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<?php declare(strict_types=1);
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 * XoopsPoll Display Multi-poll Block
 * @copyright ::   {@link https://xoops.org/ XOOPS Project}
 * @license   ::  {@link https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU GPL 2.0 or later}
 * @subpackage::  blocks
 * @since     ::  1.0

use XoopsModules\Newbb;
use XoopsModules\Xoopspoll\{

xoops_loadLanguage('main', 'xoopspoll');
require_once $GLOBALS['xoops']->path( "modules"
                                    . "/xoopspoll"
                                    . "/class"
                                    . "/pollutility.php"

 * Display XOOPS polls in a block
 * @param array $options block options array
 * @return array block keys and values to be used by block template
 * @uses   Criteria
 * @global mixed $GLOBALS ['xoopsUser']
 * @uses   CriteriaCompo
function xoopspollBlockMultiShow(array $options): array
    $block           = [];
    $pollOptionArray = [];
    /** @var \XoopsModuleHandler $moduleHandler */
    $moduleHandler = xoops_getHandler('module');
    $thisModule    = $moduleHandler->getByDirname('xoopspoll');
    /** @var \XoopsConfigHandler $configHandler */
    $configHandler    = xoops_getHandler('config');
    $thisModuleConfig = $configHandler->getConfigsByCat(0, $thisModule->getVar('mid'));

    $pollHandler = Helper::getInstance()->getHandler('Poll');
    $criteria    = new \CriteriaCompo();
    $criteria->add(new \Criteria('display', Constants::DISPLAY_POLL_IN_BLOCK, '='));
    $criteria->add(new \Criteria('start_time', time(), '<='));
    if (0 === $options[1]) {
        $criteria->add(new \Criteria('end_time', time(), '>='));

     * now check to see if we want to hide polls that were created using newbb
    if ($thisModuleConfig['hide_forum_polls'] && ($thisModule instanceof \XoopsModule) && $thisModule->isactive()) {
        $newbbModule = $moduleHandler->getByDirname('newbb');
        if ($newbbModule instanceof \XoopsModule && $newbbModule->isactive()) {
            /** @var Newbb\TopicHandler $topicHandler */
            $topicHandler = \XoopsModules\Newbb\Helper::getInstance()->getHandler('Topic');
            $tFields      = ['topic_id', 'poll_id'];
            $tArray       = $topicHandler->getAll(new Criteria('topic_haspoll', 0, '>'), $tFields, false);
            if (!empty($tArray)) {
                $tcriteria = [];
                foreach ($tArray as $t) {
                    $tcriteria[] = $t['poll_id'];
                if (!empty($tcriteria)) {
                    $tstring = '(' . implode(',', $tcriteria) . ')';
                    $criteria->add(new \Criteria('poll_id', $tstring, 'NOT IN'));
            unset($topicHandler, $tFields, $tArray);

    $criteria->setSort('weight ASC, end_time');  // trick criteria to allow 2 sort criteria
    $pollObjs = $pollHandler->getAll($criteria);
    $count    = count($pollObjs);
    if ($count) {
        $block['langVote']      = _MD_XOOPSPOLL_VOTE;
        $block['langResults']   = _MD_XOOPSPOLL_RESULTS;
        $block['langExpires']   = _MB_XOOPSPOLL_WILLEXPIRE;
        $block['langExpired']   = _MB_XOOPSPOLL_HASEXPIRED;
        $block['langComments']  = _MB_XOOPSPOLL_COMMENTS;
        $block['langComment']   = _MB_XOOPSPOLL_COMMENT;
        $block['url']           = 'http' . (!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) ? 's' : '') . '://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
        $block['dispVotes']     = $thisModuleConfig['disp_vote_nums'];
        $block['thisModuleDir'] = 'xoopspoll';
        $block['asList']        = $options[0];
        $optionHandler = Helper::getInstance()->getHandler('Option');
        $logHandler    = Helper::getInstance()->getHandler('Log');

        foreach ($pollObjs as $pollObj) {
            $criteria = new \CriteriaCompo();
            $pollVars = $pollObj->getValues();
            $criteria->add(new \Criteria('poll_id', $pollVars['poll_id'], '='));
            $pollOptionObjs = $optionHandler->getAll($criteria);
            if (Constants::MULTIPLE_SELECT_POLL === $pollVars['multiple']) {
                $pollOptionType = 'checkbox';
                $pollOptionName = 'option_id[]';
            } else {
                $pollOptionType = 'radio';
                $pollOptionName = 'option_id';

            $uid = 0;
            if (isset($GLOBALS['xoopsUser']) && ($GLOBALS['xoopsUser'] instanceof \XoopsUser)) {
                $uid = $GLOBALS['xoopsUser']->getVar('uid');

            $totalVotes = $pollVars['votes'];
            $hasVoted   = (bool)$logHandler->hasVoted($pollVars['poll_id'], xoops_getenv('REMOTE_ADDR'), $uid);
            $canVote    = (!$hasVoted) && $pollObj->isAllowedToVote();
            foreach ($pollOptionObjs as $pollOptionObj) {
                $optionObjVars = $pollOptionObj->getValues();
                $percent       = ($totalVotes > 0) ? (100 * $optionObjVars['option_count'] / $totalVotes) : 0;
                //                $percent = ($totalVotes > 0) ? (int)(100 * $optionObjVars['option_count'] / $totalVotes) . '%' : '0%';
                $pollOptionArray[] = [
                    'id'      => $optionObjVars['option_id'],
                    'text'    => $optionObjVars['option_text'],
                    'count'   => $optionObjVars['option_count'],
                    'percent' => sprintf(' %01.1f%%', $percent),
                    'color'   => $optionObjVars['option_color'],
            unset($pollOptionObjs, $optionObjVars);
            $xuEndTimestamp     = xoops_getUserTimestamp($pollObj->getVar('end_time'));
            $xuEndFormattedTime = ucfirst(date(_MEDIUMDATESTRING, (int)$xuEndTimestamp));

            $isVisible  = true === $pollObj->isResultVisible();
            $multiple   = (bool)$pollVars['multiple'];
            $multiLimit = (int)$pollVars['multilimit'];
            $lang_multi = '';
            if ($multiple && ($multiLimit > 0)) {
                $lang_multi = sprintf(_MB_XOOPSPOLL_MULTITEXT, $multiLimit);

            $poll             = [
                'id'          => $pollVars['poll_id'],
                'visible'     => $isVisible,
                'question'    => $pollVars['question'],
                'multiple'    => $multiple,
                'lang_multi'  => $lang_multi,
                'optionType'  => $pollOptionType,
                'optionName'  => $pollOptionName,
                'options'     => $pollOptionArray,
                'hasExpired'  => $pollObj->hasExpired(),
                'canVote'     => $canVote,
                'votes'       => $pollVars['votes'],
                'hasVoted'    => $hasVoted,
                'totalVotes'  => sprintf(_MD_XOOPSPOLL_TOTALVOTES, $totalVotes),
                'comments'    => $pollObj->getComments($pollVars['poll_id']),
                'endTime'     => $xuEndFormattedTime,
                'commentMode' => Utility::commentMode(),
            $block['polls'][] = $poll;
            unset($pollOptionArray, $poll, $pollVars);

    return $block;

 * Display a form to edit poll block display option
 * @param mixed  $options
 * @return string HTML form for display by block admin
 * @global mixed $GLOBALS ['xoopsUser']
 * @uses   xoops_getModuleHandler() function to get class handler for this modules class(es)
function xoopspollBlockMultiEdit(mixed $options): string
     * Options[]
     *        [0]    0|1 = show as option|select
     *        [1]    0|1 show expired polls in block

    // find out if want to show expired polls in block
    // (otherwise it will hide block once it expires)
    if (0 === $options[1]) {
        $chk0no  = ' checked';
        $chk0yes = '';
    } else {
        $chk0no  = '';
        $chk0yes = ' checked';
    $form = "<table>\n"
            . "  <tr>\n"
            . "    <td class='width25 middle'>"
            . _MB_XOOPSPOLL_SHOW_EXP
            . ":</td>\n"
            . "    <td>\n"
            . "      <label class='middle' for='yes'>"
            . _YES
            . "</label>\n"
            . "      <input type='radio' name='options[1]' value='1'{$chk0yes} id='yes'>\n"
            . "      <label class='middle' style='margin-left: 2em;' for='no'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"
            . _NO
            . "</label>\n"
            . "      <input type='radio' name='options[1]' value='0'{$chk0no} id='no'>\n"
            . "    </td>\n"
            . "  </tr>\n";

    // find out if want to show options as a lists or as a select boxes
    if (Constants::POLL_OPTIONS_SELECT === $options[0]) {
        $chk0select = ' checked';
        $chk0list   = '';
    } else {
        $chk0select = '';
        $chk0list   = ' checked';
    $form .= "  <tr>\n"
             . "    <td class='width25 middle'>"
             . ":</td>\n"
             . "    <td>\n"
             . "      <label class='middle' for='list'>"
             . _MB_XOOPSPOLL_LIST
             . "</label>\n"
             . "      <input type='radio' name='options[0]' value='"
             . Constants::POLL_OPTIONS_LIST
             . "'{$chk0list} id='list'>\n"
             . "      <label class='middle' style='margin-left: 2em;' for='select'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"
             . _MB_XOOPSPOLL_SELECT
             . "</label>\n"
             . "      <input type='radio' name='options[0]' value='"
             . Constants::POLL_OPTIONS_SELECT
             . "'{$chk0select} id='select'>\n"
             . "    </td>\n"
             . "  </tr>\n"
             . "</table>\n";

    return $form;