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/*! jQuery Timepicker Addon - v1.6.3 - 2016-04-20
* http://trentrichardson.com/examples/timepicker
* Copyright (c) 2016 Trent Richardson; Licensed MIT */
(function (factory) {
    if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
        define(['jquery', 'jquery-ui'], factory);
    } else {
}(function ($) {

    * Lets not redefine timepicker, Prevent "Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded"
    $.ui.timepicker = $.ui.timepicker || {};
    if ($.ui.timepicker.version) {

    * Extend jQueryUI, get it started with our version number
    $.extend($.ui, {
        timepicker: {
            version: "1.6.3"

    * Timepicker manager.
    * Use the singleton instance of this class, $.timepicker, to interact with the time picker.
    * Settings for (groups of) time pickers are maintained in an instance object,
    * allowing multiple different settings on the same page.
    var Timepicker = function () {
        this.regional = []; // Available regional settings, indexed by language code
        this.regional[''] = { // Default regional settings
            currentText: 'Now',
            closeText: 'Done',
            amNames: ['AM', 'A'],
            pmNames: ['PM', 'P'],
            timeFormat: 'HH:mm',
            timeSuffix: '',
            timeOnlyTitle: 'Choose Time',
            timeText: 'Time',
            hourText: 'Hour',
            minuteText: 'Minute',
            secondText: 'Second',
            millisecText: 'Millisecond',
            microsecText: 'Microsecond',
            timezoneText: 'Time Zone',
            isRTL: false
        this._defaults = { // Global defaults for all the datetime picker instances
            showButtonPanel: true,
            timeOnly: false,
            timeOnlyShowDate: false,
            showHour: null,
            showMinute: null,
            showSecond: null,
            showMillisec: null,
            showMicrosec: null,
            showTimezone: null,
            showTime: true,
            stepHour: 1,
            stepMinute: 1,
            stepSecond: 1,
            stepMillisec: 1,
            stepMicrosec: 1,
            hour: 0,
            minute: 0,
            second: 0,
            millisec: 0,
            microsec: 0,
            timezone: null,
            hourMin: 0,
            minuteMin: 0,
            secondMin: 0,
            millisecMin: 0,
            microsecMin: 0,
            hourMax: 23,
            minuteMax: 59,
            secondMax: 59,
            millisecMax: 999,
            microsecMax: 999,
            minDateTime: null,
            maxDateTime: null,
            maxTime: null,
            minTime: null,
            onSelect: null,
            hourGrid: 0,
            minuteGrid: 0,
            secondGrid: 0,
            millisecGrid: 0,
            microsecGrid: 0,
            alwaysSetTime: true,
            separator: ' ',
            altFieldTimeOnly: true,
            altTimeFormat: null,
            altSeparator: null,
            altTimeSuffix: null,
            altRedirectFocus: true,
            pickerTimeFormat: null,
            pickerTimeSuffix: null,
            showTimepicker: true,
            timezoneList: null,
            addSliderAccess: false,
            sliderAccessArgs: null,
            controlType: 'slider',
            oneLine: false,
            defaultValue: null,
            parse: 'strict',
            afterInject: null
        $.extend(this._defaults, this.regional['']);

    $.extend(Timepicker.prototype, {
        $input: null,
        $altInput: null,
        $timeObj: null,
        inst: null,
        hour_slider: null,
        minute_slider: null,
        second_slider: null,
        millisec_slider: null,
        microsec_slider: null,
        timezone_select: null,
        maxTime: null,
        minTime: null,
        hour: 0,
        minute: 0,
        second: 0,
        millisec: 0,
        microsec: 0,
        timezone: null,
        hourMinOriginal: null,
        minuteMinOriginal: null,
        secondMinOriginal: null,
        millisecMinOriginal: null,
        microsecMinOriginal: null,
        hourMaxOriginal: null,
        minuteMaxOriginal: null,
        secondMaxOriginal: null,
        millisecMaxOriginal: null,
        microsecMaxOriginal: null,
        ampm: '',
        formattedDate: '',
        formattedTime: '',
        formattedDateTime: '',
        timezoneList: null,
        units: ['hour', 'minute', 'second', 'millisec', 'microsec'],
        support: {},
        control: null,

        * Override the default settings for all instances of the time picker.
        * @param  {Object} settings  object - the new settings to use as defaults (anonymous object)
        * @return {Object} the manager object
        setDefaults: function (settings) {
            extendRemove(this._defaults, settings || {});
            return this;

        * Create a new Timepicker instance
        _newInst: function ($input, opts) {
            var tp_inst = new Timepicker(),
                inlineSettings = {},
                fns = {},
                overrides, i;

            for (var attrName in this._defaults) {
                if (this._defaults.hasOwnProperty(attrName)) {
                    var attrValue = $input.attr('time:' + attrName);
                    if (attrValue) {
                        try {
                            inlineSettings[attrName] = eval(attrValue);
                        } catch (err) {
                            inlineSettings[attrName] = attrValue;

            overrides = {
                beforeShow: function (input, dp_inst) {
                    if ($.isFunction(tp_inst._defaults.evnts.beforeShow)) {
                        return tp_inst._defaults.evnts.beforeShow.call($input[0], input, dp_inst, tp_inst);
                onChangeMonthYear: function (year, month, dp_inst) {
                    // Update the time as well : this prevents the time from disappearing from the $input field.
                    // tp_inst._updateDateTime(dp_inst);
                    if ($.isFunction(tp_inst._defaults.evnts.onChangeMonthYear)) {
                        tp_inst._defaults.evnts.onChangeMonthYear.call($input[0], year, month, dp_inst, tp_inst);
                onClose: function (dateText, dp_inst) {
                    if (tp_inst.timeDefined === true && $input.val() !== '') {
                    if ($.isFunction(tp_inst._defaults.evnts.onClose)) {
                        tp_inst._defaults.evnts.onClose.call($input[0], dateText, dp_inst, tp_inst);
            for (i in overrides) {
                if (overrides.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
                    fns[i] = opts[i] || this._defaults[i] || null;

            tp_inst._defaults = $.extend({}, this._defaults, inlineSettings, opts, overrides, {
                evnts: fns,
                timepicker: tp_inst // add timepicker as a property of datepicker: $.datepicker._get(dp_inst, 'timepicker');
            tp_inst.amNames = $.map(tp_inst._defaults.amNames, function (val) {
                return val.toUpperCase();
            tp_inst.pmNames = $.map(tp_inst._defaults.pmNames, function (val) {
                return val.toUpperCase();

            // detect which units are supported
            tp_inst.support = detectSupport(
                    tp_inst._defaults.timeFormat +
                    (tp_inst._defaults.pickerTimeFormat ? tp_inst._defaults.pickerTimeFormat : '') +
                    (tp_inst._defaults.altTimeFormat ? tp_inst._defaults.altTimeFormat : ''));

            // controlType is string - key to our this._controls
            if (typeof(tp_inst._defaults.controlType) === 'string') {
                if (tp_inst._defaults.controlType === 'slider' && typeof($.ui.slider) === 'undefined') {
                    tp_inst._defaults.controlType = 'select';
                tp_inst.control = tp_inst._controls[tp_inst._defaults.controlType];
            // controlType is an object and must implement create, options, value methods
            else {
                tp_inst.control = tp_inst._defaults.controlType;

            // prep the timezone options
            var timezoneList = [-720, -660, -600, -570, -540, -480, -420, -360, -300, -270, -240, -210, -180, -120, -60,
                    0, 60, 120, 180, 210, 240, 270, 300, 330, 345, 360, 390, 420, 480, 525, 540, 570, 600, 630, 660, 690, 720, 765, 780, 840];
            if (tp_inst._defaults.timezoneList !== null) {
                timezoneList = tp_inst._defaults.timezoneList;
            var tzl = timezoneList.length, tzi = 0, tzv = null;
            if (tzl > 0 && typeof timezoneList[0] !== 'object') {
                for (; tzi < tzl; tzi++) {
                    tzv = timezoneList[tzi];
                    timezoneList[tzi] = { value: tzv, label: $.timepicker.timezoneOffsetString(tzv, tp_inst.support.iso8601) };
            tp_inst._defaults.timezoneList = timezoneList;

            // set the default units
            tp_inst.timezone = tp_inst._defaults.timezone !== null ? $.timepicker.timezoneOffsetNumber(tp_inst._defaults.timezone) :
                            ((new Date()).getTimezoneOffset() * -1);
            tp_inst.hour = tp_inst._defaults.hour < tp_inst._defaults.hourMin ? tp_inst._defaults.hourMin :
                            tp_inst._defaults.hour > tp_inst._defaults.hourMax ? tp_inst._defaults.hourMax : tp_inst._defaults.hour;
            tp_inst.minute = tp_inst._defaults.minute < tp_inst._defaults.minuteMin ? tp_inst._defaults.minuteMin :
                            tp_inst._defaults.minute > tp_inst._defaults.minuteMax ? tp_inst._defaults.minuteMax : tp_inst._defaults.minute;
            tp_inst.second = tp_inst._defaults.second < tp_inst._defaults.secondMin ? tp_inst._defaults.secondMin :
                            tp_inst._defaults.second > tp_inst._defaults.secondMax ? tp_inst._defaults.secondMax : tp_inst._defaults.second;
            tp_inst.millisec = tp_inst._defaults.millisec < tp_inst._defaults.millisecMin ? tp_inst._defaults.millisecMin :
                            tp_inst._defaults.millisec > tp_inst._defaults.millisecMax ? tp_inst._defaults.millisecMax : tp_inst._defaults.millisec;
            tp_inst.microsec = tp_inst._defaults.microsec < tp_inst._defaults.microsecMin ? tp_inst._defaults.microsecMin :
                            tp_inst._defaults.microsec > tp_inst._defaults.microsecMax ? tp_inst._defaults.microsecMax : tp_inst._defaults.microsec;
            tp_inst.ampm = '';
            tp_inst.$input = $input;

            if (tp_inst._defaults.altField) {
                tp_inst.$altInput = $(tp_inst._defaults.altField);
                if (tp_inst._defaults.altRedirectFocus === true) {
                        cursor: 'pointer'
                    }).focus(function () {

            if (tp_inst._defaults.minDate === 0 || tp_inst._defaults.minDateTime === 0) {
                tp_inst._defaults.minDate = new Date();
            if (tp_inst._defaults.maxDate === 0 || tp_inst._defaults.maxDateTime === 0) {
                tp_inst._defaults.maxDate = new Date();

            // datepicker needs minDate/maxDate, timepicker needs minDateTime/maxDateTime..
            if (tp_inst._defaults.minDate !== undefined && tp_inst._defaults.minDate instanceof Date) {
                tp_inst._defaults.minDateTime = new Date(tp_inst._defaults.minDate.getTime());
            if (tp_inst._defaults.minDateTime !== undefined && tp_inst._defaults.minDateTime instanceof Date) {
                tp_inst._defaults.minDate = new Date(tp_inst._defaults.minDateTime.getTime());
            if (tp_inst._defaults.maxDate !== undefined && tp_inst._defaults.maxDate instanceof Date) {
                tp_inst._defaults.maxDateTime = new Date(tp_inst._defaults.maxDate.getTime());
            if (tp_inst._defaults.maxDateTime !== undefined && tp_inst._defaults.maxDateTime instanceof Date) {
                tp_inst._defaults.maxDate = new Date(tp_inst._defaults.maxDateTime.getTime());
            tp_inst.$input.bind('focus', function () {

            return tp_inst;

        * add our sliders to the calendar
        _addTimePicker: function (dp_inst) {
            var currDT = $.trim((this.$altInput && this._defaults.altFieldTimeOnly) ? this.$input.val() + ' ' + this.$altInput.val() : this.$input.val());

            this.timeDefined = this._parseTime(currDT);
            this._limitMinMaxDateTime(dp_inst, false);

        * parse the time string from input value or _setTime
        _parseTime: function (timeString, withDate) {
            if (!this.inst) {
                this.inst = $.datepicker._getInst(this.$input[0]);

            if (withDate || !this._defaults.timeOnly) {
                var dp_dateFormat = $.datepicker._get(this.inst, 'dateFormat');
                try {
                    var parseRes = parseDateTimeInternal(dp_dateFormat, this._defaults.timeFormat, timeString, $.datepicker._getFormatConfig(this.inst), this._defaults);
                    if (!parseRes.timeObj) {
                        return false;
                    $.extend(this, parseRes.timeObj);
                } catch (err) {
                    $.timepicker.log("Error parsing the date/time string: " + err +
                                    "\ndate/time string = " + timeString +
                                    "\ntimeFormat = " + this._defaults.timeFormat +
                                    "\ndateFormat = " + dp_dateFormat);
                    return false;
                return true;
            } else {
                var timeObj = $.datepicker.parseTime(this._defaults.timeFormat, timeString, this._defaults);
                if (!timeObj) {
                    return false;
                $.extend(this, timeObj);
                return true;

        * Handle callback option after injecting timepicker
        _afterInject: function() {
            var o = this.inst.settings;
            if ($.isFunction(o.afterInject)) {

        * generate and inject html for timepicker into ui datepicker
        _injectTimePicker: function () {
            var $dp = this.inst.dpDiv,
                o = this.inst.settings,
                tp_inst = this,
                litem = '',
                uitem = '',
                show = null,
                max = {},
                gridSize = {},
                size = null,
                i = 0,
                l = 0;

            // Prevent displaying twice
            if ($dp.find("div.ui-timepicker-div").length === 0 && o.showTimepicker) {
                var noDisplay = ' ui_tpicker_unit_hide',
                    html = '<div class="ui-timepicker-div' + (o.isRTL ? ' ui-timepicker-rtl' : '') + (o.oneLine && o.controlType === 'select' ? ' ui-timepicker-oneLine' : '') + '"><dl>' + '<dt class="ui_tpicker_time_label' + ((o.showTime) ? '' : noDisplay) + '">' + o.timeText + '</dt>' +
                                '<dd class="ui_tpicker_time '+ ((o.showTime) ? '' : noDisplay) + '"><input class="ui_tpicker_time_input" ' + (o.timeInput ? '' : 'disabled') + '/></dd>';

                // Create the markup
                for (i = 0, l = this.units.length; i < l; i++) {
                    litem = this.units[i];
                    uitem = litem.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase() + litem.substr(1);
                    show = o['show' + uitem] !== null ? o['show' + uitem] : this.support[litem];

                    // Added by Peter Medeiros:
                    // - Figure out what the hour/minute/second max should be based on the step values.
                    // - Example: if stepMinute is 15, then minMax is 45.
                    max[litem] = parseInt((o[litem + 'Max'] - ((o[litem + 'Max'] - o[litem + 'Min']) % o['step' + uitem])), 10);
                    gridSize[litem] = 0;

                    html += '<dt class="ui_tpicker_' + litem + '_label' + (show ? '' : noDisplay) + '">' + o[litem + 'Text'] + '</dt>' +
                                '<dd class="ui_tpicker_' + litem + (show ? '' : noDisplay) + '"><div class="ui_tpicker_' + litem + '_slider' + (show ? '' : noDisplay) + '"></div>';

                    if (show && o[litem + 'Grid'] > 0) {
                        html += '<div style="padding-left: 1px"><table class="ui-tpicker-grid-label"><tr>';

                        if (litem === 'hour') {
                            for (var h = o[litem + 'Min']; h <= max[litem]; h += parseInt(o[litem + 'Grid'], 10)) {
                                var tmph = $.datepicker.formatTime(this.support.ampm ? 'hht' : 'HH', {hour: h}, o);
                                html += '<td data-for="' + litem + '">' + tmph + '</td>';
                        else {
                            for (var m = o[litem + 'Min']; m <= max[litem]; m += parseInt(o[litem + 'Grid'], 10)) {
                                html += '<td data-for="' + litem + '">' + ((m < 10) ? '0' : '') + m + '</td>';

                        html += '</tr></table></div>';
                    html += '</dd>';

                // Timezone
                var showTz = o.showTimezone !== null ? o.showTimezone : this.support.timezone;
                html += '<dt class="ui_tpicker_timezone_label' + (showTz ? '' : noDisplay) + '">' + o.timezoneText + '</dt>';
                html += '<dd class="ui_tpicker_timezone' + (showTz ? '' : noDisplay) + '"></dd>';

                // Create the elements from string
                html += '</dl></div>';
                var $tp = $(html);

                // if we only want time picker...
                if (o.timeOnly === true) {
                    $tp.prepend('<div class="ui-widget-header ui-helper-clearfix ui-corner-all">' + '<div class="ui-datepicker-title">' + o.timeOnlyTitle + '</div>' + '</div>');
                    $dp.find('.ui-datepicker-header, .ui-datepicker-calendar').hide();

                // add sliders, adjust grids, add events
                for (i = 0, l = tp_inst.units.length; i < l; i++) {
                    litem = tp_inst.units[i];
                    uitem = litem.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase() + litem.substr(1);
                    show = o['show' + uitem] !== null ? o['show' + uitem] : this.support[litem];

                    // add the slider
                    tp_inst[litem + '_slider'] = tp_inst.control.create(tp_inst, $tp.find('.ui_tpicker_' + litem + '_slider'), litem, tp_inst[litem], o[litem + 'Min'], max[litem], o['step' + uitem]);

                    // adjust the grid and add click event
                    if (show && o[litem + 'Grid'] > 0) {
                        size = 100 * gridSize[litem] * o[litem + 'Grid'] / (max[litem] - o[litem + 'Min']);
                        $tp.find('.ui_tpicker_' + litem + ' table').css({
                            width: size + "%",
                            marginLeft: o.isRTL ? '0' : ((size / (-2 * gridSize[litem])) + "%"),
                            marginRight: o.isRTL ? ((size / (-2 * gridSize[litem])) + "%") : '0',
                            borderCollapse: 'collapse'
                        }).find("td").click(function (e) {
                                var $t = $(this),
                                    h = $t.html(),
                                    n = parseInt(h.replace(/[^0-9]/g), 10),
                                    ap = h.replace(/[^apm]/ig),
                                    f = $t.data('for'); // loses scope, so we use data-for

                                if (f === 'hour') {
                                    if (ap.indexOf('p') !== -1 && n < 12) {
                                        n += 12;
                                    else {
                                        if (ap.indexOf('a') !== -1 && n === 12) {
                                            n = 0;

                                tp_inst.control.value(tp_inst, tp_inst[f + '_slider'], litem, n);

                                cursor: 'pointer',
                                width: (100 / gridSize[litem]) + '%',
                                textAlign: 'center',
                                overflow: 'hidden'
                    } // end if grid > 0
                } // end for loop

                // Add timezone options
                this.timezone_select = $tp.find('.ui_tpicker_timezone').append('<select></select>').find("select");
                $.map(o.timezoneList, function (val, idx) {
                    return $("<option />").val(typeof val === "object" ? val.value : val).text(typeof val === "object" ? val.label : val);
                if (typeof(this.timezone) !== "undefined" && this.timezone !== null && this.timezone !== "") {
                    var local_timezone = (new Date(this.inst.selectedYear, this.inst.selectedMonth, this.inst.selectedDay, 12)).getTimezoneOffset() * -1;
                    if (local_timezone === this.timezone) {
                    } else {
                } else {
                    if (typeof(this.hour) !== "undefined" && this.hour !== null && this.hour !== "") {
                    } else {
                this.timezone_select.change(function () {
                // End timezone options

                // inject timepicker into datepicker
                var $buttonPanel = $dp.find('.ui-datepicker-buttonpane');
                if ($buttonPanel.length) {
                } else {

                this.$timeObj = $tp.find('.ui_tpicker_time_input');
                this.$timeObj.change(function () {
                    var timeFormat = tp_inst.inst.settings.timeFormat;
                    var parsedTime = $.datepicker.parseTime(timeFormat, this.value);
                    var update = new Date();
                    if (parsedTime) {
                        $.datepicker._setTime(tp_inst.inst, update);
                    } else {
                        this.value = tp_inst.formattedTime;

                if (this.inst !== null) {
                    var timeDefined = this.timeDefined;
                    this.timeDefined = timeDefined;

                // slideAccess integration: http://trentrichardson.com/2011/11/11/jquery-ui-sliders-and-touch-accessibility/
                if (this._defaults.addSliderAccess) {
                    var sliderAccessArgs = this._defaults.sliderAccessArgs,
                        rtl = this._defaults.isRTL;
                    sliderAccessArgs.isRTL = rtl;

                    setTimeout(function () { // fix for inline mode
                        if ($tp.find('.ui-slider-access').length === 0) {

                            // fix any grids since sliders are shorter
                            var sliderAccessWidth = $tp.find('.ui-slider-access:eq(0)').outerWidth(true);
                            if (sliderAccessWidth) {
                                $tp.find('table:visible').each(function () {
                                    var $g = $(this),
                                        oldWidth = $g.outerWidth(),
                                        oldMarginLeft = $g.css(rtl ? 'marginRight' : 'marginLeft').toString().replace('%', ''),
                                        newWidth = oldWidth - sliderAccessWidth,
                                        newMarginLeft = ((oldMarginLeft * newWidth) / oldWidth) + '%',
                                        css = { width: newWidth, marginRight: 0, marginLeft: 0 };
                                    css[rtl ? 'marginRight' : 'marginLeft'] = newMarginLeft;
                    }, 10);
                // end slideAccess integration

                tp_inst._limitMinMaxDateTime(this.inst, true);

        * This function tries to limit the ability to go outside the
        * min/max date range
        _limitMinMaxDateTime: function (dp_inst, adjustSliders) {
            var o = this._defaults,
                dp_date = new Date(dp_inst.selectedYear, dp_inst.selectedMonth, dp_inst.selectedDay);

            if (!this._defaults.showTimepicker) {
            } // No time so nothing to check here

            if ($.datepicker._get(dp_inst, 'minDateTime') !== null && $.datepicker._get(dp_inst, 'minDateTime') !== undefined && dp_date) {
                var minDateTime = $.datepicker._get(dp_inst, 'minDateTime'),
                    minDateTimeDate = new Date(minDateTime.getFullYear(), minDateTime.getMonth(), minDateTime.getDate(), 0, 0, 0, 0);

                if (this.hourMinOriginal === null || this.minuteMinOriginal === null || this.secondMinOriginal === null || this.millisecMinOriginal === null || this.microsecMinOriginal === null) {
                    this.hourMinOriginal = o.hourMin;
                    this.minuteMinOriginal = o.minuteMin;
                    this.secondMinOriginal = o.secondMin;
                    this.millisecMinOriginal = o.millisecMin;
                    this.microsecMinOriginal = o.microsecMin;

                if (dp_inst.settings.timeOnly || minDateTimeDate.getTime() === dp_date.getTime()) {
                    this._defaults.hourMin = minDateTime.getHours();
                    if (this.hour <= this._defaults.hourMin) {
                        this.hour = this._defaults.hourMin;
                        this._defaults.minuteMin = minDateTime.getMinutes();
                        if (this.minute <= this._defaults.minuteMin) {
                            this.minute = this._defaults.minuteMin;
                            this._defaults.secondMin = minDateTime.getSeconds();
                            if (this.second <= this._defaults.secondMin) {
                                this.second = this._defaults.secondMin;
                                this._defaults.millisecMin = minDateTime.getMilliseconds();
                                if (this.millisec <= this._defaults.millisecMin) {
                                    this.millisec = this._defaults.millisecMin;
                                    this._defaults.microsecMin = minDateTime.getMicroseconds();
                                } else {
                                    if (this.microsec < this._defaults.microsecMin) {
                                        this.microsec = this._defaults.microsecMin;
                                    this._defaults.microsecMin = this.microsecMinOriginal;
                            } else {
                                this._defaults.millisecMin = this.millisecMinOriginal;
                                this._defaults.microsecMin = this.microsecMinOriginal;
                        } else {
                            this._defaults.secondMin = this.secondMinOriginal;
                            this._defaults.millisecMin = this.millisecMinOriginal;
                            this._defaults.microsecMin = this.microsecMinOriginal;
                    } else {
                        this._defaults.minuteMin = this.minuteMinOriginal;
                        this._defaults.secondMin = this.secondMinOriginal;
                        this._defaults.millisecMin = this.millisecMinOriginal;
                        this._defaults.microsecMin = this.microsecMinOriginal;
                } else {
                    this._defaults.hourMin = this.hourMinOriginal;
                    this._defaults.minuteMin = this.minuteMinOriginal;
                    this._defaults.secondMin = this.secondMinOriginal;
                    this._defaults.millisecMin = this.millisecMinOriginal;
                    this._defaults.microsecMin = this.microsecMinOriginal;

            if ($.datepicker._get(dp_inst, 'maxDateTime') !== null && $.datepicker._get(dp_inst, 'maxDateTime') !== undefined && dp_date) {
                var maxDateTime = $.datepicker._get(dp_inst, 'maxDateTime'),
                    maxDateTimeDate = new Date(maxDateTime.getFullYear(), maxDateTime.getMonth(), maxDateTime.getDate(), 0, 0, 0, 0);

                if (this.hourMaxOriginal === null || this.minuteMaxOriginal === null || this.secondMaxOriginal === null || this.millisecMaxOriginal === null) {
                    this.hourMaxOriginal = o.hourMax;
                    this.minuteMaxOriginal = o.minuteMax;
                    this.secondMaxOriginal = o.secondMax;
                    this.millisecMaxOriginal = o.millisecMax;
                    this.microsecMaxOriginal = o.microsecMax;

                if (dp_inst.settings.timeOnly || maxDateTimeDate.getTime() === dp_date.getTime()) {
                    this._defaults.hourMax = maxDateTime.getHours();
                    if (this.hour >= this._defaults.hourMax) {
                        this.hour = this._defaults.hourMax;
                        this._defaults.minuteMax = maxDateTime.getMinutes();
                        if (this.minute >= this._defaults.minuteMax) {
                            this.minute = this._defaults.minuteMax;
                            this._defaults.secondMax = maxDateTime.getSeconds();
                            if (this.second >= this._defaults.secondMax) {
                                this.second = this._defaults.secondMax;
                                this._defaults.millisecMax = maxDateTime.getMilliseconds();
                                if (this.millisec >= this._defaults.millisecMax) {
                                    this.millisec = this._defaults.millisecMax;
                                    this._defaults.microsecMax = maxDateTime.getMicroseconds();
                                } else {
                                    if (this.microsec > this._defaults.microsecMax) {
                                        this.microsec = this._defaults.microsecMax;
                                    this._defaults.microsecMax = this.microsecMaxOriginal;
                            } else {
                                this._defaults.millisecMax = this.millisecMaxOriginal;
                                this._defaults.microsecMax = this.microsecMaxOriginal;
                        } else {
                            this._defaults.secondMax = this.secondMaxOriginal;
                            this._defaults.millisecMax = this.millisecMaxOriginal;
                            this._defaults.microsecMax = this.microsecMaxOriginal;
                    } else {
                        this._defaults.minuteMax = this.minuteMaxOriginal;
                        this._defaults.secondMax = this.secondMaxOriginal;
                        this._defaults.millisecMax = this.millisecMaxOriginal;
                        this._defaults.microsecMax = this.microsecMaxOriginal;
                } else {
                    this._defaults.hourMax = this.hourMaxOriginal;
                    this._defaults.minuteMax = this.minuteMaxOriginal;
                    this._defaults.secondMax = this.secondMaxOriginal;
                    this._defaults.millisecMax = this.millisecMaxOriginal;
                    this._defaults.microsecMax = this.microsecMaxOriginal;

            if (dp_inst.settings.minTime!==null) {
                var tempMinTime=new Date("01/01/1970 " + dp_inst.settings.minTime);
                if (this.hour<tempMinTime.getHours()) {
                } else if (this.hour===tempMinTime.getHours() && this.minute<tempMinTime.getMinutes()) {
                } else {
                    if (this._defaults.hourMin<tempMinTime.getHours()) {
                    } else if (this._defaults.hourMin===tempMinTime.getHours()===this.hour && this._defaults.minuteMin<tempMinTime.getMinutes()) {
                    } else {

            if (dp_inst.settings.maxTime!==null) {
                var tempMaxTime=new Date("01/01/1970 " + dp_inst.settings.maxTime);
                if (this.hour>tempMaxTime.getHours()) {
                } else if (this.hour===tempMaxTime.getHours() && this.minute>tempMaxTime.getMinutes()) {
                } else {
                    if (this._defaults.hourMax>tempMaxTime.getHours()) {
                    } else if (this._defaults.hourMax===tempMaxTime.getHours()===this.hour && this._defaults.minuteMax>tempMaxTime.getMinutes()) {
                    } else {

            if (adjustSliders !== undefined && adjustSliders === true) {
                var hourMax = parseInt((this._defaults.hourMax - ((this._defaults.hourMax - this._defaults.hourMin) % this._defaults.stepHour)), 10),
                    minMax = parseInt((this._defaults.minuteMax - ((this._defaults.minuteMax - this._defaults.minuteMin) % this._defaults.stepMinute)), 10),
                    secMax = parseInt((this._defaults.secondMax - ((this._defaults.secondMax - this._defaults.secondMin) % this._defaults.stepSecond)), 10),
                    millisecMax = parseInt((this._defaults.millisecMax - ((this._defaults.millisecMax - this._defaults.millisecMin) % this._defaults.stepMillisec)), 10),
                    microsecMax = parseInt((this._defaults.microsecMax - ((this._defaults.microsecMax - this._defaults.microsecMin) % this._defaults.stepMicrosec)), 10);

                if (this.hour_slider) {
                    this.control.options(this, this.hour_slider, 'hour', { min: this._defaults.hourMin, max: hourMax, step: this._defaults.stepHour });
                    this.control.value(this, this.hour_slider, 'hour', this.hour - (this.hour % this._defaults.stepHour));
                if (this.minute_slider) {
                    this.control.options(this, this.minute_slider, 'minute', { min: this._defaults.minuteMin, max: minMax, step: this._defaults.stepMinute });
                    this.control.value(this, this.minute_slider, 'minute', this.minute - (this.minute % this._defaults.stepMinute));
                if (this.second_slider) {
                    this.control.options(this, this.second_slider, 'second', { min: this._defaults.secondMin, max: secMax, step: this._defaults.stepSecond });
                    this.control.value(this, this.second_slider, 'second', this.second - (this.second % this._defaults.stepSecond));
                if (this.millisec_slider) {
                    this.control.options(this, this.millisec_slider, 'millisec', { min: this._defaults.millisecMin, max: millisecMax, step: this._defaults.stepMillisec });
                    this.control.value(this, this.millisec_slider, 'millisec', this.millisec - (this.millisec % this._defaults.stepMillisec));
                if (this.microsec_slider) {
                    this.control.options(this, this.microsec_slider, 'microsec', { min: this._defaults.microsecMin, max: microsecMax, step: this._defaults.stepMicrosec });
                    this.control.value(this, this.microsec_slider, 'microsec', this.microsec - (this.microsec % this._defaults.stepMicrosec));


        * when a slider moves, set the internal time...
        * on time change is also called when the time is updated in the text field
        _onTimeChange: function () {
            if (!this._defaults.showTimepicker) {
            var hour = (this.hour_slider) ? this.control.value(this, this.hour_slider, 'hour') : false,
                minute = (this.minute_slider) ? this.control.value(this, this.minute_slider, 'minute') : false,
                second = (this.second_slider) ? this.control.value(this, this.second_slider, 'second') : false,
                millisec = (this.millisec_slider) ? this.control.value(this, this.millisec_slider, 'millisec') : false,
                microsec = (this.microsec_slider) ? this.control.value(this, this.microsec_slider, 'microsec') : false,
                timezone = (this.timezone_select) ? this.timezone_select.val() : false,
                o = this._defaults,
                pickerTimeFormat = o.pickerTimeFormat || o.timeFormat,
                pickerTimeSuffix = o.pickerTimeSuffix || o.timeSuffix;

            if (typeof(hour) === 'object') {
                hour = false;
            if (typeof(minute) === 'object') {
                minute = false;
            if (typeof(second) === 'object') {
                second = false;
            if (typeof(millisec) === 'object') {
                millisec = false;
            if (typeof(microsec) === 'object') {
                microsec = false;
            if (typeof(timezone) === 'object') {
                timezone = false;

            if (hour !== false) {
                hour = parseInt(hour, 10);
            if (minute !== false) {
                minute = parseInt(minute, 10);
            if (second !== false) {
                second = parseInt(second, 10);
            if (millisec !== false) {
                millisec = parseInt(millisec, 10);
            if (microsec !== false) {
                microsec = parseInt(microsec, 10);
            if (timezone !== false) {
                timezone = timezone.toString();

            var ampm = o[hour < 12 ? 'amNames' : 'pmNames'][0];

            // If the update was done in the input field, the input field should not be updated.
            // If the update was done using the sliders, update the input field.
            var hasChanged = (
                        hour !== parseInt(this.hour,10) || // sliders should all be numeric
                        minute !== parseInt(this.minute,10) ||
                        second !== parseInt(this.second,10) ||
                        millisec !== parseInt(this.millisec,10) ||
                        microsec !== parseInt(this.microsec,10) ||
                        (this.ampm.length > 0 && (hour < 12) !== ($.inArray(this.ampm.toUpperCase(), this.amNames) !== -1)) ||
                        (this.timezone !== null && timezone !== this.timezone.toString()) // could be numeric or "EST" format, so use toString()

            if (hasChanged) {

                if (hour !== false) {
                    this.hour = hour;
                if (minute !== false) {
                    this.minute = minute;
                if (second !== false) {
                    this.second = second;
                if (millisec !== false) {
                    this.millisec = millisec;
                if (microsec !== false) {
                    this.microsec = microsec;
                if (timezone !== false) {
                    this.timezone = timezone;

                if (!this.inst) {
                    this.inst = $.datepicker._getInst(this.$input[0]);

                this._limitMinMaxDateTime(this.inst, true);
            if (this.support.ampm) {
                this.ampm = ampm;

            // Updates the time within the timepicker
            this.formattedTime = $.datepicker.formatTime(o.timeFormat, this, o);
            if (this.$timeObj) {
                if (pickerTimeFormat === o.timeFormat) {
                    this.$timeObj.val(this.formattedTime + pickerTimeSuffix);
                else {
                    this.$timeObj.val($.datepicker.formatTime(pickerTimeFormat, this, o) + pickerTimeSuffix);
                if (this.$timeObj[0].setSelectionRange) {
                    var sPos = this.$timeObj[0].selectionStart;
                    var ePos = this.$timeObj[0].selectionEnd;
                    this.$timeObj[0].setSelectionRange(sPos, ePos);

            this.timeDefined = true;
            if (hasChanged) {
                //this.$input.focus(); // may automatically open the picker on setDate

        * call custom onSelect.
        * bind to sliders slidestop, and grid click.
        _onSelectHandler: function () {
            var onSelect = this._defaults.onSelect || this.inst.settings.onSelect;
            var inputEl = this.$input ? this.$input[0] : null;
            if (onSelect && inputEl) {
                onSelect.apply(inputEl, [this.formattedDateTime, this]);

        * update our input with the new date time..
        _updateDateTime: function (dp_inst) {
            dp_inst = this.inst || dp_inst;
            var dtTmp = (dp_inst.currentYear > 0?
                            new Date(dp_inst.currentYear, dp_inst.currentMonth, dp_inst.currentDay) :
                            new Date(dp_inst.selectedYear, dp_inst.selectedMonth, dp_inst.selectedDay)),
                dt = $.datepicker._daylightSavingAdjust(dtTmp),
                //dt = $.datepicker._daylightSavingAdjust(new Date(dp_inst.selectedYear, dp_inst.selectedMonth, dp_inst.selectedDay)),
                //dt = $.datepicker._daylightSavingAdjust(new Date(dp_inst.currentYear, dp_inst.currentMonth, dp_inst.currentDay)),
                dateFmt = $.datepicker._get(dp_inst, 'dateFormat'),
                formatCfg = $.datepicker._getFormatConfig(dp_inst),
                timeAvailable = dt !== null && this.timeDefined;
            this.formattedDate = $.datepicker.formatDate(dateFmt, (dt === null ? new Date() : dt), formatCfg);
            var formattedDateTime = this.formattedDate;

            // if a slider was changed but datepicker doesn't have a value yet, set it
            if (dp_inst.lastVal === "") {
                dp_inst.currentYear = dp_inst.selectedYear;
                dp_inst.currentMonth = dp_inst.selectedMonth;
                dp_inst.currentDay = dp_inst.selectedDay;

            * remove following lines to force every changes in date picker to change the input value
            * Bug descriptions: when an input field has a default value, and click on the field to pop up the date picker.
            * If the user manually empty the value in the input field, the date picker will never change selected value.
            //if (dp_inst.lastVal !== undefined && (dp_inst.lastVal.length > 0 && this.$input.val().length === 0)) {
            //    return;

            if (this._defaults.timeOnly === true && this._defaults.timeOnlyShowDate === false) {
                formattedDateTime = this.formattedTime;
            } else if ((this._defaults.timeOnly !== true && (this._defaults.alwaysSetTime || timeAvailable)) || (this._defaults.timeOnly === true && this._defaults.timeOnlyShowDate === true)) {
                formattedDateTime += this._defaults.separator + this.formattedTime + this._defaults.timeSuffix;

            this.formattedDateTime = formattedDateTime;

            if (!this._defaults.showTimepicker) {
            } else if (this.$altInput && this._defaults.timeOnly === false && this._defaults.altFieldTimeOnly === true) {
            } else if (this.$altInput) {
                var altFormattedDateTime = '',
                    altSeparator = this._defaults.altSeparator !== null ? this._defaults.altSeparator : this._defaults.separator,
                    altTimeSuffix = this._defaults.altTimeSuffix !== null ? this._defaults.altTimeSuffix : this._defaults.timeSuffix;

                if (!this._defaults.timeOnly) {
                    if (this._defaults.altFormat) {
                        altFormattedDateTime = $.datepicker.formatDate(this._defaults.altFormat, (dt === null ? new Date() : dt), formatCfg);
                    else {
                        altFormattedDateTime = this.formattedDate;

                    if (altFormattedDateTime) {
                        altFormattedDateTime += altSeparator;

                if (this._defaults.altTimeFormat !== null) {
                    altFormattedDateTime += $.datepicker.formatTime(this._defaults.altTimeFormat, this, this._defaults) + altTimeSuffix;
                else {
                    altFormattedDateTime += this.formattedTime + altTimeSuffix;
            } else {


        _onFocus: function () {
            if (!this.$input.val() && this._defaults.defaultValue) {
                var inst = $.datepicker._getInst(this.$input.get(0)),
                    tp_inst = $.datepicker._get(inst, 'timepicker');
                if (tp_inst) {
                    if (tp_inst._defaults.timeOnly && (inst.input.val() !== inst.lastVal)) {
                        try {
                        } catch (err) {

        * Small abstraction to control types
        * We can add more, just be sure to follow the pattern: create, options, value
        _controls: {
            // slider methods
            slider: {
                create: function (tp_inst, obj, unit, val, min, max, step) {
                    var rtl = tp_inst._defaults.isRTL; // if rtl go -60->0 instead of 0->60
                    return obj.prop('slide', null).slider({
                        orientation: "horizontal",
                        value: rtl ? val * -1 : val,
                        min: rtl ? max * -1 : min,
                        max: rtl ? min * -1 : max,
                        step: step,
                        slide: function (event, ui) {
                            tp_inst.control.value(tp_inst, $(this), unit, rtl ? ui.value * -1 : ui.value);
                        stop: function (event, ui) {
                options: function (tp_inst, obj, unit, opts, val) {
                    if (tp_inst._defaults.isRTL) {
                        if (typeof(opts) === 'string') {
                            if (opts === 'min' || opts === 'max') {
                                if (val !== undefined) {
                                    return obj.slider(opts, val * -1);
                                return Math.abs(obj.slider(opts));
                            return obj.slider(opts);
                        var min = opts.min,
                            max = opts.max;
                        opts.min = opts.max = null;
                        if (min !== undefined) {
                            opts.max = min * -1;
                        if (max !== undefined) {
                            opts.min = max * -1;
                        return obj.slider(opts);
                    if (typeof(opts) === 'string' && val !== undefined) {
                        return obj.slider(opts, val);
                    return obj.slider(opts);
                value: function (tp_inst, obj, unit, val) {
                    if (tp_inst._defaults.isRTL) {
                        if (val !== undefined) {
                            return obj.slider('value', val * -1);
                        return Math.abs(obj.slider('value'));
                    if (val !== undefined) {
                        return obj.slider('value', val);
                    return obj.slider('value');
            // select methods
            select: {
                create: function (tp_inst, obj, unit, val, min, max, step) {
                    var sel = '<select class="ui-timepicker-select ui-state-default ui-corner-all" data-unit="' + unit + '" data-min="' + min + '" data-max="' + max + '" data-step="' + step + '">',
                        format = tp_inst._defaults.pickerTimeFormat || tp_inst._defaults.timeFormat;

                    for (var i = min; i <= max; i += step) {
                        sel += '<option value="' + i + '"' + (i === val ? ' selected' : '') + '>';
                        if (unit === 'hour') {
                            sel += $.datepicker.formatTime($.trim(format.replace(/[^ht ]/ig, '')), {hour: i}, tp_inst._defaults);
                        else if (unit === 'millisec' || unit === 'microsec' || i >= 10) { sel += i; }
                        else {sel += '0' + i.toString(); }
                        sel += '</option>';
                    sel += '</select>';


                    $(sel).appendTo(obj).change(function (e) {

                    return obj;
                options: function (tp_inst, obj, unit, opts, val) {
                    var o = {},
                        $t = obj.children('select');
                    if (typeof(opts) === 'string') {
                        if (val === undefined) {
                            return $t.data(opts);
                        o[opts] = val;
                    else { o = opts; }
                    return tp_inst.control.create(tp_inst, obj, $t.data('unit'), $t.val(), o.min>=0 ? o.min : $t.data('min'), o.max || $t.data('max'), o.step || $t.data('step'));
                value: function (tp_inst, obj, unit, val) {
                    var $t = obj.children('select');
                    if (val !== undefined) {
                        return $t.val(val);
                    return $t.val();
        } // end _controls


        * shorthand just to use timepicker.
        timepicker: function (o) {
            o = o || {};
            var tmp_args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);

            if (typeof o === 'object') {
                tmp_args[0] = $.extend(o, {
                    timeOnly: true

            return $(this).each(function () {
                $.fn.datetimepicker.apply($(this), tmp_args);

        * extend timepicker to datepicker
        datetimepicker: function (o) {
            o = o || {};
            var tmp_args = arguments;

            if (typeof(o) === 'string') {
                if (o === 'getDate'  || (o === 'option' && tmp_args.length === 2 && typeof (tmp_args[1]) === 'string')) {
                    return $.fn.datepicker.apply($(this[0]), tmp_args);
                } else {
                    return this.each(function () {
                        var $t = $(this);
                        $t.datepicker.apply($t, tmp_args);
            } else {
                return this.each(function () {
                    var $t = $(this);
                    $t.datepicker($.timepicker._newInst($t, o)._defaults);

    * Public Utility to parse date and time
    $.datepicker.parseDateTime = function (dateFormat, timeFormat, dateTimeString, dateSettings, timeSettings) {
        var parseRes = parseDateTimeInternal(dateFormat, timeFormat, dateTimeString, dateSettings, timeSettings);
        if (parseRes.timeObj) {
            var t = parseRes.timeObj;
            parseRes.date.setHours(t.hour, t.minute, t.second, t.millisec);

        return parseRes.date;

    * Public utility to parse time
    $.datepicker.parseTime = function (timeFormat, timeString, options) {
        var o = extendRemove(extendRemove({}, $.timepicker._defaults), options || {}),
            iso8601 = (timeFormat.replace(/\'.*?\'/g, '').indexOf('Z') !== -1);

        // Strict parse requires the timeString to match the timeFormat exactly
        var strictParse = function (f, s, o) {

            // pattern for standard and localized AM/PM markers
            var getPatternAmpm = function (amNames, pmNames) {
                var markers = [];
                if (amNames) {
                    $.merge(markers, amNames);
                if (pmNames) {
                    $.merge(markers, pmNames);
                markers = $.map(markers, function (val) {
                    return val.replace(/[.*+?|()\[\]{}\\]/g, '\\$&');
                return '(' + markers.join('|') + ')?';

            // figure out position of time elements.. cause js cant do named captures
            var getFormatPositions = function (timeFormat) {
                var finds = timeFormat.toLowerCase().match(/(h{1,2}|m{1,2}|s{1,2}|l{1}|c{1}|t{1,2}|z|'.*?')/g),
                    orders = {
                        h: -1,
                        m: -1,
                        s: -1,
                        l: -1,
                        c: -1,
                        t: -1,
                        z: -1

                if (finds) {
                    for (var i = 0; i < finds.length; i++) {
                        if (orders[finds[i].toString().charAt(0)] === -1) {
                            orders[finds[i].toString().charAt(0)] = i + 1;
                return orders;

            var regstr = '^' + f.toString()
                    .replace(/([hH]{1,2}|mm?|ss?|[tT]{1,2}|[zZ]|[lc]|'.*?')/g, function (match) {
                            var ml = match.length;
                            switch (match.charAt(0).toLowerCase()) {
                            case 'h':
                                return ml === 1 ? '(\\d?\\d)' : '(\\d{' + ml + '})';
                            case 'm':
                                return ml === 1 ? '(\\d?\\d)' : '(\\d{' + ml + '})';
                            case 's':
                                return ml === 1 ? '(\\d?\\d)' : '(\\d{' + ml + '})';
                            case 'l':
                                return '(\\d?\\d?\\d)';
                            case 'c':
                                return '(\\d?\\d?\\d)';
                            case 'z':
                                return '(z|[-+]\\d\\d:?\\d\\d|\\S+)?';
                            case 't':
                                return getPatternAmpm(o.amNames, o.pmNames);
                            default:    // literal escaped in quotes
                                return '(' + match.replace(/\'/g, "").replace(/(\.|\$|\^|\\|\/|\(|\)|\[|\]|\?|\+|\*)/g, function (m) { return "\\" + m; }) + ')?';
                    .replace(/\s/g, '\\s?') +
                    o.timeSuffix + '$',
                order = getFormatPositions(f),
                ampm = '',

            treg = s.match(new RegExp(regstr, 'i'));

            var resTime = {
                hour: 0,
                minute: 0,
                second: 0,
                millisec: 0,
                microsec: 0

            if (treg) {
                if (order.t !== -1) {
                    if (treg[order.t] === undefined || treg[order.t].length === 0) {
                        ampm = '';
                        resTime.ampm = '';
                    } else {
                        ampm = $.inArray(treg[order.t].toUpperCase(), $.map(o.amNames, function (x,i) { return x.toUpperCase(); })) !== -1 ? 'AM' : 'PM';
                        resTime.ampm = o[ampm === 'AM' ? 'amNames' : 'pmNames'][0];

                if (order.h !== -1) {
                    if (ampm === 'AM' && treg[order.h] === '12') {
                        resTime.hour = 0; // 12am = 0 hour
                    } else {
                        if (ampm === 'PM' && treg[order.h] !== '12') {
                            resTime.hour = parseInt(treg[order.h], 10) + 12; // 12pm = 12 hour, any other pm = hour + 12
                        } else {
                            resTime.hour = Number(treg[order.h]);

                if (order.m !== -1) {
                    resTime.minute = Number(treg[order.m]);
                if (order.s !== -1) {
                    resTime.second = Number(treg[order.s]);
                if (order.l !== -1) {
                    resTime.millisec = Number(treg[order.l]);
                if (order.c !== -1) {
                    resTime.microsec = Number(treg[order.c]);
                if (order.z !== -1 && treg[order.z] !== undefined) {
                    resTime.timezone = $.timepicker.timezoneOffsetNumber(treg[order.z]);

                return resTime;
            return false;
        };// end strictParse

        // First try JS Date, if that fails, use strictParse
        var looseParse = function (f, s, o) {
            try {
                var d = new Date('2012-01-01 ' + s);
                if (isNaN(d.getTime())) {
                    d = new Date('2012-01-01T' + s);
                    if (isNaN(d.getTime())) {
                        d = new Date('01/01/2012 ' + s);
                        if (isNaN(d.getTime())) {
                            throw "Unable to parse time with native Date: " + s;

                return {
                    hour: d.getHours(),
                    minute: d.getMinutes(),
                    second: d.getSeconds(),
                    millisec: d.getMilliseconds(),
                    microsec: d.getMicroseconds(),
                    timezone: d.getTimezoneOffset() * -1
            catch (err) {
                try {
                    return strictParse(f, s, o);
                catch (err2) {
                    $.timepicker.log("Unable to parse \ntimeString: " + s + "\ntimeFormat: " + f);
            return false;
        }; // end looseParse

        if (typeof o.parse === "function") {
            return o.parse(timeFormat, timeString, o);
        if (o.parse === 'loose') {
            return looseParse(timeFormat, timeString, o);
        return strictParse(timeFormat, timeString, o);

     * Public utility to format the time
     * @param {string} format format of the time
     * @param {Object} time Object not a Date for timezones
     * @param {Object} [options] essentially the regional[].. amNames, pmNames, ampm
     * @returns {string} the formatted time
    $.datepicker.formatTime = function (format, time, options) {
        options = options || {};
        options = $.extend({}, $.timepicker._defaults, options);
        time = $.extend({
            hour: 0,
            minute: 0,
            second: 0,
            millisec: 0,
            microsec: 0,
            timezone: null
        }, time);

        var tmptime = format,
            ampmName = options.amNames[0],
            hour = parseInt(time.hour, 10);

        if (hour > 11) {
            ampmName = options.pmNames[0];

        tmptime = tmptime.replace(/(?:HH?|hh?|mm?|ss?|[tT]{1,2}|[zZ]|[lc]|'.*?')/g, function (match) {
            switch (match) {
            case 'HH':
                return ('0' + hour).slice(-2);
            case 'H':
                return hour;
            case 'hh':
                return ('0' + convert24to12(hour)).slice(-2);
            case 'h':
                return convert24to12(hour);
            case 'mm':
                return ('0' + time.minute).slice(-2);
            case 'm':
                return time.minute;
            case 'ss':
                return ('0' + time.second).slice(-2);
            case 's':
                return time.second;
            case 'l':
                return ('00' + time.millisec).slice(-3);
            case 'c':
                return ('00' + time.microsec).slice(-3);
            case 'z':
                return $.timepicker.timezoneOffsetString(time.timezone === null ? options.timezone : time.timezone, false);
            case 'Z':
                return $.timepicker.timezoneOffsetString(time.timezone === null ? options.timezone : time.timezone, true);
            case 'T':
                return ampmName.charAt(0).toUpperCase();
            case 'TT':
                return ampmName.toUpperCase();
            case 't':
                return ampmName.charAt(0).toLowerCase();
            case 'tt':
                return ampmName.toLowerCase();
                return match.replace(/'/g, "");

        return tmptime;

    * the bad hack :/ override datepicker so it doesn't close on select
    // inspired: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1252512/jquery-datepicker-prevent-closing-picker-when-clicking-a-date/1762378#1762378
    $.datepicker._base_selectDate = $.datepicker._selectDate;
    $.datepicker._selectDate = function (id, dateStr) {
        var inst = this._getInst($(id)[0]),
            tp_inst = this._get(inst, 'timepicker'),

        if (tp_inst && inst.settings.showTimepicker) {
            tp_inst._limitMinMaxDateTime(inst, true);
            was_inline = inst.inline;
            inst.inline = inst.stay_open = true;
            //This way the onSelect handler called from calendarpicker get the full dateTime
            this._base_selectDate(id, dateStr);
            inst.inline = was_inline;
            inst.stay_open = false;
        } else {
            this._base_selectDate(id, dateStr);

    * second bad hack :/ override datepicker so it triggers an event when changing the input field
    * and does not redraw the datepicker on every selectDate event
    $.datepicker._base_updateDatepicker = $.datepicker._updateDatepicker;
    $.datepicker._updateDatepicker = function (inst) {

        // don't popup the datepicker if there is another instance already opened
        var input = inst.input[0];
        if ($.datepicker._curInst && $.datepicker._curInst !== inst && $.datepicker._datepickerShowing && $.datepicker._lastInput !== input) {

        if (typeof(inst.stay_open) !== 'boolean' || inst.stay_open === false) {


            // Reload the time control when changing something in the input text field.
            var tp_inst = this._get(inst, 'timepicker');
            if (tp_inst) {

    * third bad hack :/ override datepicker so it allows spaces and colon in the input field
    $.datepicker._base_doKeyPress = $.datepicker._doKeyPress;
    $.datepicker._doKeyPress = function (event) {
        var inst = $.datepicker._getInst(event.target),
            tp_inst = $.datepicker._get(inst, 'timepicker');

        if (tp_inst) {
            if ($.datepicker._get(inst, 'constrainInput')) {
                var ampm = tp_inst.support.ampm,
                    tz = tp_inst._defaults.showTimezone !== null ? tp_inst._defaults.showTimezone : tp_inst.support.timezone,
                    dateChars = $.datepicker._possibleChars($.datepicker._get(inst, 'dateFormat')),
                    datetimeChars = tp_inst._defaults.timeFormat.toString()
                                            .replace(/[hms]/g, '')
                                            .replace(/TT/g, ampm ? 'APM' : '')
                                            .replace(/Tt/g, ampm ? 'AaPpMm' : '')
                                            .replace(/tT/g, ampm ? 'AaPpMm' : '')
                                            .replace(/T/g, ampm ? 'AP' : '')
                                            .replace(/tt/g, ampm ? 'apm' : '')
                                            .replace(/t/g, ampm ? 'ap' : '') +
                                            " " + tp_inst._defaults.separator +
                                            tp_inst._defaults.timeSuffix +
                                            (tz ? tp_inst._defaults.timezoneList.join('') : '') +
                                            (tp_inst._defaults.amNames.join('')) + (tp_inst._defaults.pmNames.join('')) +
                    chr = String.fromCharCode(event.charCode === undefined ? event.keyCode : event.charCode);
                return event.ctrlKey || (chr < ' ' || !dateChars || datetimeChars.indexOf(chr) > -1);

        return $.datepicker._base_doKeyPress(event);

    * Fourth bad hack :/ override _updateAlternate function used in inline mode to init altField
    * Update any alternate field to synchronise with the main field.
    $.datepicker._base_updateAlternate = $.datepicker._updateAlternate;
    $.datepicker._updateAlternate = function (inst) {
        var tp_inst = this._get(inst, 'timepicker');
        if (tp_inst) {
            var altField = tp_inst._defaults.altField;
            if (altField) { // update alternate field too
                var altFormat = tp_inst._defaults.altFormat || tp_inst._defaults.dateFormat,
                    date = this._getDate(inst),
                    formatCfg = $.datepicker._getFormatConfig(inst),
                    altFormattedDateTime = '',
                    altSeparator = tp_inst._defaults.altSeparator ? tp_inst._defaults.altSeparator : tp_inst._defaults.separator,
                    altTimeSuffix = tp_inst._defaults.altTimeSuffix ? tp_inst._defaults.altTimeSuffix : tp_inst._defaults.timeSuffix,
                    altTimeFormat = tp_inst._defaults.altTimeFormat !== null ? tp_inst._defaults.altTimeFormat : tp_inst._defaults.timeFormat;

                altFormattedDateTime += $.datepicker.formatTime(altTimeFormat, tp_inst, tp_inst._defaults) + altTimeSuffix;
                if (!tp_inst._defaults.timeOnly && !tp_inst._defaults.altFieldTimeOnly && date !== null) {
                    if (tp_inst._defaults.altFormat) {
                        altFormattedDateTime = $.datepicker.formatDate(tp_inst._defaults.altFormat, date, formatCfg) + altSeparator + altFormattedDateTime;
                    else {
                        altFormattedDateTime = tp_inst.formattedDate + altSeparator + altFormattedDateTime;
                $(altField).val( inst.input.val() ? altFormattedDateTime : "");
        else {

    * Override key up event to sync manual input changes.
    $.datepicker._base_doKeyUp = $.datepicker._doKeyUp;
    $.datepicker._doKeyUp = function (event) {
        var inst = $.datepicker._getInst(event.target),
            tp_inst = $.datepicker._get(inst, 'timepicker');

        if (tp_inst) {
            if (tp_inst._defaults.timeOnly && (inst.input.val() !== inst.lastVal)) {
                try {
                } catch (err) {

        return $.datepicker._base_doKeyUp(event);

    * override "Today" button to also grab the time and set it to input field.
    $.datepicker._base_gotoToday = $.datepicker._gotoToday;
    $.datepicker._gotoToday = function (id) {
        var inst = this._getInst($(id)[0]);
        var tp_inst = this._get(inst, 'timepicker');
        if (!tp_inst) {

        var tzoffset = $.timepicker.timezoneOffsetNumber(tp_inst.timezone);
        var now = new Date();
        now.setMinutes(now.getMinutes() + now.getTimezoneOffset() + parseInt(tzoffset, 10));
        this._setTime(inst, now);
        this._setDate(inst, now);

    * Disable & enable the Time in the datetimepicker
    $.datepicker._disableTimepickerDatepicker = function (target) {
        var inst = this._getInst(target);
        if (!inst) {

        var tp_inst = this._get(inst, 'timepicker');
        $(target).datepicker('getDate'); // Init selected[Year|Month|Day]
        if (tp_inst) {
            inst.settings.showTimepicker = false;
            tp_inst._defaults.showTimepicker = false;

    $.datepicker._enableTimepickerDatepicker = function (target) {
        var inst = this._getInst(target);
        if (!inst) {

        var tp_inst = this._get(inst, 'timepicker');
        $(target).datepicker('getDate'); // Init selected[Year|Month|Day]
        if (tp_inst) {
            inst.settings.showTimepicker = true;
            tp_inst._defaults.showTimepicker = true;
            tp_inst._addTimePicker(inst); // Could be disabled on page load

    * Create our own set time function
    $.datepicker._setTime = function (inst, date) {
        var tp_inst = this._get(inst, 'timepicker');
        if (tp_inst) {
            var defaults = tp_inst._defaults;

            // calling _setTime with no date sets time to defaults
            tp_inst.hour = date ? date.getHours() : defaults.hour;
            tp_inst.minute = date ? date.getMinutes() : defaults.minute;
            tp_inst.second = date ? date.getSeconds() : defaults.second;
            tp_inst.millisec = date ? date.getMilliseconds() : defaults.millisec;
            tp_inst.microsec = date ? date.getMicroseconds() : defaults.microsec;

            //check if within min/max times..
            tp_inst._limitMinMaxDateTime(inst, true);


    * Create new public method to set only time, callable as $().datepicker('setTime', date)
    $.datepicker._setTimeDatepicker = function (target, date, withDate) {
        var inst = this._getInst(target);
        if (!inst) {

        var tp_inst = this._get(inst, 'timepicker');

        if (tp_inst) {
            var tp_date;
            if (date) {
                if (typeof date === "string") {
                    tp_inst._parseTime(date, withDate);
                    tp_date = new Date();
                    tp_date.setHours(tp_inst.hour, tp_inst.minute, tp_inst.second, tp_inst.millisec);
                } else {
                    tp_date = new Date(date.getTime());
                if (tp_date.toString() === 'Invalid Date') {
                    tp_date = undefined;
                this._setTime(inst, tp_date);


    * override setDate() to allow setting time too within Date object
    $.datepicker._base_setDateDatepicker = $.datepicker._setDateDatepicker;
    $.datepicker._setDateDatepicker = function (target, _date) {
        var inst = this._getInst(target);
        var date = _date;
        if (!inst) {

        if (typeof(_date) === 'string') {
            date = new Date(_date);
            if (!date.getTime()) {
                this._base_setDateDatepicker.apply(this, arguments);
                date = $(target).datepicker('getDate');

        var tp_inst = this._get(inst, 'timepicker');
        var tp_date;
        if (date instanceof Date) {
            tp_date = new Date(date.getTime());
        } else {
            tp_date = date;

        // This is important if you are using the timezone option, javascript's Date
        // object will only return the timezone offset for the current locale, so we
        // adjust it accordingly.  If not using timezone option this won't matter..
        // If a timezone is different in tp, keep the timezone as is
        if (tp_inst && tp_date) {
            // look out for DST if tz wasn't specified
            if (!tp_inst.support.timezone && tp_inst._defaults.timezone === null) {
                tp_inst.timezone = tp_date.getTimezoneOffset() * -1;
            date = $.timepicker.timezoneAdjust(date, $.timepicker.timezoneOffsetString(-date.getTimezoneOffset()), tp_inst.timezone);
            tp_date = $.timepicker.timezoneAdjust(tp_date, $.timepicker.timezoneOffsetString(-tp_date.getTimezoneOffset()), tp_inst.timezone);

        this._base_setDateDatepicker.apply(this, arguments);
        this._setTimeDatepicker(target, tp_date, true);

    * override getDate() to allow getting time too within Date object
    $.datepicker._base_getDateDatepicker = $.datepicker._getDateDatepicker;
    $.datepicker._getDateDatepicker = function (target, noDefault) {
        var inst = this._getInst(target);
        if (!inst) {

        var tp_inst = this._get(inst, 'timepicker');

        if (tp_inst) {
            // if it hasn't yet been defined, grab from field
            if (inst.lastVal === undefined) {
                this._setDateFromField(inst, noDefault);

            var date = this._getDate(inst);

            var currDT = null;

            if (tp_inst.$altInput && tp_inst._defaults.altFieldTimeOnly) {
                currDT = tp_inst.$input.val() + ' ' + tp_inst.$altInput.val();
            else if (tp_inst.$input.get(0).tagName !== 'INPUT' && tp_inst.$altInput) {
                 * in case the datetimepicker has been applied to a non-input tag for inline UI,
                 * and the user has not configured the plugin to display only time in altInput,
                 * pick current date time from the altInput (and hope for the best, for now, until "ER1" is applied)
                 * @todo ER1. Since altInput can have a totally difference format, convert it to standard format by reading input format from "altFormat" and "altTimeFormat" option values
                currDT = tp_inst.$altInput.val();
            else {
                currDT = tp_inst.$input.val();

            if (date && tp_inst._parseTime(currDT, !inst.settings.timeOnly)) {
                date.setHours(tp_inst.hour, tp_inst.minute, tp_inst.second, tp_inst.millisec);

                // This is important if you are using the timezone option, javascript's Date
                // object will only return the timezone offset for the current locale, so we
                // adjust it accordingly.  If not using timezone option this won't matter..
                if (tp_inst.timezone != null) {
                    // look out for DST if tz wasn't specified
                    if (!tp_inst.support.timezone && tp_inst._defaults.timezone === null) {
                        tp_inst.timezone = date.getTimezoneOffset() * -1;
                    date = $.timepicker.timezoneAdjust(date, tp_inst.timezone, $.timepicker.timezoneOffsetString(-date.getTimezoneOffset()));
            return date;
        return this._base_getDateDatepicker(target, noDefault);

    * override parseDate() because UI 1.8.14 throws an error about "Extra characters"
    * An option in datapicker to ignore extra format characters would be nicer.
    $.datepicker._base_parseDate = $.datepicker.parseDate;
    $.datepicker.parseDate = function (format, value, settings) {
        var date;
        try {
            date = this._base_parseDate(format, value, settings);
        } catch (err) {
            // Hack!  The error message ends with a colon, a space, and
            // the "extra" characters.  We rely on that instead of
            // attempting to perfectly reproduce the parsing algorithm.
            if (err.indexOf(":") >= 0) {
                date = this._base_parseDate(format, value.substring(0, value.length - (err.length - err.indexOf(':') - 2)), settings);
                $.timepicker.log("Error parsing the date string: " + err + "\ndate string = " + value + "\ndate format = " + format);
            } else {
                throw err;
        return date;

    * override formatDate to set date with time to the input
    $.datepicker._base_formatDate = $.datepicker._formatDate;
    $.datepicker._formatDate = function (inst, day, month, year) {
        var tp_inst = this._get(inst, 'timepicker');
        if (tp_inst) {
            return tp_inst.$input.val();
        return this._base_formatDate(inst);

    * override options setter to add time to maxDate(Time) and minDate(Time). MaxDate
    $.datepicker._base_optionDatepicker = $.datepicker._optionDatepicker;
    $.datepicker._optionDatepicker = function (target, name, value) {
        var inst = this._getInst(target),
        if (!inst) {
            return null;

        var tp_inst = this._get(inst, 'timepicker');
        if (tp_inst) {
            var min = null,
                max = null,
                onselect = null,
                overrides = tp_inst._defaults.evnts,
                fns = {},
            if (typeof name === 'string') { // if min/max was set with the string
                if (name === 'minDate' || name === 'minDateTime') {
                    min = value;
                } else if (name === 'maxDate' || name === 'maxDateTime') {
                    max = value;
                } else if (name === 'onSelect') {
                    onselect = value;
                } else if (overrides.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
                    if (typeof (value) === 'undefined') {
                        return overrides[name];
                    fns[name] = value;
                    name_clone = {}; //empty results in exiting function after overrides updated
            } else if (typeof name === 'object') { //if min/max was set with the JSON
                if (name.minDate) {
                    min = name.minDate;
                } else if (name.minDateTime) {
                    min = name.minDateTime;
                } else if (name.maxDate) {
                    max = name.maxDate;
                } else if (name.maxDateTime) {
                    max = name.maxDateTime;
                for (prop in overrides) {
                    if (overrides.hasOwnProperty(prop) && name[prop]) {
                        fns[prop] = name[prop];
            for (prop in fns) {
                if (fns.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
                    overrides[prop] = fns[prop];
                    if (!name_clone) { name_clone = $.extend({}, name); }
                    delete name_clone[prop];
            if (name_clone && isEmptyObject(name_clone)) { return; }
            if (min) { //if min was set
                if (min === 0) {
                    min = new Date();
                } else {
                    min = new Date(min);
                tp_inst._defaults.minDate = min;
                tp_inst._defaults.minDateTime = min;
            } else if (max) { //if max was set
                if (max === 0) {
                    max = new Date();
                } else {
                    max = new Date(max);
                tp_inst._defaults.maxDate = max;
                tp_inst._defaults.maxDateTime = max;
            } else if (onselect) {
                tp_inst._defaults.onSelect = onselect;

            // Datepicker will override our date when we call _base_optionDatepicker when
            // calling minDate/maxDate, so we will first grab the value, call
            // _base_optionDatepicker, then set our value back.
            if(min || max){
                $target = $(target);
                oldVal = $target.datetimepicker('getDate');
                ret = this._base_optionDatepicker.call($.datepicker, target, name_clone || name, value);
                $target.datetimepicker('setDate', oldVal);
                return ret;
        if (value === undefined) {
            return this._base_optionDatepicker.call($.datepicker, target, name);
        return this._base_optionDatepicker.call($.datepicker, target, name_clone || name, value);

    * jQuery isEmptyObject does not check hasOwnProperty - if someone has added to the object prototype,
    * it will return false for all objects
    var isEmptyObject = function (obj) {
        var prop;
        for (prop in obj) {
            if (obj.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
                return false;
        return true;

    * jQuery extend now ignores nulls!
    var extendRemove = function (target, props) {
        $.extend(target, props);
        for (var name in props) {
            if (props[name] === null || props[name] === undefined) {
                target[name] = props[name];
        return target;

    * Determine by the time format which units are supported
    * Returns an object of booleans for each unit
    var detectSupport = function (timeFormat) {
        var tf = timeFormat.replace(/'.*?'/g, '').toLowerCase(), // removes literals
            isIn = function (f, t) { // does the format contain the token?
                    return f.indexOf(t) !== -1 ? true : false;
        return {
                hour: isIn(tf, 'h'),
                minute: isIn(tf, 'm'),
                second: isIn(tf, 's'),
                millisec: isIn(tf, 'l'),
                microsec: isIn(tf, 'c'),
                timezone: isIn(tf, 'z'),
                ampm: isIn(tf, 't') && isIn(timeFormat, 'h'),
                iso8601: isIn(timeFormat, 'Z')

    * Converts 24 hour format into 12 hour
    * Returns 12 hour without leading 0
    var convert24to12 = function (hour) {
        hour %= 12;

        if (hour === 0) {
            hour = 12;

        return String(hour);

    var computeEffectiveSetting = function (settings, property) {
        return settings && settings[property] ? settings[property] : $.timepicker._defaults[property];

    * Splits datetime string into date and time substrings.
    * Throws exception when date can't be parsed
    * Returns {dateString: dateString, timeString: timeString}
    var splitDateTime = function (dateTimeString, timeSettings) {
        // The idea is to get the number separator occurrences in datetime and the time format requested (since time has
        // fewer unknowns, mostly numbers and am/pm). We will use the time pattern to split.
        var separator = computeEffectiveSetting(timeSettings, 'separator'),
            format = computeEffectiveSetting(timeSettings, 'timeFormat'),
            timeParts = format.split(separator), // how many occurrences of separator may be in our format?
            timePartsLen = timeParts.length,
            allParts = dateTimeString.split(separator),
            allPartsLen = allParts.length;

        if (allPartsLen > 1) {
            return {
                dateString: allParts.splice(0, allPartsLen - timePartsLen).join(separator),
                timeString: allParts.splice(0, timePartsLen).join(separator)

        return {
            dateString: dateTimeString,
            timeString: ''

    * Internal function to parse datetime interval
    * Returns: {date: Date, timeObj: Object}, where
    *   date - parsed date without time (type Date)
    *   timeObj = {hour: , minute: , second: , millisec: , microsec: } - parsed time. Optional
    var parseDateTimeInternal = function (dateFormat, timeFormat, dateTimeString, dateSettings, timeSettings) {
        var date,

        parts = splitDateTime(dateTimeString, timeSettings);
        date = $.datepicker._base_parseDate(dateFormat, parts.dateString, dateSettings);

        if (parts.timeString === '') {
            return {
                date: date

        parsedTime = $.datepicker.parseTime(timeFormat, parts.timeString, timeSettings);

        if (!parsedTime) {
            throw 'Wrong time format';

        return {
            date: date,
            timeObj: parsedTime

    * Internal function to set timezone_select to the local timezone
    var selectLocalTimezone = function (tp_inst, date) {
        if (tp_inst && tp_inst.timezone_select) {
            var now = date || new Date();

    * Create a Singleton Instance
    $.timepicker = new Timepicker();

     * Get the timezone offset as string from a date object (eg '+0530' for UTC+5.5)
     * @param {number} tzMinutes if not a number, less than -720 (-1200), or greater than 840 (+1400) this value is returned
     * @param {boolean} iso8601 if true formats in accordance to iso8601 "+12:45"
     * @return {string}
    $.timepicker.timezoneOffsetString = function (tzMinutes, iso8601) {
        if (isNaN(tzMinutes) || tzMinutes > 840 || tzMinutes < -720) {
            return tzMinutes;

        var off = tzMinutes,
            minutes = off % 60,
            hours = (off - minutes) / 60,
            iso = iso8601 ? ':' : '',
            tz = (off >= 0 ? '+' : '-') + ('0' + Math.abs(hours)).slice(-2) + iso + ('0' + Math.abs(minutes)).slice(-2);

        if (tz === '+00:00') {
            return 'Z';
        return tz;

     * Get the number in minutes that represents a timezone string
     * @param  {string} tzString formatted like "+0500", "-1245", "Z"
     * @return {number} the offset minutes or the original string if it doesn't match expectations
    $.timepicker.timezoneOffsetNumber = function (tzString) {
        var normalized = tzString.toString().replace(':', ''); // excuse any iso8601, end up with "+1245"

        if (normalized.toUpperCase() === 'Z') { // if iso8601 with Z, its 0 minute offset
            return 0;

        if (!/^(\-|\+)\d{4}$/.test(normalized)) { // possibly a user defined tz, so just give it back
            return parseInt(tzString, 10);

        return ((normalized.substr(0, 1) === '-' ? -1 : 1) * // plus or minus
                    ((parseInt(normalized.substr(1, 2), 10) * 60) + // hours (converted to minutes)
                    parseInt(normalized.substr(3, 2), 10))); // minutes

     * No way to set timezone in js Date, so we must adjust the minutes to compensate. (think setDate, getDate)
     * @param  {Date} date
     * @param  {string} fromTimezone formatted like "+0500", "-1245"
     * @param  {string} toTimezone formatted like "+0500", "-1245"
     * @return {Date}
    $.timepicker.timezoneAdjust = function (date, fromTimezone, toTimezone) {
        var fromTz = $.timepicker.timezoneOffsetNumber(fromTimezone);
        var toTz = $.timepicker.timezoneOffsetNumber(toTimezone);
        if (!isNaN(toTz)) {
            date.setMinutes(date.getMinutes() + (-fromTz) - (-toTz));
        return date;

     * Calls `timepicker()` on the `startTime` and `endTime` elements, and configures them to
     * enforce date range limits.
     * n.b. The input value must be correctly formatted (reformatting is not supported)
     * @param  {Element} startTime
     * @param  {Element} endTime
     * @param  {Object} options Options for the timepicker() call
     * @return {jQuery}
    $.timepicker.timeRange = function (startTime, endTime, options) {
        return $.timepicker.handleRange('timepicker', startTime, endTime, options);

     * Calls `datetimepicker` on the `startTime` and `endTime` elements, and configures them to
     * enforce date range limits.
     * @param  {Element} startTime
     * @param  {Element} endTime
     * @param  {Object} options Options for the `timepicker()` call. Also supports `reformat`,
     *   a boolean value that can be used to reformat the input values to the `dateFormat`.
     * @param  {string} method Can be used to specify the type of picker to be added
     * @return {jQuery}
    $.timepicker.datetimeRange = function (startTime, endTime, options) {
        $.timepicker.handleRange('datetimepicker', startTime, endTime, options);

     * Calls `datepicker` on the `startTime` and `endTime` elements, and configures them to
     * enforce date range limits.
     * @param  {Element} startTime
     * @param  {Element} endTime
     * @param  {Object} options Options for the `timepicker()` call. Also supports `reformat`,
     *   a boolean value that can be used to reformat the input values to the `dateFormat`.
     * @return {jQuery}
    $.timepicker.dateRange = function (startTime, endTime, options) {
        $.timepicker.handleRange('datepicker', startTime, endTime, options);

     * Calls `method` on the `startTime` and `endTime` elements, and configures them to
     * enforce date range limits.
     * @param  {string} method Can be used to specify the type of picker to be added
     * @param  {Element} startTime
     * @param  {Element} endTime
     * @param  {Object} options Options for the `timepicker()` call. Also supports `reformat`,
     *   a boolean value that can be used to reformat the input values to the `dateFormat`.
     * @return {jQuery}
    $.timepicker.handleRange = function (method, startTime, endTime, options) {
        options = $.extend({}, {
            minInterval: 0, // min allowed interval in milliseconds
            maxInterval: 0, // max allowed interval in milliseconds
            start: {},      // options for start picker
            end: {}         // options for end picker
        }, options);

        // for the mean time this fixes an issue with calling getDate with timepicker()
        var timeOnly = false;
        if(method === 'timepicker'){
            timeOnly = true;
            method = 'datetimepicker';

        function checkDates(changed, other) {
            var startdt = startTime[method]('getDate'),
                enddt = endTime[method]('getDate'),
                changeddt = changed[method]('getDate');

            if (startdt !== null) {
                var minDate = new Date(startdt.getTime()),
                    maxDate = new Date(startdt.getTime());

                minDate.setMilliseconds(minDate.getMilliseconds() + options.minInterval);
                maxDate.setMilliseconds(maxDate.getMilliseconds() + options.maxInterval);

                if (options.minInterval > 0 && minDate > enddt) { // minInterval check
                    endTime[method]('setDate', minDate);
                else if (options.maxInterval > 0 && maxDate < enddt) { // max interval check
                    endTime[method]('setDate', maxDate);
                else if (startdt > enddt) {
                    other[method]('setDate', changeddt);

        function selected(changed, other, option) {
            if (!changed.val()) {
            var date = changed[method].call(changed, 'getDate');
            if (date !== null && options.minInterval > 0) {
                if (option === 'minDate') {
                    date.setMilliseconds(date.getMilliseconds() + options.minInterval);
                if (option === 'maxDate') {
                    date.setMilliseconds(date.getMilliseconds() - options.minInterval);

            if (date.getTime) {
                other[method].call(other, 'option', option, date);

        $.fn[method].call(startTime, $.extend({
            timeOnly: timeOnly,
            onClose: function (dateText, inst) {
                checkDates($(this), endTime);
            onSelect: function (selectedDateTime) {
                selected($(this), endTime, 'minDate');
        }, options, options.start));
        $.fn[method].call(endTime, $.extend({
            timeOnly: timeOnly,
            onClose: function (dateText, inst) {
                checkDates($(this), startTime);
            onSelect: function (selectedDateTime) {
                selected($(this), startTime, 'maxDate');
        }, options, options.end));

        checkDates(startTime, endTime);

        selected(startTime, endTime, 'minDate');
        selected(endTime, startTime, 'maxDate');

        return $([startTime.get(0), endTime.get(0)]);

     * Log error or data to the console during error or debugging
     * @param  {Object} err pass any type object to log to the console during error or debugging
     * @return {void}
    $.timepicker.log = function () {
        // Older IE (9, maybe 10) throw error on accessing `window.console.log.apply`, so check first.
        if (window.console && window.console.log && window.console.log.apply) {
            window.console.log.apply(window.console, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments));

     * Add util object to allow access to private methods for testability.
    $.timepicker._util = {
        _extendRemove: extendRemove,
        _isEmptyObject: isEmptyObject,
        _convert24to12: convert24to12,
        _detectSupport: detectSupport,
        _selectLocalTimezone: selectLocalTimezone,
        _computeEffectiveSetting: computeEffectiveSetting,
        _splitDateTime: splitDateTime,
        _parseDateTimeInternal: parseDateTimeInternal

    * Microsecond support
    if (!Date.prototype.getMicroseconds) {
        Date.prototype.microseconds = 0;
        Date.prototype.getMicroseconds = function () { return this.microseconds; };
        Date.prototype.setMicroseconds = function (m) {
            this.setMilliseconds(this.getMilliseconds() + Math.floor(m / 1000));
            this.microseconds = m % 1000;
            return this;

    * Keep up with the version
    $.timepicker.version = "1.6.3";
