<?php declare(strict_types=1);
You may not change or alter any portion of this comment or credits
of supporting developers from this source code or any supporting source code
which is considered copyrighted (c) material of the original comment or credit authors.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* XoopsPoll Single Poll Block Definition (clonable)
* @copyright :: {@link XOOPS Project}
* @license :: {@link GNU GPL 2.0 or later}
* @subpackage:: blocks
* @since :: 1.40
use XoopsModules\Newbb;
use XoopsModules\Xoopspoll\{
xoops_loadLanguage('main', 'xoopspoll');
require_once $GLOBALS['xoops']->path( "modules"
. "/xoopspoll"
. "/class"
. "/pollutility.php"
* Display a single XOOPS Polls in a block
* @param mixed $options
* @return array block keys and values to be used by block template
* @global mixed $GLOBALS ['xoopsUser']
* @uses CriteriaCompo
* @uses Criteria
* @uses xoops_getUserTimestamp() function to convert time to user time
* @uses formatTimestamp() takes timestamp and converts to human-readable format
function xoopspollBlockSinglepollShow(mixed $options): array
$block = [];
/** @var \XoopsConfigHandler $configHandler */
$configHandler = xoops_getHandler('config');
$pollHandler = Helper::getInstance()->getHandler('Poll');
/** @var \XoopsModuleHandler $moduleHandler */
$moduleHandler = xoops_getHandler('module');
$thisModule = $moduleHandler->getByDirname('xoopspoll');
$thisModuleConfig = $configHandler->getConfigsByCat(0, $thisModule->getVar('mid'));
/* if admin hasn't initialized block then we'll pick a poll for them
* provided that one exists in the database
if (0 === $options[1]) {
$criteria = null;
* check to see if we want to include polls created with forum (newbb)
if ($thisModuleConfig['hide_forum_polls']
&& ($thisModule instanceof \XoopsModule)
&& $thisModule->isactive()) {
$newbbModule = $moduleHandler->getByDirname('newbb');
if ($newbbModule instanceof \XoopsModule && $newbbModule->isactive()) {
/** @var Newbb\TopicHandler $topicHandler */
$topicHandler = Newbb\Helper::getInstance()->getHandler('Topic');
$tFields = ['topic_id', 'poll_id'];
$tArray = $topicHandler->getAll(new \Criteria('topic_haspoll', 0, '>'), $tFields, false);
if (!empty($tArray)) {
$tcriteria = [];
foreach ($tArray as $t) {
$tcriteria[] = $t['poll_id'];
if (!empty($tcriteria)) {
$tstring = '(' . implode(',', $tcriteria) . ')';
$criteria = new \Criteria('poll_id', $tstring, 'NOT IN');
unset($topicHandler, $tFields, $tArray);
if ($pollHandler->getCount($criteria) > 0) {
$pollIdArray = $pollHandler->getIds();
$thisId = array_shift($pollIdArray);
$pollObj = $pollHandler->get($thisId);
} else {
return $block;
} else {
$pollObj = $pollHandler->get((int)$options[1]);
if ($pollObj instanceof Poll) {
if ((1 === $options[0]) || !$pollObj->hasExpired()) {
$block['langVote'] = _MD_XOOPSPOLL_VOTE;
$block['langResults'] = _MD_XOOPSPOLL_RESULTS;
$block['langExpires'] = _MB_XOOPSPOLL_WILLEXPIRE;
$block['langExpired'] = _MB_XOOPSPOLL_HASEXPIRED;
$block['langComments'] = _MB_XOOPSPOLL_COMMENTS;
$block['langComment'] = _MB_XOOPSPOLL_COMMENT;
$block['showResultsLink'] = $options[2];
$block['asList'] = $options[3];
$block['thisModuleDir'] = 'xoopspoll';
$block['url'] = 'http' . (!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) ? 's' : '') . '://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
$block['dispVotes'] = $thisModuleConfig['disp_vote_nums'];
$optionHandler = Helper::getInstance()->getHandler('Option');
$pollVars = $pollObj->getValues();
$criteria = new \CriteriaCompo();
$criteria->add(new \Criteria('poll_id', $pollVars['poll_id'], '='));
$optionsObjArray = $optionHandler->getAll($criteria);
// $optionsObjArray = $optionHandler->getAll($criteria, null, false);
if (Constants::MULTIPLE_SELECT_POLL === $pollVars['multiple']) {
$pollOptionType = 'checkbox';
$pollOptionName = 'option_id[]';
} else {
$pollOptionType = 'radio';
$pollOptionName = 'option_id';
$uid = 0;
if (isset($GLOBALS['xoopsUser']) && ($GLOBALS['xoopsUser'] instanceof \XoopsUser)) {
$uid = $GLOBALS['xoopsUser']->getVar('uid');
$totalVotes = $pollVars['votes'];
$logHandler = Helper::getInstance()->getHandler('Log');
$hasVoted = (bool)$logHandler->hasVoted($pollVars['poll_id'], xoops_getenv('REMOTE_ADDR'), $uid);
$canVote = (!$hasVoted) && $pollObj->isAllowedToVote();
$pollOptionsArray = [];
foreach ($optionsObjArray as $optionObj) {
$percent = ($totalVotes > 0) ? (100 * $optionObj->getVar('option_count') / $totalVotes) : 0;
// $percent = ($totalVotes > 0) ? ceil(100 * $optionObj->getVar('option_count') / $totalVotes) . '%' : '0%';
/*@TODO:: Change block templates to use Smarty html_options to support this... then comment
out old $pollOptionsArray assignment
$pollOptionsArray[] = array('options' => array($optionObj['option_id'] => $optionObj['option_text']),
'count' => $optionObj['option_count'],
'percent' => $percent,
'color' => $optionObj['option_color']
); */
$pollOptionsArray[] = [
'id' => $optionObj->getVar('option_id'),
'text' => $optionObj->getVar('option_text'),
'count' => $optionObj->getVar('option_count'),
'percent' => sprintf(' %01.1f%%', $percent),
'color' => $optionObj->getVar('option_color'),
$xuEndTimestamp = xoops_getUserTimestamp($pollObj->getVar('end_time'));
$xuEndFormattedTime = ucfirst(date(_MEDIUMDATESTRING, (int)$xuEndTimestamp));
$isVisible = true === $pollObj->isResultVisible();
$multiple = (bool)$pollVars['multiple'];
$multiLimit = (int)$pollVars['multilimit'];
$lang_multi = '';
if ($multiple && ($multiLimit > 0)) {
$lang_multi = sprintf(_MB_XOOPSPOLL_MULTITEXT, $multiLimit);
$block['id'] = $pollVars['poll_id'];
$block['visible'] = $isVisible;
$block['question'] = $pollVars['question'];
$block['multiple'] = $multiple;
$block['lang_multi'] = $lang_multi;
$block['optionType'] = $pollOptionType;
$block['optionName'] = $pollOptionName;
$block['options'] = $pollOptionsArray;
$block['hasExpired'] = $pollObj->hasExpired();
$block['votes'] = $pollVars['votes'];
$block['hasVoted'] = $hasVoted;
$block['canVote'] = $canVote;
$block['totalVotes'] = sprintf(_MD_XOOPSPOLL_TOTALVOTES, $totalVotes);
$block['endTime'] = $xuEndFormattedTime; // formatted output for current user
$block['comments'] = $pollObj->getComments($pollVars['poll_id']);
$block['commentMode'] = Utility::commentMode();
unset($optionsObjArray, $pollOptionsArray, $pollObj, $pollVars, $timeArray);
return $block;
* Display a form to edit poll block display option
* @param mixed $options
* @return string HTML form for display by block admin
* @global mixed $GLOBALS ['xoopsUser']
* @uses xoops_getModuleHandler() function to get class handler for this modules class(es)
function xoopspollBlockSinglepollEdit(mixed $options): string
* Options[]
* 0 = show expired polls in block
* 1 = poll id to show
* if hiding expired poll then the next non-expired poll
* will show if the selected poll is hidden
* 2 = show results button in block
* 3 = show options as list|select
// find out if you want to show expired polls in block
// (otherwise it will hide block once it expires)
if (0 === $options[0]) {
$chk0no = ' checked';
$chk0yes = '';
} else {
$chk0no = '';
$chk0yes = ' checked';
$form = "<table><tr><td class='width25 middle'>"
. ':</td><td>'
. "<label class='middle' for='yes'>"
. _YES
. "</label>\n"
. "<input type='radio' name='options[0]' value='1'{$chk0yes} id='yes'>\n"
. "<label class='middle' style='margin-left: 2em;' for='no'> "
. _NO
. "</label>\n"
. "<input type='radio' name='options[0]' value='0'{$chk0no} id='no'>\n"
. "</td></tr>\n";
$pollHandler = Helper::getInstance()->getHandler('Poll');
$pollFields = ['poll_id', 'start_time', 'end_time', 'question', 'weight'];
$criteria = new \CriteriaCompo();
// $criteria->add(new \Criteria('end_time', time(), '>'));
* Note that you can select polls that have not started yet, so they will automatically show
* up in the block once they have started. To only allow selection of active polls uncomment
* the following line in the code - this could be made a module config option if desired
// $criteria->add(new \Criteria('start_time', time(), '<='));
* now check to see if we want to hide polls that were created using newbb
/** @var \XoopsConfigHandler $configHandler */
$configHandler = xoops_getHandler('config');
/** @var \XoopsModuleHandler $moduleHandler */
$moduleHandler = xoops_getHandler('module');
$thisModule = $moduleHandler->getByDirname('xoopspoll');
$thisModuleConfig = $configHandler->getConfigsByCat(0, $thisModule->getVar('mid'));
if ($thisModuleConfig['hide_forum_polls'] && ($thisModule instanceof \XoopsModule) && $thisModule->isactive()) {
$newbbModule = $moduleHandler->getByDirname('newbb');
if ($newbbModule instanceof \XoopsModule && $newbbModule->isactive()) {
/** @var Newbb\TopicHandler $topicHandler */
$topicHandler = Newbb\Helper::getInstance()->getHandler('Topic');
$tFields = ['topic_id', 'poll_id'];
$tArray = $topicHandler->getAll(new \Criteria('topic_haspoll', 0, '>'), $tFields, false);
if (!empty($tArray)) {
$tcriteria = [];
foreach ($tArray as $t) {
$tcriteria[] = $t['poll_id'];
if (!empty($tcriteria)) {
$tstring = '(' . implode(',', $tcriteria) . ')';
$criteria->add(new \Criteria('poll_id', $tstring, 'NOT IN'));
unset($topicHandler, $tFields, $tArray);
$allPollsArray = $pollHandler->getAll($criteria, $pollFields, false);
// next get a list of all available polls for select box
$form .= '<tr><td>' . _MB_XOOPSPOLL_POLLS . ":</td><td style='text-align: left; margin-left: 1em;'>\n";
if (empty($allPollsArray)) {
$form .= "<span class='errorMsg'>" . _MB_XOOPSPOLL_NONE_ACTIVE . '</span>';
} else {
$form .= "<select name='options[1]'>\n";
foreach ($allPollsArray as $thisPoll) {
$selected = ($thisPoll['poll_id'] === $options[1]) ? ' selected' : '';
$taggedQuestion = ($thisPoll['end_time'] < time()) ? $thisPoll['question'] . '**' : $thisPoll['question'];
$form .= " <option value='" . $thisPoll['poll_id'] . "'{$selected}>" . $taggedQuestion . "</option>\n";
$form .= "</select>\n" . ' ** - ' . _MB_XOOPSPOLL_EXPIRED_INDICATOR . "\n";
if (0 === $options[2]) {
$chk2no = ' checked';
$chk2yes = '';
} else {
$chk2no = '';
$chk2yes = ' checked';
$form .= "</td></tr>\n"
. "<tr><td class='width25 middle'>"
. ':</td><td>'
. "<label class='middle' for='yesr'>"
. _YES
. "</label>\n"
. "<input type='radio' name='options[2]' value='1'{$chk2yes} id='yesr'>\n"
. "<label class='middle' style='margin-left: 2em;' for='nor'> "
. _NO
. "</label>\n"
. "<input type='radio' name='options[2]' value='0'{$chk2no} id='nor'>\n"
. "</td></tr>\n";
/* find out if you want to show options as a list or as a select box */
if (Constants::POLL_OPTIONS_SELECT === $options[3]) {
$chk3select = ' checked';
$chk3list = '';
} else {
$chk3select = '';
$chk3list = ' checked';
$form .= "<table><tr><td class='width25 middle'>"
. ':</td><td>'
. "<label class='middle' for='list'>"
. "</label>\n"
. "<input type='radio' name='options[3]' value='"
. "'{$chk3list} id='list'>\n"
. "<label class='middle' style='margin-left: 2em;' for='select'> "
. "</label>\n"
. "<input type='radio' name='options[3]' value='"
. "'{$chk3select} id='select'>\n"
. "</td></tr>\n"
. "</table>\n";
return $form;