'];
                $thisContentTitle = '<a href="' . $helper->url('index.php?cat_id=' . $thisCatId . '#q' . $object->getVar('contents_id')) . '" title="' . \_AM_XOOPSFAQ_CONTENTS_VIEW . '">' . $object->getVar('contents_title') . '</a>';
                $dispClass = ($tdClass % 1) ? 'even' : 'odd';
                $ret       .= '  <tr class="center middle">'
                              . '    <td class="'
                              . $dispClass
                              . '">'
                              . $object->getVar('contents_id')
                              . '</td>'
                              . '    <td class="'
                              . $dispClass
                              . '">'
                              . $object->getActiveIcon()
                              . '</td>'
                              . '    <td class="'
                              . $dispClass
                              . '">'
                              . $object->getVar('contents_weight')
                              . '</td>'
                              . '    <td class="'
                              . $dispClass
                              . ' left">'
                              . $thisContentTitle
                              . '</td>'
                              . '    <td class="'
                              . $dispClass
                              . ' left">'
                              . $thisCatTitle
                              . '</td>'
                              . '    <td class="'
                              . $dispClass
                              . '">'
                              . $object->getPublished(\_SHORTDATESTRING)
                              . '</td>'
                              . '    <td class="'
                              . $dispClass
                              . '">';
                $ret       .= Utility::renderIconLinks($buttons, 'contents_id', $object->getVar('contents_id')) . '</td>' . '  </tr>';
        } else {
            $ret .= '  <tr class="center"><td colspan="7" class="even">' . \_AM_XOOPSFAQ_NOLISTING . '</td></tr>';
        $ret .= '  </tbody>' . '</table>';

        return $ret;

     * ContentsHandler::displayError()
     * @param array|string $errors will display a page with the error(s)
     * @see \Xmf\Module\Admin
    public function displayError($errors = ''): void
        if ('' !== $errors) {
            $moduleAdmin = Admin::getInstance();
            \xoops_error($errors, \_AM_XOOPSFAQ_ERROR_SUB);