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Test Coverage
<?php declare(strict_types=1);

 * XOOPS - PHP Content Management System
 * Copyright (c) 2001 - 2006 <http://www.xoops.org/>
 * Module: xoopsinfo 2.13
 * Licence : GPL
 * Authors :
 *              - Jmorris
 *              - Marco
 *              - Christian
 *              - DuGris (http://www.dugris.info)
$xoopsOption['nocommon'] = true;

// Xoops Include, require, ...
require_once(XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/class/xoopssecurity.php');
$xoopsSecurity = new XoopsSecurity();
global $xoopsSecurity;
//Check super globals

include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/include/functions.php';

include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/class/logger.php';
//$xoopsLogger =& XoopsLogger::instance();
//$xoopsErrorHandler =& $xoopsLogger;
//$xoopsLogger->startTime( 'XOOPS Boot' );

if (!defined('XOOPS_XMLRPC')) {
    define('XOOPS_DB_CHKREF', 1);
} else {
    define('XOOPS_DB_CHKREF', 0);
require_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/class/database/databasefactory.php';
if ('POST' !== $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] || !$xoopsSecurity->checkReferer(XOOPS_DB_CHKREF)) {
    define('XOOPS_DB_PROXY', 1);
$xoopsDB = XoopsDatabaseFactory::getDatabaseConnection();

require_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/kernel/object.php';
require_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/class/criteria.php';

$config_handler = xoops_getHandler('config');
$xoopsConfig    = &$config_handler->getConfigsByCat(XOOPS_CONF);
// Xoops Include, require, ...


// Old debug mode
$isSystem       = XoopsInfo_getModuleInfo('system');
$config_handler = xoops_getHandler('config');
$xoopsConfig    = &$config_handler->getConfigsByCat(XOOPS_CONF);
$old_debug_mode = $xoopsConfig['debug_mode'];
$theme_set      = $xoopsConfig['theme_set'];

// Protector
$isProtector = XoopsInfo_getModuleInfo('protector');
if ($isProtector) {
    $old_protector = XoopsInfo_moduleoption('global_disabled', 'protector');

    $passwd = isset($_REQUEST['passwd']) ? trim($_REQUEST['passwd']) : '';

    $debug_mode = isset($_REQUEST['debug_mode']) ? trim($_REQUEST['debug_mode']) : 0;

    $theme = isset($_REQUEST['theme']) ? trim($_REQUEST['theme']) : 0;

    $protector = isset($_REQUEST['protector']) ? trim($_REQUEST['protector']) : 0;

    $protector_ip = isset($_REQUEST['protector_ip']) ? trim($_REQUEST['protector_ip']) : 0;

    $template_c = isset($_REQUEST['template_c']) ? trim($_REQUEST['template_c']) : 0;

    $cache = isset($_REQUEST['cache']) ? trim($_REQUEST['cache']) : 0;

    $session = isset($_REQUEST['session']) ? trim($_REQUEST['session']) : 0;

    if (!empty($passwd) && '' != trim($passwd)) {
        // Checking Referer deeply against CSRF
        if (0 !== mb_strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], XOOPS_URL . '/modules/xoopsinfo/admin/')) {
            die('Turn REFERER on (or disable Personal Firewalls like Norton');

        // Authentication
        $sql = 'SELECT count(*) FROM ' . $xoopsDB->prefix('config') . ' WHERE conf_title="_MI_XI_PASSWORD" AND conf_value="' . $passwd . '"';

        $result = $xoopsDB->query($sql);

        [$count] = $xoopsDB->fetchRow($result);

        // Result
        if (1 == $xoopsDB->getRowsNum($result) && $count) {
            //   Debug Mode
            if ($old_debug_mode != $debug_mode) {
                $sql = 'UPDATE ' . $xoopsDB->prefix('config') . ' SET conf_value="' . $debug_mode . '" WHERE conf_name="debug_mode" and conf_modid=0';

                $result = $xoopsDB->queryF($sql);

                $old_debug_mode = $debug_mode;

            // Theme
            if (1 == $theme) {
                $sql = 'UPDATE ' . $xoopsDB->prefix('config') . ' SET conf_value="default" WHERE conf_name="theme_set" and conf_modid=0';

                $result = $xoopsDB->queryF($sql);

                $member_handler = xoops_getHandler('member');

                $member_handler->updateUsersByField('theme', 'default');

                $_SESSION['xoopsUserTheme'] = 'default';

            if ($cache) {
                $dir = XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/cache';

                if (is_dir($dir)) {
                    if ($dh = opendir($dir)) {
                        while (false !== ($file = readdir($dh))) {
                            if ('dir' !== filetype($dir . '/' . $file) && 'index.html' !== $file && 'adminmenu.php' !== $file) {
                                @unlink($dir . '/' . $file);


            if ($template_c) {
                $dir = XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/templates_c';

                if (is_dir($dir)) {
                    if ($dh = opendir($dir)) {
                        while (false !== ($file = readdir($dh))) {
                            if ('dir' !== filetype($dir . '/' . $file) && 'index.html' !== $file) {
                                @unlink($dir . '/' . $file);


            // Session
            if ($session) {
                $sql = 'TRUNCATE TABLE ' . $xoopsDB->prefix('online');

                $result = $xoopsDB->query($sql);

                $sql = 'TRUNCATE TABLE ' . $xoopsDB->prefix('session');

                $result = $xoopsDB->query($sql);

            // Protector
            if ($old_protector != $protector && $isProtector) {
                $sql = 'UPDATE ' . $xoopsDB->prefix('config') . ' SET conf_value="' . $protector . '" WHERE conf_name="global_disabled" AND conf_modid=' . $isProtector->getVar('mid');

                $result = $xoopsDB->queryF($sql);

            if ($protector_ip && $isProtector) {
                $sql = 'TRUNCATE TABLE ' . $xoopsDB->prefix('protector_access');

                $result = $xoopsDB->queryF($sql);

            define('SMARTY_DIR', XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/class/smarty/');

            define('XOOPS_COMPILE_PATH', XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/templates_c');

            redirect_header(XOOPS_URL . '/modules/xoopsinfo/admin/rescue.php', 3, _MD_AM_DBUPDATED);

        define('SMARTY_DIR', XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/class/smarty/');

        define('XOOPS_COMPILE_PATH', XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/templates_c');

        redirect_header(XOOPS_URL . '/modules/xoopsinfo/admin/rescue.php', 3, _MI_XI_PASSWORD_ERROR);

if (!headers_sent()) {
    header('Content-Type:text/html; charset=' . _CHARSET);

    header('Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT');

    //header('Last-Modified: '.gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s').' GMT');
    header('Cache-Control: private, no-cache');

    header('Pragma: no-cache');
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="fr" lang="fr">
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" href="<?php echo XOOPS_URL . '/xoops.css'; ?>"/>
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" href="<?php echo XOOPS_URL . '/themes/' . $theme_set . '/style.css'; ?>"/>
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" href="<?php echo XOOPS_URL . '/modules/xoopsinfo/module.css'; ?>"/>
    <title><?php echo _MI_XI_NAME; ?> Rescue</title>
<form action='' method='POST'>
    <div align="center">
        <div class="item" align="center">
            <div class="itemHead"><h3>
                    <?php echo _MI_XI_NAME; ?> Rescue

            <table width="100%">
                    <td class="even" align="left"><b>
                            <?php echo _MI_XI_XOOPS_DEBUG; ?>

                    <td class="odd" align="left">
                        <select size='1' name='debug_mode' id='debug_mode'>
                            <option value='0' <?php if (0 == $old_debug_mode) {
                                echo 'selected=selected';
                            } ?>><?php echo _MD_AM_DEBUGMODE0; ?></option>
                            <option value='1' <?php if (1 == $old_debug_mode) {
                                echo 'selected=selected';
                            } ?>><?php echo _MD_AM_DEBUGMODE1; ?></option>
                            <option value='2' <?php if (2 == $old_debug_mode) {
                                echo 'selected=selected';
                            } ?>><?php echo _MD_AM_DEBUGMODE2; ?></option>
                            <option value='3' <?php if (3 == $old_debug_mode) {
                                echo 'selected=selected';
                            } ?>><?php echo _MD_AM_DEBUGMODE3; ?></option>

                    <td class="even" align="left"><b>
                            <?php echo _MI_XI_XOOPS_THEME; ?>

                    <td class="odd" align="left">
                        <input type='radio' name='theme' value='0' checked='checked'/><?php echo _MI_XI_NO; ?>
                        <input type='radio' name='theme' value='1'/><?php echo _MI_XI_YES; ?>

                    <td class="even" align="left"><b>
                            <?php echo _MI_XI_XOOPS_CACHE; ?>

                    <td class="odd" align="left">
                        <input type='radio' name='cache' value='0' checked/><?php echo _MI_XI_NO; ?>
                        <input type='radio' name='cache' value='1'/><?php echo _MI_XI_YES; ?>

                    <td class="even" align="left"><b>
                            <?php echo _MI_XI_XOOPS_TEMPLATE; ?>

                    <td class="odd" align="left">
                        <input type='radio' name='template_c' value='0' checked/><?php echo _MI_XI_NO; ?>
                        <input type='radio' name='template_c' value='1'/><?php echo _MI_XI_YES; ?>

                    <td class="even" align="left"><b>
                            <?php echo _MI_XI_XOOPS_SESSION_TABLE; ?>

                    <td class="odd" align="left">
                        <input type='radio' name='session' value='0' checked/><?php echo _MI_XI_NO; ?>
                        <input type='radio' name='session' value='1'/><?php echo _MI_XI_YES; ?>

                <?php if ($isProtector) :
                        <td class="even" align="left"><b>
                                <?php echo _MI_XI_XOOPS_PROTECTOR; ?>

                        <td class="odd" align="left">
                            <input type='radio' name='protector' value='0' <?php if (!$old_protector) {
                                echo "checked='checked'";
                            } ?> /><?php echo _MI_XI_NO; ?>
                            <input type='radio' name='protector' value='1' <?php if ($old_protector) {
                                echo "checked='checked'";
                            } ?> /><?php echo _MI_XI_YES; ?>

                        <td class="even" align="left"><b>
                                <?php echo _MI_XI_XOOPS_PROTECTOR_IP; ?>

                        <td class="odd" align="left">
                            <input type='radio' name='protector_ip' value='0' checked='checked'/><?php echo _MI_XI_NO; ?>
                            <input type='radio' name='protector_ip' value='1'/><?php echo _MI_XI_YES; ?>
                <?php endif; ?>

                    <td class="even" align="left"><b>
                            <?php echo _MI_XI_XOOPS_PASSWORD; ?>

                    <td class="odd" align="left">
                        <input type='password' name='passwd' size='15'/>

                    <td colspan="2" align="center">
                        <input type='submit' name='submit' value='<?php echo _MI_XI_XOOPS_SUBMIT; ?>'/>
                    <td colspan="2" align="center">
                    <td colspan="2" align="right">
                        <a href="<?php echo XOOPS_URL; ?>"><?php echo _YOURHOME; ?></a>
//echo $xoopsLogger->dump();