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Test Coverage
<h5>2.1.0 beta.1   [2023-05-25]</h5>  Dev: XOOPS 2.5.11, PHP 7.4.25, PHP 8.2.6
- various updates/cosmetics (mamba)

<h5>2.1.0 alpha.2   [2021-10-29]</h5>  Dev: XOOPS 2.5.11, PHP 7.4.25, PHP 8.0.12, PHP 8.1.0 Beta 5
- various updates/cosmetics (mamba)
- PHP 8 template defaults (mamba)
- added JSON-LD for FAQ (mamba)

<h5>2.1.0 alpha.1   [NOT RELEASED]</h5>  Dev: XOOPS 2.5.11, PHP 7.4.10, PHP 8.0 Beta 3
- namespaces (mamba)
- class autoloading (mamba)
- test data (mamba)

v1.25 RC1 [2017-05-18] (ZySpec)
- version change
- added: Metatag title and keywords generation using Xmf\Metagen

v1.25 Beta1 [2017-04-23] UNRELEASED
- added: Group permissions support for categories
- added: Recent FAQs block (permissions aware)
- added: Category block (permissions aware)
- added: Ability to select categories for Recent & Random FAQ blocks
- added: Sitemap module plugin
- added: Xoopsfaq\Constants definition interface
- added: ./extra folder for updated bootstrap templates for XOOPS 2.5.x
- changed: Require XOOPS 2.5.9.x minimum version
- changed: Random FAQ block is now permissions aware
- changed: FAQ display templates for non-bootstrap themes to use accordion jscript
- changed: search now looks for term in category title too
- changed: use \Xmf\Module\Admin and \\XoopsModules\Xoopsfaq\Helper
- changed: use \Xoops\Request instead of loading XoopsRequest
- changed: Official flag from 1 to 0, module not maintained by core team
- changed: classes to use parent::__construct()
- changed: phpDocumentor comments updated
- changed: standardized module language defines (admin, blocks, modinfo, main)
- fixed: typo in category delete caused FAQs to not be deleted when deleting cats
- fixed: sort bug in ./class/contents.php getObj() method
- removed: pass-by-reference for non-vars
- removed: PHP4 access methods to classes
- removed: ./include/functions.php file, functions/methods moved to Xoopsfaq\Utility class

v1.24 RC2 [2015-03-23] (ZySpec)
- changed: moved images and css to ./assets subdirectory
- changed: templates from .html extension to .tpl
- changed: to use XoopsEditors defined in XOOPS System Preferences
- changed: improved html rendering in templates
- fixed: sort bug in ./class/contents.php
- reverted: css directory to ./assets/css
- removed: non-English translations (out of date)
- removed: '/' from void HTML elements (<br>, <img>, etc)

v1.23 [2011-10-31] (ZySpec)
- fixed: icon paths (Mamba)
- fixed: bugs on category/item delete (Mamba)
- changed: converted Add buttons to XOOPS Module GUI (Mamba)
- updated: standardized XOOPS Module GUI to "latest" version (Mamba)
- added: random FAQ block
- added: display of category for each item in ./admin/main.php for FAQs
- added: /language/schinese_utf8/modinfo.php
- changed: moved module css to language subdirectories so CSS can be modified for RTL/LTR, etc.
- changed: adjusted files so CodeSniffer would complain less when using Zend Coding Standards tests
- fixed: use of wfp_addslashes in ./class/category.php to use module textsanitizer addSlashes
- updated: templates to be more XHTML compliant

v1.22 [2011-02-24] (Mamba)
- changed: to standardized XOOPS Module GUI
- fixed: adding comments
- fixed: deleting FAQ, when deleting Category

v1.21 (Mamba)
- changed icons for Edit/Delete
- adjusted editor entries for TinyMCE and CKeditor, and deleted Koivi
- Aligned titles to the left
- adjusted language definition names

v1.20 (Catzwolf)
- This module has been refactored nearly 99% and I have replaced all old code with new.
  Only the templates havent changed that much